this is the best we can do?

Varegg wrote:

smtt686 wrote:

Varegg wrote:

What could be done with the existing gun laws on restrictions and alterations without hurting your rights given by the 2nd amendment ?

*You would have to be a member of an state approved gun club and attend a minimum of meetings pr year to keep your membership !

*You must apply for a certificate for each caliber gun you want to by !

*The ATF must register a ballistic test of your gun before you are issued the certificate, like a gun fingerprint database !

*You must acquire a hunting licence to buy a rifle !

*You must attend a test showing you are capable of handling the gun before the certificate is issued !

*Special permits for collectors !

*A doctor must declare you mentally fit to own a gun !

*A variation of all of the above !
I don't live in Norway, so therefore I have no opinion on what should happen in Norway.  You don't live in the United States so keep your nose out. 

You have a problem with our gun laws, fine.  Stay the F&*K out.

Who, exactly do you think you are?
Did you bother reading any of the post`s dipshit or are you just busy stuffing your head up your ass ?
Yeah, I read it, but it was hard considering I was doing it while pulling my foot out your ass, moron.   My thought, is his post is moronic to begin with.  There are enough laws on guns as it is.

Now, dipshit, pull your head out of your ass.
O Canada
+1,596|6559|North Carolina
He's got a point, Varegg.  While his head is up his ass, it's hard for him to debate your posts.  Therefore, he has to discuss putting his foot in your ass.  Perhaps, this is some kind of obscure method of meditation.
this is the best we can do?

Turquoise wrote:

He's got a point, Varegg.  While his head is up his ass, it's hard for him to debate your posts.  Therefore, he has to discuss putting his foot in your ass.  Perhaps, this is some kind of obscure method of meditation.
mediation, not meditation.
+50|6702|Divided States of America
Same old discussion. Shut down this thread immediately!
You with the face!

smtt686 wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

He's got a point, Varegg.  While his head is up his ass, it's hard for him to debate your posts.  Therefore, he has to discuss putting his foot in your ass.  Perhaps, this is some kind of obscure method of meditation.
mediation, not meditation.
Could be meditation as well...definitely not my prefered method!
Support fanatic :-)

Turquoise wrote:

He's got a point, Varegg.  While his head is up his ass, it's hard for him to debate your posts.  Therefore, he has to discuss putting his foot in your ass.  Perhaps, this is some kind of obscure method of meditation.
Guess you are right Turquoise - Alternative meditation ftw
Wait behind the line ..............................................................
Support fanatic :-)

smtt686 wrote:

Varegg wrote:

smtt686 wrote:

I don't live in Norway, so therefore I have no opinion on what should happen in Norway.  You don't live in the United States so keep your nose out. 

You have a problem with our gun laws, fine.  Stay the F&*K out.

Who, exactly do you think you are?
Did you bother reading any of the post`s dipshit or are you just busy stuffing your head up your ass ?
Yeah, I read it, but it was hard considering I was doing it while pulling my foot out your ass, moron.   My thought, is his post is moronic to begin with.  There are enough laws on guns as it is.

Now, dipshit, pull your head out of your ass.
Suddenly i know why you react the way you do .....

Varegg wrote:

*A doctor must declare you mentally fit to own a gun !
You would never gone past this one would you ?
Wait behind the line ..............................................................
+16|6557|From The State Of Taxes
In New York they already have most of your list , You need to apply for a hand gun permit at you county police headquarters , You must be fingerprinted and they also do a back round check . It take any were from 3 to 6 months if you lucky . Now if you wanted to get illegal guns off the streets , You would need a company of marines and go door to door in a place like the Bronx or East L.A.
Support fanatic :-)

logitech487 wrote:

In New York they already have most of your list , You need to apply for a hand gun permit at you county police headquarters , You must be fingerprinted and they also do a back round check . It take any were from 3 to 6 months if you lucky . Now if you wanted to get illegal guns off the streets , You would need a company of marines and go door to door in a place like the Bronx or East L.A.
So in New York the 2nd amendment is clearly infringed ?

