Death StatPadder
+228|7086|Human Meat Shield

Magius5.0 wrote:

Okay first point: Beta means: not final. NO SHIT. 2142 IS STILL IN BETA FOR THAT MATTER.

Second:  I've seen people using the HMG more frequently lately.  Either people are finally are realizing it's a viable option now, or I've just been that unlucky to meet people using it.   HMG'S SUCK AND YOU KNOW IT, WHY DO YOU THINK EVERYONE IS TOTING THE LMG. HMG'S ARE USED BY THE IDIOT THAT JUST UNLOCKED IT.

Support isn't superior. WRONG  Assault beats it.WRONG  Sniper beats it. OKAY  even engineers can beat it. LAUGHABLE

1.  Flank him.  Most support players tunnel vision on whatever is in front of them, so if you spot one, approach from a different direction, hint-hint. THIS RIGHT HERE TELLS ME YOU PLAY ON A SMALL SERVER.

2.  Superior Aim.  pop two to his face with a Bauer H-AR and he's going down fast, no question about it.  It may be difficult for some, but if you're skilled enough, you should be able to get out of almost encounter with health to spare. THIS RIGHT HERE TELLS ME YOU PLAY ON A SMALL SERVER

3.  Regarding that unlimited with it?  It's been like that since BF2...sure grenade spam gets old, but while he's spamming grenades, hes still vulnerable to other attacks.  approach from a different direction, or go someplace else. THIS TELLS ME YOU PLAY ON A SMALL SERVER

4.  Infantry sonar?  usually if you're detected by it, it means you can also hear the audio beep, much like a spawn beacon...try using this to your advantage.  Or if you really feel like it, use a ghost beacon from the Recon kit.  YOU MUST HAVE 7.1 SURROUND TURNED UP TOP NOTCH OR YOU GO TO A SMALL SERVER

Last point: far more squadwork in this game. DONT MAKE ME LAUGH, AGAIN SMALL SERVER. just early this afternoon got some good squads sticking together.  When one guy takes the initiative, the others follow suit (i.e., give damn orders).
I added crap in there. I own a 52 man 2142 server and you are trying to tell me how things play out, I've owned that since day one. Beta testing and even told them 'this shit wont work'.

Support is more superior than medic, you have to get close with the Voss to make it fair, all the LMG's have hardly any recoil and I can kill someone twice as far with the LMG than with the Voss, Baur? who in the hell uses that?! You'd be sniped out if you were even thinking about single shot; and the recoil is so bad even if someone is 2 inches in front of you. Support knows where you are at even without a commander - hide? I think not, tell me what a medic can do? Hell we all know they dont revive. If you can hear that sonar you have to be right up on it, and if you can hear it with all the nades, the apms the zellars, the rattling of weapons, the commander bullshit, then you have the best ears in the world. You dont move in a full server you are a snipers lunch ticket.

Lets face it, the best weapons are Zeller, Voss and Shuko.  Best addons is by far the infantry sonar. Even for a small server, by the time you find me, I've already found you.
+19|6960|portsmouth uk
Well thanks to everyone who gave positive and negative feed back much appreciated.
I haven't tried the new patch, but a friend has. When he played, it was normal. No high ping or anything like that... Maby it is something that is fucked up, but i haven't noticed something jet... Maby i will when i try the new patch!! I hope not so

Last edited by StigA92 (2007-04-28 14:02:25)

erm my ping has actually gone down, although the random crashes are unfortunatly back
overall i have found the patch has done wonders, still not perfect but definatly better
i think its just bad luck for you sorry mate
+106|6699|UMass Amherst

imdead wrote:

Magius5.0 wrote:

Okay first point: Beta means: not final. NO SHIT. 2142 IS STILL IN BETA FOR THAT MATTER.

Second:  I've seen people using the HMG more frequently lately.  Either people are finally are realizing it's a viable option now, or I've just been that unlucky to meet people using it.   HMG'S SUCK AND YOU KNOW IT, WHY DO YOU THINK EVERYONE IS TOTING THE LMG. HMG'S ARE USED BY THE IDIOT THAT JUST UNLOCKED IT.

