
What should be done about chavs?

Shoot the lot of 'em50%50% - 65
"Let's educate them!"6%6% - 9
Curfews for under-18s at 84%4% - 6
Put them in ghettos9%9% - 12
Let them rule our lives3%3% - 5
De-evolve them into even more 'primitive' beings3%3% - 4
Give up all hope for humanity - nuke everyone7%7% - 10
Change the laws for self-defence13%13% - 18
Total: 129
Calmer than you are.

fadedsteve wrote:

There seems to be a large consensus that "chavs/wiggers" are fucking completely worthless. . .
And those who agree with that consensus are alright with me!
Dude, if you get so worked up over wiggers, I can't think what you'd be like facing a chav. Chavs are not some upper-class assholes immitating black culture, they're far worse that your usual suburban wannabe gangster kid. They are in fact, the only people (if they can be called that) who make me question my democratic values.

oug wrote:

fadedsteve wrote:

There seems to be a large consensus that "chavs/wiggers" are fucking completely worthless. . .
And those who agree with that consensus are alright with me!
Dude, if you get so worked up over wiggers, I can't think what you'd be like facing a chav. Chavs are not some upper-class assholes immitating black culture, they're far worse that your usual suburban wannabe gangster kid. They are in fact, the only people (if they can be called that) who make me question my democratic values.
Exactly, chavs are the lowest rung on the ladder. Completely worthless to the world ...parasites. They should not have the right to vote if it were at all possible (which sadly it's not).
I think FadedSteve forgets that Americans only constitute 4.7% of the entire population of earth and that the US only consitutes 6.5% of the total landmass of planet earth.
Calmer than you are.

Braddock wrote:

Exactly, chavs are the lowest rung on the ladder. Completely worthless to the world ...parasites. They should not have the right to vote if it were at all possible (which sadly it's not).
See, that's what I hate. I agree, chavs shouldn't vote. But that makes me look like an elitist. An undemocratic prick. An oligarchic. Fuckin' chavs!

oug wrote:

Braddock wrote:

Exactly, chavs are the lowest rung on the ladder. Completely worthless to the world ...parasites. They should not have the right to vote if it were at all possible (which sadly it's not).
See, that's what I hate. I agree, chavs shouldn't vote. But that makes me look like an elitist. An undemocratic prick. An oligarchic. Fuckin' chavs!
In Ireland Sinn Fein (the hard left Republican party) makes a point of getting the Chav vote. It's boosting their support big time here, worrying how such a worthless element of society can be exploited if a party sets its mind to it.
=OBS= EstebanRey
+256|6858|Oxford, England, UK, EU, Earth
Just wanna point something out.  Chavs and wiggers are two different things, but many chavs do display signs of wiggerdom.  A wigger is a white kid that is obsessed with black culture, lives his life by it and talks with a pigeon jamaican accent.  A wigger can be rich or poor and only listens to Hip-Hop & R'n'B.

A chav is always poor and is basically the new term for the lower class.  Chavs wear the cheapest "designer" clothes they can find, or conterfeits even.  They wear sovereign rings on their fingers and the burberry cap has become synonymous with the chav.  The accent is usually very common as opposed to West Indian and they tend to go for Addidas and Kappa over the wigger's Fubu and Tommy Hilfiger.  They're also fans of the Vauxhall Corsa with the bodykit which they drive around playing Drum 'n' Bass and Euro-trance.

The trouble is the "hybrids", chav-wiggers and they pollute my local area on occassion.  The most annoying thing I find is when they have shit-hop playing out of the tinny speaker from their mobile phone.  I just want to grab it, throw it on the floor and stamp on it.  In the 80's, they had ghetto blaster which at least gave out a decent sound; I find the best thing to say to them is, "Couldn't afford the phone and the iPod then eh?".

Here is the examples of each: -


THE CHAV - VICKY POLLARD (Notice the West Country accent?)


....and don't get me started on "emos"!

Last edited by =OBS= EstebanRey (2007-05-05 10:58:15)

Confused Pothead
+1,101|6889|SE London

fadedsteve wrote:

I think your muslim population is a tad more worrysome than your "Chav" population. . . .

Thats just my personal opinion. . .
I don't.

The overwhelming majority of Muslims are nice people. Whereas chavs are all scum, every last one of them.

Chavs are a fucking plague on humanity. I say burn them. Burn them all.

