hes new.. quit ur bitching nancyMetal-Eater-GR wrote:
FFS people i got sick of these threads
always blah blah blah about medic kits ,for crying out loud
Dude you got owned you padder!zer0fus10n wrote:
Btw, i made a post a few days ago search it, i havn't played on this account for several months now it's no longer mine my new account's Infiltraters, but yet you can't judge someone by there stats unless there horrendes like the creater of this post, some people actually play better ingame then there stats show but .5 kd ratio is pathetic and just making brag posts is even worse..Jameseyy wrote:
Alright, firstly, I'm totally against taking the piss out of people based on their stats, but oh well.zer0fus10n wrote:
You'd get accused for being less talented at this game then a fucking penguin you retard, let alone a fucking hacker, maybe a retarded hacker? BTW, Give yourself a FUCKING RAP!
Zerofusion, before you decided to talk shit to the poor noob did you look at your own stats??
Point number 1: YOU'RE A STAT PADDER
Point number 2: 694 HOURS AND A 1.0 K/D RATIO?? WTF
Infact, I've said enough, I could go on but every single one of your stats are pathetic, even with the padding, congrats you fucking moron.
This noob might be bad but he'll get good with practise, you however have peaked at a 1.0 k/d ratio even with padding, LOLOL nice.
edit: typos ftw
personally i do like L85A1 over G36E now, i used to be with G36E and i saw many of "veteran" BF2 players using L85A1, and started practising with it... M16A2 aren't bad anyway...
getting back on topic the L85a1 rules! Its the anit sniper gun. I also think the ak101 is better then the g36e, but just my 2 bits.
I prefer the M16 over the G36 because it sounds meatier. That is, the burst fire sounds like it packs a lot more punch (though it doesn't).sniper69aka101 wrote:
personally i do like L85A1 over G36E now, i used to be with G36E and i saw many of "veteran" BF2 players using L85A1, and started practising with it... M16A2 aren't bad anyway...

oh gawd ur l33t man. ur a leaguer i bet you wtfbbqpwn?LawJik wrote:
I never use unlocks, unless i run into an L9 somewhere.
In leagues there are no unlocks, so no use for me getting used to those weapons.
hmm... i don't know if it just me or you guys, but yes, i agree with you though, it feels "convincing" shoot with M16A2 without aiming as compared to G36E without aiming, hope you get what i meant.cowami wrote:
I prefer the M16 over the G36 because it sounds meatier. That is, the burst fire sounds like it packs a lot more punch (though it doesn't).sniper69aka101 wrote:
personally i do like L85A1 over G36E now, i used to be with G36E and i saw many of "veteran" BF2 players using L85A1, and started practising with it... M16A2 aren't bad anyway...
OMG, how could i forget AK-101, AK-101 is good and i got owned while i'm sniping with this guys (AK-101), damn... shame on me...
G36E or M16A2, of course. I used to play L85A1, so don't give me that unlock shit. I play all kits, and most of them are shit equal.
leave him alonezer0fus10n wrote:
You have three gold medals.. that's fucking pathetic...
i have a friend who has played for 135 hours (ish) and only has one gold medal
I refer you to my sig. And then my stats
The G36E is simply the most powerful weapon. No question.
The M16A2 is simply the lowest weapon of these 3. No question.
It always depend on the player. U don't need to avoid the G36E cause other ppl call u a noob, the most important things is that YOU know that you can handle both of them. Don't just play with the same gun, change it and you'll get used to everything. This is the secret of being succesful in my opinions.
But you cannot say that the M16 is better then G36E ...just wanted to make that clear
The M16A2 is simply the lowest weapon of these 3. No question.
It always depend on the player. U don't need to avoid the G36E cause other ppl call u a noob, the most important things is that YOU know that you can handle both of them. Don't just play with the same gun, change it and you'll get used to everything. This is the secret of being succesful in my opinions.
But you cannot say that the M16 is better then G36E ...just wanted to make that clear
Yes you can, the m16 is better than the G36E.But you cannot say that the M16 is better then G36E ...just wanted to make that clear
And the reason I avoid the g36e is simple, when someone goes on a rampage and takes out me and 2 teammates at once with an m16 I think to myself "wow that was good". if he did the same with a g36e, I'd shrug and wouldn't be impressed in the least.
So I use m16 so when I pull off the impossible 3 vs 1 kills people are impressed rather than indifferent.
Jameseyy you still are quite new too the game(unless this is your second or third account). Your opinions may change when you get some more time with the different guns. Plus those "impossible 3 vs 1 kills" in public play become the normal.
when I said "impossible 3 vs 1" I was meant impossible for me, because i'm quite new and still not good enough for 3 vs 1 kills to be normaldarkhorror wrote:
Jameseyy you still are quite new too the game(unless this is your second or third account). Your opinions may change when you get some more time with the different guns. Plus those "impossible 3 vs 1 kills" in public play become the normal.
And after about 3 hours of playing SF I realised the g36e was overpowered and decided not to use it anymore.
well its your own choice...
but the G36E is still stronger and more effective than the M16...use it, don't avoid it.
but the G36E is still stronger and more effective than the M16...use it, don't avoid it.
BL4CKL10N wrote:
well its your own choice...
but the G36E is still stronger and more effective than the M16...use it, don't avoid it.
i hate to admit it but Blacklion is right looking at the stats, g36e is better then the m16 in everyway possible. But i still prefer the m16's ironsights better. and again blacklion is right; once you get use to everthing you will pwn despite the "stats" of your enemies rifle. because flanking + you > enemyBL4CKL10N wrote:
The G36E is simply the most powerful weapon. No question.
The M16A2 is simply the lowest weapon of these 3. No question.
It always depend on the player. U don't need to avoid the G36E cause other ppl call u a noob, the most important things is that YOU know that you can handle both of them. Don't just play with the same gun, change it and you'll get used to everything. This is the secret of being succesful in my opinions.
But you cannot say that the M16 is better then G36E ...just wanted to make that clear
In my opinion you mostly cant go past the special forces unlocks in ALL categories.
Hmm...I normally swap around between the three of them, but I think the L85 is my favorite. I just love the scope on it.
RPK-74, RPK-74, RPK-74, RPK-74, RPK-74, RPK-74, RPK-74, RPK-74,
and back to topic AK-101
and back to topic AK-101
G-36E. No question.
mcquade1992, check your pm's. I sent you one just to save myself from having to hear the ranting of prepubescent teens comparing e-penis sizes.
no no, guys i got an much better weapon, you guys just take some tape, you make an little round from it paste it in the middle of your screen make an black dot exactly in the middle of it and then take an '' sraw'' or an '' m16'' and you can should WHIT OUT'' zooming
great idea?? if you like KARMA ME!!
great idea?? if you like KARMA ME!!
Hmm , can't find anything impressive there ...SharkyMcshark wrote:
And then my stats
A) A pencil is betterdizziaqua wrote:
no no, guys i got an much better weapon, you guys just take some tape, you make an little round from it paste it in the middle of your screen make an black dot exactly in the middle of it and then take an '' sraw'' or an '' m16'' and you can should WHIT OUT'' zooming
great idea?? if you like KARMA ME!!
B) Don't beg for karma
C) Please re-read your posts so they make sense...It took me 5 minutes to read that...