
What do you do if an enemy soldier is run at you with a knife?

Blast the fool with whatever im holding!!!43%43% - 167
Pull out my main weapon7%7% - 28
Send the trust ol' pistol in for me!!!2%2% - 11
Pull out my knife and give him a chance40%40% - 154
Start mashing the keyboard hopeing for some sort of win5%5% - 20
Total: 380
Le fuck?
I will go for my 1 button, hit my ~ button, and stand there like a douche about to get knifed.
GOP Sympathizer
+266|6811|Menlo Park, CA
The full frontal kiss of whatever I am holding!! usually that would be my assault rifle!
Boat sig is not there anymore

HaywoodJablowme wrote:

You guys are all either a bunch of lying douchebags or you're not playing any of the servers I've played in the past week. 

I started a new account where I primarily use my knife (no KP faggotry), pure skill here, and I can count on one hand the number of times an enemy has seen me with a knife running at him and starts to shoot.  184 times I've gotten the knife kill.  204 times some dickless fuckstain has to spray a whole clip at me because he has no sack to pull a knife out.  5 times somebody has pulled their knife.  5.

I give you one break, maybe I surprised you and you shot me, but if you see me 50 yards away running with my knife out, see my name is the same guy you just killed with your medic gun, and you shoot me again, I won't hesitate to call you out.
Who's the idiot here: the guy who tries to shoot someone who means to kill him, or the guy running with a knife at someone with a rifle?
If you want to use a knife only, then thats well and good, but you shouldn't expect others to follow the same rules for the sake of your KDR.
In Bf2 I usually manage to drop a grenade at my feet and kill myself.
+2|6619|University of Arizona, USA
I'm fairly lousy with a knife, and generally whoever is running at you with a knife is doing it because they are fairly skilled stabbers.   Hence, I shoot.
+133|6616|Bloomington Indiana
ill take the chances with a fair knife fight...provided im not in the middle of a firefight.  if the latter is the case...blast away...
It depends on the situation really, i try and knife people alot but they just take out their gun and blow me away. Funny, today i tried that and ran at like 4 enemies knowing they would kill me before i got to them, but i managed to kill them all, i think they got confused and thought i was with them, because once i killed one another of them passed me and then went to revive his teammate and i just killed them all like that lol.
Enemy Sniper..." *BOOM* "Nevermind... got him...
+61|6914|Las Vegas, NV USA
Hmm... Depends on my mood and the situation as a whole.

Typically, any 1v1 knife fight I've been in devolves into either someone on my team, or their's, interferring and blasting one of us anyways.

So, I usually just gun them down with whatever I've got.  I hate to be cliche, but it's just generally unwise to bring a knife to a gunfight.

That said, I've spent many, MANY an hour playing sniper, and as a result, I've used my knife (or pistol) quite a number of times when it came to close-quarter combat.  Heck, most of my pistol and knife kills ARE because of playing sniper.  So, it is kinda fun, on those rare occasions, when I, or the other person, decide to mix it up mono-a-mono, knife-to-knife, to see who comes out the winner.
+163|6967|Odessa, Ukraine
I'll kick his ass with my trusty AR .. not because I'm complete smacktard or have no skill with knife .. just because even if I will win knife fight ( and I'll probably will ) I'll be finished in a seconds by other enemyes who do not care .
Aspiring Objectivist
Shoot him with whatever I'm holding.
Ill Start mashing the keyboard hoping for some sort of win. Or just pull out my knife, but it really pisses me of when some guy runs up to you with a knife so you take out yours and then you get smashed to bites.
sophisticated slacker
+334|6644|Graz, Austria
Strangly, such situations only seem to happen when I've run out of ammo for my main gun.
So lately I've started to take out my pistol, as it always has a full clip.
im usally the one who runs at somebody with the knife
+19|6967|Behind that RPK-74
Yeah i have played way to long for shooting.
I like when an enemy pulls the same weapon. Good gameplay.
I hate when i pull a knife to a guy with a knife and he switches to a auto (makes me cry). lolz
It's a good day to die
+18|6980|Canada Eh?
I usually give a few lunges, making him think I'll knife fight him, then I pull out my AK-101 and blast his ass into the next century.
conservative hatemonger
Depending on whether or not he has the jump on me....

If i'm not expecting it at all usually i'll panic and just blow him away.  This is only because i don't want to deal with not being able to fight back switching to knife.  If i can prepare though then its knife out and we knife fight
+1,153|6950|Washington, DC

If I'm feeling lucky I knife. Otherwise I spend  an enire clip, usually getting knifed.
If I catch him before he surprises me I will gladly pull my knife out and fight him.

But if he catches me off guard, well, it's some AR rounds to the face.  I actually feel kinda bad when I shoot a guy that wants to knife fight me.  >.>
+1,106|6610|Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk

I'll try to knife fight them, but if I get annoyed or they pull a gun on me, I'll gun 'em down. Great to do with the SRAW or MP5. Getting killed by the MP5 adds insult to injury.
I usually die lol.
+2,382|6998|The North, beyond the wall.
I alt+tab out and browse Bf2s.
oh hai :D
+156|6971|The Netherlands
Whowho Knife Fight
Shiny! Let's be bad guys.
+102|7012|NAS Jacksonville, Florida
I pull out my knife and duel, no matter the situation.

t0mhank5 wrote:

Stare at him like a dumbass and get knifed.
I'm moving to Brazil

Mason4Assassin444 wrote:

Kill him with whatever Im holding. This is war, not Dancing with Knives.

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