Wannabe Heli Whore
I don't get a good feeling about this server. Every time I've been there, its been the highranking  TCS guys team and clan stacking on one team and raping the crappy players on the other team. I try to get in the chopper on Iron Gator, and this 4 star general, Blinkofdeath I think, part of their clan, TKs me to get in the chopper. I make a comment "What would happen if I TKed for the chopper?" and the response I get from the admin- "You'd be quit and play- Last warning". So their members are allowed to TK for choppers and I'm not....really gay.
Squirrels, natures little speedbump.
Just go in thier vent and cuss them out I wouldnt tho cause I AM IN TCS
I like the TomClancy server, one of my favorite for SF at least. 

And hahaha, owned by Blink.
Squirrels, natures little speedbump.
BF2s Frat Brother

AdamBenson wrote:

I don't get a good feeling about this server. Every time I've been there, its been the highranking  TCS guys team and clan stacking on one team and raping the crappy players on the other team. I try to get in the chopper on Iron Gator, and this 4 star general, Blinkofdeath I think, part of their clan, TKs me to get in the chopper. I make a comment "What would happen if I TKed for the chopper?" and the response I get from the admin- "You'd be quit and play- Last warning". So their members are allowed to TK for choppers and I'm not....really gay.
I hear yaaa but it still is one of my fav servers. All servers have "interesting events" happening but all in all its not that bad. I don't even try for a heli when the clan guys are around, but generally they are a good bunch of guys. I figure, if you pay for it, then maybe you should have first crack at the goodies. Anyways, don't give up too quickly.
+131|6776|the guy in the hind on gator
dont like it dont play there , hundreds of sf servers out there join one of them
Blink is the admin. I doubt he would do that, must have been FrontSide 5-0 who wears the TCSr tag. He's notorious for TKing for vehicles. He also posts on here.

Last edited by JaggedPanther (2007-04-16 23:50:53)

Purple Heart Recipient
+73|7010|Fort Lewis WA
I seriously dont understand what the point of a clan is if:
Public players cry about team stacking because a clan decides it wants to play as a team.
Thats the damned point of a clan.
Dont like it form a clan and gather the funds to start your own server.
I love TCS server. Blink is not hard to get along with. Just do what he says I learned....

He is a really good person to play with...but were you trying to fly and make him gun? Or what?

Last edited by keyoshi (2007-04-17 00:11:10)

