
If another 9/11 occured, would you willing be drafted?

Most definiately,I would volunteer and die if necessary29%29% - 50
Probably, but I wouldn't like it6%6% - 11
I would, but be a conscientious objector3%3% - 6
I would try to avoid it if I could, but still join7%7% - 13
I would do everything in my power to not join21%21% - 37
I like cheese.31%31% - 54
Total: 171
+45|6631|Kamloops, BC Canada
I love cheese (I'm not joking... I really do love it a lot). And I'm not from the US. so... naturally...

by the way Canadians only draft beer *wink wink*
Should have ducked
+394|6629|Ham Lake, MN (Fucking Cold)
Well I can't be drafted anymore and I can't be recalled(8yrs in the Corps), I would maybe rejoin. It would require alot of thought though. Been shot at before, survived and I don't want to tempt fate!!
+59|6787|The United States of America
I'd go if I had to, but shit would I hate to do it.  I shouldn't have to do it and go fight a war anyhow.

That's what we build nukes for...
If you love cheese you should try making salsa (uncooked) and grating some blue cheese in, MMM MMMM FUCKING MMMM!!!

Say there is a big war, with drafts etc, and for whatever reason you CANT join but want to help, what can you do? (question directed more at vets than anyone else)
Death by Indecency

If another 9/11 would happen (AKA plane flown into the just completed freedom tower) I would seriously laugh my ass off because of America being ""woken up in a rough way for the second time""

Seriously though if this allowed to happen AGAIN then someone other then the Muslims need to be shot!

On topic: No I wouldn't, absolutely not. I'll serve my time in a prison cell thank you very much, odds are I'd be a free man after a couple of years while all the other idiots are still having their heads blown off.


"".."" = ModEdit

Last edited by Bernadictus (2007-05-04 02:00:58)

anyway in the future all battles will be fought by robots and we'll live in cities on the moon. 

so i'm gonna buy 1 of those little cleaning robots and they can draft that instead !

cheese !
On the issue of the draft - I heard the wife of a marine call up a TV show the other day and request the government institute the draft to give the regular army a break. The stress of war is getting to them and they can't take it any more.

In fact, here it is:

Last edited by thanks_champ (2007-05-04 02:10:42)

Evils Bammed Sex Machine
I have way to many health issues to get drafted.
Chanetoy Dugali
+309|6853|Groningen / Netherlands
"if another 9/11 occured" that will mean a terrorist attack on the same date wich looks kinda stupid to me, but you never know with these people, they have strange brains....

and it doesnt really bother me (the drafting part) since im not american
I already did my time in the Sandbox. I've got 6 months left on the Inactive Reserve Program, If i'm ordered to come back then so be it. At this point in my life I really don't care.
I'm moving to canada soon anyway, so I guess that's a resounding no.

jonsimon wrote:

I'm moving to canada soon anyway, so I guess that's a resounding no.
Oh, great news, as long as you're a US citizen they can nab you in Canada now. They learned from the last time. Best bet is to make sure you get into the Alabama Air National Guard.
+2,382|6820|The North, beyond the wall.
If it was an attack on England then i'd go without a fuss.
+231|6515|Kyiv, Ukraine
If you get out and are past your IRR time, they will still try to draft you back in. 

Tip to vets: Tell anyone living at your home of record to NOT SIGN FOR ANYTHING addressed to you from Uncle Sam.  It doesn't make you immune to the call-up, but it does give you some plausible deniability.

I got a wife freaking out about a week-long business trip to Ukraine, I can't imagine telling her I'll be a year in Iraq.  Its bad enough I lost my dog last time, a wife and kid would be a bit much.
Bringing Sexy Back
Why do people feel inclined to add one stupid, not funny option to the poll. Not only is it not funny it would therefore make your poll innaccurate?
I took the cheese option as "OUI OUI WE ARE ZE FRENCH AND WE DO NOT FIGHT"
+302|6878|Salt Lake City

I'm too old, so null vote.
+5,233|6671|Global Command

Parker wrote:

null vote, they wont take me.
The Lizzard

Milk.org wrote:

Why do people feel inclined to add one stupid, not funny option to the poll. Not only is it not funny it would therefore make your poll innaccurate?
To stop stupid people from using the real options and skewing the results.
I'd rather hunt with Cheney than ride with Kennedy
+83|6844|Little Rock, Arkansas

TrollmeaT wrote:

The draft is unconstitutional & I would win in court if they tried to draft me. I wouldn't be forced by any means, but I would gladly volunteer with pay. I have friends in the air force & that's where I would go if it came down to it.
For someone who knows nothing of how the draft works, you sure sound sure about your ability to beat it in court.

1. The Draft is constitutional. Arver v. United States, 245 U.S. 366 (1918); United States v. Holmes, 387 F.2d 781 (7th Cir.), cert. denied, 391 U.S. 936 (1968);

2. They pay you if you're drafted.

3. You're going to have to fight to join the air scouts, UnnamnedNewbie and I are taking both the BF2S spots.
+3,611|6763|London, England

Harmor wrote:

If another 9/11 occured and a draft was issued to go 'full force' (i.e. 1 million troops), against the country responsible for the attack, would you willing join the military or try to dodge the draft any way possible?
Well it would be done by terrorists, who have no country or borders or...you get the idea. Will you blindly believe the government that Country xStan was responsible?

I mean, if it was like...how it was in 1939 Europe than maybe, but this is different.
+276|6797|United States of America
I have some serious problems with the US government and its political wars and methods of fighting them.

I would serve if drafted and do so honorably.  When any American citizen no longer feels they can live up to their civic obligations due to political differences with the government, they should either move to a different country or make war on our government.
I am all that is MOD!

If we went to war like we did after the first 9/11, hell no.

If we were being attacked in our own country, hell yes I would.
I'd rather hunt with Cheney than ride with Kennedy
+83|6844|Little Rock, Arkansas

Major_Spittle wrote:

I have some serious problems with the US government and its political wars and methods of fighting them.

I would serve if drafted and do so honorably.  When any American citizen no longer feels they can live up to their civic obligations due to political differences with the government, they should either move to a different country or make war on our government.
here here.
pics or it didn't happen

ATG wrote:

Parker wrote:

null vote, they wont take me.
curious: why? 
(you don't have to answer)

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