+69|6535|USA, MICHIGAN
unfortunately my first game was pong as well, radio shack version i think
What kinda guy are you are?
I cant remember what it was called, but it was a computer game that was loosely about getting a dwarf through a door.  It was a puzzle game that I played constantly (especially since there was no save feature and I had to replay through old levels every time a started the game).  I wish I still had it so I could pwn that little dwarf and his second grade leveled puzzles...
Mine was Wolfenstein 3D like ShowMeTheMoney, same old mac and everything, except my dad showed me the 1337 health hacks I was...really young...4 or 5...

Last edited by keyoshi (2007-04-25 11:36:57)

+3,135|6884|The Hague, Netherlands

on the pc, MOHAA, not playing games that long on the pc's,

mohaa still kicks some serious ass.

in whole, something on the PSone, forgot whats it called
Superior Mind
(not macbeth)
Probably the Cheetos game for SEGA Genesis.
[THE] comben
Wee and Biscuits
pong also ..i think.  i cant remember it was so long ago.  might have been Revs.
Viva Mexico

Seal 3 wrote:


It was probably about 1978 or so.

It was a big console thingy with gigantic paddle type controllers that hooked up to your TV and back then TV's had knobs on it to change the channel.

I think ours was the Sears version that came out in 1975 or so.
Me Too
A stranger in the dark


I was 5 or so and it was after its popular period.
less busy
+586|6981|Kubra, Damn it!

Pong here too. This was my version:

Evil Overlord
Space invaders on the atari CX2600
+60|6804|South West England
Cool Spot and Alex something or another, i forget the name

Both for the SEGA
+15|6380|Leeds, WestYorkshire
micky mouse on sega mega-drive 64 bit

Seal 3 wrote:


It was probably about 1978 or so.

It was a big console thingy with gigantic paddle type controllers that hooked up to your TV and back then TV's had knobs on it to change the channel.

I think ours was the Sears version that came out in 1975 or so.
Pong on console.  I think I had the same one as yours.  Do you remember getting "radiation" back then?

But on a "PC", I think it was that Star Trek game on a TRS-80 or Teletype.

Regards to the TV, I remember sound-based TV remotes that changed the channel via a clicker.

Last edited by Ilocano (2007-04-25 11:57:58)

Knee Deep In Clunge
+489|6609|Tyne & Wear, England

XanKrieger wrote:

Cool Spot and Alex something or another, i forget the name

Both for the SEGA
Alex the Kid??


It was actually called 'Alex Kidd'.

Last edited by KILLSWITCH (2007-04-25 11:53:52)

Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.
Gran Trak 10. It was an Atari Racing game which came out in 1974. I probably played in sometime around late 1975 - early 1976.
I've had the diarrheas since Easters
+145|6736|California U.S.A

Ilocano wrote:

I think I had the same one as yours.  Do you remember getting "radiation" back then?

But on a "PC", I think it was that Star Trek game on a TRS-80 or Teletype.

Regards to the TV, I remember sound-based TV remotes that changed the channel via a clicker.
By radiation do you mean the burnt image of the border around the pong court? Yeah we had that happen my dad got a separate TV just for the game...umm more like after we ruined our TV we got a new one just for TV show watching

Those first "remotes" were pretty clunky just like mashing a big toggle switch "CLICK, CLICK, CLICK".

I like how it only went up or down you could not enter a channel by number you had to scroll, god help you as a kid if you "Clicked" too fast.

I'd usually get smacked up side the head with a magazine, which wasn't bad unless it was a National Geographic, ouch those ones hurt.

You had the On, Off, and channel up and down toggle button.

Thank god they were only 13 numbers back then. That cut down on the channel surfing.
Go Cougs!
+691|6437|Washington St.
On original gameboy
+1,106|6436|Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk

Seal 3 wrote:


It was probably about 1978 or so.

It was a big console thingy with gigantic paddle type controllers that hooked up to your TV and back then TV's had knobs on it to change the channel.

I think ours was the Sears version that came out in 1975 or so.
Pong? And I used to think you were cool.