Or is the circumstances different and should apply differently in such a huge city where crime is a bigger problem or is it in cases like New York that the 2nd amendment should not be infringed at all ?
Wait behind the line ..............................................................
+11|6631|Cape Town - South Africa
the lax firearm laws in US is their issue! Thats why America is the only country that suffers from Mass Murders like the disaster at Colimbine and the latest tragedy. If The Law remain complacent against firearms so will the people, more mass murders will take place.

there are many countries that do fairly well with extreamly stringent gun laws (UK)! Trust me you bring a gun to a fight you most likely going to get yourself killed and then there is another gun "the one you attempted to defend yourself with" on the street.

Look its your 2nd Amendment right to protect yourself? But firearms are not the solution everyone thinks they are but they are not.

I say stricter gun legislation Psych evaluations before a license is obtained proper testing should be enforced so that when a firearm is sold its not sold to a crazy person who whats to shoot up everyone in the area!
Infamous meleeKings cult. Est. 2003 B.C.
+82|6694|The Lost Highway

HeimdalX wrote:

"This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it or their revolutionary right to dismember it or overthrow it."
-- Abraham Lincoln
I find it funny that Lincoln said that.

PureFodder wrote:

I doubt your rifles and shotguns will be much use against the tanks either.
And as far as shotguns and rifles not being much use against a tank, theres always ways around that. IE explosives, etc.

If it's available to the Governments Army, it should be available to each states Militia.

JG1567JG wrote:

No need the tank driver is friend of the constitution that refuses to use the tank against his own countrymen.
I hope thats true, but it's quite possible that some soldiers would, given our countries history. (I.E. The Civil War, and Kent State.)

Also, I think Vareggs questions are valid, quit busting his balls.
Support fanatic :-)

|BFC|Icenflame wrote:

the lax firearm laws in US is their issue! Thats why America is the only country that suffers from Mass Murders like the disaster at Colimbine and the latest tragedy. If The Law remain complacent against firearms so will the people, more mass murders will take place.

there are many countries that do fairly well with extreamly stringent gun laws (UK)! Trust me you bring a gun to a fight you most likely going to get yourself killed and then there is another gun "the one you attempted to defend yourself with" on the street.

Look its your 2nd Amendment right to protect yourself? But firearms are not the solution everyone thinks they are but they are not.

I say stricter gun legislation Psych evaluations before a license is obtained proper testing should be enforced so that when a firearm is sold its not sold to a crazy person who whats to shoot up everyone in the area!
Seing as several "testemonies" in this thread states the consequenses of the 2nd amendment itself can`t explain the high gunrelated murder rates there must be something else that triggers such behavior.

Violent history doesn`t explain it either since many countries have equal or a even more violent history without the same murder by guns ratio.

I think however that the US governments violent behavior and use of force beyond it`s borders can be blamed for internal violent behavior by some of it`s citizens.

A violent dad often raises a violent son !
Wait behind the line ..............................................................
+110|6742|United States of America

Varegg wrote:

I think however that the US governments violent behavior and use of force beyond it`s borders can be blamed for internal violent behavior by some of it`s citizens.

A violent dad often raises a violent son !
Come on Varegg, don't you think that first statement I quoted is a little low?  If not show me some example where this might be true.

As far as a violent dad raising a violent son, I think your pretty close to the problem there.  I believe parenting is one of the biggest problems in U.S. society.  Many young boys grow up with out a dad because of divorce or never having a father.  They end up learning how to be a man by watching TV.

P.S. I do hope you were not insinuating that the children of our soldiers are being raised by violent dads.

Last edited by JG1567JG (2007-05-09 22:02:27)

Support fanatic :-)

JG1567JG wrote:

Varegg wrote:

I think however that the US governments violent behavior and use of force beyond it`s borders can be blamed for internal violent behavior by some of it`s citizens.

A violent dad often raises a violent son !
Come on Varegg, don't you think that first statement I quoted is a little low?  If not show me some example where this might be true.

As far as a violent dad raising a violent son, I think your pretty close to the problem there.  I believe parenting is one of the biggest problems in U.S. society.  Many young boys grow up with out a dad because of divorce or never having a father.  They end up learning how to be a man by watching TV.

P.S. I do hope you were not insinuating that the children of our soldiers are being raised by violent dads.
Did not single out soldiers as particularly violent, was comparing the citizens (child) up against the government (dad) as an point, being raised without a dad could be an additional explanation but that alone is not enough to develop an above average violent behavior.

