
Bubbalo wrote:

When do you leave?

Also, we need to establish the Hall of Fame policy for member's who have left, in case you leave before induction.
Along the same lines as an artist only become rich and famous AFTER his death???

ghettoperson wrote:

lowing wrote:

ghettoperson wrote:

Well, I know he's got at least one report in this thread so far...
Heyyyyyyyy, outta curiousity, how many do I have in this forum??? I don't need the names though
You misunderstand me, I meant that troll.
Oh I didn't misunderstand, I knew you were talking about him. I was wondering about me.
Cereal Killer
+145|6809|The View From The Afternoon

ghettoperson wrote:

CruZ4dR wrote:

lowing wrote:

hmmmmmm I am guessing high school, no wait!!!.........junior high.
Who said I even go to school?

I'm 17 if you were wondering.

And I think my topic had a good point, you quitters should stop making these "goodbye" topics.

Nobody cares.
Please shut up and go away. Don't like his post? Don't read it. Simple as.
Well what have we got here..? Wannabe admin or something..
If you are provoked by my post then that would be a great reason for me not to leave.
I guess you think you are pretty kool tryin' to settle arguments on internet forums.
You can have my "internet police" badge.

I haven't read any of the other posts, just wanted to say that this topic is dumb.
It's not like it's a new thing when a person decides to not use the internet for a while.
You should try it.
Back from the Dead.

CruZ4dR wrote:

I haven't read any of the other posts, just wanted to say that this topic is dumb.
It's not like it's a new thing when a person decides to not use the internet for a while.
You should try it.
Well, thats a problem. Especially if you want to post in D&ST.

Read through the topic, you might find something constructive to comment on.

You should try it.

And if you can't make any constructive comment, keep posts like that one above to yourself.
Cereal Killer
+145|6809|The View From The Afternoon

BigmacK wrote:

CruZ4dR wrote:

I haven't read any of the other posts, just wanted to say that this topic is dumb.
It's not like it's a new thing when a person decides to not use the internet for a while.
You should try it.
Well, thats a problem. Especially if you want to post in D&ST.

Read through the topic, you might find something constructive to comment on.

You should try it.

And if you can't make any constructive comment, keep posts like that one above to yourself.
I've proved my point.
---hates you
+1,137|6909|Hell, p.o box 666

CruZ4dR wrote:

BigmacK wrote:

CruZ4dR wrote:

I haven't read any of the other posts, just wanted to say that this topic is dumb.
It's not like it's a new thing when a person decides to not use the internet for a while.
You should try it.
Well, thats a problem. Especially if you want to post in D&ST.

Read through the topic, you might find something constructive to comment on.

You should try it.

And if you can't make any constructive comment, keep posts like that one above to yourself.
I've proved my point.
Yeah and you dont decide if a topic is bullshit or not, there are enough other people who deal with this already. This is in the D&ST section, lowing is a regular poster within this, so there´s his point or the general point for this thread!

If you dont have to say anything usefull, well, then dont f*cking post!
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6818|NT, like Mick Dundee


For the record it was the guy who was saying this thread is pointless... Obviously he didn't actually read the thread.

Last edited by Flecco (2007-04-27 01:48:09)

Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
---hates you
+1,137|6909|Hell, p.o box 666

Flecco wrote:

No, it was the mean Sl4y3r! I guess I´ve made the point clear to this guy, so there is no need for futher attacks.
Ok, I am on wireless internet at the Kuwait airport. The one thing I can report on so far is I love it here. The bathroom are spotless. They clean each toilet after every use. For the first time in my life I had no hang ups taking a shit in an airport bathroom!! So far so good.

More to come.


P.S. Lufthansa is cool as shit as well. Free drinks for everyone even in coach, can't beat that!!
+2,187|6721|Mountains of NC

hope you are taking plenty of pics ------- heres a spot to post them


hope you are taking plenty of pics ------- heres a spot to post them
I can not take pics in the airport for some reason. I didn't bother to ask. But yes, have camera in hand.

lowing wrote:


hope you are taking plenty of pics ------- heres a spot to post them
I can not take pics in the airport for some reason. I didn't bother to ask. But yes, have camera in hand.
Yeah, you wanna be careful about pictures in airports. A friend nearly got shot over it.
Junglist Massive

lowing wrote:

For the first time in my life I had no hang ups taking a shit in an airport bathroom!!


hope you are taking plenty of pics ------- heres a spot to post them
hope I misunderstood what you want him to take the pictures of
+2,187|6721|Mountains of NC

UON wrote:

lowing wrote:

For the first time in my life I had no hang ups taking a shit in an airport bathroom!!


hope you are taking plenty of pics ------- heres a spot to post them
hope I misunderstood what you want him to take the pictures of
what ......................... a clean bathroom is a thing of beauty
Cereal Killer
+145|6809|The View From The Afternoon

Sl4y3r wrote:

CruZ4dR wrote:

BigmacK wrote:

Well, thats a problem. Especially if you want to post in D&ST.

