Bertster7 wrote:
Mushroomcar wrote:
splixx wrote:
You are the first person I have ever heard recommend stalker.
Let me be the second one.
This game has awesome graphics! (if u try it out u'll see).
No it doesn't.
I can't comment on the gameplay because I've only played it for about 10 minutes, I stopped after that because the graphics were so awful (and I wasn't really getting into it - the engine didn't seem very nice).
The graphics look like something I might have expected 2 or 3 years ago and really are not upto modern standards.
I'm number 3... you must have a weak video card cause to me with my 7600GS (not the best by far) it looks so real I have to take breaks from it from time to time cause I'm getting to into it.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is a fantastic game but don't for a minute think it's an FPS game... the gun physics are too realistic. If you think you can play it like Half Life and run into a room full of bad guys blazing away and come out without a scratch you'd better think again. You need to think, use cover, and act as if it were almost the real world... and listen for warning indicaters because otherwise you'll end up dead very quickly.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is more of a first person role playing game like Oblivion... kind of how I envision Fallout 3 will look once bethesda does something with it.
Still a very good game... Now I'm off to explore the north