Getting 10 repair points is near impossible, since it takes and act of god to just get one. Anyway get a buddy and drive off somewhere quiet in a vodnik/humvee whatever, and flip it on its side.  It will constantly lose health but if the person in the back starts wrenching itll stay alive, two people are necessary since it will lose health slightly faster than it can be repaired by one person.  I wish I had the screen shot of my buddy and I sitting in the back of a flipped vodnik wrenching away.
ha ha ha. im srry thats the lame way to do it get a boat and flip it take wrench out and put some thing on the mouse botton and go watch tv easy 40-60 repairs. getting repairs now is bs way do it the hard way when theres an easy way.
take this thread away plz so the smacktards dosnt learn even more dumb shit

-=Stekhuset=-Bleppen wrote:

take this thread away plz so the smacktards dosnt learn even more dumb shit
WOW. So it really works? I wanna try!
What, are you proud of stat padding? Why are you posting to tell us how you cheated to get your badge?
Have a nice day!

eat more pie,ty for the tip.
its pretty obvious that EA never actually played this game before releasing it because if they did they would have made repair points as easy to get as a heal or support is
they used to be before 1.03
+40|6911|The Netherlands

Atlas wrote:

What, are you proud of stat padding? Why are you posting to tell us how you cheated to get your badge?
indeed LOL what a Nooblets!

Moderator Emeritus
+76|6924|London UK

I cheated to get 10 repair points.

Its the only time ive ever stat padded ever. Please be my guest and check my stats you'll see most of my points are combat. I got my mate to shoot rockets at a tank, then jump inside, while I repair it. Then repeat. Got the commando to drop a supply create so the dude doesnt run out of rockets.

Returned the favour, and bingo. Im not really proud of it, but its pretty much impossible to get 10 repair points under normal circumstances anyway.

I think it would be hard to get the 25 or whatever needed for the expert even with stat padding.

And anyway, its 10 global points, of 57K or however many I haev, its not a huge amount.
Δ > x > ¥
You might just as well get a friendly enemy spec ops to kill your assets while your buddy supprt resupplies him and you repair the assets.

Trouble is he'll get pi**ed off because you take so long to repair stuff and he can blow it so quickly.  And your support buddy gets his resupply points even faster.

PS.  I still do it the old fashioned way - not colluding with the enemy, not padding but through normal play.  And I've only got the basic badge, the most I've had before is 8 IAR.

Last edited by aardfrith (2006-01-18 04:51:06)

I think its hard to get the repair points and was damn proud when i got my veteran badge..... took a lot of atry and uav reparing before i got it....

Proud of my repair badge.....
this isnt borderline, its clear stats padding...
to get my vet engi badge I was just running like a possessed freak from artillery to uav to satellite to artillery to auv to apc to artillery.....
that round commander assets were c4'd as soon as I turned my back.....
BTW it wasnt really statpadding, the commander ordered me to repair it constantly and I didnt know any of the guys who c4'd the commander assets..... I was just trying to help the team out by giving them commander support...
I probably got killed 50 times that round..... was pretty tense.....

edit: to get the expert badge I think you do need divine intervention or be able to repair vehicles and commander assets from halfway across the map......

Last edited by DocZ (2006-01-18 05:08:25)

I have the veteran engineer badge. It was a sinch. In SF, i just camped out at where all my team's 'toys' are. This same guy (bit of a n00b), kept driving up to destroy it (it was in one of the night maps). I kept repairing it, and i eventually got the badge. w00t!
Boah, nice one but for me it's no fun to get batches with cheating. Although I think 25 repair points is nearly impossible. I made 17 once where the enemy commander tried the whole game to destroy our base and I stayed and repaired (I think also a medic found it good, because he stayed behind and healed me all the time. A nice example when enemy commander is doing baseraping and its good (lol).
Canadian Ops
I got my vet. repair fairly.  I was on a 32-player server playing Karkand, and a whole squad of guys was constantly trying to blow up my team's (USA) commander assets.  Needless to say, I killed them, repaired the commander toys, and waited for them to come back.
i managed to squeeze out 17 repair points on warlord (32 players) and there was even a 2nd engineer around to help repair the commander assets. so maybe if the opponent blows up the assets non-stop and if ur the only engineer then in a long round you might be able to get expert.
needless to say you shouldn't kill incoming enemy spec ops
+5|6839|Pennsylvania - Hershey!
I got my vet engineer the real way.  I was playing Strike on Karkand with two or three of my friends.  They were all in tanks and apc's on MEC.  I just ran around getting repair points until I got it.  I always play on a server where the rounds are really long, that makes it easy. But I don't know how I could get the expert repair even then.
+6|6886|In a van down by the river
I got the veteran legit.  But what I did to get the Expert was wrong.   I had a buddy blow up the artillery repeatedly and I'd keep repairing it.  How else are you supposed to get 25 repair points in one round? It's friggin impossible!
I figure that repairing things like artillery and stuff is easiest, just be on the team witha disadvantage and go away somewhere and wait for them to destroy it, then go away again, then come back. Playing big maps with few players is probably the EASIEST way to get ANY points besides medic points and ammo giving points, for those you want a packed 64 man server
woot im gona tell my clan we all gona flip over a van!!1 yeah!!!!
An easy way to get the engineering points up is to defend an ground placed defence gun that is under constant attack, if its not under constant attack, get in it and start blasting enemy troops, they'll soon be throwing explosives at it.

In the Special Forces expansion the Iron Gator map (whole aircraft carrier) has 1 massive AA gun which keeps getting taken out, I sat next to that on a 64 player server and kept it alive all round, an easy 20 repair points.
+0|6888|Almere, Holland

acurasquirrel wrote:

Getting 10 repair points is near impossible, since it takes and act of god to just get one. Anyway get a buddy and drive off somewhere quiet in a vodnik/humvee whatever, and flip it on its side.  It will constantly lose health but if the person in the back starts wrenching itll stay alive, two people are necessary since it will lose health slightly faster than it can be repaired by one person.  I wish I had the screen shot of my buddy and I sitting in the back of a flipped vodnik wrenching away.
Its works better to drive the vodniks or other jeeps in the water hop in the back start repairin..
Jackass of all Trades
+62|6833|Dayton, Ohio
Try maps with extra arty.  There are a hand full of maps with 4 arty pieces in 64 man mode.

Personally i got my vet on Wake as China.  They always blow up the arty over and over.  I don't think I even had to go to the UAV or Radar and I had at least 12 repairs.

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