Alright I'm not trying to complain about medics or anything like that, and I nkow we prolly won't get another patch...

But let's say we WILL get another patch and EA/Dice say they're willing to fix the balance issues with the kits.

What are your ideas?

Note: This isn't for J-10's or how much you hate the G36E "lyk3 ZOMG!!!". I would like intelligent (more or lesS) responses to things that you the player and consumer who bought this game would like to see changed assuming a patch is coming out promising balance issues resolved. Now I know this isn't going to happen and if it did there would only be more issues so please refrain from stating those things.

Personally I would like to see the points changed. I think you should get one point for a regular kill, 2 points for a kill from a headshot, 2 points for knife kill,  .5 point for revive, .5 for heal, .5 for repair, 1 point from any exposive, and they should make it so your own ammo bags can not resupply you and your own med packs can not heal you, And clays should not be resuppliable.

that would make nade spammers have to pair up, making them easier to find and kick/ban from your server,  it would result in people not wanting to revive whore so much seeing how they'd be doing twice the work they had to before...

Some downsides would be..
Most of the med whores might not even med whore anymore due to the fact they get no l33t points. So you won't be revived as much.

Some other tweaks I'd like to see is... I want to see the bullets fire in a pre-designed pattern, not that cone-random-deviation crap. I'd like the M16's recoil to be reduced, not ALOT, just slightly. I'd like to see the M249 slightly more powerful. A headshot should = death no matter the weapon. Your sprint should last longer then normal if you have your knife out. Hitboxes need to be anchored to the model. Bullets need to come from the weapon model, not the charater model's solar plexus. And C4 should be able to be thrown again.

Again this discussion is mainly for Kits and things closely related, this thread has nothing to do with vehicles or maps or glitchs or "zomg teh bunny hoppers!".

Last edited by AudioAtomica (2007-05-08 15:57:16)

#1. Take away c4 from spec ops give it to the engineers instead and give the spec ops timed demo charges.

#2. Give Spec, Sniper, and Assault a laser sight on their pistols.

#3. Assault should have more then 1 smoke grenade.

#4. Anti-Tank should have an assault rifle instead of smg.

#5. Ability to shoot pistols underwater.

#6. Smg as side arm.

#7. And most important of all Take away nades from the support gunners.
+26|6679|England, UK
Don't you have some Counter Strike to play or something?
BF2s Frat Brother
oh no, not another, please fix the game thread.

Love or leave it. It is what it is.

Inimicus_7 wrote:

Don't you have some Counter Strike to play or something?

Superslim wrote:

oh no, not another, please fix the game thread.

Love or leave it. It is what it is.
Illiteracy strikes again.

I'm not asking EA/Dice to fix anything I'm simply stating things that could be changed. They won't be changed and I know that and I've already said that. I'm curious as to what other people think should be changed.

Damn you poorly funded school systems! Because of you Superslim has trouble reading.

Inimicus_7 wrote:

Don't you have some Counter Strike to play or something?
Next week I will.

David.Podedworny wrote:

#1. Take away c4 from spec ops give it to the engineers instead and give the spec ops timed demo charges.

#2. Give Spec, Sniper, and Assault a laser sight on their pistols.

#3. Assault should have more then 1 smoke grenade.

#4. Anti-Tank should have an assault rifle instead of smg.

#5. Ability to shoot pistols underwater.

#6. Smg as side arm.

#7. And most important of all Take away nades from the support gunners.
What exactly is a laser suppoe to do? Just throw a dot on your monitor and there you go

I think having the optino between smoke and flash would be better.

I think the SMG's should just be beefed up a little.

You can't even go underwater....

Pistol > SMG

I think Supports not being able to resupply themsevles is a better solution.

Last edited by AudioAtomica (2007-05-08 16:44:44)


AudioAtomica wrote:

Personally I would like to see the points changed. I think you should get one point for a regular kill, 2 points for a kill from a headshot, 2 points for knife kill,  .5 point for revive, .5 for heal, .5 for repair, 1 point from any exposive, and they should make it so your own ammo bags can not resupply you and your own med packs can not heal you, And clays should not be resuppliable.
How about 3 for a knife kill, considering how difficult it is to obtain, and possibly 2 for a paddle kill also. Not sure i agree with 1 for  a regular kill. What about kill assist, should that be reduced to .5 also.

