You forgot the 'assuming' br4vo's account is correct there matetoo_money2007 wrote:
You've got logs you can read up on too right? Would be nice to see bad clan mates actually getting punished by those in charge.
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Well, yeah. But if the logs so him say, "someone's padding!!" and then the kick/ban comes, it's kinda obvious.mymatemarmite wrote:
You forgot the 'assuming' br4vo's account is correct there matetoo_money2007 wrote:
You've got logs you can read up on too right? Would be nice to see bad clan mates actually getting punished by those in charge.
Yes we have logs, and that's why I sent him a message asking for when he was on, and any other information he may be able to provide... Our server runs 24/7 and there's usually a lot going on, so it's kinda hard to go back over logs when you dont have a rough time frame to look for. As I said earlier, we will hold response until we investigate and can determine facts.too_money2007 wrote:
You've got logs you can read up on too right? Would be nice to see bad clan mates actually getting punished by those in charge.AlienWrath2121 wrote:
A PM has been sent to this member in an attempt to gain more information about his experience. Comments will be reserved until a response to that PM, or a reasonable time for response expires.br4vo.f0xtrot wrote:
I was playing on the Alien Anal Probe server on the U.S.M.C. side and our carrier (i forget the map) was getting buttsecksed, so i spawned down below where the boats are, only to see a boat flipped over on its back. so i went over to investigate-- and what do i see? two Alien guys sittin in there wrenching away at the boat. so i was all like "hey admin, do you know that two of your guys are stat padding down here?" and then pow. BANNED. crazy world. Oh and i got banned from the Wake Wake Axxium server for using the admins heli.
Last edited by AlienWrath2121 (2007-04-30 12:55:41)
Is it mate? Without actually being there at the time it would show nothing other then someone accusing someone else (on this occasion 2 clan people) of cheating on their server,i wonder how often that happens each day. A resulting kick/ban could just as easily show a none to unnatural reaction to what was considered a false accusation. Your way too_ judgemental mate, especially it seems where the Aliens are concerned, you weren't abducted as a child were you mate?too_money2007 wrote:
Well, yeah. But if the logs so him say, "someone's padding!!" and then the kick/ban comes, it's kinda obvious.
Very judgemental, I know. Kinda like the admin that kicked me last night. He shot me down in the helo and I told him how much I liked flying buses (I was in the MI-28). We joked about it and moved on. I eventually stole the Cobra and raped the map for 10+ minutes with a gunner. He then kicked me for "cussing" when I was concentrating of flying, not typing. I never had time to type the entire time, but I was "cussing". I'll upload the kick message screen, which proves his ignorance. I get back in and it was obvious he just wanted me on the USMC side so I could pilot him, because when I did, he said nothing and raked up his points.mymatemarmite wrote:
Is it mate? Without actually being there at the time it would show nothing other then someone accusing someone else (on this occasion 2 clan people) of cheating on their server,i wonder how often that happens each day. A resulting kick/ban could just as easily show a none to unnatural reaction to what was considered a false accusation. Your way too_ judgemental mate, especially it seems where the Aliens are concerned, you weren't abducted as a child were you mate?too_money2007 wrote:
Well, yeah. But if the logs so him say, "someone's padding!!" and then the kick/ban comes, it's kinda obvious.
On topic, if I could get ahold of his logs I could prove I wasn't "cussing". But, whatever. It's just a compliment that an admin can't handle me. It's a good server (ping/points/noobs), so I'll go back and dominate them.

Last edited by too_money2007 (2007-05-01 17:30:54)
Damn wonder what he would have done if you had a size 28 shoe??
We have been unable to confirm the validaty of this accusation. The accuser has not provided any further information about the events and attempts to confirm any part through the server logs were unsuccessful. Server logs(including chat) from the day of the complaint and the 2 days previous do not show an event like the one described, and no one matching the complainer's name is shown to have been on the server during that time period. It is possible this person used a different player name and the event occured at an earlier time period then the one's investigated, but without more specific details of the event we are unable to discover any evidence which confirms the accusation. Until such time as more information can be obtained, or some other evidence of the event is presented, this matter is open but not actively being investigated. The official clan stance on stat padding is as follows: We do not allow it on our server, by visitors or members. Anyone found stat padding will be banned and any proof of their padding will be forward to EA Customer Service.AlienWrath2121 wrote:
A PM has been sent to this member in an attempt to gain more information about his experience. Comments will be reserved until a response to that PM, or a reasonable time for response expires.br4vo.f0xtrot wrote:
I was playing on the Alien Anal Probe server on the U.S.M.C. side and our carrier (i forget the map) was getting buttsecksed, so i spawned down below where the boats are, only to see a boat flipped over on its back. so i went over to investigate-- and what do i see? two Alien guys sittin in there wrenching away at the boat. so i was all like "hey admin, do you know that two of your guys are stat padding down here?" and then pow. BANNED. crazy world. Oh and i got banned from the Wake Wake Axxium server for using the admins heli.
