Sniper Kitten Wins !
Hello there to all my fellow BF2142 players.

This guide is meant to be a comprehensive guide to basic tactics using a Sniper Recon (should you choose this path of play) and how you can make your Recon an effective terror machine against squads.


The Recon class is meant to be what it says, to scout out for targets/threats further ahead and report them to teammates and if possible, eliminate them. The Sniper Recon's primary duty is to spot out for targets further ahead for his teammates and squad members, and to take out or assist teammates whenever possible.


Unlocks...unlocks...unlocks. The heart of why most of us keep playing other than to collect badges/pins. For the Sniper Recon, you start off with these basic class unlocks :

Sniper Unlocks :

1) Anti-Personnel Mines
2) Rifle Stabilizer
3) Dystek X4 Zoom
4) Zeller-H Advanced Sniper Rifle
5) Sniper Decoy (Requires Northern Strike)

Spec-Ops Unlocks :

1) RDX Demolition Packs
2) Netbat Fade Delay
3) IT-33 Active Camo
4) Lambert Carbine
5) Enhanced Active Camo (requires Northern Strike)
The primary focus of this guide is for the Sniper Path, but I will also provide some tips on how to be a Spec-Ops

Sniper Tactics

(a) Which one to pick first ? I recommend going for the Rifle Stabilizer and the X4 Zoom first before going for your Player Abilities (namely Grenades and Stamina boosts) since this is going to determine whether you can make that headshot within that fraction of a second especially at longer ranges. This holds true for long range shots where rifle swivel can throw off a shot entirely or you miss because you can't see them close enough.

(b) When you first start off as a Recon ,I recommend you try to get used to the rifle swivel (it swivels in a very predictable and mechanical way, making it easy enough to counteract for a moment) in making your shots  since you won't be able to keep using the stabilizer all the time. Once you get the Stabilizer, have fun collecting those Infiltrator badges !

(c) Next up, APMs. These little babies are among the best defense tools there is (especially when placed in a blind spot) not just for yourself (so that no-one can sneak up and knife you) but also for key points like a flag, silo or titan. Try to position your APMs around blind corners or obstacles that hinder it being seen for it to be used to full effect.

(d) What about the Zeller ? Having used it, I find it useful only under certain circumstances. First of all, it is namely an ANTI-MATERIAL RIFLE ! It deals a minor amount of damage against FAVs (think if it as the BF2142 version of the M95 ,only more accurate).It's also used to blow up opposition RDX , APMs or Motion Mines. If you're lucky enough, you might catch an enemy within the explosion of whatever you just blew and score a kill with it !

(e) Another note about the Zeller is that it brings Heavy Armor infantry to near death should you aim for a body shot. This is primarily useful for picking off injured infantry but due to it's low ammo count (three per magazine with nine reloads which makes for 27 shots in total) per magazine, aim for a headshot or only fire if you're sure you can kill them. Only fire at the same target twice if he's an easy target !

(f)Another downside of the Zeller is its' very loud firing noise (which you'll find unmistakable) which makes you easily heard out by those with a good sound system. On Medium/High graphic settings, a Zeller shot also leaves a bullet trace as well, further giving you another disadvantage.

Spec-Ops Tactics

(a) Immediately focus on getting the Lambert first since you'll be fighting in mostly close-medium range battles before going for Player Abilities Unlocks

(b) The RDX Demo Packs are powerful enough to blow up enemy armor with 2 packs, Battlewalkers with 3 on the legs, 3 for Titan Consoles and FAVs with one. Another interesting note about the RDX Demo Pack is that they are "sticky" and will stick on whatever you throw it on. This means that you can easily attach a few onto an FAV and have it ram whatever you want on the ground (so long you bail out before the FAV impacts your target) and detonate it right beside or close to your target.

(c) Your IT-33 Active Camo gives you near-invisibility. What I mean by near-invisibility is that you gain an invisibility similar to the Predator of movie fame. You become somewhat transparent, but you'll warp your surroundings and terrain seen through you somewhat. So don't be an idiot and think you're completely invisible. Also, you can't attack while using the Active Camo, but you can still sprint while using it. Keep in mind that using the Active Camo drains its power and it'll need to recharge after that. The Enhanced Active Camo allows you to be cloaked for a longer period of time.

(d) The Lambert Carbine is what I will describe as...a pea-shooter. But what it lacks in power it makes up with a high rounds per minute rating with a high magazine count. On full auto-mode, this weapon is generally very inaccurate. Fire with controlled bursts for maximum accuracy whenever possible. On single shot mode, this gun is nearly as accurate as a Voss-L AR at a distance of 50 metres. Otherwise, stick with this for close range combat.