Considering how long the game has been going, it might not be cool to "change the rules half way through" or so to speak. Coming from someone who is fairly low on the ladder and takes a kill when he can get it. I don't think i would like major changes to the point system, tweaks yes.

Is it possible to get half a point

AudioAtomica wrote:

Some other tweaks I'd like to see is... I want to see the bullets fire in a pre-designed pattern, not that cone-random-deviation crap. I'd like the M16's recoil to be reduced, not ALOT, just slightly. I'd like to see the M249 slightly more powerful. A headshot should = death no matter the weapon. Your sprint should last longer then normal if you have your knife out. Hitboxes need to be anchored to the model. Bullets need to come from the weapon model, not the charater model's solar plexus. And C4 should be able to be thrown again.
Bullets don't fire in pre-designed pattern, in the real world that is, so i would like to see the cone-random-deviation kept. Agree with the head shot kill.

On a side note, what about the ability to choose what items in the kit you use.

#1 If you choose sniper, then you have a choice of either silenced or none silenced and either clays and nades or just more of either.

#2 If you choose Assault, then you can ditch the smoke nade for another HE nade, or ditch the nades all together for more ammo

#3 If you choose Support, then you can do the same as assault for nades, or ditch them for more ammo packs.

#4 ect ect ect

Hope that made sense, but you will have to limit what kits can do what obviously, maybe reduce sprint times for curtain kits make ups.

daemonicust wrote:

How about 3 for a knife kill, considering how difficult it is to obtain, and possibly 2 for a paddle kill also. Not sure i agree with 1 for  a regular kill. What about kill assist, should that be reduced to .5 also.

Considering how long the game has been going, it might not be cool to "change the rules half way through" or so to speak. Coming from someone who is fairly low on the ladder and takes a kill when he can get it. I don't think i would like major changes to the point system, tweaks yes.

Is it possible to get half a point

Bullets don't fire in pre-designed pattern, in the real world that is, so i would like to see the cone-random-deviation kept. Agree with the head shot kill.

On a side note, what about the ability to choose what items in the kit you use.

#1 If you choose sniper, then you have a choice of either silenced or none silenced and either clays and nades or just more of either.

#2 If you choose Assault, then you can ditch the smoke nade for another HE nade, or ditch the nades all together for more ammo

#3 If you choose Support, then you can do the same as assault for nades, or ditch them for more ammo packs.

#4 ect ect ect

Hope that made sense, but you will have to limit what kits can do what obviously, maybe reduce sprint times for curtain kits make ups.
I don't think it would matter if the kill assits were .5 or 1.
The points would change that game that much it would just reduce if not fix a few of the whoring problems we currently have not to mention people that get good scores, because of lots of kills and little deaths will have earned their places because of that, not because they have 435 team points and 10 kills with 21 deaths.

I don't care for stats other than individual weapon K/D and SPM but I do care about where I place after a round and when I go 37-4 with PKM never having used a nade or getting revived I should atleast get top 3, not 7th while all the medic whores get 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9, etc. Not trying to complain but that just iratates me is all.

BF2 is def not modeled after the real world, taking a round from M95 would kill you instantly anywher eon your body excluding your limbs. You can't jump 5 feet in the air continusly and land on your face un-harmed. You can't deploy your parachute while you jump off of a one story building, you can't repair a tank with a wrench. Etc.

I think the pre-designed bullet pattern (like that of counter Strike) would do Bf2 wonders.

The kit adjustment is actually a good idea, I'd never thought of that before.
set your body ablaze
I'd like to see Assault have as much Sprint as the non-armored classes. After all, the manual states that the Assault class "combines heavy firepower with high mobility."