Last edited by AlienWrath2121 (2007-05-04 13:27:06)
OMG Alien Anal Probe again in the LIMELIGHT AGAIN??!??? I have seen so much crap in the short hours I played their server it was funny.AlienWrath2121 wrote:
We have been unable to confirm the validaty of this accusation. The accuser has not provided any further information about the events and attempts to confirm any part through the server logs were unsuccessful. Server logs(including chat) from the day of the complaint and the 2 days previous do not show an event like the one described, and no one matching the complainer's name is shown to have been on the server during that time period. It is possible this person used a different player name and the event occured at an earlier time period then the one's investigated, but without more specific details of the event we are unable to discover any evidence which confirms the accusation. Until such time as more information can be obtained, or some other evidence of the event is presented, this matter is open but not actively being investigated. The official clan stance on stat padding is as follows: We do not allow it on our server, by visitors or members. Anyone found stat padding will be banned and any proof of their padding will be forward to EA Customer Service.AlienWrath2121 wrote:
A PM has been sent to this member in an attempt to gain more information about his experience. Comments will be reserved until a response to that PM, or a reasonable time for response expires.br4vo.f0xtrot wrote:
I was playing on the Alien Anal Probe server on the U.S.M.C. side and our carrier (i forget the map) was getting buttsecksed, so i spawned down below where the boats are, only to see a boat flipped over on its back. so i went over to investigate-- and what do i see? two Alien guys sittin in there wrenching away at the boat. so i was all like "hey admin, do you know that two of your guys are stat padding down here?" and then pow. BANNED. crazy world. Oh and i got banned from the Wake Wake Axxium server for using the admins heli.
That server is for POS and douchebags period! Seriously everyone avoid what should be considered the cream of crop in terms of suck a** admins.
yea just GERMAN admins, they are sick they kick me for '' trowing grenades in the middle of nowhere'' and one time i have been kicked for '' using game hacks and aimbot '' i just think, omfg those stupid German admins are just whining for everything, they are just sick
yea, but strike at karkand is just an nade whore map
This coming from the guy that accused us of having "childish admins", and all he can do is call people names... This coming from the guy that made up some shit story about how his "friend"(yeah right, someone like you has friends), was going to look into the "strange script" that was running on our server... How's that investigation going by the way? Oh and let's not forget the fact that you couldn't be bothered to READ THE SERVER RULES(you remember, the reason you were banned from our server in the first place?).JaggedPanther wrote:
OMG Alien Anal Probe again in the LIMELIGHT AGAIN??!??? I have seen so much crap in the short hours I played their server it was funny.
That server is for POS and douchebags period! Seriously everyone avoid what should be considered the cream of crop in terms of suck a** admins.
PS. Keep the comments coming Panther... It's fun to see how much being banned from our server in December has bothered you.
Last edited by AlienWrath2121 (2007-05-07 05:46:37)
I didn't go to the Alien Server to make trouble, it found me. I played two rounds, being banned on the second. The first round I get warned for soloing when there were no gunners... I had to repeatedly ask for a gunner as to not get kicked.

So, I get jihaded and state: "funny how jihading is allowed but soloing isn't". The following screenshots are the aftermath:

I never threatened any of the members and clearly stated my mind. I said that if soloing is "cheating", then DICE would code it out of the game, only get get the reply, "switch seats and I'll ban you."
Apparently you can't have an opinion on the AAA server, as I was banned for saying, "i love how fast you guys jump on the ban wagon."
But, whatever. I'm not worried. I was just checking to see how fucking stupid the AAA server is, and I was proven correct. You guys shouldn't threaten to ban someone when there isn't a gunner around and you have to ask. And, you shouldn't ban someone with such a childish remark as, "I'll jump a wagon anyday stop your whining little mouth."
Pathetic server and pathetic members.
Good day.

So, I get jihaded and state: "funny how jihading is allowed but soloing isn't". The following screenshots are the aftermath:

I never threatened any of the members and clearly stated my mind. I said that if soloing is "cheating", then DICE would code it out of the game, only get get the reply, "switch seats and I'll ban you."
