There is a saying that there are only two infinte things: the universe and human stupidity though even scientists aren't so sure about the first one...

I managed to verify the second one today (again) with gracious help of BF2 and the average fool you encounter when playing. Maybe it is story that has been told and retold a 1000 times but i just have to let off some steam..

I was playing on Fushe pass (32, a map i don't really like when playing PLA), got thrown into chinese team, we put up good fight but got butcherd by the cobra (good pilot nothing, nothing to bitch about). Got pushed back, tried to digg in and defend our hides. Then i noticed that we have a commander who doesn't do a thing (except scrathing up a few measly points at the end).
So next round I apply to be commander, get the job, manage to push a good offensive thanks to 2 able squads. But somehow some sneaky SpecOps manage to get through our lines and conquer the central-north outpost - the enmy diggs in and fiercly defend his gain. There are countteratcks, some cloak&dagger missions of our own and so on... .
I spent most of my time in the commnd screen (as a commander should do IMHO) when i notice someone firing at me, but no red dots on the screen. So I look outside (the box) and find one of my teammates firing at me. Well maybe he is pissed off that were not winning or whatever. So i patch myself up and go back to work. Situation meanwhile has even more detiriorated with only to flaggs left for our team. When I return to the command screen i get shot again and go somwhere else. Get a mutiny but there are only two votes against me, hence I don't think much about it till i see the name of the mutineer - surprise, surprise it is the same as the wannabe teamkiller.
But the shooter keeps annoying me. While dealing with him via text messages some spec ops enter the base and wreck havok. While still beeing shot at by my little "friend" , i manage  to repell them with my bare hands (and the AT-shotgun). The SpecOps try it again, grab some gear (jeeps, anything they can get hold of) so i climb a tank and kill the suposedly last of them and notice that i'm getting shot at with a AT missile - just to find out that it is again my little friend there .. I thinK: "Maybe he just wanted tha tank", so i ceed it to him. He prefers to shoot even mora at it... I get fed up and resign. Having earned even less points as commander than i would have got just for killing the intruders.

Next round I do join a squad and mind my own business. And what do i see: my old friend is now our commander... . So i whish him good luck (so he does better this time) but that twat is not even able to give us UAV support, not to speak of artillery, spotting or anything else that belongs to the commanders job. So i try to aid him verbaly. Request UAV (as squadmember because the leader doesn't feel like it either). He tells me that i have to REQUEST UAV support or he can't give it to me...  . I tell him that the commander has to use his assets even when they are not requested by squadleserd to aid his team, to think with his own mind but no, all he can come up with is an UAV somewhere off in the dirt where nobody's at.

Then I gave up, my point proven - human stupidity is infinite (with my little share of it because i have put up with his idiotic behaviour so long isntead of resignign fast and fight on my own or in an able squad).

I don't like giving names but i just say as much: his nick starts with "Flare" and end with "182". I was infuriated after the game but when i looked up his stats i felt A LOT better because there it said in nice little red numbers that he was a completly inept little kid (even if this kid is over 20 years of age - it is still a kid to me) - look at them and you will see (these are the worst stats I have ever seen..).

So, i feel better now. If I m not fine tomorrow maybe I will have to sign up for BF-Gamers Anynomous, meet a psychiatrist or download Americas Army (or go back to Operation Flashpoint) :-)

PS: If you managed to read my rant to this very line you are eligible for the veteran bitch&moan badge, congratulations soldier! Carry on! :-)

EDIT: Spelling

Last edited by pogled (2006-01-16 18:03:22)

+32|6863|Wherever the F**k i feel like
lol that must have sucked what atwat. ohh well i want my bitch and moan badge
n1nj41c l337ne55
+1|6895|Pittsburgh, Virginia lol
"There are two things that are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the universe."

                                                                                                -Albert Einstein

Just correcting you.

And yeah, sorry dude, sounds like a rough time.
Just like my post "Hell is other people".

Some people just ruin the game.

I think I'm gonna have to report a lot of people to the shame-page....

For example people who get a gold or silver star every round just because they use flashbangs on every other guy who happens to be in "their" precious jet just don't deserve their rank.
The "If-I-don't-become-commander-I'll-instantly-mutiny-and-if-that-fails-just-tk-the-commander"-guys are the same caliber,back to kindergarten would be appropriate for them.

It's just sad that a great game attracts so many people who should have never stopped playing CS.
+-2|6826|why do u care
i think retards who try to be commander should get raped in a dark alley... i would have cursed him out and made him look like a smackard.

here you go: your badge


not to be worn with field uniforms, it is to flashy :->

Last edited by pogled (2006-01-16 18:30:55)

@n1nj41c l337ne55

jup, it was him (should have thought about him first). But I think he qualifies as a scientist - or is genius a trade of its own?

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