Speaking of Assault, did anybody notice that on the controls configuration screen in the options, zooming is actually labeled "Alt Fire?" I wonder if DICE originally planned on including Alt Fire modes... personally I would love it if the underbarrel grenade launchers could be mapped to an Alt Fire button so they could be used without having to actually "switch weapons." I think it would make Assault much more effective.

AudioAtomica wrote:

What exactly is a laser suppoe to do? Just throw a dot on your monitor and there you go

I think having the optino between smoke and flash would be better.

I think the SMG's should just be beefed up a little.

You can't even go underwater....

Pistol > SMG

I think Supports not being able to resupply themsevles is a better solution.
Laser would make long range shot's more accurate.

Ok then smoke or flash.

Ya they do too little damage anyway.

I meant to shoot from the water.

Smg would be better if it had better accuracy.

No way man i hate support nade gunners.
+127|6704|Jesus Land aka Canada

David.Podedworny wrote:

#1. Take away c4 from spec ops give it to the engineers instead and give the spec ops timed demo charges.

#2. Give Spec, Sniper, and Assault a laser sight on their pistols.

#3. Assault should have more then 1 smoke grenade.

#4. Anti-Tank should have an assault rifle instead of smg.

#5. Ability to shoot pistols underwater.

#6. Smg as side arm.

#7. And most important of all Take away nades from the support gunners.
for number 5 is assuming that there is a water map and you ACTUALLY dive in the waster like cs.
but if you really want lazers and leet silencers on your pistols and shit i say go play one of them bf2 mods, for example bf2 Mercenaries? i believe that is what its called have lasers and wacky toys for you. but no Bf2 is fine as it is; no change. btw the lasers don't " make long range shot's more accurate" its the statistics of the gun itself that makes it more accurate. what you want to say is the "laser makes it easier to aim" but heck man laser on a pistol? your turning bf2 into LEET bf2
+1,106|6607|Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk

I have an easy suggestion. Adapt the game from PR. Or from real reality. Slightly.

For example, carbines should be LESS accurate than assault rifles. Shorter barrels = less accuracy, therefore they should be less accurate. However, relative to assault rifles, they would be much more effective in close range combat.

Equip AT soldiers with standard carbines. In other words, give them M4s or AK-74s with iron sights, no Aimpoint sights.

Give medics submachine guns. In reality, true combat medics don't carry offensive weapons. Only "combat lifesavers" carry weapons such as assault rifles and carbines.

Make a semi-automatic rifle an unlock. Do you know how much it sucks to have a bolt-action rifle serving as a squad support weapon? Particularly since we aren't all W00kiEs (forgive me if I misspelled it), a semi-automatic rifle would do wonders for the USMC on close-in maps like Karkand.

Give a minimum distance traveled for the grenade launcher. In real life (I know, it's a game, not real life, live with it), underslung grenade launchers have minimum distances the grenade must travel before it detonates. This is usually to prevent friendly fire. In BF2, it'd prevent n00b tubing as well. Hell, while we're at it, add airburst grenades too. People would then maybe take the time to learn to use the grenade launcher from a distance (a novel concept) effectively.

Of course, I couldn't careless with the way things are now, so long as I can still use my rocket launcher at point-blank range.
SMART Cmuuurda
Grenade Launcher should get a batter splash.
Giggity Giggity

David.Podedworny wrote:

#1. Take away c4 from spec ops give it to the engineers instead and give the spec ops timed demo charges.
isn't that in 2142??

David.Podedworny wrote:

#2. Give Spec, Sniper, and Assault a laser sight on their pistols.
r u dumb? they do give u crosshairs on the screen u ****.

David.Podedworny wrote:

#4. Anti-Tank should have an assault rifle instead of smg.
wut's the point?

David.Podedworny wrote:

#5. Ability to shoot pistols underwater.
again, wut's the point? unless there's some patch i dont know about, you SWIM in the water and cant shoot. be a real bitch to shoot and swim at the same time. lol, u'd be swimming in a circle if swimming and shooting at the same time. in which case would have to stop to fire, then ur a real easy target...

David.Podedworny wrote:

#6. Smg as side arm.

