Confused Pothead
+1,101|6734|SE London

Dezerteagal5 wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

Dezerteagal5 wrote:

Yes and while your taking all these tests, the criminal on the streets who bought his gun from "his homey" will mug you, and youll have no weapon to defend yourself with because "The GOVERNMENT needs to see if your 'mentaly fit' to own a gun"
Gun control doesnt work no matter HOW HARD YOU TRY. Its always taking away from the good citizens and giving the criminals an easier time killing or robbing you.
Statistically how often are "muggers" fended off because grandma pulled a 45 out of her pocket book. Sure it probably has happened a few times before (And usually made the news). Now compare that with the amount deaths with legal registered firearms. I'm not for a ban or anything like that but obviously we need to examine our gun laws. Those test may seem tedious, but compare them to what you must go through to buy a house. If you have the desire to own something that could potentially take human life (accident or not) I think it is reasonable to expect someone to take a day or two to ensure that they are committed to protecting society.
A knife can take someones life.
A razor blade can take someones life.
A rock on the end of a stick can take someones life.

They can all be considered weapons.

Why are guns so different?

Listen to this....
Lets go to a magical land where guns just 'dont exist' (i know, liberal fantasy) and the best weapon around for hunting, killing, defending, is a large stick. Now remember, this is the best weapon (just like a gun is the best weapon nowadays)

Now. Would YOU force people 'register' and get tested to own a stick so they can defend themselves from the guy who just got his stick off his nigga downtown? Now of coarse there will be dumbasses who fall on there stick and die, just like with anything, but this doesn't mean you should try to take away all sticks from everyone.

Same thing.
It's not the same thing.

The important difference is that a gun is so much better than a knife or a stick. You couldn't go on a killing spree with a stick. You would simply be overpowered. The same is true for any melee weapon.
I own guns and have applied for my Minnesota carry permit.  I would have no problem waiting for checks EVERY time I purchase a new gun.  even after I get my permit.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6753|132 and Bush

Dezerteagal5 wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

Dezerteagal5 wrote:

Yes and while your taking all these tests, the criminal on the streets who bought his gun from "his homey" will mug you, and youll have no weapon to defend yourself with because "The GOVERNMENT needs to see if your 'mentaly fit' to own a gun"
Gun control doesnt work no matter HOW HARD YOU TRY. Its always taking away from the good citizens and giving the criminals an easier time killing or robbing you.
Statistically how often are "muggers" fended off because grandma pulled a 45 out of her pocket book. Sure it probably has happened a few times before (And usually made the news). Now compare that with the amount deaths with legal registered firearms. I'm not for a ban or anything like that but obviously we need to examine our gun laws. Those test may seem tedious, but compare them to what you must go through to buy a house. If you have the desire to own something that could potentially take human life (accident or not) I think it is reasonable to expect someone to take a day or two to ensure that they are committed to protecting society.
A knife can take someones life.
A razor blade can take someones life.
A rock on the end of a stick can take someones life.

They can all be considered weapons.

Why are guns so different?

Listen to this....
Lets go to a magical land where guns just 'dont exist' (i know, liberal fantasy) and the best weapon around for hunting, killing, defending, is a large stick. Now remember, this is the best weapon (just like a gun is the best weapon nowadays)

Now. Would YOU force people 'register' and get tested to own a stick so they can defend themselves from the guy who just got his stick off his nigga downtown? Now of coarse there will be dumbasses who fall on there stick and die, just like with anything, but this doesn't mean you should try to take away all sticks from everyone.

Same thing.
Same thing... um no. None of those "rocks" "knives" and "sticks" have nearly the potential to be lethal, especially on a mass scale. Lets just replace M-16's in our military with sticks that have rocks attached to them based on your logic.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
I'd rather hunt with Cheney than ride with Kennedy
+83|6854|Little Rock, Arkansas

Varegg wrote:

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

Google it for chrisakes and END this Thread.

Pretty week stuff. Norway also had a Nazi occupation.

We have thousands of laws on ownership already. We already have the ones we need and many we don’t.

Our all time record for mass murder was perpetrated with .48 cents ( aprox 1/2 dollar ) worth of gas.

