Wait, wait. You're not seriously citing something "published" on a geocities page, are you?Commie Killer wrote:
http://www.geocities.com/testament1212/ … nstUS.html112505 wrote:
I'm a terriost in the eyes of a idiot. I'm mostly Chinese with many family members serving in the PLA so I might be biased but America will fall to something.
Yup, just gouged my eyes out with a BIC pen... no prescription required.Kmarion wrote:
They have medicine for that.Reciprocity wrote:
every time i read a thread like this, I get the unwanted mental image of Charlton Heston beating off while watching Red Dawn.
I suspect it will happen eventually, I just hope we stop carrying the financial health of the rest of the world on our shoulders with all the aid we give to the ingrates before we go down.
if a virus was implemented into th nukes main frame computers and all of our high tech rockets computers then they will be useless. Then it would come to manpower. Here in U.S. its bad enough we have 60% overweight, 33% obese and 7% normal, so the odds are not very good when it comes to infantry fighting considering if the mobilization was to occur.
Last edited by blademaster (2007-02-15 23:20:31)
First you have to take into consideration the fact of redundancy in computing. You couldn't bring my network down with a computer virus. Second, a fat slob can still shoot, and there would still be US troops deployed here and everywhere else to make an invading force's life a living hell (provided they actually get here without being atomized).blademaster wrote:
if a virus was implemented into th nukes main frame computers and all of our high tech rockets computers then they will be useless. Then it would come to manpower. Here in U.S. its bad enough we have 60% overweight, 33% obese and 7% normal, so the odds are not very good when it comes to infantry fighting considering if the mobilization was to occur.
Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2007-02-16 01:44:00)
Who needs a virus. All you need to find is a back door. If you try hard enough anything is possible.unnamednewbie13 wrote:
First you have to take into consideration the fact of redundancy in computing. You couldn't bring my network down with a computer virus. Second, a fat slob can still shoot, and there would still be US troops deployed here and everywhere else to make an invading force's life a living hell (provided they actually get here without being atomized).blademaster wrote:
if a virus was implemented into th nukes main frame computers and all of our high tech rockets computers then they will be useless. Then it would come to manpower. Here in U.S. its bad enough we have 60% overweight, 33% obese and 7% normal, so the odds are not very good when it comes to infantry fighting considering if the mobilization was to occur.
Everyone has fallen. It doesn't mean everyone is going to fall. I like to use logic in my arguements. You should try it instead of using history to try to predict the future.Spearhead wrote:
lmfao @ the people who say "No". EVERYONE falls sometime, unless you argue that Italy is still the most powerful country in the world. America is only 200 years old, and it's only been in the last 60 years that we've had the power we like to think we have.
Whether that means we'll go down like sore losers and nuke everyone else, or we'll give up nice and peacefully, who knows. But one thing is certain : EVERYONE falls sometime or another, if you argue against that I'd call you delusional. EVERY superpower thought they were invincible, until, guess what? A duhr, they got their asses handed to them. It will happen to the USA, maybe in our lifetimes, probably not.
Let's say everyone in my family has been an alcoholic through out my family's history(some truth in that). It doesn't mean I'm destined to be an alcoholic. It is in fact possible to break the mold.
I'd rather be "delusional" than a pessimistic dumbass. Quite frankly, it could happen that the U.S. falls, but it in no way is destined to happen.
well I think like you said nothing can last forever.
we will never fall unless we get bush out of there lol but i really think we will not fall at all cause america is the strongest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Right about.............
Seriously, now, whenever the world is united in one common cause...killing Bush.
Seriously, now, whenever the world is united in one common cause...killing Bush.
Last edited by TheDarkRaven (2007-02-16 13:35:58)
you would want to kill an innocent monkeyTheDarkRaven wrote:
Right about.............
Seriously, now, whenever the world is united in one common cause...killing Bush.
Yes sir history repeats it self. But in this case you can freely blame it on jews.
