
Do you baserape?

Yes (Because its fun)38%38% - 107
Yes (Because of points)11%11% - 33
Yes (To piss people off)12%12% - 35
Yes (Because I'm pro)8%8% - 23
No (Because I'm bad)0%0% - 0
No (Because I like a fair game)17%17% - 48
No (Because I like competition)10%10% - 30
Total: 276
I Hate Claymores
If im flying around and I cant find a target and the only target is teh carrier then ofcourse. Im not going to circle in the middle of nowhere when I can get something done.

Widow_Warrior wrote:

All the time , its war . Hitler did not say to his troops , do not attack allied main bases
War? Are you taking BF2 a bit too seriously here? BF2 is a game.
+108|6896|In the hills
so damn fun!
+98|6891|netherlands, sweet lake city
Well I'm playing to win, that means to drain the enemy tickets as fast as possible, I just do what ever is necessary to win, that includes base-raping
When its the last base you have to rape it.  ~you carn't say weve nearly won so have another chance.

spuddy1981 wrote:

When its the last base you have to rape it.  ~you carn't say weve nearly won so have another chance.
Definitely agree with it. If the other team has no bases I will rape it no matter what the rules say. I could care less if I got kicked from a server for playing the game the way it was meant to be played...

elite.mafia wrote:

I could care less if I got kicked from a server for playing the game the way it was meant to be played...
I see this used as a "reason" to explain all sorts of behaviour in BF2. I always wonder, how can anyone know how the game was "meant to be played"? I mean, I could just as easily say that NOT attacking uncaps is "how the game was meant to be played". In fact, to my way of thinking, I would have a better chance of being right. If the developers wanted people to attack the uncap, than why did they make it an uncap? Why not just make it a normal flag that can be captured? To me, the only reason to make it an uncap is to allow a team a safe zone to regroup and try to work their way out of a corner.

As far as base-raping itself goes, I personally find it to be both cheap and boring. I play the game to have fun and to test myself against the other team. If all the other team can do is spawn and die, than there is no challenge and no reason to continue. When a baserape situation occurs, I will more often leave the server if I am on the team doing the raping. Being on the receiving end of it, while annoying, at least presents the challenge of trying to get out of the uncap and spread the battlefield a bit.

As you may have figured, I voted "No, (because I like a fair game)".

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