I've had the diarrheas since Easters
+145|6736|California U.S.A

cowami wrote:

Seal 3 wrote:


It was probably about 1978 or so.

It was a big console thingy with gigantic paddle type controllers that hooked up to your TV and back then TV's had knobs on it to change the channel.

I think ours was the Sears version that came out in 1975 or so.
Pong? And I used to think you were cool.

I still am, I just get a little senile every...... wtf was I talking about???

I'm still cooler than the other side of the pillow. 

I'll have the roast beef sandwhich.... no that's not it.....

Plus I was wearing my Sears Toughskins Courduroy pants complete with the VRrrrrrrrrp vrrrrrrrrrrp VrrrrrRRpp sound when you walked or ran, which sounded like the previsous Vrrrrrrp's but faster.

Seal 3 wrote:

Ilocano wrote:

I think I had the same one as yours.  Do you remember getting "radiation" back then?

But on a "PC", I think it was that Star Trek game on a TRS-80 or Teletype.

Regards to the TV, I remember sound-based TV remotes that changed the channel via a clicker.
By radiation do you mean the burnt image of the border around the pong court? Yeah we had that happen my dad got a separate TV just for the game...umm more like after we ruined our TV we got a new one just for TV show watching

Those first "remotes" were pretty clunky just like mashing a big toggle switch "CLICK, CLICK, CLICK".

I like how it only went up or down you could not enter a channel by number you had to scroll, god help you as a kid if you "Clicked" too fast.

I'd usually get smacked up side the head with a magazine, which wasn't bad unless it was a National Geographic, ouch those ones hurt.

You had the On, Off, and channel up and down toggle button.

Thank god they were only 13 numbers back then. That cut down on the channel surfing.
Regards to radiation, I forgot about burn-in.  But no, i was referring to that funny feeling your body got from playing Pong too close to the TV...

About the clicker, as a kid, it got scary when the channel would change all by itself due to some sound coming from the TV or radio.
I've had the diarrheas since Easters
+145|6736|California U.S.A

Ilocano wrote:

Seal 3 wrote:

Ilocano wrote:

I think I had the same one as yours.  Do you remember getting "radiation" back then?

But on a "PC", I think it was that Star Trek game on a TRS-80 or Teletype.

Regards to the TV, I remember sound-based TV remotes that changed the channel via a clicker.
By radiation do you mean the burnt image of the border around the pong court? Yeah we had that happen my dad got a separate TV just for the game...umm more like after we ruined our TV we got a new one just for TV show watching

Those first "remotes" were pretty clunky just like mashing a big toggle switch "CLICK, CLICK, CLICK".

I like how it only went up or down you could not enter a channel by number you had to scroll, god help you as a kid if you "Clicked" too fast.

I'd usually get smacked up side the head with a magazine, which wasn't bad unless it was a National Geographic, ouch those ones hurt.

You had the On, Off, and channel up and down toggle button.

Thank god they were only 13 numbers back then. That cut down on the channel surfing.
Regards to radiation, I forgot about burn-in.  But no, i was referring to that funny feeling your body got from playing Pong too close to the TV...

About the clicker, as a kid, it got scary when the channel would change all by itself due to some sound coming from the TV or radio.
Oh yeah the X-ray feeling, I like to think It gave me mutant powers.

I don't remember the random channel changing happens too much probably because I had a short attention span back then.
+3,936|6646|so randum
Pokemon blue and red. First pc game was mechwarrior 4
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
+1,230|6989|Alberta, Canada

That skiing game on the old 95 computers
Either that, or Pokemon for the GameBoy.

Last edited by Ryan (2007-04-25 16:04:46)

+1,106|6436|Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk

Ryan wrote:

That skiing game on the old 95 computers
Either that, or Pokemon for the GameBoy.

I remember (I was only 5 at the time) going down hills, and not knowing you could jump. Then I climbed right back up the hill.

I loved getting eaten by the Yeti. Greatest sense of accomplishment I had felt in my young life.
Mass Media Casualty

I can't really remember. I think it was "Alleycat".
It had the coolest music.
dit dit, dit dit, ditdit dit dit, ditditditditdit
dit dit.
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