Read through the topic, you might find something constructive to comment on.

You should try it.

And if you can't make any constructive comment, keep posts like that one above to yourself.
I've proved my point.
Yeah and you dont decide if a topic is bullshit or not, there are enough other people who deal with this already. This is in the D&ST section, lowing is a regular poster within this, so there´s his point or the general point for this thread!

If you dont have to say anything usefull, well, then dont f*cking post!
The definition of "useful" would be an indivitual matter of opinion, once again.
O Canada
+1,596|6558|North Carolina
Ladies and gentlemen, please don't feed the troll.

You can laugh at him, not with him....
The Year of the Cow!
Good luck Lowing.  Stay safe.  Keep us updated and share the learnings.

CruZ4dR wrote:

The definition of "useful" would be an individual matter of opinion, once again.
The definition of useful is not a matter of opinion.  (Useful=being of use or service) However, the determination of whether or not a person, place, thing, idea, etc is useful is open to interpretation.  In my opinion, your statements are NOT useful.

Last edited by LividBovine (2007-05-01 23:23:29)

"The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation" - Barack Obama (a freshman senator from Illinios)
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6818|NT, like Mick Dundee

Kuwait sounds nice... I really want to go to the various countries of the Middle East one day, even the fucked up ones that are embroiled in conflict as Iraq and Afghanistan.
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
Ok, writing you from Iraq, just outside Baghdad.
I feel like I am on a different planet here. War is definitely here. Armed choppers vehicles and soldiers everywhere.

It is a colorful place, Brown, Tan etc....... even the frickin sky is brown on a clear day. Artillery going off everyday ( outgoing) black smoke on the horizon form bombings in Baghdad. I am relatively safe here though.

I am still taking it all in, I am in amazement of the fire power that surrounds me. Internet is limited as well as phones. Good food though they feed us well here.

A little dismayed about the soldiers attitude toward us civilians, they do not like us, because of the money we make I am told. OH well, I guess I would be pissed as well if I just got extended 6 more months. Went and saw the T-72 tank grave yard yesterday. Pretty cool.

The military is definitely open for business here. I enjoyed the Chinook ride to our base, had to fly at night so no one would shoot at us. Door gunners locked and loaded. Pretty damn surreal. The C-130 ride sucked though, could not imagine our troops having to fly on that thing for any length of time.

Dirty, dusty and different shades of brown is the best way to describe my environment now.  Temp now at 112 F ..But it is a fuckin dry heat   Holy shit!!!   Gotta go.

More to come

I wait in line or take a number for everything there is to do here. Such is the life.
+5,233|6682|Global Command
Be safe, and come back to us soon.
Update from Iraq:

It has been awhile since I have been here and since the last time, I have experienced outgoing artillery, holy shit! and incoming mortar attacks HOLY SHIT! It rained for a few days last week and it rained mud. The rain was mud and it turned everything into mud. Quite miserable. It is also a little disheartening to be working 10 feet from a spot where just hours before, a mortar hit. Gets ya to thinking a bit, and I am relatively safe compared to the soldiers that go in and out of the base.

Anyway, got into some pretty deep conversations with a few officers and enlisted alike, all work directly with the Iraqi's in some capacity. Since I do not, I can only relate to you what was said to me.

It is time to leave. The reasons are not political, or global, or because Hillary says so. The reason is not because our efforts are not sincere or coming here was wrong in the first place.

The reason it is time to leave is because the Iraq's that want us here, do not want us to HELP them, they want us to DO for them. They do not want to be shown how to embrace their freedom. They want to be told what to do. They refuse to learn. When they are trained to accomplish a task, the next time you have to show them again because they refuse to retain their training.

They ( for the most part) are lazy and refuse to take charge, they would rather have the Americans do it. In a way Saddam was right. Although cruel and ruthless, the Iraqi's need to be  hand held and told what to do in every aspect of their lives, and they do not want it any other way. They have no self motivation and self determination to learn and embrace what they have been given.

It is hopeless apparently. I personally believe America has taken the high road in this, I also believe that the military here sincerely wants to help these people. The problem lies in the fact that they simply are not interested in helping themselves. Therefore a waste of time. I must also say that the people that I talked to all had great attitudes when they got here, all wanting help Iraq.