Combat tactics

Location is ALWAYS your best friend. A good sniping location means you can continously terrorize and harass enemies while not being found out (Unless their commander decides to spot you out). Here's a few tips on how to find a good location :

1) NEVER EVER SNIPE ON ROOFTOPS FOR TOO LONG ! With hardly any cover and with your silhouette against the sky, you're going to be a dead giveaway for other infantry and snipers.

2) Distance from targets : Try to keep it close enough that you wont need to constantly adjust for bullet drop but not too close that you'd be easy meat for infantry. Your role is supposed to be one which is at best, undetected but at worse, not able to be shot back at.

3) Background : Use the background to an added advantage of camouflage whenever possible. This reduces the chances of you being spotted on the ground. Solitary landmarks also make bad sniper positions (unless it provides good enough cover or is simply ignored all together) since the human eye is trained to notice a single detail against an empty background.

4) KEEP MOVING : This is a golden rule. NEVER EVER snipe in one position for too long unless you want to get a knife in your back. Constantly change firing positions in order to make it harder for you to be found, keeping with the theme of being undetected.

5)  APMs as defence : If you must snipe at a location where you would be spotted quite easily for an extended period of time, always APM whatever route leads to you. This will make sure that nothing can get you except for rockets, the random grenade, other snipers or their commander.

6) Always take a shot at any enemy you see near teammates. Soften them up to be mopped up by your teammates. Remember, your role is to assist teammates by harassing the enemy either by injuring or killing them whenever possible.

7) Use the Active Camo to flank the enemy or sneak up on them, but beware as your own vision gets blurred when using Active Camo, making it harder to notice APMs.

8) In Titan Mode defense, camping the vents leading into the cargo bay with RDX is a good way to defend your Titan since it's a choke point. Also try doing so with the lower cargo bay entrance ways. Just like APMs, remember to place them at blind spots to make sure no one sees it so that they will walk right into it, giving you a free kill (and a +1 to Explosives Kills in that round).

Weapons of Choice

Generally, I stick with the stock rifles since they have a larger scope of vision and and higher round per magazine ratio. Not that I'm biased against the Zeller, it does have the moments where it shines, but otherwise, stick with your stock rifle.

If forced into close combat, go with the Pistol (Unless you've got a Lambert), you'll never go wrong. Otherwise, Knife at your own discretion.

Tips and Tricks

1) The rifle swivel can be countered by moving your mouse against the direction of the swivel
2) APMs can be avoided completely by proning or crouching past it, which is why it's best placed in a blind spot
3) Whenever possible, try to get on a location where people won't expect a Sniper.
4) Don't be a noob by spamming APMs and grenades.
5) Bullet drop exists in this game as well. It's effects will be felt at shots of 150 meters. Remember to compensate for it !
6) Stock sniper rifle scopes are larger than the Zeller and lacks the red contrast tint (which may be a good or bad thing depending on which map you're playing) which the Zeller scope has.
7) You can pick up your own RDX and APMs !! Just walk right up to it and press 'G'. This works as long as you're not carrying the maximum ammo limit for either tool.
8) You're not completely invisible when using the Active Camo. Also, it creates a loud buzzing noise that is easily noticeable.

The End ?

I'll keep updating this guide with whatever relevant info that comes to my mind. Remember, stealth is your best friend as a Sniper. Also , ALWAYS AIM FOR 1 SHOT KILLS AS MUCH AS YOU CAN !! It's best to go with stationary targets. A moving headshot may be cool, but it's a waste of ammo when all you do is miss and further encourage the enemy to seek cover.

Happy Recon-ing !~

Edit v1.0 ~ Added Spec-Ops combat tactics and Tips and Tricks section
Edit v1.1 ~ Corrected some naming mistakes and added 1 new tip

Last edited by BakaBakaNeko2 (2007-04-14 18:44:40)

I haven't finished reading it yet but you might want to alter the unlock section.

The zoom unlock is the most vital one for a recon sniper.
The stabilizer is probably the least useful one.
+1,352|6814|N. Ireland

Sambuccashake wrote:

I haven't finished reading it yet but you might want to alter the unlock section.

