ok guys i just got a new bf2 server up yesterday and i would like every ones opinon about what kind of map i should have on it? and what kind of rotation i should also have, 2 maps of each or 4 maps of each, i thanks everyone how reply there opinon.
what is a great bf2 server???
Regular battlefield2 | 27% | 27% - 39 | ||||
Special Forces | 11% | 11% - 17 | ||||
Euro Force | 4% | 4% - 6 | ||||
Armored Fury | 2% | 2% - 4 | ||||
Armored Fury and Euro Force | 4% | 4% - 7 | ||||
Regular battlefield2 infantry | 9% | 9% - 14 | ||||
Special Forces infantry | 5% | 5% - 8 | ||||
Regular battlefield2 city maps | 9% | 9% - 14 | ||||
Regular battlefield2 air maps | 5% | 5% - 8 | ||||
a 24/7 server | 18% | 18% - 27 | ||||
Total: 144 |
Although I still have yet to get Special Forces, I'd say an Iron Gator server. From what Snake says, that map is the shit.

Iron Gator is AWESOME! I would DEFINATLY come there if you had a 24/7 Iron Gator or something!
We had the same problem with our server a few weeks back, it tends to go through phases on ours, usually we play Karkand IO 24/7 as this appears to attract more people! But whenever we change the IO maps people all seemed to leave to come back when its Karkand! Its not been as bad since we put vechiles on to the rotation maps, which we tend to play 2 rounds of each map which keps people happy as there is enough time to get use to a map before it changes. Hope this helps out
go inf only!
sharqi 24/7 IO.
Personally i would hate it, but if you want players....
Personally i would hate it, but if you want players....
Go figure......Karkand anyone? Inf only/Special Forces is the only way to go.
A server with a changing setting is good.
I like SF, but i also like EF & AF & Vanilla.
I like to play IO, but i also like sitting in a tank.
So for me a server would be perfect that everytime i play has the setting which i'm in the mood for.
For getting some medals AF/EF would be nice.
I like SF, but i also like EF & AF & Vanilla.
I like to play IO, but i also like sitting in a tank.
So for me a server would be perfect that everytime i play has the setting which i'm in the mood for.
For getting some medals AF/EF would be nice.
so would it be good that i go 4 round of Karkand, and 2 of something else????
Start your server on 16 Karkand. 2 rounds.Panther0071 wrote:
so would it be good that i go 4 round of Karkand, and 2 of something else????
City Map next, maybe 32 players.
Then have a regular rotation - no Zatar, yes Songhua.
karkand 24/7 oman 24/7 or wake 24/7 are my usual favourites
i was thinking a 24/7 server like 4 rounds of Karkand, and 4 rounds of jalalabad, what do you think of this rotation?
If u just want to attract lots of players make 24/7 Karkand oder Jalala IO server, high points servers that run airmaps are also often full of players.
i need more vote, please tell all you bf2 friend to come and vote pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
This server is pretty good come play and fill it up. : 16567
=[UK]= Infantry Only
(shameless plug but oh well) : 16567
=[UK]= Infantry Only
(shameless plug but oh well)
hey dont come here and recriut players off my thear, you player stealer.
Get A SF server, make it 24/7 Iron Gator.. I'd be there alll day
Get A SF server, make it 24/7 Iron Gator.. I'd be there alll day
ok i think my server is gonna be a 24/7 karkand/jalalabad, and how do i attrack people to the server, like good banners, or a good server name???
I like servers that play IO on days like Tuesday and Thursday (on which I usually got no time to play) and regular mode on all other days, maybe something like city maps only on Sundays and air maps only on Saturdays...
Monday: All maps
Tuesday: Inf Only city
Wednesday: All maps
Thursday: Inf Only all maps
Friday: All maps
Saturday: Air maps
Sunday: City maps.
Monday: All maps
Tuesday: Inf Only city
Wednesday: All maps
Thursday: Inf Only all maps
Friday: All maps
Saturday: Air maps
Sunday: City maps.
hmm, I don't care about the map, mod etc etc, as long as it has a decent teamwork reputation - i'm there. That's why I play PR quite a bit.
Go with SF I/O .....definitely Warlord and Ghost Town with Mass Destruction and Iron Gator too !!
i can't pick.the only maps i dont' like are the chinese ones(besides Wake).
I like 24/7 servers because you don't always have to load a new map which takes me 2 minutes. [EPIC] Ranked Wake is my favorite server, they banned me once for having too high of a score lol.
post the server information, you might get people to go there now. 24/7wake no karkand, special forces are all good