well just so that you know, taking a .50 round wont make you or your kid brother fly back an inch. It could splat your head yes, but not throw a body around, thats all hollywood. You dont see a tank or truck blow away taking a 120mm round do you?

But to give the opposite some advantage of where the enemy sniper is shooting from it would be cool if people would be thrown around as such ; )
+101|6717|Southern California
The ranges in BF2 have been downscaled to reduce lag. lol  I think the M95 range being essentially equal to any other rifle doesn't make sense. I understand the new patch is making alot of balance adjustments maybe something will pan out.

If BF2 were focused on reality buildings would disintegrate to rubble, M1 Tanks would be plinking at 2 miles away with TTS. You might never hear/see the jets. and lmao  ANY helo driver who tried to fly inside an oval structure would learn physics for the first and last time....
The bf2s eunuch
The only thing that they need to do is thin down the crosshairs like the m24, which i think they are addressing in the next patch.  If they make the crosshairs thinner i think it would be "more accurate" for the people who say it isn't. So the complaints about that gun should reduce by half hopefully.

bs6749 wrote:

Esker wrote:

None of the weapons or vehicles behave like their real life counterparts. The fact is BF2 is a game and certain changes were made to keep the game more balanced. The M95 should be taken out and replaced with a different rifle in a bid to end these "The M95 isn't as powerful as it should be etc" kind of arguments.
Well said about it being a game but I disagree with taking it out of the game. Okay a few people don't like the M95. That is fine. I don't like it either. My advice...don't use it. That is not the solution to just get rid of something that a few people don't like. Then the M203 would be gone because of all of the so called n00b tubers. Then such and such would be taken out because it isn't as powerful as this gun or maybe the M16A2 should be taken out because it doesn't have full aut like the AK-47. How about the DAO-12. Should it be taken out because it is easy to kill with at close distances? There would be no weapons left in the game if everyone wanted something different taken out. Then we would all be left to play candyland as someone said earlier. In short: each weapon has its pros and cons. If you don't like a weapon then don't use it. Unlocks are NOT UPGRADES, they are merely alternate choices to your current inventory.

P.S. - I got dibbs on the blue piece.
No no, I don't mean to remove it because I can't use it or hate it etc. I don't honestly mind the gun, I've liked it since the early Delta Force days but it's the constant arguments it causes in BF2 that are annoying. There are a lot of threads on this subject on here alone, not to mention on other forums. People, myself included expected the M95 to be like an AWP when in fact is only as powerful as an M24. That in itself to me makes very little sense.

What I was saying is they could replace it with another rifle. They could still keep some of the mechanics of it the same just change it's skin to a different rifle that isn't quite as powerful as an M95 in real life. The ability to shoot through cockpit glass on aircraft is a nice idea, but is frequently used on team-mates rather than the enemy and a lot of people would be happier to see the back of it.

Last edited by Esker (2006-01-18 11:30:03)


Encoded wrote:

The only thing that they need to do is thin down the crosshairs like the m24, which i think they are addressing in the next patch.  If they make the crosshairs thinner i think it would be "more accurate" for the people who say it isn't. So the complaints about that gun should reduce by half hopefully.
The reason that the M95 has the thick crosshairs is soley due to its accuracy. It is not as "accurate" as the M24 as others have said and this is compensated for by thick crosshair which give it a better ability to hit the body. These thick crosshairs are not intended to provide headshots in my opinion, rather to ensure a hit somewhere on the enemy. I find that these crosshairs are often better for moving targets because if you spot a target and have him in your scope but cannot see him guess where he is? He is IN YOUR CROSSHAIRS. Go ahead and take the shot. I have found myself taking chances more often and going for body shots with the M24. THe reason being that it is fairly easy to get 2 bars of health knocked off of a players meter. Running down steps for example. Running for a vehicle and bumping into teammates. Falling off of a ledge or building takes more off. I have been surprised recently by the number of body shot kills that I have achieved. My favorite of all time was when an enemy soldier climbed up a ladder (where I had placed a claymore but I presume that he walked into it earlier) and a friendly sniper was with me setting a claymore on the ladder. The enemy didn't see the sniper by me, ran at me before the claymore had the time to arm, and I said what the hell and fired off a shot without aiming as the n00b tried to knife me. I waited until he was in the middle of the screen as many have suggested this is where the bullet will travel and I dropped him with one shot. Was it a headshot? Probably not but rather he had lost 2 or more bars of health along the way which was enough for me to take him out in a single shot.