David.Podedworny wrote:

#7. And most important of all Take away nades from the support gunners.
its easier if ur not a noob that walks straight into where they're comming from...

Tdog2007 wrote:

David.Podedworny wrote:

#1. Take away c4 from spec ops give it to the engineers instead and give the spec ops timed demo charges.
isn't that in 2142??

David.Podedworny wrote:

#2. Give Spec, Sniper, and Assault a laser sight on their pistols.
r u dumb? they do give u crosshairs on the screen u ****.

David.Podedworny wrote:

#4. Anti-Tank should have an assault rifle instead of smg.
wut's the point?

David.Podedworny wrote:

#5. Ability to shoot pistols underwater.
again, wut's the point? unless there's some patch i dont know about, you SWIM in the water and cant shoot. be a real bitch to shoot and swim at the same time. lol, u'd be swimming in a circle if swimming and shooting at the same time. in which case would have to stop to fire, then ur a real easy target...

David.Podedworny wrote:

#6. Smg as side arm.

David.Podedworny wrote:

#7. And most important of all Take away nades from the support gunners.
its easier if ur not a noob that walks straight into where they're comming from...
Wow dude way to be a dick, what are you fucking ten years old?

And Cowami, it's WOoKie. 
+1,106|6607|Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk

Meh, close enough. I got the letters right, at least.
Giggity Giggity
no just askin questions and want to know why he wants/would like these changes. that a problem? not tryin to be a dick, but it's like he's trying to put, i dunno, say 2 or 3 games in one.

i say just stick with wut we got...minus fixing the bugs and glitches...
+127|6704|Jesus Land aka Canada

cowami wrote:

Make a semi-automatic rifle an unlock. Do you know how much it sucks to have a bolt-action rifle serving as a squad support weapon? Particularly since we aren't all W00kiEs (forgive me if I misspelled it), a semi-automatic rifle would do wonders for the USMC on close-in maps like Karkand.
Scoped M14  BABY i had hopes up for it to be in bf2 but nope. it sucks as usmc and your stuck with 3 bolt action rifles that pretty much do the same thing.
.yag era uoy fi siht deaR
Medics shouldnt have such powerful weapons, maybe an SMG or carbine?

EDIT. Re. Tdog2007. The point of being able to shoot in the water would be so that if you were getting shot while swimming you could shoot back. Plus having an assult rifle instead of the SMG for A.T would be a massive improvement,  instead of those pea-shooting  SMG's

Last edited by Pea....Tear.....Griffen (2007-05-08 23:33:40)

+1,352|6811|N. Ireland
The game is fine the way it is. It's you complainers that make the game uncomfortable to play. All weapons can kill all other weapons, you just need to know what to do.
Dan Havok
i'd like to see the medics get a smg so that way they focus more on healing and keeping people alive than killing

i'd also like to see anti-tank get an assault rifle and some grenades
Boat sig is not there anymore
Give medics the carbines, and Spec-ops the assault rifles.

Have it like the 2142 system with ammo and health - one pack, doesn't reload, slowly heals/supplies those around you.

Give the ATs a weapon unlock to take down aircraft. A heatseeker, or something. And make it so that it doesn't lock onto ground vehicals.

Increase the power of the SMGs.

Give assaults more smoke grenades with thicker smoke.

Last edited by Sup3r_Dr4gon (2007-05-09 01:48:53)

Most of the first post's changes would just make points easier for stat padders and harder for everyone else

Jameseyy wrote:

Most of the first post's changes would just make points easier for stat padders and harder for everyone else
How ???

It appears to me it would be harder to gain points for simply running around with paddels, from my limited knowledge though.
BF2s' little helper

David.Podedworny wrote:

#1. Take away c4 from spec ops give it to the engineers instead and give the spec ops timed demo charges.

#2. Give Spec, Sniper, and Assault a laser sight on their pistols.

#3. Assault should have more then 1 smoke grenade.

#4. Anti-Tank should have an assault rifle instead of smg.

#5. Ability to shoot pistols underwater.

#6. Smg as side arm.

#7. And most important of all Take away nades from the support gunners.
... go play project reality...

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