
Which ammo system do you like best?

BF2 Type71%71% - 69
Other type28%28% - 27
Total: 96
Cheeseburger Logicist
"Goldeneye" style: Bullets are not limited to one magazine. Of course, in that style of game, hundreds of bullets are being shot every minute, and there are no jets or helicopters.

Speaking of which, I need to find my Timesplitters 2...
Ice Lolly Maniac

farmerfez wrote:

Sniper-UK-Ghost wrote:

i love the gears of war reloading becuase to have to time it but the battlefield 2 one is soo unrealistic, the real army wouldnt do that, ammo cost money, and alot of money they wouldnt just throw it away
but if you had 10 shots in your mag and there are 30 people coming at you, what would you do? The army wants people to live rather than not buy new ammo.
right thats the stupidest thing i have ever heard... the americans want us to die, friend fucking fire scum
Games, Girls, Guinness
+85|6585|Cambridge, UK

seymorebutts443 wrote:

jord wrote:

Wait wait.

So if i fire once, then reload. I'll have wasted 29 bullets if i had an Ak?
no, the 29 round mag will stay and you can combine it with another magazine.
You sure? I thought you lost it!?
+48|6549|new york
Ammo is not expensive. Especially on the scale we use during wartime.
Ice Lolly Maniac
ehm, 500 odd billon for the war
Chanetoy Dugali
+309|6844|Groningen / Netherlands
i hate it when i use like a weak weapon and i kill someone and have like 10 bullets left i have to reload them for new clip (since i need almost whole clip to kill 1 with weak weapon) and it just trows those 10 bullets away

it might be more realistic then to keep them for a next clip but still sometimes i hate it...
+110|6721|United States of America

KylieTastic wrote:

seymorebutts443 wrote:

jord wrote:

Wait wait.

So if i fire once, then reload. I'll have wasted 29 bullets if i had an Ak?
no, the 29 round mag will stay and you can combine it with another magazine.
You sure? I thought you lost it!?
In Bf2 you do lose it.  If you have a partial magazine and you reload you lose that ammo.
2142th Whore
how about the Red Orchestra method where you get to keep your mag with bullets in it while discarding empty mags?
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6808|Canberra, AUS

Sniper-UK-Ghost wrote:

farmerfez wrote:

Sniper-UK-Ghost wrote:

i love the gears of war reloading becuase to have to time it but the battlefield 2 one is soo unrealistic, the real army wouldnt do that, ammo cost money, and alot of money they wouldnt just throw it away
but if you had 10 shots in your mag and there are 30 people coming at you, what would you do? The army wants people to live rather than not buy new ammo.
right thats the stupidest thing i have ever heard... the americans want us to die, friend fucking fire scum
And this is even stupider...

Where did you get this one from?
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman

BF2 would be great if you could save magazines that aren't entirely spent, using them when you're out of fresh replacements. A command for a super-long (but interruptible) reloading period could be used for recombining magazines into more complete swappables, but that'd take some animation work, and by the time you do that you could've just ran up to a box or a support guy's ammo pack.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2007-05-03 23:43:52)


unnamednewbie13 wrote:

BF2 would be great if you could save magazines that aren't entirely spent, using them when you're out of fresh replacements. A command for a super-long (but interruptible) reloading period could be used for recombining magazines into more complete swappables, but that'd take some animation work, and by the time you do that you could've just ran up to a box or a support guy's ammo pack.
That's just not the way it works when you're really fighting, is it? I mean, I'm no soldier, but if I was in a fire fight where speed counts you'll be god-damned sure I am just dropping the mag and slamming a new one in.

Those "near empty" mags? I'll pick them up after I'm done getting rid of the people shooting at me.

Also, for those who don't have firearms experience, loading a mag TAKES TIME. Like, pain stakingly stupid amounts of time. Plus, it's not exactly easy. Realistically, there's absolutely no way you are stopping to "combine" mags or refill them during a fire fight. You switch to your side arm or ask for a mag from the nearest friendly.
BF2s Frat Brother

farmerfez wrote:

Sniper-UK-Ghost wrote:

i love the gears of war reloading becuase to have to time it but the battlefield 2 one is soo unrealistic, the real army wouldnt do that, ammo cost money, and alot of money they wouldnt just throw it away
but if you had 10 shots in your mag and there are 30 people coming at you, what would you do? The army wants people to live rather than not buy new ammo.
I'd toss a nade, then run
+519|6755|Gold coast, Aus.
I prefer CSS style, but that would NOT work in Bf2 imo. CSS style reloading stays in CSS because it works better for that game and setting, BF2 style reloading stays in BF2 because it works better for that game and setting.
+25|6785|Denmark/Minnesota (depends)
i like the reload system in socom (PS2 game) you simply just reloaded and the magazine was put in your belt if it wasn't emptied, the only addition i can think of including in it would be a option to re arrange your bullets in the different mags, would be like a command like reload but would take longer time.
BF2s' little helper
Tom clancy style games.. you still have the mag, with the number of bullets you had when you changed it..

its the only real thing IMO, unlike cs and such crap that just counts towards a total number of rounds..

Spark wrote:

BF2 - means you actually have to THINK about ammo conservation, you can't just shoot-kill-reload.
Indeed, but then there is the concept of ammo bags

Last edited by De_Jappe (2007-05-08 07:09:37)

Ice Lolly Maniac

Spark wrote:

Sniper-UK-Ghost wrote:

farmerfez wrote:

but if you had 10 shots in your mag and there are 30 people coming at you, what would you do? The army wants people to live rather than not buy new ammo.
right thats the stupidest thing i have ever heard... the americans want us to die, friend fucking fire scum
And this is even stupider...

Where did you get this one from?
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