I think I understand you a little more clearly Esker.
+41|6777|200m out and smiling at you.

Esker wrote:

What I was saying is they could replace it with another rifle. They could still keep some of the mechanics of it the same just change it's skin to a different rifle that isn't quite as powerful as an M95 in real life. The ability to shoot through cockpit glass on aircraft is a nice idea, but is frequently used on team-mates rather than the enemy and a lot of people would be happier to see the back of it.
Actually I find myself on the carriers and airfields quite often now sniping pilots as the engines start to rev up.

Rizen_Ji wrote:

Esker wrote:

What I was saying is they could replace it with another rifle. They could still keep some of the mechanics of it the same just change it's skin to a different rifle that isn't quite as powerful as an M95 in real life. The ability to shoot through cockpit glass on aircraft is a nice idea, but is frequently used on team-mates rather than the enemy and a lot of people would be happier to see the back of it.
Actually I find myself on the carriers and airfields quite often now sniping pilots as the engines start to rev up.
thats funny you say that, if thats the reason the made the m95 capable of penetrating armored glass, then the entire "bass-raping" theory goes out the window eh?
+41|6777|200m out and smiling at you.
exactly, not gonna lie, i always base rape carriers and air fields, but not because i'm a jerk mainly cuz i hate pilots and i feel that if AA can't shoot them down I'll ground them.

Charmin wrote:

Rizen_Ji wrote:

Esker wrote:

What I was saying is they could replace it with another rifle. They could still keep some of the mechanics of it the same just change it's skin to a different rifle that isn't quite as powerful as an M95 in real life. The ability to shoot through cockpit glass on aircraft is a nice idea, but is frequently used on team-mates rather than the enemy and a lot of people would be happier to see the back of it.
Actually I find myself on the carriers and airfields quite often now sniping pilots as the engines start to rev up.
thats funny you say that, if thats the reason the made the m95 capable of penetrating armored glass, then the entire "bass-raping" theory goes out the window eh?
It's not really base raping in my opinion because they are not killed when they spawn. They are killed when they enter a vehicle (plane or heli). They have a choice on where to go and they chose the plane/chopper whore route. I believe that it serves them right and that this is a good tactic. Now laying a claymore down at an enemy spawn point would be cheap but I feel that if you can do this without being caught and killed by enemies that this is still a fair tactic to employ. Good work Rizen_Ji. There need to be more snipers like this in the game.
I still have all my old "articles of combat" from back in the day.  I'll see if I can dig them up.  The .50 CANNOT be used against personel.. But it can be used against, equipment,ordinance,vehicles.

So.. Lets say you're an Iraqi.. and you're happily toting along your surplus russian field radio..  You're fair game for a sniper with a .50.  Sure he's gonna hit the radio, but after that its just the effect of war.

Personally I wish the M95 was like the M82A1 back in the DC days,.  If you found one you could just drop fools, maybe they can make a M82A1 with the same power and make it available only to people with expert sniper badges or something.. that way there isn't an over abundance of them.. something like that.
I hated the bloody M95 and the sniper kit...but then i got bored of running round capping etc and thought why not give sniping another go. Now i think its a good kit. I dont think it needs changing that much, it certainlt doesnt need more power and accuracy is improved with usage and skill, maybe the odd time when you know u shot a guy 4 times in the head needs looking into, that happened last night but it could be down to the fact that he was on a mounted gun, collision detection probs?....M95 was my second unlock and i never used it till now ( in another thread i saud it was a wasted unlock) but my faith in the engy kit was destroyed when a noob blatantly drove over my mines and then a jet bombed me and blew my mines onto a friendly car causing a tk in one round, i just thought why do i bother!in one week ive shot 8 pilots and gunners and its fun watching the slicks hit the deck. But the fun part is finding a good sniping spot not the usual places most go to. Keep the M95 as it is and just upgrade the colision detection...same goes for tanks and TOW weapons, ive seen shells go straight through vehicles at point blank as if they werent there!!
at first i only played sniper, since on un-ranked servers there was so sence of teamwork capping was no use. Coming from CSS it took me 2 months before I liked the game, the unaccuracy and BS recoil in this game is terrible (speaking of a full auto salvo with any of these guns)
The m24 was great even at moving targets, then I once picked up the m95 and happend to pop a few lads point blank range and thus thought nice one shot one kill with louzy crosshairs, fair enough. But i regreated the upgrade. Its freakin useless cuz of the thick crosshairs.