Just punish criminals regardless of the tools they use.
What does a nazi occupation have to do with this, and you don`t know any of you own gun laws - now that pretty week if you ask me !
We all know our own gun laws.... Most of us have posted them here at least once. I know I have done it at least 3 times.

So, on your proposed restrictions. I understand where you're coming from, I just disagree with it. And here's why.

In the United States, the right to own a firearm is defined in the Constitution. Because of that, any infringment upon that right has to be MINIMAL and NECESSARY. People often say that there should be the equivalent of a DMV for guns. I disagree. I have no constituitional right to drive a car. My state government has developed a set of rules and regulations, and if I follow them, I EARN the right to drive my car.

I don't have to EARN the right to have a gun. That's guaranteed in the 2nd Amendment.

So, the question is, how do we keep guns out of the hands of those who shouldn't have them, and ensure the safety of those who do?

  • Enforce the laws already on the books about convits and criminals who aren't allowed weapons but carry them anyway. A la project exile in Virginia.
  • Enforce the laws on the books about dealers that engage in straw purchasing.
  • Force states to submit their federally required data to the NCIC within 12 hours of all orders, thereby allowing the NCIC to function as it is designed.
  • Return marksmanship training to public schools. Let them learn with air rifles, but instill the fundamental safety behaviors.

That's all I had off the top of my head.
+56|6522|Calgary, Canada

JG1567JG wrote:

What is so complicated about the last 4 words of the second amendment.

Many flaws to your suggestions.

1. what is the point of belonging to a gun club?  Is this where you would eventually have us keep our guns locked is some super secure safe?

2. A certificate for each caliber of gun I buy what if I have two af the same caliber do I only need one certificate.

3. You want us to get a certificate before we get the gun but you want the BATFE to do a ballisic test before we can get the certificate and you want us to show we are capable of handling the gun before we can get it.
In other words you want us to get a certificate for a gun we are going to purchase that we cant get the certificate without the gun and cant get the gun with out the certificate.

4. Ballistics change over the life of the gun and the owner can change the ballistics with a simple scratch in the barrel.

5. I am not a hunter.  I am a target shooter.  I see no need to get a hunting license at the moment and shouldn't have to pay for one.

6.  Who give these test because I have had no formal training and I know how to operate my glock and rifles better than many police officers I have come across.  For instance. I was riding with a friend of mine that borrowed my .22 rifle to go hunting and we were pulled over by an Indiana State trooper.  I forget what for, a minor traffic violation.  He asked if we had an weapons in the car so my friend told him about the .22 behind the truck seat.  He had him get out of the car and he grabbed the rifle and asked if it was loaded. My friend said ya and the trooper pulled the slide back and ejected one shell.  Handed the rifle back to my friend with sixteen rounds in the tube under the barrel and one in the chamber.  We corrected his mistake and told him that it was a Semi-auto and all he did was chamber the next round.  Maybe that will help him down the road in staying alive.

7.  What would be special about the collectors permits.  Most already carry permit to carry.

8. My doctor my not like guns and declare me and everybody unfit to own a gun.  Would I ever get a second chance.  Not likely

9. Finally who is going to pay for all this the one getting the permit or certificate.  Sounds expensive to me.
Hell, it has cost Canada over a Billion dollars just to try to register all their guns.

I do have an Idea that might help. Lets enforce the 40,000+ gunlaws already on the books instead of just making new ones.

Or we could try this Project Exile
OR you could move to Canada
The Flying Kalakukko.
+94|6683|The lunar module

blisteringsilence wrote:

I have no constituitional right to drive a car. My state government has developed a set of rules and regulations, and if I follow them, I EARN the right to drive my car.

I don't have to EARN the right to have a gun. That's guaranteed in the 2nd Amendment.
Scary stuff, when you put it this bluntly.
+110|6741|United States of America

Shaguart wrote:

JG1567JG wrote:

What is so complicated about the last 4 words of the second amendment.

Many flaws to your suggestions.

1. what is the point of belonging to a gun club?  Is this where you would eventually have us keep our guns locked is some super secure safe?

2. A certificate for each caliber of gun I buy what if I have two af the same caliber do I only need one certificate.

3. You want us to get a certificate before we get the gun but you want the BATFE to do a ballisic test before we can get the certificate and you want us to show we are capable of handling the gun before we can get it.
In other words you want us to get a certificate for a gun we are going to purchase that we cant get the certificate without the gun and cant get the gun with out the certificate.

