Zee Tank Skank
+80|7021|MoVal So-Cal
Long range: L85a1

everything else: M16

The M16A2 has a muzzle climb when you fire, so if you aim for the chest expect the last bullet to hit near or on the head.
And people wonder why we have a bad rep....

David.Podedworny wrote:

And people wonder why we have a bad rep....
We don't, you do, and it's because you're stupid. next?

Jameseyy wrote:

David.Podedworny wrote:

And people wonder why we have a bad rep....
We don't, you do, and it's because you're stupid. next?
What the Fuck is your problem with me? Seriously? I'm just making a statement about the behavior of some of these forums members and you insult me! James Seriously Get Over it.
+39|7080|B O S T ON area
your all so full of shit here, the m16 and ak are just fine if your sick of hearing it from all these miserable twats, anyways u assholes insulting people got my x-fire, i'll be playin in an io server, come and get tea bagged.

Missionless wrote:

Simon wrote:

Missionless wrote:

stats nub.
Dude stop calling everyone a nub/noob and just generally insulting people because you think they are inferior to you.

Your not pro, its a game, stop acting all high and mighty.
flame nub
What? Go back to school

Simon wrote:

Missionless wrote:

Simon wrote:

Dude stop calling everyone a nub/noob and just generally insulting people because you think they are inferior to you.

Your not pro, its a game, stop acting all high and mighty.
flame nub
What? Go back to school
school nub
+1,106|6610|Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk

docnutz wrote:

your all so full of shit here, the m16 and ak are just fine if your sick of hearing it from all these miserable twats, anyways u assholes insulting people got my x-fire, i'll be playin in an io server, come and get tea bagged.
He's right. Partially. The most important segment of docnutz's post was that everyone has their preferences. Clearly, he likes the M16 and AK over the G36E. Personally, though I have realized I can do well with the G36E (like everyone else), I still use the M16 and AK (though I will use the L85 if I feel particularly spiteful that day).

This thread is fun stuff. 5 pages in 9 hours? Good stuff, good stuff.

namsdrawkcaB wrote:

The only reason why im using the G36E is because i want to get as many kills with it befroe it gets nerfed..
To achieve what? after it gets nerfed people won't use it, because it's not overpowered anymore, and also because of the negative stigma attached. And because it's clumpy and ugly as hell too.
+1,106|6610|Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk

Jameseyy wrote:

namsdrawkcaB wrote:

The only reason why im using the G36E is because i want to get as many kills with it befroe it gets nerfed..
To achieve what? after it gets nerfed people won't use it, because it's not overpowered anymore, and also because of the negative stigma attached. And because it's clumpy and ugly as hell too.
Ooh, smart man used the word stigma. I'd give you +1 for using fancy vocabulary, but I'm in hoarding mode right now.

Imaginary karma FTW!
+127|6707|Jesus Land aka Canada

mcquade1992 wrote:

iMPaCT.uK wrote:

yet u make a brag post?
wat do u mean by a brag post im shit at everything but the g36e
thats ok some day you will see the awesomeness of the m16 and ak101.
This is hilarious, but it should still be CLOSED like asap.
.yag era uoy fi siht deaR

ChevyLee86 wrote:

voodoosniper7 wrote:

m16 is better in my opinion.
same but the stupid L85A1 is stronger but less acc up close
Nup, L85a1 is more accurate for me

Pea....Tear.....Griffen wrote:

ChevyLee86 wrote:

voodoosniper7 wrote:

m16 is better in my opinion.
same but the stupid L85A1 is stronger but less acc up close
Nup, L85a1 is more accurate for me
yeah but at a distance of say 10 feet open scope on l85A1 and spray full auto, then do the same for m16 with ironsights and rapid burst fire, l85a1 will be tons less accurate than m16
.yag era uoy fi siht deaR

mcquade1992 wrote:

gene_pool wrote:

You're all fucking morons.

Where do I start here?! Right, at the OP

The G36e doesn't need to be "mastered". I'm not going into my reasons as i have stated it about 40 times in other threads as to why it is imbalanced and generally overpowered. Also, i take it 1992 in your name means the year you were born in? Making you 14, maybe 15. So from this conclusion, you are either. A) Completely fucking autistic. B) Home schooled by inbreds, or C) Trying to make out you are older then you are. Because seriously, you disgrace your age group (Including me) with your piss poor grammar. It takes seconds to correct mistakes so why not do it? People will take you and your argument more seriously. Heck, even if you are option B, there is a "Check spelling" button at the bottom of the page. Or can't you read that properly? I could go on here but I can't be stuffed spending any more time necessary on a useless shitbag, gloating fucking sausage squatter like yourself. I wouldn't even reply but I am waiting for my video to finish rendering so whatever.

Secondly, the 6e argument. I have said it before, I will say it again. There was once a graph posted here on this very site, which I can not be bothered finding at the moment. But pretty much, it was a graph depicting the most damaging per second guns. The g36e was the strongest out of any other gun. The thing about the graph was, it was only a measurement of bullet power & ROF. Accuracy and/or guns with damage drop off were not included. Now, the sole fact that the 6e is the most damaging per second isn't bad. Something has to be the best right? Right, no problems, other then the fact that the 6e ALSO has the highest accuracy of assault rifles iirc. So this gun, the 6e, is the best in its category in every category. Its simple as that. The gun is overpowered because it has NO disadvantages. Feel free to use it, i can't stop that. But just don't think you're 'good' or 'skilled' because you can use it.