I do think rifles should not be a gift to "expert noobs" cuz if you fly a heli being a sniper you get counts for just flying around, so that doesnt cut you;re an excellent sniper.

One shot one kill would be acceptable if it were to be a single shot rifle, with no mag. To prevent long range massacre which could be inflicted by an m82a1
i have found another weapon that in my opinion should replace the old m95 and the .50 calibe sniper rifles.
hehe this is a bitch of a gun that deilvers more enegry and far greater accuracy than a .50
+4|6780|Miami, FL
Once again, the great debate between realism and gameplay rears it's ugly head.

It's a game. It's a game. It's a game. It's a game. Realism sucks. In the real world weapons and tactics are typically one-sided. The US military is the finest military organization in the world. Head-to-head, who could beat the US? This is a game. If it reflected the real world NO ONE WOULD EVER PLAY OPPOSITE THE USMC! It's a game.

On a side note, if I recall correctly, the snipers in BF1942 did have one-shot one-kill and people hated it. I think if you're stupid enough to sit still long enough to let a sniper take a bead on you, you deserve to be knocked down to near nothing.
ok that gun from

the reason they wouldnt put that in bf2 is the scope is unchangable and is too long range you would look thru the scope and be able to see a guy more than 1k away and to shoot him the physics engine in bf2 would have to be soo advanced that the game would lag like shit ever time you fire

any1 closer than 500 meters if they are moving you wouldnt be able to hit them due to the fact its zoomed in soo close.

earth.citizen wrote:

Once again, the great debate between realism and gameplay rears it's ugly head.

It's a game. It's a game. It's a game. It's a game. Realism sucks. In the real world weapons and tactics are typically one-sided. The US military is the finest military organization in the world. Head-to-head, who could beat the US? This is a game. If it reflected the real world NO ONE WOULD EVER PLAY OPPOSITE THE USMC! It's a game.

On a side note, if I recall correctly, the snipers in BF1942 did have one-shot one-kill and people hated it. I think if you're stupid enough to sit still long enough to let a sniper take a bead on you, you deserve to be knocked down to near nothing.

US millity is the finest organization in the world eh?

answer me this why is it that 250,000 us soldiers are being out done by 100 Australian SAS and 1700 british SAS

why is it that the US soldier are constantly coming home is bodybags

why is it the apach helicopeters are being constantly shot down by ak-47

the US are the biggest spenders on WARGEAR but they are by far the finest military organisation the world

Australian Soldiers are better equiped and better trained

this also applies for many other countries such as the swedish (and those other places near there)

BASICLY the american soldiers arent the best, pound for pound

and if you take away the american jets then the american soldiers would strugle to take iraq


EDIT: HEAD TO HEAD the american military has a little over a million equiped soldiers the russian millitary has 1.5 million equiped soldiers and china has 1.3 million equiped soldiers

also the american millitary may have a shit load of planes, but 1 f14 costs 50 million to make whereas for 50 million dollars you could make 10 migs

the american millitary only seems great due to numbers and the fact that they have not come accross any formidably army since WorldWar2

Last edited by Spetz (2006-01-19 14:51:06)