The zoom unlock is the most vital one for a recon sniper.
The stabilizer is probably the least useful one.
Agreed. Also, nothing about Active Camo and RDX there. Titan attack/defense etc.
Edit: or the Lambert

Last edited by leetkyle (2007-04-10 04:18:54)

scout rush kekeke ^___^
+116|6877|Brisbane, Aus

nice guide.

although with the Zeller, i've noticed it's harder to take out explosives with it and the Kills the explosives get won't be yours (last time i checked, patches could have changed on me) but at least you can force teamkills

Sambuccashake wrote:

I haven't finished reading it yet but you might want to alter the unlock section.

The zoom unlock is the most vital one for a recon sniper.
The stabilizer is probably the least useful one.
Specialy if you know the trick to remove sniper sway
And I think that shooting explosives and killing someone in the proces gives a TK to the guy who planted it and not a kill to you. No sure...

Also Zeller bullet leaves a trace in the air (with effects medium/high) so its a dead giveaway.

And just stay behind your team and no one will get close enough to you. Dont go scouting ahead of your team or something.
+50|6925|Cambridge UK
Yea i noticed the Zeller tracer too - i wasn't sure if it was coded in or is a glitch. It is annoying to have your position given away like that but i still prefer the Zeller over the stock rifles... not sure why but i can't hit anything with them!! Plus they sound pretty stupid.

I fail to see why we need yet another sniper guide though, i mean this must be the 4th or 5th one i've read and they are all THE SAME. I meant it's not rocket science is it - find a good spot, get cover, zoom in, aquire target, fire, if you think you've been spotted - MOVE. There - thats the only sniper guide you'll ever need.
Sniper Kitten Wins !
Updated with basic Spec-Ops combat tactics and added Tips and Tricks section.
2) Distance from targets : Try to keep it close enough that you wont need to constantly adjust for bullet drop ....
You need more time as Recon, there is NO bullet drop in BF2142
Evil Geniuses for a sparsely populated tomorrow
You get 10 clips with the Zeller total of 30 bullets

Buzerk1 wrote:

2) Distance from targets : Try to keep it close enough that you wont need to constantly adjust for bullet drop ....
You need more time as Recon, there is NO bullet drop in BF2142
You need more time as Recon, there IS bullet drop in BF2142

+7|6669|New York
I'll post my guide which I made a while ago.
+2,187|6889|Mountains of NC

not a bad guide

I'll give you some more tips to add on, in  a little bit ....................
Sniper Kitten Wins !

Buzerk1 wrote:

2) Distance from targets : Try to keep it close enough that you wont need to constantly adjust for bullet drop ....
You need more time as Recon, there is NO bullet drop in BF2142
There is bullet drop. Ask a friend to stand at 150 metres or more and have your sniper rifle crosshairs centred on his head. It WILL miss the head.
+1,352|6814|N. Ireland
There is no bullet drop. lol.
I suspect something is amiss
There is but i would rather take shots at 300m to show it at 150 you won´t really see a noticable difference.

zeidmaan wrote:

Buzerk1 wrote:

2) Distance from targets : Try to keep it close enough that you wont need to constantly adjust for bullet drop ....
You need more time as Recon, there is NO bullet drop in BF2142
You need more time as Recon, there IS bullet drop in BF2142

NO and NO.... I rank in the top 500 for both basic rifle and I have a pretty good accuracy and I never compensated for the bullet drop as I did in BF2....

BTW, I don't even use the stabilizer.... with the Engi Defuser, the stabilizer is right up there in the "most useless unlock"

BakaBakaNeko2 wrote:

Buzerk1 wrote:

2) Distance from targets : Try to keep it close enough that you wont need to constantly adjust for bullet drop ....
You need more time as Recon, there is NO bullet drop in BF2142
There is bullet drop. Ask a friend to stand at 150 metres or more and have your sniper rifle crosshairs centred on his head. It WILL miss the head.
That's because you aim wrong... try again Better tell your friend to do the same for me and he will be a dead man.

BTW, one of the first topic talked here was about the bullet drop and the fact there is NONE in BF2142....

You only have a few kills with the rifles/Recon kit and you come here with an "Expert" point of view...

Last edited by Buzerk1 (2007-04-11 05:45:59)

Hmm I'm pretty sure there's bullet drop in 2142.

Any numbers in the game itself that might shed some light on this?

Sambuccashake wrote:

Hmm I'm pretty sure there's bullet drop in 2142.

Any numbers in the game itself that might shed some light on this?
Believe what you want, continue to compensate for it and continue to die because of it. I don't mind.

I was a decent sniper in BF2 and I'm a decent sniper in BF2142 and you aim for the head, clic, and you get a kill.

