+18|6285|Sidahnee Orstrayleeah

Pea....Tear.....Griffen wrote:

neon_flux601 wrote:

4thHazard wrote:

I'm an Aussie and I get what you all say the Fuckin Mufti should fuck off and leave due to what he says about the country I live in and he Lives here to I reckon He should pack up and Fuck off back to his Bombed out home, Also the Islamic people that live here should piss off too their Pricks they don't like us and Disagree with every law we have. all I can say is

Typical Sydney moron.

Pass year ten did we? Or wait... IN year ten?
Nope, i totaly agree with him, if they want to live here then they should respect our laws and traditions or GITOUT!!!
Hey, read my posts before rebutting me, if thats what you call it.


Not an attitude that reflects the values that our country is (meant to be) based upon.
.yag era uoy fi siht deaR

neon_flux601 wrote:

Pea....Tear.....Griffen wrote:

Most Muslims have done nothing except bludge of the government welfare laws, rape our women, rob our stores and break our laws, come on boys crunela riots all over again!!! Pies forever!!! Kebabs Never!!!
Hey if you had been in Sydney when that happened maybe you would have a different perspective on it.

I remember sitting on Bondi Beach, deserted, watching a convoy of police cars lock down my town.

I don't like living in a police state.

Not again thanks.
Well atleast they got the message....for a few months, but dont you see, where i live there a more of them than there are of us, no-one is game enough to walk the streets after dark. they say they want to be treated the same and given the same responsibilites and privliges as dont bash the shit out of us.
+18|6285|Sidahnee Orstrayleeah

Pea....Tear.....Griffen wrote:

Well atleast they got the message....for a few months, but dont you see, where i live there a more of them than there are of us, no-one is game enough to walk the streets after dark. they say they want to be treated the same and given the same responsibilites and privliges as dont bash the shit out of us.
I do see it mate but Cronulla did nothing for Sydney except start a manhunt for all those involved - they were arrested and charged.

In the aftermath we have the same problems and they need to be addressed in a different way than meeting them on the beach for a biff.

You know what the problem with 'Multicultural' Australia is?

It's the segregation, racism and xenophobia.

It continues to be swept under the rug.
Save the BlobFish!
I worked with a Muslim for the last 4 years. He is the nicest guy you could hope to meet. When he hears about statements from the Mufti you can see his heart almost breaking coz he knows it will relect on him. Unfortunately its not Muslims that are the problem, its idiot Bogans. They are the biggest problem regardless of if they are Muslim, European, Asian , or whatever. This guy just wants to live a quiet life with his family, he has never forced his beliefs down our throat. I think we should stop tarring all these guys with the one brush, as I know that there are heaps more like him!
+18|6285|Sidahnee Orstrayleeah

Burwhale the Avenger wrote:

I worked with a Muslim for the last 4 years. He is the nicest guy you could hope to meet. When he hears about statements from the Mufti you can see his heart almost breaking coz he knows it will relect on him. Unfortunately its not Muslims that are the problem, its idiot Bogans. They are the biggest problem regardless of if they are Muslim, European, Asian , or whatever. This guy just wants to live a quiet life with his family, he has never forced his beliefs down our throat. I think we should stop tarring all these guys with the one brush, as I know that there are heaps more like him!
Couldn't agree more, from my personal experiences also i've seen exactly the same thing.

Clear out the trash, by all means, but give the poor honest buggers a fair go.
.yag era uoy fi siht deaR

neon_flux601 wrote:

Pea....Tear.....Griffen wrote:

Well atleast they got the message....for a few months, but dont you see, where i live there a more of them than there are of us, no-one is game enough to walk the streets after dark. they say they want to be treated the same and given the same responsibilites and privliges as dont bash the shit out of us.
I do see it mate but Cronulla did nothing for Sydney except start a manhunt for all those involved - they were arrested and charged.

In the aftermath we have the same problems and they need to be addressed in a different way than meeting them on the beach for a biff.