Soldier dads i would think have the utmost respect for violence and i do believe they have a lower exceptance limit for what they let their kids get away with concerning violent behavior, being a soldier dad myself atleast that`s my personal experience.

What first statement, please specify what quote and i`ll try my best
Wait behind the line ..............................................................
I'd rather hunt with Cheney than ride with Kennedy
+83|6856|Little Rock, Arkansas

Varegg wrote:

Violent history doesn`t explain it either since many countries have equal or a even more violent history without the same murder by guns ratio.

I think however that the US governments violent behavior and use of force beyond it`s borders can be blamed for internal violent behavior by some of it`s citizens.

A violent dad often raises a violent son !
Again, the vast majority of our violence, especially homicides, is gang related. It's a small subset of the country that kills each other and mainly leaves the rest of us alone. And I'm willing to bet most of that culture have not only never seen CNN, but couldn't tell you what it was.
Support fanatic :-)

The numbers are to high for most of it to be gang related.

Some may be gang related, some may be due to other criminals shooting each other, to many are family members killing each other and those categories can be found in many other western countries.

The ones that differ from other countries i believe could be shot by a cop, shot in traffic jam, innocent bystanders in all said categories and the most tragic one, the seemingly getting more popular school shooting.

Just for a comparison when it comes to robbing a bank, even thought such robbers in Norway tends to use guns nowadays it`s not so many years since they did the same job threatening the clerks with just a crowbar or a knife.
Wait behind the line ..............................................................
+110|6742|United States of America

Varegg wrote:

JG1567JG wrote:

Varegg wrote:

I think however that the US governments violent behavior and use of force beyond it`s borders can be blamed for internal violent behavior by some of it`s citizens.

A violent dad often raises a violent son !
Come on Varegg, don't you think that first statement I quoted is a little low?  If not show me some example where this might be true.

As far as a violent dad raising a violent son, I think your pretty close to the problem there.  I believe parenting is one of the biggest problems in U.S. society.  Many young boys grow up with out a dad because of divorce or never having a father.  They end up learning how to be a man by watching TV.

P.S. I do hope you were not insinuating that the children of our soldiers are being raised by violent dads.
Did not single out soldiers as particularly violent, was comparing the citizens (child) up against the government (dad) as an point, being raised without a dad could be an additional explanation but that alone is not enough to develop an above average violent behavior.

Soldier dads i would think have the utmost respect for violence and i do believe they have a lower exceptance limit for what they let their kids get away with concerning violent behavior, being a soldier dad myself atleast that`s my personal experience.

What first statement, please specify what quote and i`ll try my best
Just to start. I didn't think you were singling out soldiers but I had to be sure.

Varegg wrote:

I think however that the US governments violent behavior and use of force beyond it`s borders can be blamed for internal violent behavior by some of it`s citizens.
I considered this a little low but you have explained well enough.  Government=dad and Citizen=child.  I would say our government is less violent than many throughout the world.  Others are just violent towards their own citizens.  Ours is violent towards Enemies that want The Western world under Islamic Rule. (at the moment) I believe this to be a whole other topic.

Back on topic I do believe parenting is one of the biggest problems in society.  Either single parents or just parents that flat out don't care.  I see stories all time where a 2-5 year old child is found out at 3:00am in the morning or jsut a recent story in Indianapolis where a child of about 3-4 was found roaming across Interstate 465.  I forget where the mother was, maybe home asleep.  What kind of life are these kids going to turn to when they baecome teenagers?

Last edited by JG1567JG (2007-05-10 13:25:26)

Hates snipers and says the "F" word a lot
+72|6828|Houston, Texas

Varegg wrote:

That might be the case in the beginning of a set of new rules, these must of course be heavily enforced for a long period to get rid of as many illegal guns as possible up to a point where the bad guys have a harder time getting hold of guns - holding a amnesty for the collection of illegal guns could be one of several solutions !

Of course you will never get rid of all illegal guns but by reducing it`s numbers as much as possible do make it a safer society !

Besides most of the school shootings where performed by people who legally bought a gun and that would never have passed the metal test as i described !
Wow i can't believe people acctually think that gun control stops illegal guns. Take away forks, maybe people will stop being fat.

Sides, its pretty f'ing easy to make your own guns if you have half a brain.