Apparently you can't have an opinion on the AAA server, as I was banned for saying, "i love how fast you guys jump on the ban wagon."
But, whatever. I'm not worried. I was just checking to see how fucking stupid the AAA server is, and I was proven correct. You guys shouldn't threaten to ban someone when there isn't a gunner around and you have to ask. And, you shouldn't ban someone with such a childish remark as, "I'll jump a wagon anyday stop your whining little mouth."
Pathetic server and pathetic members.
Good day.
Summary of above: "I came on a server that I already had a bad opinion about, didnt follow the rules, argued with admin's about the rules and now I'm shocked that I got banned for it... and because I got banned for not being able to do whatever the hell I wanted to do, the people that pay for the service that I get to play on for free should be considered bad people."
Disregarding server rules and requests by admin. Both of which follow under EA's rules of engagement policy. Solid ban, and my guess would be, like is standard for breaking those rules for our server, you received a 1 hour time ban. If our rules are unacceptable to your playing style, feel free to play elsewhere or pay for your own server.
On a personal note, it's funny to see people who think that arguing with a request from the admin of the server is just "giving an opinion". The privately owned Public server is not covered under the Constitution, you do not have "freedom of speech" rights there. If you argue with an admin's request to follow the server rules, you get booted, or banned. Thank EA for the Rules of Engagement if you have an issue, not the servers that choose to enforce it.
Good day.
PS. Just for clarification sake, you said "AAA" Server... were you on the Alien Autopsy server or the Alien Anal Probe server? Because the Autopsy server is the unranked server we run, and if that's the case, well then you're just a jackass for complaining about being banned from an unranked server.
Disregarding server rules and requests by admin. Both of which follow under EA's rules of engagement policy. Solid ban, and my guess would be, like is standard for breaking those rules for our server, you received a 1 hour time ban. If our rules are unacceptable to your playing style, feel free to play elsewhere or pay for your own server.
On a personal note, it's funny to see people who think that arguing with a request from the admin of the server is just "giving an opinion". The privately owned Public server is not covered under the Constitution, you do not have "freedom of speech" rights there. If you argue with an admin's request to follow the server rules, you get booted, or banned. Thank EA for the Rules of Engagement if you have an issue, not the servers that choose to enforce it.
Good day.
PS. Just for clarification sake, you said "AAA" Server... were you on the Alien Autopsy server or the Alien Anal Probe server? Because the Autopsy server is the unranked server we run, and if that's the case, well then you're just a jackass for complaining about being banned from an unranked server.
Last edited by AlienWrath2121 (2007-05-08 07:27:02)
i was 5 min ago in a UK server
we got all flags on gulf of oman
and they kicked me for base rape on USMC carrier, wtf i should to with the plane?!?
stupid noobs
i was 5 min ago in a UK server
we got all flags on gulf of oman
and they kicked me for base rape on USMC carrier, wtf i should to with the plane?!?
stupid noobs
lol soloing is cheating, that's the stupidest thing i have ever heard. Its obvious that the admin is a complete idiot and you shouldn't waste your time on their server.
Let's see... I never argued with the admin. Not at one point did it turn into an arguement. Jihading is also looked at by most as one of the biggest, pussiest, moves in the game. So, I laughed at it when your alien boy did it to me. Jihading is a bitch tactic, but to each his own.AlienWrath2121 wrote:
Summary of above: "I came on a server that I already had a bad opinion about, didnt follow the rules, argued with admin's about the rules and now I'm shocked that I got banned for it... and because I got banned for not being able to do whatever the hell I wanted to do, the people that pay for the service that I get to play on for free should be considered bad people."
Disregarding server rules and requests by admin. Both of which follow under EA's rules of engagement policy. Solid ban, and my guess would be, like is standard for breaking those rules for our server, you received a 1 hour time ban. If our rules are unacceptable to your playing style, feel free to play elsewhere or pay for your own server.
On a personal note, it's funny to see people who think that arguing with a request from the admin of the server is just "giving an opinion". The privately owned Public server is not covered under the Constitution, you do not have "freedom of speech" rights there. If you argue with an admin's request to follow the server rules, you get booted, or banned. Thank EA for the Rules of Engagement if you have an issue, not the servers that choose to enforce it.
Good day.
PS. Just for clarification sake, you said "AAA" Server... were you on the Alien Autopsy server or the Alien Anal Probe server? Because the Autopsy server is the unranked server we run, and if that's the case, well then you're just a jackass for complaining about being banned from an unranked server.