You know what the problem with 'Multicultural' Australia is?

It's the segregation, racism and xenophobia.

It continues to be swept under the rug.
Yes, racism here is a problem, but the offenders dont use the "racial slurrs" for nothing, most of the people they are aimed at have earnt those names, i beleive that entry to this country should only be granted after refugees have learnt to live by our mainstream traditions. eg- SPEAK ENGLISH FFS! , but another problem is people target muslims while only half of "them" break the rules and make pricks of themselves, and the other half are the ones that take offense to it
+18|6285|Sidahnee Orstrayleeah

Pea....Tear.....Griffen wrote:

Yes, racism here is a problem, but the offenders dont use the "racial slurrs" for nothing, most of the people they are aimed at have earnt those names, i beleive that entry to this country should only be granted after refugees have learnt to live by our mainstream traditions. eg- SPEAK ENGLISH FFS! , but another problem is people target muslims while only half of "them" break the rules and make pricks of themselves, and the other half are the ones that take offense to it
I hear you, believe me, but nobody 'earns' or 'deserves' a racial slur.

You're dead right, people do target 'muslims' as a whole, when only a percentage of these people are at fault - is it strange that it's a certain percentage of the mainstream population that continue to target them?

Citizenship in this country does already demand a certain knowledge of our customs and traditions, and learning these requires a basic command of english - this is set to become much more in depth with the slated 'Knowledge Test' for citizenship.

We are doing better at integrating newcomers into an english speaking society every year, english classes are swelling.

As a society we need to do better at welcoming these people instead of alienating them.
.yag era uoy fi siht deaR
"I hear you, believe me, but nobody 'earns' or 'deserves' a racial slur."
After all of the hate crimes and race-related violence in our town i'd say otherwise, but it vastly differs from state to state.

"As a society we need to do better at welcoming these people instead of alienating them."
We should welcome/be polite/friendly to those who are polite to us, if they can't respect their neighbours then why should we?, They have as much right to be here as us, but aslong as they respect our culture and not try to avoid and criticise it, they should be living here but under our conditions

Last edited by Pea....Tear.....Griffen (2007-04-15 04:47:15)


neon_flux601 wrote:

You know what the problem with 'Multicultural' Australia is?

It's the segregation, racism and xenophobia.

It continues to be swept under the rug.
A successful multicultural society is a hard ideal to reach for.  Some cultures just don't mix with others.

Aside, BF2 taught me how to say "thank you" in chinese.  A couple of weekends ago I was out with some mates, we got KFC during a drunken walk home.  A chinese guy was behind the counter looking pissed off at all the slobbering drunk kiwis wanting grease and chicken now.  I paid for my order and, putting my knowledge of mandarin into use, thanked him in chinese.  His face lit up, and I got a free upsize

Last edited by Pubic (2007-04-15 06:35:57)

Save the BlobFish!
I believe they have the right to free speech just as we all do. Our diggers fought that right, so we should all have it. However statements condoning rape or hatred are beyond that. I welcome criticism from any group, but if it steps over the line , they really should ask themselves why they would want to settle in such a culturally different country. Pea Tear Griffen , trust me there are heaps of good Muslims in Australia. I think you are dealing with intolerant Bogan ones.

ATG wrote:

So, it would seem perhaps there is a case to be made that Islamic courts should be established in Australia.
After all, they were there first, right?
'Snot the way the world works, bro.
The Lizzard

ATG wrote:

After all, they were there first, right?
Wrong, they communicated, they didn't colonise.

And before you ask, Victoria has Koori courts.

Omnideath wrote:

i get the feeling youre just looking to start and argument with this one. i mean, while were at it, lets give the states back to russia. (look back far enough and its true)
do tell....
+5,233|6563|Global Command

Pea....Tear.....Griffen wrote:

neon_flux601 wrote:

4thHazard wrote:

I'm an Aussie and I get what you all say the Fuckin Mufti should fuck off and leave due to what he says about the country I live in and he Lives here to I reckon He should pack up and Fuck off back to his Bombed out home, Also the Islamic people that live here should piss off too their Pricks they don't like us and Disagree with every law we have. all I can say is

Typical Sydney moron.