Chavs are not the same as wiggers, as has already been pointed out. They are not trying to emulate any sort of American gang culture. They have their own "culture", the worst sort there is.

Last edited by Bertster7 (2007-05-05 11:57:20)

Tally Ho!!
+81|7053|I'm not sure.... Buts its dark
Option 1) Press ganged into the infantry. The Armed forces then given back Crown imunity ( so the turds can't moan and quote all that Human rights bollocks)

Option 2) Force them to sign donor cards and then end there lifes! Might as well do something useful in death as they done fuck all useful in life!

Last edited by The_Guardsman (2007-05-05 11:54:55)

'Light 'em up!'

The_Guardsman wrote:

Option 2) Force them to sign donor cards and then end there lifes! Might as well do something usefull in deathas the've done fuck of use in life!
Unfortunately theres a problem with that, their liver will be shot to pieces and I don't really wan't to see their lungs, but the rest may be ok. (crosses fingers)
Games, Girls, Guinness
+85|6760|Cambridge, UK

Most 'Chavs' are worthless scum.... but not all

They call Kate Moss and Lily Allen chavs... both are defo better alive than dead

Last edited by KylieTastic (2007-05-05 12:05:42)


Bertster7 wrote:

fadedsteve wrote:

I think your muslim population is a tad more worrysome than your "Chav" population. . . .

Thats just my personal opinion. . .
I don't.

The overwhelming majority of Muslims are nice people. Whereas chavs are all scum, every last one of them.

Chavs are a fucking plague on humanity. I say burn them. Burn them all.

Chavs are not the same as wiggers, as has already been pointed out. They are not trying to emulate any sort of American gang culture. They have their own "culture", the worst sort there is.
Exactly. Never once in my life have I been bothered by Muslims, whereas I'm bothered everytime I'm in the UK to some extent by chavs.
+127|6653|Twyford, UK

ghettoperson wrote:

Bertster7 wrote:

fadedsteve wrote:

I think your muslim population is a tad more worrysome than your "Chav" population. . . .

Thats just my personal opinion. . .
I don't.

The overwhelming majority of Muslims are nice people. Whereas chavs are all scum, every last one of them.

Chavs are a fucking plague on humanity. I say burn them. Burn them all.

Chavs are not the same as wiggers, as has already been pointed out. They are not trying to emulate any sort of American gang culture. They have their own "culture", the worst sort there is.
Exactly. Never once in my life have I been bothered by Muslims, whereas I'm bothered everytime I'm in the UK to some extent by chavs.
Maybe we should redirect the millitary from the middle east to the council sink estates.

Now there's a plan! Be a hell of a lot cheaper too.
I cannot believe someone has not posted a Devvo clip yet. For those who are at a loss to who Devvo is....:

TheLostOne wrote:

I cannot believe someone has not posted a Devvo clip yet. For those who are at a loss to who Devvo is....:
I forgot about him! Damn, he's probably one of the best 'real' examples of a chav on the internet.
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6992|United States of America
These responses explain why you aren't allowed to have firearms
+3,611|6929|London, England
If we had firearms at least we'd be able to kill alot of them in a short amount of time. Sure, they'd also be armed with them. But they're stupid. They wouldn't even be able to maintain an AK47, i guarantee you they'd be the first people to actually (unintentionally) make an AK47 unusable. The idiots.
Commie Killer

Braddock wrote:

fadedsteve wrote:


There cant be white guys in Europe trying to immitate American "thug/hip hop" culture. . . .can there be??

You mean to tell me, there are British kids running around trying to act like American black guys. . .LOL! You guys have to be kidding me. . . . .

What a bunch of fucking douche bags!!! Wiggers in the USA are basically laughed at and ignored.  I mean guys like Ali G are trying to be "over the top stupid" for laughs, not trying to be serious.  If there are kids in Britain walking around trying to pull this off, having never seen/know a "true" thugged out black dude, then they are just a sad sack of shit! 

Come take a flight to the Bay Area, lets see how long you douche bag europeans last in Oakland trying to pull off that "look". . . . safe to say your gonna go back across the "pond" with a couple of black eyes, broken ribs, maybe in a casket if your not careful!! lol

Be yourselves!!! Jesus Christ!
Jesus, come on Fadedsteve. There are black people in Europe too. British wigger chavs (that I have seen) try to act like British black rappers (yes there is such a thing as non American Rap! ...it's just as shit as American Rap too btw). Not everything revolves around America.

