APC whore
Been getting Assault silver badge nearly every server I join into since yesterday when i hit 20 kills. Normally I would think nothing of it, but it adds 500 to your points correct (still new to 2142)? would explain why I keep ranking up so quickly even when the gaps are pretty big between ranks

Last edited by banksd1983 (2007-04-07 23:30:07)

Aspiring Objectivist
yes your suppose to rank up after each round of play

there are all sorts of rank bugs with that game (like the private glitch...)

and whats with the white?
APC whore
fixed it, should see it better now..

anywho, the 500 bonus is helping quite a bit I guess

ALSO, NO NEW medals/pins/anything show up in BFHQ, about a half dozen new random ones just dont show
+1,175|6713|British Columbia, Canada
BF2142 is more buggy then BF2, And thats saying alot.

LT.Victim wrote:

BF2142 is more buggy then BF2, And thats saying alot.
This has nothing to do with the game core itself, and you know that.
This is still the aftermath of the Master Server issues of last week. And if a server awards te accounts double, then it is a server side issue. Only a number of servers, from certain hosts have the glitch. Also depends on the quality of the hosting.
+6|6843|Paris, France (Sporean)
It's been happening these last 2 days. i was working on my basic collectors badge, got it twice and it didn't register in BFHQ & BF2142 stats page on EA. If you check your last date played, it might show 6 or 5 April even if you have played yesterday or today.

Last edited by fannwong00 (2007-04-08 03:23:14)

+354|6408|Basel, Switzerland

Kptk92 wrote:

teh pwnage

fannwong00 wrote:

It's been happening this last 2 days. i was working on my basic collectors badge, got it twice and it didn't register in BFHQ & BF2142 stats page on EA. If you check your last date played, it might show 6 or 5 April even if you have played yesterday or today.
With all due respect. It helps to read post made above yours.

Bernadictus wrote:

This is still the aftermath of the Master Server issues of last week.
+617|6555|NSW, Australia

thats happend to me, but no complaints here (except mine was with expert titan defence hehe)
+1|6689|Cologne - Germany
Well - use the problems to your advantage - try to get the award giving you the most points and just do it over and over - Points do show up on the master server, but all awards, times, ... are not being processed right now. Lets hope they get it fixed soon. I was trying for several awards but could not make them because still some minutes left..... ;(
+1,352|6643|N. Ireland
And I'm less than 2 hours away from Expert Repair and my time isn't going up, bah!
+6|6843|Paris, France (Sporean)

Bernadictus wrote:

fannwong00 wrote:

It's been happening this last 2 days. i was working on my basic collectors badge, got it twice and it didn't register in BFHQ & BF2142 stats page on EA. If you check your last date played, it might show 6 or 5 April even if you have played yesterday or today.
With all due respect. It helps to read post made above yours.

Bernadictus wrote:

This is still the aftermath of the Master Server issues of last week.
I did read your post, Mr Bernadictus and thanks for your insight. I am just adding my comments. Is that ok?

Also, if you see the timing of your post. It's less than 2 minutes apart from mine, so instead of jumping to conclusions, could you have also assumed that I might have missed your post when I wrote mine?

Last edited by fannwong00 (2007-04-08 03:33:16)

Yeah, don't worry about it, fann.

Anyway, I'm torn on this. Part of me is pissed that I never get to take advantage of this kind of bug, but another part of me doesn't really care, since I'm pretty high-ranked with all guns and most equipment unlocked anyway.
Support fanatic :-)

Private bug has been there since the start of 2142 and like Bernie wrote its a server side bug atleast as far as i have experienced it, have yet to experience it myself but many of the firends i play with have had it more than once.

The fun starts however when you get the 2000 point ribbons every round
Wait behind the line ..............................................................
+6|6843|Paris, France (Sporean)

kachunkachunk wrote:

Yeah, don't worry about it, fann.

Anyway, I'm torn on this. Part of me is pissed that I never get to take advantage of this kind of bug, but another part of me doesn't really care, since I'm pretty high-ranked with all guns and most equipment unlocked anyway.
it's kinda sucky when i am trying to get basic and intermediate knife. it's so hard!!!! and with this bug happening, it's driving me nuts. sighz. :-)

Last edited by fannwong00 (2007-04-08 04:33:50)

Wow ur lucky i wish i could get the Legion of Merit over and over you would be Brigader General in no time.
Respekct dad i love u always
+946|6959|Marathon, Florida Keys

†[AøT]§tèálth† wrote:

Wow ur lucky i wish i could get the Legion of Merit over and over you would be Brigader General in no time.
yea thats pretty much what i did, i got it then i just connected to random servers untill i got the private bug and got it like 5x over between that and regular play, i had a 13,000 point day. I should be a commisar or a field marshal .

†[AøT]§tèálth† wrote:

Wow ur lucky i wish i could get the Legion of Merit over and over you would be Brigader General in no time.
Give me a call when you recieve the valorous unit service ribbon (55 teamwork IAR) again , or the WCR.

But I do amit, the LoM ribbon is a very fast ranker.
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.
The master server from EA is not properly sending back the stats to BFHQ so you won't get your awards for a while. Also any badges received in this time will be recieved twice if you make the requirements twice before the stats-server is working again. When the stats server is back working properly then you will get all the points and awards you missed out on.
APC whore
whatever EA, good job, 20 kills IAR gets me 500 points, bring on the points....

I really wonder how this is going to play out
It happens when you get Private status and keep playing. Sure it will boost your points and it have happened for me like 2-3 times on a 1k pointer to 2k pointer. So I got an quite a lift. XD
POE2 Addict For Life
+21|6734|Vic, Australia

†[AøT]§tèálth† wrote:

Wow ur lucky i wish i could get the Legion of Merit over and over you would be Brigader General in no time.
I DID get it over and over again lol. Went up about 4 ranks in a day and another 3 the next, thus why I am Field Marshal Gold now lol.
+1,352|6643|N. Ireland
Just don't rank up to Brigadier General that way.
POE2 Addict For Life
+21|6734|Vic, Australia
Nah I want to earn B.G properly, even if i got the past 7 ranks improperly.

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