I copied it into Free Translation, not the easiest to read, but this is what it came out with
Would ask: Will there be another further Patch? Answer: It is a Patch in work; -) question: Is the Rankingsystem released also for Mods? Already very long is spoken therefrom. Answer: The will for the releases of the Rankingsystem for Mods is available, however there is, to release presently yet no possibility the Rankingsystem for Mods. When reasons hinder that the conversion, were named us the support to be furnished and the costs emerging from that. Interesting to knowledge is that 95% of the Battlefield players play only on Ranked servers.
Would ask: Will there be an official Mappack, which can be played also on the Ranked servers and is supported also? Answer: In addition we may say nothing.
Would ask: How will long the BF2/BF2142 account servers yet run? Answer: There is presently no plans the account servers to turn down. As long as like BF2 and BF2142 played become, the Ranked-server-system remains exist.
Would ask: Will it give the near future further Maps for Special Forces? Answer: Sorry, no commentary.
Would ask: Is the editor completely published for BF2? Answer: For the BF2 editor gives presently no plans to expand this with further functions.
Would ask: Will there be a further AddOn? Answer: No, further AddOns or Busterpacks not presently are planned for BF2.
Would ask: Why is the communication to the Mod-teams so bad? Answer: The problem recognized DICE and adjusted a new HQ Community manager Colin Clack. It is in contact with verse. Mod-teams and yet further should deepen this. It is also the point of contact to questions or stimulations of the editor.
Would ask: Patches large why instead of often smaller bow faxes? Answer: Patches and bow fax are extremely costly and expensive. Alone the 1.4 next to the last BF2 Patch version cost round $300,000. The reason for the enormous costs does not lie mainly at the costly test of the software and different conditions and on the most different systems. (quality security) for this reason is it possible the users with smaller and faster bow fax to furnish. A Patch is placed ready, this freely can be given not immediately to the download. For this the legal bases must be clarified first. In every country, different right counts. First if this hurdle is taken, that can would file on the DL-server.
Would ask: Plans Dice products around on the competition as well as ET QW or Frontlines to answer? Answer: They expect also with tension ET QW and Frontlines. Also if one of the games should better its than a game of DICE, the Community has through it more advantages. Because competition animates the business and creativity, the player can leave himself on that that Dice will try to improve its products further.
Would ask: Where does the navy remain? Answer: Thematic it fits no longer correctly in BF2. in the current time is the navy a mobile use headquarters and no longer like for example in that 2' ten world war actively at battle actions involves.