It was interesting and I promised I would let ou know what I found out.

Anyway, there ya go for anyone that cared or was interested.

I hope all you guys are doing well. Take care, I will try and stop in from time to time.

It is time to leave.

lowing wrote:

Update from Iraq:

It has been awhile since I have been here and since the last time, I have experienced outgoing artillery, holy shit! and incoming mortar attacks HOLY SHIT! It rained for a few days last week and it rained mud. The rain was mud and it turned everything into mud. Quite miserable. It is also a little disheartening to be working 10 feet from a spot where just hours before, a mortar hit. Gets ya to thinking a bit, and I am relatively safe compared to the soldiers that go in and out of the base.

Anyway, got into some pretty deep conversations with a few officers and enlisted alike, all work directly with the Iraqi's in some capacity. Since I do not, I can only relate to you what was said to me.

It is time to leave. The reasons are not political, or global, or because Hillary says so. The reason is not because our efforts are not sincere or coming here was wrong in the first place.

The reason it is time to leave is because the Iraq's that want us here, do not want us to HELP them, they want us to DO for them. They do not want to be shown how to embrace their freedom. They want to be told what to do. They refuse to learn. When they are trained to accomplish a task, the next time you have to show them again because they refuse to retain their training.

They ( for the most part) are lazy and refuse to take charge, they would rather have the Americans do it. In a way Saddam was right. Although cruel and ruthless, the Iraqi's need to be  hand held and told what to do in every aspect of their lives, and they do not want it any other way. They have no self motivation and self determination to learn and embrace what they have been given.

It is hopeless apparently. I personally believe America has taken the high road in this, I also believe that the military here sincerely wants to help these people. The problem lies in the fact that they simply are not interested in helping themselves. Therefore a waste of time. I must also say that the people that I talked to all had great attitudes when they got here, all wanting help Iraq.

It was interesting and I promised I would let ou know what I found out.

Anyway, there ya go for anyone that cared or was interested.

I hope all you guys are doing well. Take care, I will try and stop in from time to time.
WOOoaahhh. Major sea-change in opinion from Lowing. Glad to hear you are well. Keep safe. Can't karma you I'm all out.
+2,187|6721|Mountains of NC

good to hear you're still alive

CameronPoe wrote:

lowing wrote:

Update from Iraq:

It has been awhile since I have been here and since the last time, I have experienced outgoing artillery, holy shit! and incoming mortar attacks HOLY SHIT! It rained for a few days last week and it rained mud. The rain was mud and it turned everything into mud. Quite miserable. It is also a little disheartening to be working 10 feet from a spot where just hours before, a mortar hit. Gets ya to thinking a bit, and I am relatively safe compared to the soldiers that go in and out of the base.

Anyway, got into some pretty deep conversations with a few officers and enlisted alike, all work directly with the Iraqi's in some capacity. Since I do not, I can only relate to you what was said to me.

It is time to leave. The reasons are not political, or global, or because Hillary says so. The reason is not because our efforts are not sincere or coming here was wrong in the first place.

The reason it is time to leave is because the Iraq's that want us here, do not want us to HELP them, they want us to DO for them. They do not want to be shown how to embrace their freedom. They want to be told what to do. They refuse to learn. When they are trained to accomplish a task, the next time you have to show them again because they refuse to retain their training.

They ( for the most part) are lazy and refuse to take charge, they would rather have the Americans do it. In a way Saddam was right. Although cruel and ruthless, the Iraqi's need to be  hand held and told what to do in every aspect of their lives, and they do not want it any other way. They have no self motivation and self determination to learn and embrace what they have been given.

It is hopeless apparently. I personally believe America has taken the high road in this, I also believe that the military here sincerely wants to help these people. The problem lies in the fact that they simply are not interested in helping themselves. Therefore a waste of time. I must also say that the people that I talked to all had great attitudes when they got here, all wanting help Iraq.

It was interesting and I promised I would let ou know what I found out.

Anyway, there ya go for anyone that cared or was interested.

I hope all you guys are doing well. Take care, I will try and stop in from time to time.
WOOoaahhh. Major sea-change in opinion from Lowing. Glad to hear you are well. Keep safe. Can't karma you I'm all out.
Hey Cam,

             Neh not really a major change from my previous beliefs. I still felt it was right to come here and that Americas intentions are good and do have a sincere wish to help these people. But, as you know from my personal beliefs in life. I am only willing to help those that help themselves. That simply isn't the case here from what I am told. I still believe in this war on terror and by my agreeing that it is time to leave does not mean that I am will to ignore the terrorist threat that would arise from this country if and when we did so.

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