4. Ballistics change over the life of the gun and the owner can change the ballistics with a simple scratch in the barrel.

5. I am not a hunter.  I am a target shooter.  I see no need to get a hunting license at the moment and shouldn't have to pay for one.

6.  Who give these test because I have had no formal training and I know how to operate my glock and rifles better than many police officers I have come across.  For instance. I was riding with a friend of mine that borrowed my .22 rifle to go hunting and we were pulled over by an Indiana State trooper.  I forget what for, a minor traffic violation.  He asked if we had an weapons in the car so my friend told him about the .22 behind the truck seat.  He had him get out of the car and he grabbed the rifle and asked if it was loaded. My friend said ya and the trooper pulled the slide back and ejected one shell.  Handed the rifle back to my friend with sixteen rounds in the tube under the barrel and one in the chamber.  We corrected his mistake and told him that it was a Semi-auto and all he did was chamber the next round.  Maybe that will help him down the road in staying alive.

7.  What would be special about the collectors permits.  Most already carry permit to carry.

8. My doctor my not like guns and declare me and everybody unfit to own a gun.  Would I ever get a second chance.  Not likely

9. Finally who is going to pay for all this the one getting the permit or certificate.  Sounds expensive to me.
Hell, it has cost Canada over a Billion dollars just to try to register all their guns.

I do have an Idea that might help. Lets enforce the 40,000+ gunlaws already on the books instead of just making new ones.

Or we could try this Project Exile
OR you could move to Canada
Why in the hell would I move to Canada?  I think we have enough gun laws the way it is.

Varegg I did offer another option. I put it in yellow above. I shouldn't have to pay some membership to a club just to exercise my second amendment right!  As far as a price for my communities saftey we haven't had a murder in my town of 25,000 in probably 15 years unless you count the cops shooting some inbread fuck that charged them with a .357.

P.S. If you fell like you are talking to a wall on this subject you are.  I'm off to work for the night so I'll check back in the morning U.S EST.

Last edited by JG1567JG (2007-05-05 13:34:53)

Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.

They keep guns out of the hands of bad guys and they don't shit on the constitution at the same time.
I'd rather hunt with Cheney than ride with Kennedy
+83|6854|Little Rock, Arkansas

apollo_fi wrote:

blisteringsilence wrote:

I have no constituitional right to drive a car. My state government has developed a set of rules and regulations, and if I follow them, I EARN the right to drive my car.

I don't have to EARN the right to have a gun. That's guaranteed in the 2nd Amendment.
Scary stuff, when you put it this bluntly.
Or heartening. That the founders of my country chose to enumerate this right means that they obviously thought it was essential.
Support fanatic :-)

What strikes me is most of you understand you have a problem with gun violence and most of you are aware you have the highest killsrato with guns pr capita on earth but you are not willing to sacrifice an inch of an amendment that was written long ago and under an entirely different setting ?

And you completly misunderstand me if you think i feel like talking to a wall, i engage myself in this debate because i am more than willing to learn what drives Americans so fiercely to uphold an outdated amendment no matter what, even at the price of human lives lost every day !

That baffles me and i`m trying to understand what lies beneath that feeling !

JG1567JG wrote:

As far as a price for my communities saftey we haven't had a murder in my town of 25,000 in probably 15 years unless you count the cops shooting some inbread fuck that charged them with a .357.
Well, if that`s the case i understand why you are reluctant to change but i think you fail to see the bigger picture, you live in the possibly greatest country on this earth where people shoot eachother for everything and nothing on a daily basis - are you really content the way it is now aslong as your little community is a calm one ?

Or is the proud US of A just a gathering of small communities that don`t give a damn about what happends in the adjacent community so long as it doesn`t affect the one you live in ?

These are some of the question i fail at understanding, please enlighten me !
Wait behind the line ..............................................................
+276|6808|United States of America
I think that the US should pass a law lowering the muzzle velocity of all guns by 20% and enact a tax on kleenx so they can balance the budget due to all the cry-asses who haven't figured out that criminals break laws so passing new gun laws is as pointless as shitting in a glovebox.

Gee, here's a thought.  Automatic death sentence for conviction of violent crime when a firearm is involved. Only one appeal.  Punishment must take place within 2 years of conviction if no appeal is granted.