Support isn't superior. WRONG  Assault beats it.WRONG  Sniper beats it. OKAY  even engineers can beat it. LAUGHABLE

1.  Flank him.  Most support players tunnel vision on whatever is in front of them, so if you spot one, approach from a different direction, hint-hint. THIS RIGHT HERE TELLS ME YOU PLAY ON A SMALL SERVER.

2.  Superior Aim.  pop two to his face with a Bauer H-AR and he's going down fast, no question about it.  It may be difficult for some, but if you're skilled enough, you should be able to get out of almost encounter with health to spare. THIS RIGHT HERE TELLS ME YOU PLAY ON A SMALL SERVER

3.  Regarding that unlimited with it?  It's been like that since BF2...sure grenade spam gets old, but while he's spamming grenades, hes still vulnerable to other attacks.  approach from a different direction, or go someplace else. THIS TELLS ME YOU PLAY ON A SMALL SERVER

4.  Infantry sonar?  usually if you're detected by it, it means you can also hear the audio beep, much like a spawn beacon...try using this to your advantage.  Or if you really feel like it, use a ghost beacon from the Recon kit.  YOU MUST HAVE 7.1 SURROUND TURNED UP TOP NOTCH OR YOU GO TO A SMALL SERVER

Last point: far more squadwork in this game. DONT MAKE ME LAUGH, AGAIN SMALL SERVER. just early this afternoon got some good squads sticking together.  When one guy takes the initiative, the others follow suit (i.e., give damn orders).
I added crap in there. I own a 52 man 2142 server and you are trying to tell me how things play out, I've owned that since day one. Beta testing and even told them 'this shit wont work'.

Support is more superior than medic, you have to get close with the Voss to make it fair, all the LMG's have hardly any recoil and I can kill someone twice as far with the LMG than with the Voss, Baur? who in the hell uses that?! You'd be sniped out if you were even thinking about single shot; and the recoil is so bad even if someone is 2 inches in front of you. Support knows where you are at even without a commander - hide? I think not, tell me what a medic can do? Hell we all know they dont revive. If you can hear that sonar you have to be right up on it, and if you can hear it with all the nades, the apms the zellars, the rattling of weapons, the commander bullshit, then you have the best ears in the world. You dont move in a full server you are a snipers lunch ticket.

Lets face it, the best weapons are Zeller, Voss and Shuko.  Best addons is by far the infantry sonar. Even for a small server, by the time you find me, I've already found you.
M'kay, Lets clear up a few things here: I offered constructive feedback, yet you still feel the need to act like a whinger.  As such, I'm not about to stoop to your level. 

DICE wrote:

The game is all about balance--there is always a concievable option to win, even if it proves difficult, there is always a method to take down even hardened enemies. Source: Making-of video which was available for EA link users who pre-ordered
Most of my games involve various server sizes, typically medium (20+) to large (40+) player pools.  Sorry to burst your bubble.  So I'll go right into weaponry: Assault has no excuse not to completely pwn your average support player.  My typical choice at medium range is a couple well placed shots with the Bauer H-AR--if you don't spray, this should not be a problem, as they do have the very noticeable problem of having to fire for a while to actually hit something other than air...more so if they prone spam and flop around like a fish.  Other options: grenades (which work wonders against those prone bastards) and rifle rockets.  Of if you feel creative, use a smoke grenade.  And as always on medium/large maps and/or city maps, flanking is always available as a tactic.  Heres a hint: take the less-travelled path, you might just be able to sneak up and knife them even.

HMG no longer sucks.  I've seen it being used a lot lately, on multiple servers.  I have used it in post 1.25 and noticed significant improvements.  Stop whining!  [/Governator mode]

Also of note, I do not rely on that infantry sonar: it's range is extremely limited, and if I'm gonna hit you from long distance, it's not going to save your sorry behind.  Again, sorry to burst your wonderful bubble world.  Even more so about the sonar sound: you can hear it, you just have to pay attention (audible distance is like, 10 meters): I work with a cheapie headset and an integrated sound system on my Mobo.