I was even accuse of using a "aim bot" a few times
I suspect something is amiss

Buzerk1 wrote:

Sambuccashake wrote:

Hmm I'm pretty sure there's bullet drop in 2142.

Any numbers in the game itself that might shed some light on this?
Believe what you want, continue to compensate for it and continue to die because of it. I don't mind.

I was a decent sniper in BF2 and I'm a decent sniper in BF2142 and you aim for the head, clic, and you get a kill.

I was even accuse of using a "aim bot" a few times
Then either my graphics are fucked up somehow or the hit registration is worse than bf2 i´m quite 100% i have scored headshots at 300m by aiming a head above them, maps like gibraltar etc don´t suffer at all from bullet drop since the fog won´t let you take any long shots.

Though i would want some clarification on this if anyone have any secure info

madmurre wrote:

Buzerk1 wrote:

Sambuccashake wrote:

Hmm I'm pretty sure there's bullet drop in 2142.

Any numbers in the game itself that might shed some light on this?
Believe what you want, continue to compensate for it and continue to die because of it. I don't mind.

I was a decent sniper in BF2 and I'm a decent sniper in BF2142 and you aim for the head, clic, and you get a kill.

I was even accuse of using a "aim bot" a few times
Then either my graphics are fucked up somehow or the hit registration is worse than bf2 i´m quite 100% i have scored headshots at 300m by aiming a head above them, maps like gibraltar etc don´t suffer at all from bullet drop since the fog won´t let you take any long shots.

Though i would want some clarification on this if anyone have any secure info
Hit doesn't register sometimes, but it has nothing to do with how far the target is, it happens to me even if the target is very close.

FYI, to make you feel better I play on a laptop with a 17" LCD screen and my GPU is a Nvidia GO 7800 GTX.

IT-33 Active Camo, not T-33. Lol, sorry, but good guide btw.
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.
You said the Lambert is inaccurate if you shoot it full auto, even though its recoil is so low that at medium range you can fire off 20 shots before you notice a difference in accuracy. You also said that it is less accurate than the Voss. But the Lambert has a lower min devation than the Voss and lower recoil.

Another excellent trick I tried yesterday is in an FF off server, one guy drives the FAV and the other plants RDX on the front and hops in the back seat. The guy in the front can drive the vehicle and when he comes to a mech or tank the guy in the back can detonate it, and neither the driver or guy in the back die.

You also should have explained the ghost. The ghost puts a marker on the enemy radar if spotted no matter what, and if the placer is within 40 meters then then if they get spotted the gost will show up instead. The range for that to happen is up to sixty meters if you are using the cloak, so if you have  them both you will be all but undetectable.

And I also like how you said that the stocks are better than the zeller. Will the zeller you spend more time reloading than shooting.

Last edited by doctastrangelove1964 (2007-04-11 06:49:16)


Buzerk1 wrote:

Sambuccashake wrote:

Hmm I'm pretty sure there's bullet drop in 2142.

Any numbers in the game itself that might shed some light on this?
Believe what you want, continue to compensate for it and continue to die because of it. I don't mind.
Ergh... What's your problem?
I'm not disputing your opinion on the matter I'm just looking for proof to bolster either standpoint.

You say no, others say yes = doesn't help anyone.

Sambuccashake wrote:

Buzerk1 wrote:

Sambuccashake wrote:

Hmm I'm pretty sure there's bullet drop in 2142.

Any numbers in the game itself that might shed some light on this?
Believe what you want, continue to compensate for it and continue to die because of it. I don't mind.
Ergh... What's your problem?
I'm not disputing your opinion on the matter I'm just looking for proof to bolster either standpoint.

You say no, others say yes = doesn't help anyone.
Ergh... you made a guide... someone doing a guide basicaly said... "Hey I'm the expert, here's how it works". But yet, you are not sure and you look at it as if we were doing a poll and the most people that say YES win. Again, there is NO bullet drop, why I say that... because I tried, search and read about it.

May be people saying yes there is a bullet drop could show up more then a few kills before claiming something they don't know.

Did you even check how many hours I have cumulated with the sniper rifles?

The only thing you need to get use to with the sniper Rifle is the sway.... Once you know how to work with it, it just a matter of pointing and clicking (and your trick doesn't do it BTW, I'll aim and shoot faster then you just because I don't work against the sway).
^ You talking to me?
Not making any sense.

Last edited by Sambuccashake (2007-04-11 22:54:14)

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