Last edited by alpinestar (2007-02-16 21:26:58)
300,000,000 * .07 = 21,000,000 US population that is physically normal. But you have to remember that the BMI will say that a professional body builder is overweight or obese.blademaster wrote:
if a virus was implemented into th nukes main frame computers and all of our high tech rockets computers then they will be useless. Then it would come to manpower. Here in U.S. its bad enough we have 60% overweight, 33% obese and 7% normal, so the odds are not very good when it comes to infantry fighting considering if the mobilization was to occur.
If China attacks they have to make it over the Sierra Nevadas and the Rockies, a defender's wet dream. Attacking from the East you would have to make it over the appalachian mountains as well. Next to that, you would not want to attack through the South East and reducing resistence in NYC would be like our current struggle in Iraq.
Not to mention that there are enough people in the US population who own firearms including .50 cal anti material rifles, .308 hunting rifles, etc. that attacking the United States would be a nightmare if it were only man power. But I do think that the next major war will probably be on US soil, it will not be fun to watch but interesting to see just how the civilian population reacts to it.
Everything that has a begining has an end...
First off im not anti-american. but yea the US is going to fall...it already is....and as far as who is going to help it fall faster its going to be china....main reason they wont attack now is we are were they get most there money from...once that stops than they wont give a hoot and blow US off the map...sure we have great millatry but most our guys are over in Iraq and as far as man power goes China has way more than USA
and China are not over there building up there millatry for defending there country...and them and Russia training togather... yea not to many people like US
but i would rather it didnt fall cause its nice living here...really just about everyone has it made easy here compared to other countries
Flame on:/
and China are not over there building up there millatry for defending there country...and them and Russia training togather... yea not to many people like US
but i would rather it didnt fall cause its nice living here...really just about everyone has it made easy here compared to other countries
Flame on:/
Last edited by leesupport (2007-02-17 23:36:58)
Yea, rapid redeployment isn't unheard of but Iran could make it a bitch of a task to accomplish. In that time we could lose quite a few very important areas but you have to remember that the US Army is over 500,000 the USMC is roughly 200,000. I don't have exact numbers for the Air Force or the Navy, not to mention the CG. With only a tenth or less of our armed services deployed in Iraq, plus the rapid call ups of the Reserves, Nation Guards, and IIRs we could hold our own in a defense fight.
What we are more likely going to see are UN sactions start raining down on the US. An outright attack by China, a joint China/Russia, or even China/Russia/Iran (Middle East) anytime soon would more then likely result in a NATO responce and UN responce.
What we are more likely going to see are UN sactions start raining down on the US. An outright attack by China, a joint China/Russia, or even China/Russia/Iran (Middle East) anytime soon would more then likely result in a NATO responce and UN responce.
we cant tell for sure if it will...I tend to think it will because like many I rethink on past events and its known thing that history has a tendency to repeat itself....I think that if US gets attacked by China or someone else...it might inspire others to do so. Dont forget US...like most big empires has expanded and stepped on many toes in the process which in turn will get the smaller guys to get fed up and revolt like in the past. But then again we shall only know when and if the time comes.
Comparing to the past the US has not really expanded that much in actual terriority. While it's economic and diplomatic power can be felt very far, the US itself is a small "empire" by measure.
This is based on transportation and communication abilities. Compare how long it took for the a message to be sent from Rome to the out streching regions in the empires hay days. Or the Greek, Persian, or however other many of civilizations that have managed to grasp a lot of land.
It's just a little early to call the US an empire.
If the US falls from military conflict it will be surprising to me, while we may be sent back inside our own boarders I don't see us conceding much, if any land. If our downfall is to come from anything I would say it would be from within. This form of government can lead to a lot of problems internally.
Crap its 1:30 in the morning I can't think straight anymore. If I remember to I will finish this line of thought later.
