+519|6942|Gold coast, Aus.
You're all fucking morons.

Where do I start here?! Right, at the OP

The G36e doesn't need to be "mastered". I'm not going into my reasons as i have stated it about 40 times in other threads as to why it is imbalanced and generally overpowered. Also, i take it 1992 in your name means the year you were born in? Making you 14, maybe 15. So from this conclusion, you are either. A) Completely fucking autistic. B) Home schooled by inbreds, or C) Trying to make out you are older then you are. Because seriously, you disgrace your age group (Including me) with your piss poor grammar. It takes seconds to correct mistakes so why not do it? People will take you and your argument more seriously. Heck, even if you are option B, there is a "Check spelling" button at the bottom of the page. Or can't you read that properly? I could go on here but I can't be stuffed spending any more time necessary on a useless shitbag, gloating fucking sausage squatter like yourself. I wouldn't even reply but I am waiting for my video to finish rendering so whatever.

Secondly, the 6e argument. I have said it before, I will say it again. There was once a graph posted here on this very site, which I can not be bothered finding at the moment. But pretty much, it was a graph depicting the most damaging per second guns. The g36e was the strongest out of any other gun. The thing about the graph was, it was only a measurement of bullet power & ROF. Accuracy and/or guns with damage drop off were not included. Now, the sole fact that the 6e is the most damaging per second isn't bad. Something has to be the best right? Right, no problems, other then the fact that the 6e ALSO has the highest accuracy of assault rifles iirc. So this gun, the 6e, is the best in its category in every category. Its simple as that. The gun is overpowered because it has NO disadvantages. Feel free to use it, i can't stop that. But just don't think you're 'good' or 'skilled' because you can use it.

Thirdly? What else can i abuse about the rest of you little inbred cockstains? And more importantly who gives a fuck? Certainly not me becausthis has been a great time waster as my video has finished rendering. Kthx & bai

.:ronin:.|Patton wrote:

DivineIntervention wrote:

In terms of skill... the L85A1 takes the most to use, mainly because of its horrible accuracy.
Someone pinch me, i must be dreaming because i cannot believe i just read that.
I thought the same thing when I read that.

When you know how much you need to adjust to cope with the not so high recoil of the l85a1 you can land 3 shots on a non moving target in one second with single fire no problem
Don't Hassel the Hoff
+345|6623|The | Netherlands
m16/ak47/ak101 (though I don't know exact how Ak-47 on inf. only would be, imagine it on Karkand!), L85, G36E.

I'm bad with G36E but I own with m16 somehow.

And can someone give the url to his stats? He removed it out his profile...
edit\ mcquade263

Last edited by 3lmo (2007-04-28 08:16:49)

m16 ftw!!!!!!!!
Ohh skeet skeet
+143|6790|New York
Not another one of these fucking assault rifle threads.  I think I'm going to do something less painful like amputate my penis with a jagged knife than read the already 4 pages of shit.

Use what you feel most comfortable getting kills with.  It's really that simple.  If someone over the INTERNET makes fun of you for doing better than them what else is there to do but tell them to go fuck themselves?

For those who fall for the psycho babble these idiots on here are telling you - Use the M16A2 on single shot and you'll get a lot more kills.

Die thread die!
+3|6530|Surfers Paradse, Australia

darkhorror wrote:

Noobpatty wrote:

Wow you're all tardmuffins- Mqquade you need to stand up for yourslef and what is true- Look at my KDR I sucked for a long time and now I'm kicking ass. But look- my KDR isn't immediatley raising-it's under one, I sucked for a long time and it's hard to fix that and I get little 11 year olds all the time saying how I hack- but I don't- I just pwn. PKM, M4 and M16 are uber powerful and accurate and sometimes we just have our pwning moments- It feels good too, as you destroy the enemies In fire fights, from far away with awesome accuracy as they get completely pissed as they complain about how they should have won...