Thirdly? What else can i abuse about the rest of you little inbred cockstains? And more importantly who gives a fuck? Certainly not me becausthis has been a great time waster as my video has finished rendering. Kthx & bai
What is wrong with you, im half asleep and I am very lazy and tierd right now. Why do you care about my grammer im in grade 10 and I am 14 years old. My grammer is fine right now isn't it yes ok thank you for the post but i do not really care about my grammer on the computer, at school yes but here no i do not care!!!!!
And yes my grammer was shit but you did not need to worry about it.
WTF?! You live in australia right? Im 15 and in YEAR 9?!?!
.yag era uoy fi siht deaR

Jameseyy wrote:

Pea....Tear.....Griffen wrote:

ChevyLee86 wrote:

same but the stupid L85A1 is stronger but less acc up close
Nup, L85a1 is more accurate for me
yeah but at a distance of say 10 feet open scope on l85A1 and spray full auto, then do the same for m16 with ironsights and rapid burst fire, l85a1 will be tons less accurate than m16
Meh, i try and use it on single shot as much as possible, then just aim for the head and click madly, just got my veteran medic combat doing that on Sharqi, well the M16 probly works for you but i prefer the L85A1

Pea....Tear.....Griffen wrote:

Jameseyy wrote:

Pea....Tear.....Griffen wrote:

Nup, L85a1 is more accurate for me
yeah but at a distance of say 10 feet open scope on l85A1 and spray full auto, then do the same for m16 with ironsights and rapid burst fire, l85a1 will be tons less accurate than m16
Meh, i try and use it on single shot as much as possible, then just aim for the head and click madly, just got my veteran medic combat doing that on Sharqi, well the M16 probly works for you but i prefer the L85A1
I'm miles better with the l85a1 than I am with the m16, It's excellent long range on single or 2 round bursts and great for spraying close range too.
U shud proabbly f off u fat prik
+3,097|6810|Gogledd Cymru

Jameseyy wrote:

Pea....Tear.....Griffen wrote:

Jameseyy wrote:

yeah but at a distance of say 10 feet open scope on l85A1 and spray full auto, then do the same for m16 with ironsights and rapid burst fire, l85a1 will be tons less accurate than m16
Meh, i try and use it on single shot as much as possible, then just aim for the head and click madly, just got my veteran medic combat doing that on Sharqi, well the M16 probly works for you but i prefer the L85A1
I'm miles better with the l85a1 than I am with the m16, It's excellent long range on single or 2 round bursts and great for spraying close range too.
long range nub

surgeon_bond wrote:

Jameseyy wrote:

Pea....Tear.....Griffen wrote:

Meh, i try and use it on single shot as much as possible, then just aim for the head and click madly, just got my veteran medic combat doing that on Sharqi, well the M16 probly works for you but i prefer the L85A1
I'm miles better with the l85a1 than I am with the m16, It's excellent long range on single or 2 round bursts and great for spraying close range too.
long range nub
K/P nub … nline.html

James wins

Last edited by Jameseyy (2007-04-28 17:51:07)

+163|6967|Odessa, Ukraine
M16 all the way !
+252|7025|Sextupling in Empire

AudioAtomica wrote:

This is hilarious, but it should still be CLOSED like asap.
NO, and making your post the same color as your sig is homosexual.

Jameseyy wrote:

surgeon_bond wrote:

Jameseyy wrote:

I'm miles better with the l85a1 than I am with the m16, It's excellent long range on single or 2 round bursts and great for spraying close range too.
long range nub
K/P nub … nline.html

James wins
Ha, you actually went out of your way to find out what servers he plays on.

*Shrugs* What? This is a flaming thread, right?
U shud proabbly f off u fat prik
+3,097|6810|Gogledd Cymru

AudioAtomica wrote:

This is hilarious, but it should still be CLOSED like asap.
NO, and making your post the same color as your sig is homosexual.

Jameseyy wrote:

surgeon_bond wrote:

Jameseyy wrote:

I'm miles better with the l85a1 than I am with the m16, It's excellent long range on single or 2 round bursts and great for spraying close range too.
long range nub
K/P nub … nline.html

James wins
wannabe bf2 police nub
I'm pretty sure that this kind of topic has been debated/discussed/flamed countless times before.

"Unlocks are Nubbish," "G36E is super 1337," "No you dumbass, it's n00bish," "M16 pwns," "AKs are teh bomb," etc.

Then you get the whole OMGWTFBBQ flames and debates.

People, it's just a game. Who cares if the OP says he "pwns," does it hurt your reputation or credibility as the "1337 BF2 Player" if someone says that? Who the hell cares about how your stats look, sure they're fun to look at occasionally, but must we judge forum users based on their stats?(pssh, u n00b 4 h4ving .654 K/D) Does it matter what gun you use as long as you're having fun? If you don't like playing with the 36E, don't use it! If you don't like other people using the 36E, suck it up! If you want to preach about the 1337ness of unlocks, hold it in! Let people play the way they want to play. There is no possible way for the whole BF2 Community to conform to your desires and whims.

Dropped on request
This is without a doubt, the dumbest thread I've ever seen.
The thread title is.....G36E, M16A2 or L85A1.

I can't be assed to read five pages of shit.  The clear answer is...

Spawn with an M16, go kill a guy with an AK, and take it.  /problem solved.

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