And, I DID follow the rules on your server. I was kicked for something unrelated to the rules. I was told not to solo, and I didn't. I was actually waiting to be kicked for flying by myself due to nobody around. I had to ask multiple times for a gunner so I wouldn't be accused of "cheating". Making a statement that saying that resulting to banning someone when they haven't done anything wrong in the first place is what got me banned. (And no, it wasn't on an unranked server. I thought the server name was AAA, but whatever.)
I know my skills in the helo are of better use on a better server where the clan mates aren't scared to fight me. Banning someone for soloing means you can't stop them. That they're better than you. Meaning, you suck at life.
I will never go back to your server because:
1.)Your teammates can't use the tv missile for shit. Each member that I flew missed EVERY tv shot and I had to finish the targets off with my hellfires. Truely pathetic.
2.)Too many noobs
3.)Obviously, you guys ban too fast.
And, I really don't like it when people call me a cheater for doing something that isn't prohibited in the game. If DICE wanted soloing to stop, they'd freaking make it to where one couldn't do it. But, they won't (maybe they can't), so shut up and learn to deal with it.
Me > alien clan
I want to be included. AlienWrath go fuck yourself. YAY!
Seriously, your attitude is shite. Im glad we have a thread like this one so I know not to fock with you immature shit dicks.
Seriously, your attitude is shite. Im glad we have a thread like this one so I know not to fock with you immature shit dicks.
Also, how does 3 statements get someone banned? Really now...
Thanks for you opinion of Jihading... but it isnt a server rule on our servertoo_money2007 wrote:
Let's see... I never argued with the admin. Not at one point did it turn into an arguement. Jihading is also looked at by most as one of the biggest, pussiest, moves in the game. So, I laughed at it when your alien boy did it to me. Jihading is a bitch tactic, but to each his own.
Arguing with the Admin is what got you banned(btw, THAT'S A SERVER RULE)too_money2007 wrote:
And, I DID follow the rules on your server. I was kicked for something unrelated to the rules. I was told not to solo, and I didn't. I was actually waiting to be kicked for flying by myself due to nobody around. I had to ask multiple times for a gunner so I wouldn't be accused of "cheating". Making a statement that saying that resulting to banning someone when they haven't done anything wrong in the first place is what got me banned. (And no, it wasn't on an unranked server. I thought the server name was AAA, but whatever.)
I'm happy for you and your l33t skills. The rule is to encourage teamplay, because that's what our visitors have requested. Perhaps your problem finding a gunner is related to your attitude.too_money2007 wrote:
I know my skills in the helo are of better use on a better server where the clan mates aren't scared to fight me. Banning someone for soloing means you can't stop them. That they're better than you. Meaning, you suck at life.
So which is it? You couldnt find a gunner or the gunners didnt live up to your expectations?too_money2007 wrote:
I will never go back to your server because:
1.)Your teammates can't use the tv missile for shit. Each member that I flew missed EVERY tv shot and I had to finish the targets off with my hellfires. Truely pathetic.
As for those other reasons... your opinion and honestly I hope you dont come back to our server... Your attitude sucks dude.
Actually that's why EA allows server to set server in house rules... but your arguement would suck regardless as it's a team based game.too_money2007 wrote:
And, I really don't like it when people call me a cheater for doing something that isn't prohibited in the game. If DICE wanted soloing to stop, they'd freaking make it to where one couldn't do it. But, they won't (maybe they can't), so shut up and learn to deal with it.
1. "Jihading is a bitch tactic, but to each his own."AlienWrath2121 wrote:
Thanks for you opinion of Jihading... but it isnt a server rule on our servertoo_money2007 wrote:
Let's see... I never argued with the admin. Not at one point did it turn into an arguement. Jihading is also looked at by most as one of the biggest, pussiest, moves in the game. So, I laughed at it when your alien boy did it to me. Jihading is a bitch tactic, but to each his own.Arguing with the Admin is what got you banned(btw, THAT'S A SERVER RULE)too_money2007 wrote:
And, I DID follow the rules on your server. I was kicked for something unrelated to the rules. I was told not to solo, and I didn't. I was actually waiting to be kicked for flying by myself due to nobody around. I had to ask multiple times for a gunner so I wouldn't be accused of "cheating". Making a statement that saying that resulting to banning someone when they haven't done anything wrong in the first place is what got me banned. (And no, it wasn't on an unranked server. I thought the server name was AAA, but whatever.)I'm happy for you and your l33t skills. The rule is to encourage teamplay, because that's what our visitors have requested. Perhaps your problem finding a gunner is related to your attitude.too_money2007 wrote:
I know my skills in the helo are of better use on a better server where the clan mates aren't scared to fight me. Banning someone for soloing means you can't stop them. That they're better than you. Meaning, you suck at life.So which is it? You couldnt find a gunner or the gunners didnt live up to your expectations?too_money2007 wrote:
I will never go back to your server because:
1.)Your teammates can't use the tv missile for shit. Each member that I flew missed EVERY tv shot and I had to finish the targets off with my hellfires. Truely pathetic.