Just one of many similiar websites. I love the Flag it flies on that homepage, showing just how well gun control really works.

IF THEY ARE DOING ILLEGAL THINGS THEY WILL NORMALLY GO GET ILLEGAL GUNS (unless of course they simply just dont give a F they are going to blow their own brains out anyways in the end)

Last edited by alien-DSW-Gen (2007-05-10 13:13:46)

I'd rather hunt with Cheney than ride with Kennedy
+83|6856|Little Rock, Arkansas

Varegg wrote:

The numbers are to high for most of it to be gang related.

Some may be gang related, some may be due to other criminals shooting each other, to many are family members killing each other and those categories can be found in many other western countries.

That's what most esimates put the gang-related homicide rate at relative to the total number of homicides.
Support fanatic :-)

blisteringsilence wrote:

Varegg wrote:

The numbers are to high for most of it to be gang related.

Some may be gang related, some may be due to other criminals shooting each other, to many are family members killing each other and those categories can be found in many other western countries.

That's what most esimates put the gang-related homicide rate at relative to the total number of homicides.
I was looking for some references about just that last night but couldn`t find it, if the number is in the area of 50% that`s way higher than i thought.
Wait behind the line ..............................................................
Support fanatic :-)

JG1567JG wrote:

Varegg wrote:

JG1567JG wrote:

Come on Varegg, don't you think that first statement I quoted is a little low?  If not show me some example where this might be true.

As far as a violent dad raising a violent son, I think your pretty close to the problem there.  I believe parenting is one of the biggest problems in U.S. society.  Many young boys grow up with out a dad because of divorce or never having a father.  They end up learning how to be a man by watching TV.

P.S. I do hope you were not insinuating that the children of our soldiers are being raised by violent dads.
Did not single out soldiers as particularly violent, was comparing the citizens (child) up against the government (dad) as an point, being raised without a dad could be an additional explanation but that alone is not enough to develop an above average violent behavior.

Soldier dads i would think have the utmost respect for violence and i do believe they have a lower exceptance limit for what they let their kids get away with concerning violent behavior, being a soldier dad myself atleast that`s my personal experience.

What first statement, please specify what quote and i`ll try my best
Just to start. I didn't think you were singling out soldiers but I had to be sure.

Varegg wrote:

I think however that the US governments violent behavior and use of force beyond it`s borders can be blamed for internal violent behavior by some of it`s citizens.
I considered this a little low but you have explained well enough.  Government=dad and Citizen=child.  I would say our government is less violent than many throughout the world.  Others are just violent towards their own citizens.  Ours is violent towards Enemies that want The Western world under Islamic Rule. (at the moment) I believe this to be a whole other topic.

Back on topic I do believe parenting is one of the biggest problems in society.  Either single parents or just parents that flat out don't care.  I see stories all time where a 2-5 year old child is found out at 3:00am in the morning or jsut a recent story in Indianapolis where a child of about 3-4 was found roaming across Interstate 465.  I forget where the mother was, maybe home asleep.  What kind of life are these kids going to turn to when they baecome teenagers?
Was referring to foreign affairs and i agree this could be debated in another thread and i think it has been on some ocasions.

About parents that don`t care and let`s their children roam around without being looked after is a growing problem, seen on the news and reads about new such cases all the time both abroad and in Norway
Wait behind the line ..............................................................
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How many have read about and have issues about the Brady campaign ?
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First off people need to get this ridiculous idea, that guns kill people, out of their head. A gun is just a piece of steel, until a person uses it. Last, no matter how many laws you make, they are useless unless enforced.
Support fanatic :-)

psychotoxic187 wrote:

First off people need to get this ridiculous idea, that guns kill people, out of their head. A gun is just a piece of steel, until a person uses it. Last, no matter how many laws you make, they are useless unless enforced.
But there is a thesis saying that the more available a certain merchandise the more likely it will be misused ?

If it applies to Drugs why should it not apply to guns ?

And are you saying that the laws of the US is generally not enforced ?
Wait behind the line ..............................................................
You with the face!
The problem is not that we don't have enough gun laws, it is that criminals will never follow them!

The Brady group is one of the most rabid anti-gun groups around.  They could make Michael Moore look like a moderate!

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