is there a bf2s clan, or can u just wear the tag if u go on the site?
BF2s is a community.
Im a member of a clan, but when I played BF2 I used to change my tag when I played on the BF2s servers.. havent done it yet with PR..
You will get alot of shit if you wear the tag. I got kicked from a mash server for wearing the tag.(Apparently an admin got pissed because he could'nt cut it on the site) But wear it proudly and if they give you any shit just call us and we will come in and rape their asses sore.
Last edited by David.Podedworny (17 years, 10 months ago)
I wouldn't want people to know I associate with you guys
Knowing us omly improves your rep.Jameseyy wrote:
I wouldn't want people to know I associate with you guys
We wouldn't want people to know you were associated with us.Jameseyy wrote:
I wouldn't want people to know I associate with you guys
(jay kay)
Ive been wearing my tag since I was a Captain. People recognise me ingame because of it
In fact, Ive had people ask me "are you part of that bf2s site?". Yeah, no shit sherlock.
In fact, Ive had people ask me "are you part of that bf2s site?". Yeah, no shit sherlock.
Last edited by Snake (17 years, 10 months ago)
I had it on one time, and someone asked me if I worked for EA.. lol..
I've been wearing my tag proudly since I was a Corporal.
I wear either TEABAG or FUCKEA in my prefix....
I wore it. But I sucked, and still do. Until my KDR goes over 0.8, I refuse to degrade the name of BF2s.
Or maybe I'll start wearing it again. Whatever.
Or maybe I'll start wearing it again. Whatever.

More and more people are begining to see the advantages of the almighty teebagg!Zeus=18= wrote:
I wear either TEABAG or FUCKEA in my prefix....
I may add that the information about the map rotation and TS are slightly outdated and not updated yet.Dauntless wrote:
However, the other parts are still valid.
Last edited by Mike<Eagle23> (17 years, 10 months ago)
But does it improve your reg?Pea....Tear.....Griffen wrote:
Knowing us omly improves your rep.Jameseyy wrote:
I wouldn't want people to know I associate with you guys