I used to work with an ex-Para, served in Ireland. In FUBAR and other fields British infantry are given steel chest plates covering their heart. They were entering a residential area when a squad member was shot with Barret rifle. The victim was struck on the chest plate, and was subsequently left with a hole the size of the plate in his chest. Normally however anti material rifles are used to fundamentally disrupt moving and mechanical components of vehicles as well as pierce armoured structures. There is no way that the power in the game is anything like that of a real M95, but at the same time,  if you get shot by any gun, anywhere in the body you will find it next to impossible to continue moving around as normal, like you can in the game. The game has to limit somethings and exaggerate others because if not it would be no where near as playable. If you want real, join the army!
Oh and to the noob who tried to say US military are best in the world. Are you on crack!? They have the most money, best equipment possibley, but are no way near as well trained as british forces and many other across the world!
I too agree that it is way underpowered, Needs to be 2 body shots = death, or One head shot
+18|6801|Os , Norway
This is a weapon that cracs a ww beetle engine almost in two! I have tried this weapon in the Norwegian army, during a drill with nato forces! And i made a hole in 10 mm iron plate at 600 m! That would mean that it would destroy any personell hit by it not only of the bullit, but also by the impact of shock it make ! Armored west arent anny protection at all, against this weapon!
+-2|6717|why do u care
lets go way back to the talk about the world record kill. aron parry was the record holder take a look.
um the m95 is 2 body shots is a kill a one HS is a kill

Spetz wrote:

earth.citizen wrote:

Once again, the great debate between realism and gameplay rears it's ugly head.

It's a game. It's a game. It's a game. It's a game. Realism sucks. In the real world weapons and tactics are typically one-sided. The US military is the finest military organization in the world. Head-to-head, who could beat the US? This is a game. If it reflected the real world NO ONE WOULD EVER PLAY OPPOSITE THE USMC! It's a game.

On a side note, if I recall correctly, the snipers in BF1942 did have one-shot one-kill and people hated it. I think if you're stupid enough to sit still long enough to let a sniper take a bead on you, you deserve to be knocked down to near nothing.

US millity is the finest organization in the world eh?

answer me this why is it that 250,000 us soldiers are being out done by 100 Australian SAS and 1700 british SAS

why is it that the US soldier are constantly coming home is bodybags

why is it the apach helicopeters are being constantly shot down by ak-47

the US are the biggest spenders on WARGEAR but they are by far the finest military organisation the world

Australian Soldiers are better equiped and better trained

this also applies for many other countries such as the swedish (and those other places near there)

BASICLY the american soldiers arent the best, pound for pound

and if you take away the american jets then the american soldiers would strugle to take iraq


EDIT: HEAD TO HEAD the american military has a little over a million equiped soldiers the russian millitary has 1.5 million equiped soldiers and china has 1.3 million equiped soldiers

also the american millitary may have a shit load of planes, but 1 f14 costs 50 million to make whereas for 50 million dollars you could make 10 migs

the american millitary only seems great due to numbers and the fact that they have not come accross any formidably army since WorldWar2
Dude where do you get you info about all the stuff you are talking about. Its pretty interesting that you know more about our armed forces than most of us do. You must be talking to some of you buddies telling war stories around the camp fire. How ever I am not saying that some of your men are not better then ours, but I do beleive that we have a few that can hold their own head to head with any armed force in the world not to say that you dont. I think that each country has their elite men and can go the distance. I am just saying that your so called facts may be alittle off.

tor11 wrote:

This is a weapon that cracs a ww beetle engine almost in two! I have tried this weapon in the Norwegian army, during a drill with nato forces! And i made a hole in 10 mm iron plate at 600 m! That would mean that it would destroy any personell hit by it not only of the bullit, but also by the impact of shock it make ! Armored west arent anny protection at all, against this weapon!
WTF are you on about bullets dont SHOCK you...

doesnt matter how powerfull the rifle is its the placement of the shot that counts ffs this whole thread was made because newbies want the m95 to be able to kill some guy by shooting his foot, if your that shit with the gun that you cant shoot someones head then dont play Sniper
+-2|6717|why do u care
why is he comparing british and australian SAS against american ARMY. no shit. special forces versus grunts. and by the way how the hell will china get its troops to the us while freaking hawaii has a larger navy. lol

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