Them maybe I could see some murders and thieve get creative and start using more knives, poison, bats, cars, and my favorite: dropping a piano on someone.

Varegg wrote:

What could be done with the existing gun laws on restrictions and alterations without hurting your rights given by the 2nd amendment ?

*You would have to be a member of an state approved gun club and attend a minimum of meetings pr year to keep your membership !

*You must apply for a certificate for each caliber gun you want to by !

*The ATF must register a ballistic test of your gun before you are issued the certificate, like a gun fingerprint database !

*You must acquire a hunting licence to buy a rifle !

*You must attend a test showing you are capable of handling the gun before the certificate is issued !

*Special permits for collectors !

*A doctor must declare you mentally fit to own a gun !

*A variation of all of the above !
Why are you so obsessed with exclamation marks?
Support fanatic :-)

Deadmonkiefart wrote:

Varegg wrote:

What could be done with the existing gun laws on restrictions and alterations without hurting your rights given by the 2nd amendment ?

*You would have to be a member of an state approved gun club and attend a minimum of meetings pr year to keep your membership !

*You must apply for a certificate for each caliber gun you want to by !

*The ATF must register a ballistic test of your gun before you are issued the certificate, like a gun fingerprint database !

*You must acquire a hunting licence to buy a rifle !

*You must attend a test showing you are capable of handling the gun before the certificate is issued !

*Special permits for collectors !

*A doctor must declare you mentally fit to own a gun !

*A variation of all of the above !
Why are you so obsessed with exclamation marks?
Go figure !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Last edited by Varegg (2007-05-05 15:14:16)

Wait behind the line ..............................................................

Major_Spittle wrote:

I think that the US should pass a law lowering the muzzle velocity of all guns by 20% and enact a tax on kleenx so they can balance the budget due to all the cry-asses who haven't figured out that criminals break laws so passing new gun laws is as pointless as shitting in a glovebox.

Gee, here's a thought.  Automatic death sentence for conviction of violent crime when a firearm is involved. Only one appeal.  Punishment must take place within 2 years of conviction if no appeal is granted.

Them maybe I could see some murders and thieve get creative and start using more knives, poison, bats, cars, and my favorite: dropping a piano on someone.
Here's someone who has hit the nail on the head.  You could pass a new more restrictive law everyday, that won't stop illegal ownership, and use. People are flawed. You have to give trust to people who deserve it, but you HAVE to punish the people who abuse their rites. Which is not being done properly.
The assumption that passing new gun laws will solve the gun problem in the United States is ridiculous.  If you were to make guns illegal or much harder to get, the wrong people would still easily acquire them.  Remember, drugs are illegal in this country and you can find them on every street and neighborhood from the inner city to the country.  The solution is in the prosecution.  Make the punishment for gun related crime more harsh and you may make some people think twice before using them.
Hey Varegg, read this:

How not to sound like a moron:
A) Learn to spell and use grammar
B) Come up with better reasons and actually consider what you are typing before you post it.  I was just trying to "start the debate" isn't an excuse for not thinking about what you post.
C) Don't use so many exclamation marks on your 1st post.  It makes you sound like a child.
D) If someone disagrees with your suggestions and doesn't post another suggestion, that probably means that they think gun laws are fine as is.

Last edited by Deadmonkiefart (2007-05-05 15:32:25)


Varegg wrote:

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

Google it for chrisakes and END this Thread.

Pretty week stuff. Norway also had a Nazi occupation.

We have thousands of laws on ownership already. We already have the ones we need and many we don’t.

Our all time record for mass murder was perpetrated with .48 cents ( aprox 1/2 dollar ) worth of gas.