Nikola Bathory
Karkand T-90 0wnage
clan team stack is gay
Death StatPadder
+228|7089|Human Meat Shield
IF all you could do is fly wouldnt you TK for it?
Seriously, fuck off.
+103|7008|"The Empire"
TCS can be one of the best and most populated servers, but it does tend to get stacked and raping is not uncommon, great when your on the same team, not so good when your not, as for blink iv been in his squad a few times and as long as you were a team player its a good squad to be in, if your not he does tend to kick you out of it, he is however the admin so unfortunately he gets to do what he wants, but i have honestly never seen him TK anyone and mostly have a good time there!!
sophisticated slacker
+334|6644|Graz, Austria
I don't get it why the admins let team stacking happen at all.
If the teams are unbalanced, the rounds will be over much faster and it ends in base-raping and 250-0 rounds.
Doesn't sound lik fun to me.
I try to make a point of playing on the other side(losing side) when ever it is stacked.  There's nothing I enjoy more than sneaking around, picking off one flag, then the whole domino effect takes over and you find a pretty good game evolves.  If your sneaky enough and have some squad members who cooperate then it turns out to be the best aspect of the game.  Try and hold your spawn until you can spawn on a squad leader in a safe position.  There is no time limit, just tickets, so when you spawn in the middle of mayhem you are defeating your own team.  I myself am a low ranking player w/ not so much experience.   So this is really the only way to get back at all the "High Ranking Players in TCS."  As to TKing, that is un cool and really the only rule on our server.  I've played tcs 98% of the time and have logged i think 200 or so hours and have never witnessed Blink tking somebody.  If he indeed did, there could be a logical explanation.  Example:  I tked Johnny Engineer or something like that yesterday b/c when I went for the chopper I witnessed him shooting Vlad in the head at point blank range tking him and then jumping in the chopper seat.  I jumped in and told him to get out.  He didn't so I let him take it.  When he crashed and returned to get the chopper I tked him over and over(or at least tried to)  He then joined my squad to talk about it. I asked him if he knew why I was doing that.  He said no and was a bit heated.  I explained to him that everybody waits their turn he said OK and that was the end of it.  I understand I took some of his own medicine by tking him and that 100% was not the right thing to do but with no admin on at the time I felt he needed to see how it felt.  When one tks everybody starts tking so that's why the admins kick for it.  We want everybody to have a good and fair time in TCS.  As far as base rapping,  war is war and the only great players( or real life generals) are the relentless ones who never ever stop pounding it in to their enemy.  I've played on other servers where you cant go to the MEC side of Iron Gator.  That is ridiculous.  How are you to take down their assets and ground to airs and AA's so you can fly safely and base rape the last 2 top flags on the ship!!  Unless you are a wonder gunner and don't need to fly over there to take everything out.  If the so called stacked side was to let up and let you take some more flages back wouldn't you feel dirty and cheated.  Wouldn't the win not mean anything when you finally have everybody work together and you do come back from all capped flags.  I don't know yalls MO but I don't EVER want something or anything just handed to me out of pitty.  Kill me until Im dead and dead over.  Don't ever let me catch my breath b/c it'll be the end of you if you do.  One mans opinion.

I spend most of my time there.  Good map rotation and it is mostly populated.  Yes base raping is aloud and it can get out of hand, but it happens.
As a TCS member let me also offer this: when we all play on one team I score half the points I would on a balanced team, so look for me on your side when that happens. Also, if you join us in vent you will see that after one round of raping we start to talk about whether to put A/B on, or have some of us switch sides. It is by far the fairest server I have played on and I think we get more of a kick oout of killing each other than anyone else. Also, you should know that Blink is fair and commited to the goal of making it the best SF server around, which can''t happen with poor sportsmanship. Stop by our forums and you will see:
[url=]The Syndicate[/url]
Your cops are corrupt.
+200|6711|fÄking denmark
Don't like the server or the clan it self..

As I has experienced, if a clan member is on the losing team, they just kick one from the winning team, so that the lost clan member can win.

Last edited by Lieutenant_Jensen (2007-04-17 08:23:54)

TK him anyway. Make them kick/ban. Then laugh at thier noobness. Muhhhahahahahaha!
+10|6820|KILLA KALI
TCS, another pathetic NAZI admin server from my experience. Admins (Blink) TK for choppers. Unbalanced, clan stacking server 90% of the time, if you are raping them; they'll switch you to the loosing team. List goes on. But hey, what the hell; isn't there like 300 and something other SF servers to play on? So game on !
Personal philosophy: Clothing optional.
+1,022|6943|Camp XRay

all i hear is a bunch of whining, i play in there 90% of the time and i never see the shit any of you are complaining about. i suppose if you quit whining about everything and actually played your team would not get raped.
+7|7008|In a 24/7 Night Server
Cry more noobs. 

TCS is one of the best SF servers out there (could use more night maps but oh well).
Personal philosophy: Clothing optional.
+1,022|6943|Camp XRay

J.P.Morgen wrote:

Cry more noobs. 

TCS is one of the best SF servers out there (could use more night maps but oh well).
they let us baserape, it's cool
Robin Hood ---> "u got arrownd"
Tcs ftw best sf server experience i had there before i quit bf2
Metal Godz
I play there often...

No complaints yet...
What i dont like about tcs is that the admin can only go as commander. And it sucks on iron gator when they are in the apc not commanding just killing your targets, And when It respawns if you get in apc first they kick. I also cursed out a clan member for apc hogging.

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