bf2 @ wtfcorps.com-- Anybody else been wrongly banned for cheating by these guys, or any others?

I was flying the J-10 on Daquing Oilfields and the other team kept swiping our bomber (not the J-10, you'll note).  I came in late to the fight and found the J-10 sitting lonely on the runway, with the bombers overhead taking out our spawns.

The thing is-- When I'd tail these guys, they kept instantly firing off their flares and then flying half throttle straight as an arrow, wide open for missles and cannon.  These -wtf- guys had all three of the other planes up but they kept flying them like they were piloting a monorail into a tourist trap.

I'd love to be able to brag about this, but it really wasn't skill, nor was it a HACK.  I'm guessing I must have had about 8-10 dogfight kills and a 2-3 tank/aa bombing kills in about 3 minutes!  This might not be great flying for a better pilot, but it's phenominal for me.  Every now and then, they would fire a missle at me too, but I would TURN HARD (big piloting secret).  It was like shooting fish in a barrel.

Even so, early on I actually missed an easy, straight-behind, sitting-duck shot with two missles.  These aforementioned 2 missles veered off 90 degrees and pegged one of the OTHER enemy slow movers (I think it had "Goodyear" written on the side, the way they were floating).  Fortunately with the missles, it wasn't like there were any friendlies to worry about-- they had all the aircraft and at least one, maybe two of their helicopters were close at hand, camping the spawns at our base.

The admin must've (repeatedly) been on some of those planes though, because next thing I knew, I was banned for cheating.

I'm still kind of a noob, so I have to ask-- Does this happen alot?  Do some people arbitrarily ban/kick those who are a bit better?  I thought this didn't happen so much on a school night.  Are admins accountable?

If I was a better pilot, I'd take it as a badge of honor, but it wasn't about my own skills--it was about their lack of them.  I'd love to see what they'd think if |ccc||PlaneWhore (by night known as 23mm) dropped by.

Anyway, I should have known by the witty server name that their mommies need to up their prozac dosage (and for that matter, mine-- after playing there)...
Don't worry. They were just bunch of those morons that think they are good at something. Those arsewipes think they have found a perfect way of spawn raping and when someone shows how poor their "tactics" is, they will remove that player. Seen this before. Probably THEY were using some cheat they supposed is unbeatable.
Spanish Sniper-Wh0re
+199|7061|Malaga, EspaƱa
1 thing, stay out of Clan servers with dumb rules...ignore the fucks and go look for a decent fair server. if possible first visit their clansite too look at the server rules (some prohibs Uncapable base raping)

and u join the server u obey the rules they have but u owned an admin...make screenshot of the kick (the message when ur out of the server) go back to their website and ask 'NICELY' why u where banned or kicked, on their forums . if they are acting like an bunch of kids on the forum...flame the ass out of them first then go looking for antoher server
Report to bf2rankedservers.com IT WORKS, trust me
i get accused of hacking every so often on some servers with admins who don't understand how easy it is to take down another jet even when turning and deploying flares. in an effort to even the field here is the secret.

1. always fly with bombs selected
2. spot an enemy jet
3. get behind and above him - this way he can't see you even if he checks his six
4. get up close and match his speed.
This next part takes a little practice.
5. line him up and start firing guns.
6. at the same time as 5. switch to missiles. wait for tone but not lock and start firing missiles (at least 4)
7. at least one of your missiles should hit so the guns will do the rest. if you get lucky both missiles will hit.
8. go to 1. and repeat if necessary or go find some other poor sod.j

here's a video of the technique in action:
http://files.filefront.com/silent_jet_f … einfo.html

- i be boufo
Death StatPadder
+228|7086|Human Meat Shield

Boufo wrote:

i get accused of hacking every so often on some servers with admins who don't understand how easy it is to take down another jet even when turning and deploying flares. in an effort to even the field here is the secret.

1. always fly with bombs selected
2. spot an enemy jet
3. get behind and above him - this way he can't see you even if he checks his six
4. get up close and match his speed.
This next part takes a little practice.
5. line him up and start firing guns.
6. at the same time as 5. switch to missiles. wait for tone but not lock and start firing missiles (at least 4)
7. at least one of your missiles should hit so the guns will do the rest. if you get lucky both missiles will hit.
8. go to 1. and repeat if necessary or go find some other poor sod.j

here's a video of the technique in action:
http://files.filefront.com/silent_jet_f … einfo.html

- i be boufo
I am not a pro at the planes but I found that this tactic works..^^^^

I run around with bomber screen on constantly, I am not good at bombing but dogfights I've learned from CFS(Combat Flight Simulators). I give the ole missle to beep at the enemy then I pull back to bomb(if he drops his flares even go to bomb, because he'll still hear the crap and do some weird rolls, then he is sitting duck), then back again, then bomb screen, then finally fire missles.
+101|6993|Southern California
lol yes some admins have no ethics, self serving server admins who have conluded they own the BF2 activities on their servers. They are well meaning and help thier buddies but others get screwed. It is human nature to do anything to win but civilized behavior says rules are for everyone.