For the final nail in the coffin, I am ranked within the top 500 in the world for Bauer H-AR usage.  It's my favorite weapon by far, and it's the most underestimated gun in the game.  My ball-kicker combo (Bauer, Rockets, Defib) will take out swarms of enemies on a good day.  And I got that way by adapting, learning it, and mastering it.

The facts that you played beta and own a server only tell me that you obviously have not noticed the crap-load of balancing they've done in the past five months.  Yeah, and squad-work is existent...not that you ever care to notice... Here.  Your problem is that you are narrow minded and have not considered every approach to problems, which I have stated a few of them.

The game is balanced, post 1.25.  Your rebuttal?

Last edited by Magius5.0 (2007-04-29 01:21:01)

+617|6723|NSW, Australia

i think in the next patch they should change the way the uav or vehicle and infrantry dector look on the mini map, on many occasions i have walked right into a tank or large group of infantry only to be blown away.
scout rush kekeke ^___^
+116|6874|Brisbane, Aus

ShawN_ wrote:

GodFather wrote:

since the new patch i get

30% CPU to 55% cpu usage more

"unmodified content" warning trying to join NS servers

and random consistent  game freezes where TS still works but i cant alt tab or CTRL ALT DEL

thanks EA
That is not Battlefield's fault, that is punkbuster..
Punkbuster autoupdatede about a week ago, and in the new version of PB two processes run at all times, and they are configured to use as much spare CPU power as they can without stealing it from other processes...

I believe this is the worst idea ever and that we should boycut Punkbuster untill they undo their update from anticheating software to the virus behaving .exe files they have now !!!
Damn right Punkbuster needs to Either cut down or streamline their programs ASAP, since they're using CPU power & (might be wrong here, excuse me if I am) 2142 to my knowledge does not support Dual cores properly,
we're in for a lag fest for a long time. Although I think i saw it coming when they made the titans big floating, bullet spraying, shielded major spawn point with vehicles, oh and it moves.

together with: all the player objects placed when it's time to attack/defend, the titan AA gunners (usually) shooting non-stop at the enemy titan hanger, pods going this way and that.

and you'd wonder why there's even the tiniest of lag issues.......

Although most performance problems result from......

Bernadictus wrote:

Ffs people, there is nothing wrong with the game, it runs like always. It might be time to upgrade your wallmart Pentium 4.
Don't kill the pnkbustrA.exe or pnkbusterB.exe services.
+519|6939|Gold coast, Aus.

ShawN_ wrote:

wachtler83 wrote:

SFR-Rooo wrote:

sorry to hear that ,but surely they must stop counting the money soon and pay attention.
i wish they would have but this is company their all about the money
Define irony:
A bunch of players buy a game, realizes that it (as its predecessor) is full of bugs and glitches, they whine about how bad the game is and how much the company that made it sucks and how greedy it is, yet they keep playing it, for ever and ever...
Actually, The last time i played it was (other then yesterday when i was slutting for a friends clan) i haven't.

So you lose.
+21|6980|Sheerness, UK
Since the new patch I've had CTD and memory error messages, and also trouble connecting to master server.
what is it with EA & Dice why do they screw up their games with patches, I was quite happy with patch 1.20.

What I would like is the main email address of EA complaints department, so I can give them grief, we all complain on forums it about time they had some stick.
+1,010|6603|Denmark aka Automotive Hell

LightMagic wrote:

I was quite happy with patch 1.20
Yeah, if you like beeing SMACKED in the face when you deploy a drone!
or if you loved beeing shot by someone inside a wall on the titan...
­ Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+106|6699|UMass Amherst

ShawN_ wrote:

LightMagic wrote:

I was quite happy with patch 1.20
Yeah, if you like beeing SMACKED in the face when you deploy a drone!
or if you loved beeing shot by someone inside a wall on the titan...
I didn't just get smakked, I got bitch slapped by that damn droid, more than once.
+3,936|6817|so randum
I actually prefer stuff like the changed LMG's in this patch, it wasnt really satisfying to get akill with the 1.20 lmgs, too easy, and didnt feel beefy enough. Now you actually have to control them, and as such, it feels more powerful
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
I have had 3 BSODs since installing 1.25 and have only played for a couple of hours.  Not really impressed so far......

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