Just punish criminals regardless of the tools they use.
What does a nazi occupation have to do with this, and you don`t know any of you own gun laws - now that pretty week if you ask me !
1. You probably got your stricter gun laws during their occupation.
2. typical fashion you only addressed 1 of 5 points ( and poorly at that )
3. Educate yourself, were to busy having fun.  We’re free here.
4. Try occupying America.
5. Try putting Americans in a concentration camp.
6. our lunatic killed thirty skirting some useless Gun control laws in the process.
7. your lunatics Hitler, Stalin quisling kill millions using Gun control laws in the process.
8. I stick with ours.
9. I know our laws
10. I own 37 firearms.
Support fanatic :-)

Deadmonkiefart wrote:

Hey Varegg, read this:

How not to sound like a moron:
A) Learn to spell and use grammar
B) Come up with better reasons and actually consider what you are typing before you post it.  I was just trying to "start the debate" isn't an excuse for not thinking about what you post.
C) Don't use exclamation marks on your 1st post.  It makes you sound like a child.
D) If someone disagrees with your suggestions and doesn't post another suggestion, that probably means that they think gun laws are fine as is.
Well i`m sorry if my grammar isn`t perfect enough for you and i always think through what i post, what makes you think that i don`t ?

And who are you to decide what is a good reason or not ?

What is an exclamation mark ? ..... why don`t you give me the definition ?
Wait behind the line ..............................................................

Varegg wrote:

Deadmonkiefart wrote:

Hey Varegg, read this:

How not to sound like a moron:
A) Learn to spell and use grammar
B) Come up with better reasons and actually consider what you are typing before you post it.  I was just trying to "start the debate" isn't an excuse for not thinking about what you post.
C) Don't use exclamation marks on your 1st post.  It makes you sound like a child.
D) If someone disagrees with your suggestions and doesn't post another suggestion, that probably means that they think gun laws are fine as is.
Well i`m sorry if my grammar isn`t perfect enough for you and i always think through what i post, what makes you think that i don`t ?

And who are you to decide what is a good reason or not ?

What is an exclamation mark ? ..... why don`t you give me the definition ?
I can't tell if that was sarcastic or not, but
exclamation mark = !
Support fanatic :-)

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

Varegg wrote:

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

Google it for chrisakes and END this Thread.

Pretty week stuff. Norway also had a Nazi occupation.

We have thousands of laws on ownership already. We already have the ones we need and many we don’t.

Our all time record for mass murder was perpetrated with .48 cents ( aprox 1/2 dollar ) worth of gas.

Just punish criminals regardless of the tools they use.
What does a nazi occupation have to do with this, and you don`t know any of you own gun laws - now that pretty week if you ask me !
1. You probably got your stricter gun laws during their occupation. No we did not and they are in constant evaluation when needed
2. typical fashion you only addressed 1 of 5 points ( and poorly at that ) If you read the entire thread you will notice i have addressed all of them frequently
3. Educate yourself, were to busy having fun.  We’re free here.We enjoy the same freedom in Norway and most of Europe
4. Try occupying America.What for ?
5. Try putting Americans in a concentration camp. What for ?
6. our lunatic killed thirty skirting some useless Gun control laws in the process. So why change anything because of just that right ?
7. your lunatics Hitler, Stalin quisling kill millions using Gun control laws in the process.Quisling killed millions ? - i wasn`t aware of that newly discovered fact, source please ?
8. I stick with ours. By all means
9. I know our laws Never questioned that did i ?
10. I own 37 firearms. Must make you feel 37 times safer than if you only owned 1
Wait behind the line ..............................................................
Support fanatic :-)

Deadmonkiefart wrote:

Varegg wrote:

Deadmonkiefart wrote:

Hey Varegg, read this:

How not to sound like a moron:
A) Learn to spell and use grammar
B) Come up with better reasons and actually consider what you are typing before you post it.  I was just trying to "start the debate" isn't an excuse for not thinking about what you post.
C) Don't use exclamation marks on your 1st post.  It makes you sound like a child.
D) If someone disagrees with your suggestions and doesn't post another suggestion, that probably means that they think gun laws are fine as is.
Well i`m sorry if my grammar isn`t perfect enough for you and i always think through what i post, what makes you think that i don`t ?

And who are you to decide what is a good reason or not ?

What is an exclamation mark ? ..... why don`t you give me the definition ?
I can't tell if that was sarcastic or not, but
exclamation mark = !
I know what it looks like, i wondered if you could tell me the meaning of it ?
Wait behind the line ..............................................................
+1,153|6783|Washington, DC

Varegg wrote:

Deadmonkiefart wrote:

Varegg wrote:

Well i`m sorry if my grammar isn`t perfect enough for you and i always think through what i post, what makes you think that i don`t ?

And who are you to decide what is a good reason or not ?

