umm ok
Other than all the Chinese/Japanese writing, pretty good
The camera unlock is a nice touch, I must admit

photoshopped with paint?
That camera unlock seems overpowered. I mean it is semi-auto (unlike the manual stock camera) and it also has higher accuracy. Also which army does CNN fight? BBC? FOX? MSNBC?
IsraeliSnake wrote:
Other than all the Chinese/Japanese writing, pretty good
ROFLdoctastrangelove1964 wrote:
That camera unlock seems overpowered. I mean it is semi-auto (unlike the manual stock camera) and it also has higher accuracy. Also which army does CNN fight? BBC? FOX? MSNBC?
+1 for that...
Wow i must have been around here too long.
Am i the only one who wants to say old?
Am i the only one who wants to say old?
Damage: Very high (if photo makes the news)
Isnt that the truth.
May be old but I hadnt seen it before.
Isnt that the truth.
May be old but I hadnt seen it before.
I'm with ya bud.=Karma-Kills= wrote:
Wow i must have been around here too long.
Am i the only one who wants to say old?
I know fucking karate
I've seen it before, but since that was a long time ago, then it still makes me laugh. Oh man, I can just imagine this kit in BF2. LMAO! Camera-whore!
Yesim_in_heaven wrote:

lol thats dumb but funny
lol first time I saw this and its pretty cool I like it.
Very good +1
Very good +1
pretty tight
Hey someone give me just 1 more karma, I want to be just like Monkeyman911 with 3 lol.
plz dont not ask for karma kthankxbye
gg engrish
gg engrish
Al jazeera. BBC is their ally. fox is like france hostile but not fighting, And msnbc is like Ireland On the outside of everything only fighting with some people sometimes, But mostly fighting with themselves.doctastrangelove1964 wrote:
That camera unlock seems overpowered. I mean it is semi-auto (unlike the manual stock camera) and it also has higher accuracy. Also which army does CNN fight? BBC? FOX? MSNBC?
its Hebrew.Snake wrote:
Other than all the Chinese/Japanese writing, pretty good
wish i culd read Chinese/Japanese ....
the Chinese going to buy the all world soon.. must to be ready for that :p

Well, somebody might as well POST the picture this thread is wrapped around...
Nature is a powerful force. Those who seek to subdue nature, never do so permanently.