This is based on transportation and communication abilities. Compare how long it took for the a message to be sent from Rome to the out streching regions in the empires hay days. Or the Greek, Persian, or however other many of civilizations that have managed to grasp a lot of land.
It's just a little early to call the US an empire.
If the US falls from military conflict it will be surprising to me, while we may be sent back inside our own boarders I don't see us conceding much, if any land. If our downfall is to come from anything I would say it would be from within. This form of government can lead to a lot of problems internally.
Crap its 1:30 in the morning I can't think straight anymore. If I remember to I will finish this line of thought later.
I think military conflict will destroy us, not because of any outside force, but because we will bankrupt our economy through it. In addition to this, if the OPEC nations all switch to the Euro in oil trade, our dollar is fucked.Ridir wrote:
Comparing to the past the US has not really expanded that much in actual terriority. While it's economic and diplomatic power can be felt very far, the US itself is a small "empire" by measure.
This is based on transportation and communication abilities. Compare how long it took for the a message to be sent from Rome to the out streching regions in the empires hay days. Or the Greek, Persian, or however other many of civilizations that have managed to grasp a lot of land.
It's just a little early to call the US an empire.
If the US falls from military conflict it will be surprising to me, while we may be sent back inside our own boarders I don't see us conceding much, if any land. If our downfall is to come from anything I would say it would be from within. This form of government can lead to a lot of problems internally.
Crap its 1:30 in the morning I can't think straight anymore. If I remember to I will finish this line of thought later.
lol pathetic[TUF]Catbox wrote:
We wont fall... we adapt and survive... If the US was gone the world would collapse... fact
The US system isn't rigid but flexible, This makes it resilient and adaptable. So the answer is not in our life times or never. This may make certain people flaccid and impotent for years to come so be it. Get over it your grandfather had the sense to. Most of his smarter friends came and stayed here. Ever wonder why?
Last edited by Hunter/Jumper (2007-04-22 05:44:46)
Yes it is, you'd think they would pick up the pace and try and be less dependent but your right its pathetic how fast they would and have collapsed in the past.Fearmesnipers wrote:
lol pathetic[TUF]Catbox wrote:
We wont fall... we adapt and survive... If the US was gone the world would collapse... fact
Well, I think that there is the possibility with every country that it may fall, so I'll have to disagree with you.Hunter/Jumper wrote:
The US system isn't rigid but flexible, This makes it resilient and adaptable. So the answer is not in our life times or never. This may make certain people flaccid and impotent for years to come so be it. Get over it your grandfather had the sense to. Most of his smarter friends came and stayed here. Ever wonder why?
Patriotism is good, but keep a lurking sense of reason too.
The US system isn't rigid but flexible, This makes it resilient and adaptable.konfusion wrote:
Well, I think that there is the possibility with every country that it may fall, so I'll have to disagree with you.Hunter/Jumper wrote:
The US system isn't rigid but flexible, This makes it resilient and adaptable. So the answer is not in our life times or never. This may make certain people flaccid and impotent for years to come so be it. Get over it your grandfather had the sense to. Most of his smarter friends came and stayed here. Ever wonder why?
Patriotism is good, but keep a lurking sense of reason too.
keep a lurking sense of comprehension and retention.
That's not what I said. Read. I'm just addressing the topic: The US may fall, just like any other country may fall. You, however, said they would never.Hunter/Jumper wrote:
The US system isn't rigid but flexible, This makes it resilient and adaptable.konfusion wrote:
Well, I think that there is the possibility with every country that it may fall, so I'll have to disagree with you.Hunter/Jumper wrote:
The US system isn't rigid but flexible, This makes it resilient and adaptable. So the answer is not in our life times or never. This may make certain people flaccid and impotent for years to come so be it. Get over it your grandfather had the sense to. Most of his smarter friends came and stayed here. Ever wonder why?
Patriotism is good, but keep a lurking sense of reason too.
keep a lurking sense of comprehension and retention.