Pass year ten did we? Or wait... IN year ten?
Nope, i totaly agree with him, if they want to live here then they should respect our laws and traditions or GITOUT!!!
ALERT ALERT ALERT.  If myself, ATG, or lowing said this, the forum would explode.  Where are the defenders of video game forum world rights at?  ALERT ALERT ALERT

I believe that people should do whatever they want with religious law so long as they understand that national law supercedes it.
+18|6285|Sidahnee Orstrayleeah

Pea....Tear.....Griffen wrote:

"I hear you, believe me, but nobody 'earns' or 'deserves' a racial slur."
After all of the hate crimes and race-related violence in our town i'd say otherwise, but it vastly differs from state to state.
Hey I won't say i've never thrown out a racist remark, I know how you feel, but it's really not the way forward - racism is not acceptable for a so called 'clever country', not in any state.

Pea....Tear.....Griffen wrote:

We should welcome/be polite/friendly to those who are polite to us, if they can't respect their neighbours then why should we?
Why should they be polite and friendly when all our governments seem to do is put them down and force them to run their businesses and live in certain areas, our banks decline their loans and force them to live on our (generous but inaccessible) welfare system?

Pea....Tear.....Griffen wrote:

They have as much right to be here as us, but aslong as they respect our culture and not try to avoid and criticise it, they should be living here but under our conditions
I totally agree. We have to give them a chance to do so.
Finders keepers, etc. If Muslims liked Australia so much, they could have settled in it when they got the chance. As it is, British criminals got sent there, and they'll stay there. Muslims might have been there first (if thats true, personally, I think thats a load of bull shit) but they didn't settle there first.
And regardless, Australian's land, so its the Australians' laws. Muslims can gtfo, or stfu. Or convert. Which is probably better.
smells like wee wee
Everybody under the same laws
The Lizzard

usmarine2005 wrote:

Pea....Tear.....Griffen wrote:

neon_flux601 wrote:

Typical Sydney moron.

Pass year ten did we? Or wait... IN year ten?
Nope, i totaly agree with him, if they want to live here then they should respect our laws and traditions or GITOUT!!!
ALERT ALERT ALERT.  If myself, ATG, or lowing said this, the forum would explode.  Where are the defenders of video game forum world rights at?  ALERT ALERT ALERT
Actually, I missed that comment.  And you're right, given that many Australians don't respect the laws/customs/traditions of Aboriginal peoples, and that our laws failed to protect people of Islamic descent during the Cronulla Riots, he is wrong.

Bubbalo wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

Pea....Tear.....Griffen wrote:

Nope, i totaly agree with him, if they want to live here then they should respect our laws and traditions or GITOUT!!!
ALERT ALERT ALERT.  If myself, ATG, or lowing said this, the forum would explode.  Where are the defenders of video game forum world rights at?  ALERT ALERT ALERT
Actually, I missed that comment.  And you're right, given that many Australians don't respect the laws/customs/traditions of Aboriginal peoples, and that our laws failed to protect people of Islamic descent during the Cronulla Riots, he is wrong.
That was not my point...but carry on.
The Lizzard
I know, your point was that you agreed with him, I decided to ignore that and pretend that you were being rational for once.
Support fanatic :-)

Speaking of the tradition of annexing land by the white man it`s a long tradition and imho the only time it worked out or atleast the closest to a perfect hostile takeover must be Australia with maybe USA as a close second !

In the other end we might have Israel as the least perfect one
Wait behind the line ..............................................................
I know a few of my countrymen who've gone across the ditch thinking Aussies are pretty racist, but after living there for a few years have come back thinking lebs are the scum of the earth, telling me all the tales you'll hear from a white Aussie but with firsthand experience to back them up.
The Lizzard
I am an Aussie telling you that they're wrong.

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