I have been kicked from a server 2x times for taking a tank that an admin across the motor pool wanted. I came back after the 5 min ban or whatever it was (to join my clan m8s on the road to another victory) and the same admin kicked me for punishing him because this time he TKed me so i couldn't get the tank lmao!!! I should have bowed and requested from his most magnificant majesty the temporary use of HIS tank. Where were my manners?

We reported it and don't go back there anymore.
Getting kicked by opionated clan members happens all the time mate.Its ok for so called clan members to spawn camp, base rape, armor whore even jet whore but whobetide the person who shows them for what they really are i.e "U WERE KICKED AS A RESULT OF BEING TOO GOOD FOR THE MORONS RUNNING THIS SERVER" I can totally empathise with u m8 just do as the man said b4 me  find a server u like without all the bullshit rules and add to favourites.Play away Play away... I been kicked as commander for no apparent reason at all apart from maybe i was artyin the hell out of them..The Words Toys And Pram come to mind..

btw....I have noticed that quite many servers today are actually WELL hosted. There are still random shitbags but mostly the BF2 servers are well kept.
But that's IMO...
My home modem went down this week and just got a new one today--just getting back to this.

Hey all, thanks for the info-- I think you're right not to get too ticked off about it.  I think there are enough cool servers out there, that I just got caught offguard by a bad one.  I had just assumed that "ranked" meant "fair," or "better monitored," and though that is usually the case, sometimes it isn't.  I was just really ticked when I first posted this.

To BudRell--  Yeah, there are some very cool servers out there-- I've recently had my tailfins handed to me by some very cool people on some very good clanservers  (I don't really mind getting shot down, or spending the match skywriting with a smoke trail behind me--you learn by playing against people better than you).

But it seems more frequently now I seem to get kicked for repeatedly shooting down an admin (today in fact) or get a kickvote started against me by the other team for "cheating."  I think it might be time to start using my "favorites" list more.

Boufo-- thanks for posting the vid.  I think I've flown against Thoob (the pilot in the vid) once or twice and ended up in a tailspin at 20,000 ft at least one of those times.  Escape velocity is not fun when you're going sideways.  Learned not to do it again though (mostly).

Thanks again.

Last edited by FeralExpress (2006-01-27 21:15:42)

+50|7012|Southern California

Boufo wrote:

i get accused of hacking every so often on some servers with admins who don't understand how easy it is to take down another jet even when turning and deploying flares. in an effort to even the field here is the secret.

1. always fly with bombs selected
2. spot an enemy jet
3. get behind and above him - this way he can't see you even if he checks his six
4. get up close and match his speed.
This next part takes a little practice.
5. line him up and start firing guns.
6. at the same time as 5. switch to missiles. wait for tone but not lock and start firing missiles (at least 4)
7. at least one of your missiles should hit so the guns will do the rest. if you get lucky both missiles will hit.
8. go to 1. and repeat if necessary or go find some other poor sod.j

here's a video of the technique in action:
http://files.filefront.com/silent_jet_f … einfo.html

- i be boufo
Shut up boufo.
Don't tell anyone.
Right now people are so unaware of getting shot down with cannon while bombs are selected that I don't even have to switch to missles half the time.. just follow behind and wait for em to straighten and blam. Most pilots at this point are so unaware of dogfighting with bombs selected that all the cannon fire ripping by their cockpit doesn't even make em take evasive maneuvers.
Destroy Noob Cannons

ComradeWho wrote:

Boufo wrote:

i get accused of hacking every so often on some servers with admins who don't understand how easy it is to take down another jet even when turning and deploying flares. in an effort to even the field here is the secret.

1. always fly with bombs selected
2. spot an enemy jet
3. get behind and above him - this way he can't see you even if he checks his six
4. get up close and match his speed.
This next part takes a little practice.
5. line him up and start firing guns.
6. at the same time as 5. switch to missiles. wait for tone but not lock and start firing missiles (at least 4)
7. at least one of your missiles should hit so the guns will do the rest. if you get lucky both missiles will hit.
8. go to 1. and repeat if necessary or go find some other poor sod.j

here's a video of the technique in action:
http://files.filefront.com/silent_jet_f … einfo.html

- i be boufo
Shut up boufo.
Don't tell anyone.
Right now people are so unaware of getting shot down with cannon while bombs are selected that I don't even have to switch to missles half the time.. just follow behind and wait for em to straighten and blam. Most pilots at this point are so unaware of dogfighting with bombs selected that all the cannon fire ripping by their cockpit doesn't even make em take evasive maneuvers.
I didn't think it was a secret.. I thought it was common sense The first time I hopped in a Jet in BF2 I did that. nobody had to tell me. Oh well. Some people that fly planes can't be considered "pilots." they just fly straight constantly. Anyways, I never use missles unless I'm bored. Everytime I do use them I get atleast one TVD or TK.
Moderator Emeritus
+76|7090|London UK

FeralExpress wrote:

bf2 @ wtfcorps.com-- Anybody else been wrongly banned for cheating by these guys, or any others?
Actually this isnt the first thread that has mentioned some abusive admins on that server.

Just dont play there, when more people clock on, they will haev an empty server with no one to abuse but themselves.

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