What is an exclamation mark ? ..... why don`t you give me the definition ?
I can't tell if that was sarcastic or not, but
exclamation mark = !
I know what it looks like, i wondered if you could tell me the meaning of it ?
An exclamation mark or exclamation point is a punctuation mark: ! It is usually used after an interjection or exclamation to indicate strong feeling, and generally marks the end of a sentence. A sentence ending in an exclamation mark is either an actual exclamation ("Wow!", "Boo!"), a command ("Stop!"), or is intended to be astonishing in some way ("They were the footprints of a gigantic hound!")."
Support fanatic :-)

This is just getting plain stupid !

Why must every debate we have in DST end up in a flame war that has nothing to do with the OP ?
Wait behind the line ..............................................................
I'd rather hunt with Cheney than ride with Kennedy
+83|6854|Little Rock, Arkansas

Varegg wrote:

What strikes me is most of you understand you have a problem with gun violence and most of you are aware you have the highest killsrato with guns pr capita on earth but you are not willing to sacrifice an inch of an amendment that was written long ago and under an entirely different setting ?

And you completly misunderstand me if you think i feel like talking to a wall, i engage myself in this debate because i am more than willing to learn what drives Americans so fiercely to uphold an outdated amendment no matter what, even at the price of human lives lost every day !

That baffles me and i`m trying to understand what lies beneath that feeling !

JG1567JG wrote:

As far as a price for my communities saftey we haven't had a murder in my town of 25,000 in probably 15 years unless you count the cops shooting some inbread fuck that charged them with a .357.
Well, if that`s the case i understand why you are reluctant to change but i think you fail to see the bigger picture, you live in the possibly greatest country on this earth where people shoot eachother for everything and nothing on a daily basis - are you really content the way it is now aslong as your little community is a calm one ?

Or is the proud US of A just a gathering of small communities that don`t give a damn about what happends in the adjacent community so long as it doesn`t affect the one you live in ?

These are some of the question i fail at understanding, please enlighten me !
This, I believe, is the root of the problem. I was trying to figure out how to explain it, and this is my feeble attempt:

Crime in the US is not widespread. Our media to the contrary, crime rarely affects most Americans.

There is only so much that can be drawn from statistics. Sure, we can look at numbers and say, well, 2.26 our of every 100 people get robbed every year. I know several hundred people, and none of them were robbed in the past year.

Crime is, on the whole, concentrated in low income communities. Poor people commit crimes. Not necessarily any one race, as much as one socioeconomic class. It's easier to steal than it is to go to a job everyday.

People here (on these boards) aren't poor. They have fast computers, broadband connections, ect. We are not exposed to crime on a regular basis. We don't have lots of exposure to the resulting crime.

So, short of sensationalized media accounts, we really don't have anything to be afraid of. I carry a firearm. I hope I never have to use it. I don't think I ever will. That being said, I like the sense of safety that comes from knowing I CAN defend myself if the need arises.

Meanwhile, I live in the south. The home of welcoming, friendly people, good food, and an armed society. People carry weapons here. They're in their cars, trucks, purses, and on their belts. There's a shotgun in most homes. And you know what? There's minimal crime. It's not something that affects most of us. The shooting at Virginia Tech, while tragic, is remote, and the very definition of rare.

In other words, we don't worry about it. It's not on our everyday minds.
+153|6900|Norway/Norwegen/ Norge/Noruega

Deadmonkiefart wrote:

Hey Varegg, read this:

How not to sound like a moron:
A) Learn to spell and use grammar
B) Come up with better reasons and actually consider what you are typing before you post it.  I was just trying to "start the debate" isn't an excuse for not thinking about what you post.
C) Don't use so many exclamation marks on your 1st post.  It makes you sound like a child.
D) If someone disagrees with your suggestions and doesn't post another suggestion, that probably means that they think gun laws are fine as is.
Damn. Learn how to spell? I think that he already writes a lot better and more understandable than many Americans here. You did notice that he is Norwegian? Now, he is writing in YOUR language. Can you write to him in his/my language? Norwegian? Can you? Without any help from anyone/anything!   (!!!!!!)
Ow you can't? Well, that must mean you are a moron. Does it? No. Must mean that you SOUND like a moron? No.

Going at him because of his spelling is childish. Remember to flame me and my spelling now

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