And the m16 is the best...I don't have the g36e but From what I hear maybe it will be at least as good as the m16...the m16 has burst, instead of the l85, which's accuracy goes everywhere but on the pin in the scope when at least trying to fire 2 shots and it's accurate, and powerful, looks badass on screen with an m203 and is pretty good at semi-auto, however I recommend medium encounters
Your still not good, you don't just look at KDR to see if someone is good just for the reason you posted. But you can look at the history and see how they have been doing lately, and you still are only around a 1:1 KDR.

Now back to the topic at hand The G36e is better than the M16, I never use the G36e any more though since I can't use it in matches so keep to the stock guns. The l85 is just a good gun but different than the G36e or M16, it's more compairable to the AK101 with better sight.

To mcquade1992 whats your name in BF2?
my name is mcquade263
+60|6956|miami FL
I'm an all around player thats why i got all my badges in both vanilla and special forces
Biggest n00blet around!
The only reason why im using the G36E is because i want to get as many kills with it befroe it gets nerfed..
+3|6530|Surfers Paradse, Australia

gene_pool wrote:

You're all fucking morons.

Where do I start here?! Right, at the OP

The G36e doesn't need to be "mastered". I'm not going into my reasons as i have stated it about 40 times in other threads as to why it is imbalanced and generally overpowered. Also, i take it 1992 in your name means the year you were born in? Making you 14, maybe 15. So from this conclusion, you are either. A) Completely fucking autistic. B) Home schooled by inbreds, or C) Trying to make out you are older then you are. Because seriously, you disgrace your age group (Including me) with your piss poor grammar. It takes seconds to correct mistakes so why not do it? People will take you and your argument more seriously. Heck, even if you are option B, there is a "Check spelling" button at the bottom of the page. Or can't you read that properly? I could go on here but I can't be stuffed spending any more time necessary on a useless shitbag, gloating fucking sausage squatter like yourself. I wouldn't even reply but I am waiting for my video to finish rendering so whatever.

Secondly, the 6e argument. I have said it before, I will say it again. There was once a graph posted here on this very site, which I can not be bothered finding at the moment. But pretty much, it was a graph depicting the most damaging per second guns. The g36e was the strongest out of any other gun. The thing about the graph was, it was only a measurement of bullet power & ROF. Accuracy and/or guns with damage drop off were not included. Now, the sole fact that the 6e is the most damaging per second isn't bad. Something has to be the best right? Right, no problems, other then the fact that the 6e ALSO has the highest accuracy of assault rifles iirc. So this gun, the 6e, is the best in its category in every category. Its simple as that. The gun is overpowered because it has NO disadvantages. Feel free to use it, i can't stop that. But just don't think you're 'good' or 'skilled' because you can use it.

Thirdly? What else can i abuse about the rest of you little inbred cockstains? And more importantly who gives a fuck? Certainly not me becausthis has been a great time waster as my video has finished rendering. Kthx & bai
What is wrong with you, im half asleep and I am very lazy and tierd right now. Why do you care about my grammer im in grade 10 and I am 14 years old. My grammer is fine right now isn't it yes ok thank you for the post but i do not really care about my grammer on the computer, at school yes but here no i do not care!!!!!
And yes my grammer was shit but you did not need to worry about it.

Last edited by mcquade1992 (2007-04-28 09:47:59)

+3|6530|Surfers Paradse, Australia

namsdrawkcaB wrote:

The only reason why im using the G36E is because i want to get as many kills with it befroe it gets nerfed..
What do you mean, getting nerfed are they making it worse in the new patch or just getting rid of it and replacing it with an AUG (F88 AUS STYER) becuase that would be the greatest cause im from Australia.

P.S genel_pool i have fixed my grammer are u happy. Also im not home schooled, redneck or autistic I am a normal 14 year old who can spell and use punctuation(most of the tme).
+3|6530|Surfers Paradse, Australia

RECONDO67 wrote:

I'm an all around player thats why i got all my badges in both vanilla and special forces …
I play mostly sniper, medic and suport but I also have almost all of my kit badges(not explosive, transport or ground defence).
Don't be that guy
from looking at your stats you probably have gotten better since you started but your still not great, your best SPM is only 3 and with the G36e thats nothing special if you want to show how good you are try use other guns besides that gun, and you probably been called a hacker 1 maybe 2 times b/c your br is only 146 and some of us average that

also to make it easier for everyone show your stats, you do this by going to profile ---->messaging and put you PID number (yours is 90330288) where it says Battlefield 2 PID #