As for those other reasons... your opinion and honestly I hope you dont come back to our server... Your attitude sucks dude.Actually that's why EA allows server to set server in house rules... but your arguement would suck regardless as it's a team based game.too_money2007 wrote:
And, I really don't like it when people call me a cheater for doing something that isn't prohibited in the game. If DICE wanted soloing to stop, they'd freaking make it to where one couldn't do it. But, they won't (maybe they can't), so shut up and learn to deal with it.
2. He just stated his opnion, he didn't insult your admins or anything.
3. It seems to me that you are the one having attitude problems... He didn't even solo in heli so this is not related to the ban anyway. Most people can clearly see the reason for the ban, admin got owned.
4. Actually...
You are preventing him to use his helicopter in full potential.Rules of Engagement wrote:
2.3.1 Disallowed “In-House” Ranked Server Rules:
(b) Preventing any players from using certain vehicles such as jets, helicopters or tanks.

I know my attitude is shite, because I argue the points of a complaint and dont run around just calling names... I'm glad we have a thread like this one as well.Mason4Assassin444 wrote:
I want to be included. AlienWrath go fuck yourself. YAY!
Seriously, your attitude is shite. Im glad we have a thread like this one so I know not to fock with you immature shit dicks.
You probably dont understand a word of this post to this point, so I'll translate to an attitude more reflective of your own: "Im 2 l33t 4 u MF'r"
Didn't say he insulted, said he argued with... and he was arguing about the rules of the server(his own post says he said if Dice wanted it out they'd get rid of it to them). As far as him just stating his opinion, funny how he mentioned something he thinks is a "bitch ass" tactic because he died from it, yet cant understand why soloing would be considered the same thing?NooBesT[FiN] wrote:
1. "Jihading is a bitch tactic, but to each his own."
2. He just stated his opnion, he didn't insult your admins or anything.
3. It seems to me that you are the one having attitude problems... He didn't even solo in heli so this is not related to the ban anyway. Most people can clearly see the reason for the ban, admin got owned.
4. Actually...You are preventing him to use his helicopter in full potential.Rules of Engagement wrote:
2.3.1 Disallowed “In-House” Ranked Server Rules:
(b) Preventing any players from using certain vehicles such as jets, helicopters or tanks.
He did solo in the chopper, which is why he was warned about not doing it in the first place.
#4. The full potential of the vehicle is for use by 2 people that's why it's designed with slots for two people... Actually it's him that's denying the use of the helicopter to it's full potential because by not having a gunner the cannon is unused while he's flying it. But nice arguement anyway. Also that rule is for denying him the use of a vehicle entirely, which we weren't doing... we were just saying he had to take someone with him(like it's designed for) or simply stay in the pilot seat and use those rockets.
Next person who wants to take a shot, you're up.
Last edited by AlienWrath2121 (2007-05-08 09:58:20)
Ok, if you think that 3 sentences is an arguement, then you can go blow a goat. I'm not going to argue or even talk about it anymore. I only went to your server to see if the stories were true. There was a lot of bossiness even before I did anything. Limiting players abilities is retarded. Go ahead and rot on your server. I will only play on servers that are actually fun and don't tell people not to do something that is possible within the game.AlienWrath2121 wrote:
The end.
Just a brief comment here dude... You knew the stories were true, you've been banned from there before... but just like last time it was a time limit ban. You were upset then too, and yet you came back again. So, whatever... Guess I'll just rot on our server.too_money2007 wrote:
Ok, if you think that 3 sentences is an arguement, then you can go blow a goat. I'm not going to argue or even talk about it anymore. I only went to your server to see if the stories were true. There was a lot of bossiness even before I did anything. Limiting players abilities is retarded. Go ahead and rot on your server. I will only play on servers that are actually fun and don't tell people not to do something that is possible within the game.AlienWrath2121 wrote:
The end.
PS.. Where's the SS with you telling them about Dice taking it out of the game like you said you did in your first post?
Last edited by AlienWrath2121 (2007-05-08 10:14:26)
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