They are all sad bastards though, on this I think we agree. I don't see why anyone would try to act like a racial stereotype, especially a racial stereotype that is not their own.

As for the tough American side of life ...ha ha ha. It's very easy to be tough with a load of guns. Our thugs can have a dust up old school style, fists and feet ...that's the real way to separate the men from the boys (even a child can pull a trigger). I've said it before Europeans are tougher than Americans (let the flaming commence!), it stems from our greater experience of war and trouble on our own doorstep, it permeates the psychological and cultural make-up of our people.
Your calling yourself tougher yet we beat your ass twice and saved your ass twice, weird.

Had to add that sorry, lets leave that for another topic.

But yeah, maybe you guys should think about legalizing guns, next time someone steals your door alarm blow him away.(Reacting hard at first is almost always the best, it tells them "Dont fuck with me/us bitch.)
+127|6694|Jesus Land aka Canada
hmm first time i ever heard the word "chav"  and from the past pages and wiki reading if safe to say "chav" are like the "cowboys" from the "lawless old west" lots of gungho, picking fights, terrorising citizens.
edit: that documentry on chavs....i have no idea what the hell is that kid talking about.

Last edited by agent146 (2007-05-05 19:18:22)


Commie Killer wrote:

Braddock wrote:

fadedsteve wrote:


There cant be white guys in Europe trying to immitate American "thug/hip hop" culture. . . .can there be??

You mean to tell me, there are British kids running around trying to act like American black guys. . .LOL! You guys have to be kidding me. . . . .

What a bunch of fucking douche bags!!! Wiggers in the USA are basically laughed at and ignored.  I mean guys like Ali G are trying to be "over the top stupid" for laughs, not trying to be serious.  If there are kids in Britain walking around trying to pull this off, having never seen/know a "true" thugged out black dude, then they are just a sad sack of shit! 

Come take a flight to the Bay Area, lets see how long you douche bag europeans last in Oakland trying to pull off that "look". . . . safe to say your gonna go back across the "pond" with a couple of black eyes, broken ribs, maybe in a casket if your not careful!! lol

Be yourselves!!! Jesus Christ!
Jesus, come on Fadedsteve. There are black people in Europe too. British wigger chavs (that I have seen) try to act like British black rappers (yes there is such a thing as non American Rap! ...it's just as shit as American Rap too btw). Not everything revolves around America.

They are all sad bastards though, on this I think we agree. I don't see why anyone would try to act like a racial stereotype, especially a racial stereotype that is not their own.

As for the tough American side of life ...ha ha ha. It's very easy to be tough with a load of guns. Our thugs can have a dust up old school style, fists and feet ...that's the real way to separate the men from the boys (even a child can pull a trigger). I've said it before Europeans are tougher than Americans (let the flaming commence!), it stems from our greater experience of war and trouble on our own doorstep, it permeates the psychological and cultural make-up of our people.
Your calling yourself tougher yet we beat your ass twice and saved your ass twice, weird.

Had to add that sorry, lets leave that for another topic.

But yeah, maybe you guys should think about legalizing guns, next time someone steals your door alarm blow him away.(Reacting hard at first is almost always the best, it tells them "Dont fuck with me/us bitch.)
I'm from Ireland mate, America has never saved nor beat MY ass. Germany actually promised Ireland unity in the event of a Nazi win in WWII btw (the only difference would be my fellow countrymen speaking German instead of English, which is a moot point considering we should all really be 'ag caint as Gaeile' ...speaking in Irish). I could also argue that Russia was the defining influence on WWII, they reached Berlin first. WWI was a load of bollocks, I won't even start on that bullshit war.
Why is there no option for burning?
We have them here too but they're a mix of whites and polynesians, and aren't as prevelent as they are in the UK; we also have ruggers (rugby jocks) and bogans, so no one group really dominates.

That said it was probably them that did this last night:
+5,233|6837|Global Command
Is this really a serious thing?
There are white  lower class holligans dressed as...brothas loose in England causing general mayhem and  larceny?
Are they illegal immigrants or just general scofflaws?
Someone needs to get a skip and a machine gun and just start gathering them up ...they are absolute scum, Hitler had his eye off the ball when he chose the Jews over these Untermensch when he drafted his final solution.
O Canada
+1,596|6713|North Carolina
I voted in favor of changing self-defense laws.

Someone intentionally rips off your doorbell.  A sound beating should straighten the kid out.

"A bit of the old ultraviolence..."

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