Last edited by teamorange (2007-04-28 09:54:38)

+19|6968|Behind that RPK-74
The best weapons in Most kits are your BASIC weapons , apart from the MP7 , P90 and G36-C.
RPK-74 , Ak-101 , SVD ,  etc are all spot on. GL's are for NOOBS and the G36E IS for NOOBS too

Its a known fact that the G36E has the most macros along with Rapid Fire Pistols

(Grammer Check)

P.S WTF is FTW ? ! ? ! ? (seriously)

Last edited by j4mi3-k1ll3r (2007-04-28 09:49:23)

+519|6942|Gold coast, Aus.
Thank you. It makes more sense now. Earlier you looked like an idiot and people generally don't take idiots arguments seriously. That is all.
+3|6530|Surfers Paradse, Australia

gene_pool wrote:

Thank you. It makes more sense now. Earlier you looked like an idiot and people generally don't take idiots arguments seriously. That is all.
Thank you for pointing it out and will not be lazy again, also I have you added into xfire thought your name looked familiar.
+3|6530|Surfers Paradse, Australia

j4mi3-k1ll3r wrote:

The best weapons in Most kits are your BASIC weapons , apart from the MP7 , P90 and G36-C.
RPK-74 , Ak-101 , SVD ,  etc are all spot on. GL's are for NOOBS and the G36E IS for NOOBS too

Its a known fact that the G36E has the most macros along with Rapid Fire Pistols

(Grammer Check)

P.S WTF is FTW ? ! ? ! ? (seriously)
About your karma you're a long way off the top 10, but ill give you some
Great success!
+216|6897|Chandler, AZ

BlAiR_AgaiN wrote:

M16 on single shot. Over.
Don't be that guy

j4mi3-k1ll3r wrote:

P.S WTF is FTW ? ! ? ! ? (seriously)
it means For The Win
+19|6968|Behind that RPK-74

teamorange wrote:

j4mi3-k1ll3r wrote:

P.S WTF is FTW ? ! ? ! ? (seriously)
it means For The Win
You orrible caaaaaaan't
M16 is sweet for some reason I can't kill with the assault one only the medic. I can't use the g36e somehow.
conservative hatemonger
AK101 is the best assault rifle IMO

M16 rocks, but yeah, the G36E has an advantage over it in every way.  the lesser spray is kind of annoying at times, but its pretty gay

and about the G36e being nerfed?  lol?  The G36E has been the same since SF came out a little less than a year and a half ago, its never going to get nerfed, the one gun that needs to be nerfed
Joined BF2s in November 2005
+133|7044|Doncaster, England

gene_pool wrote:

Heck, even if you are option B, there is a "Check spelling" button at the bottom of the page. Or can't you read that properly?            Certainly not me becausthis has been a great time waster
If you make such a big deal about grammar and spelling, maybe you should use the spell checker.

Because this, is not spelt becausthis.
+519|6942|Gold coast, Aus.

jamesb wrote:

gene_pool wrote:

Heck, even if you are option B, there is a "Check spelling" button at the bottom of the page. Or can't you read that properly?            Certainly not me becausthis has been a great time waster
If you make such a big deal about grammar and spelling, maybe you should use the spell checker.

Because this, is not spelt becausthis.
Im so sorry. I wrote two paragraphs of shit to pass the time and made one mistake. Please forgive me?

jamesb wrote:

gene_pool wrote:

Heck, even if you are option B, there is a "Check spelling" button at the bottom of the page. Or can't you read that properly?            Certainly not me becausthis has been a great time waster
If you make such a big deal about grammar and spelling, maybe you should use the spell checker.

Because this, is not spelt becausthis.
While we're being picky, "spelt" is a sub species of common wheat, and what you pointed out was a typo, not a spelling mistake.

Last edited by Jameseyy (2007-04-28 11:08:47)

set your body ablaze
Be good the to the L85A1, and it will reward you with many headshots.

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