The very model of a modern major general
+796|6858|United States of America
What is your attitude towards officers of the law? The two extremes seem to be those that support every action taken and the side that sees everything done as an act of discrimination or the like. I view them in a similar light to the priests of the Catholic Church, where the actions of a few, such as the officers in the Rodney King case, Rubin Carter case, or other corrupt officials, will condemn the whole group in a negative light. However, I often seem to lean towards the police side as if say I see a protest becoming violent on TV. If I haven't been informed for what reason violence is occuring, I may just assume that those people are breaking the law.
Meh...I've rambled on a bit and this has become somewhat incoherent in the last few sentences so just what is your attitude towards law enforcement officials?
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6848|Canberra, AUS
They need to be able to do their job WITHOUT harming those who don't deserve it. Common sense really.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
Squirrels, natures little speedbump.
Pigs, Bacon, etc.
O Canada
+1,596|6578|North Carolina
I treat them as individuals.  Some are good, some are bad, but I usually try to give them the benefit of the doubt.

The good ones are the ones who became cops to serve their communities faithfully in maintaining order.

The bad ones are the ones who want authority over other people and are quick to abuse it.
GunSlinger OIF II
honestly, ive had a generally negative feeling towards law enforcement my entire life until i started drilling with the army reserve and started working with a lot of police officers and sheriffs deputies and got to know em on a more personal level.  learned a bit. still learning more.
They're not too popular here at the moment.  A group of 3 or 4 seem to be facing rape accusation after rape accusation...a group of 3 having sex with 18yo girls etc, one of them is already in prison for rape, commissioner got off a charge when everyone knew he was guilty etc, not good
It's a good day to die
+18|6834|Canada Eh?
I treat 'em with respect. It pisses me off when people say "I hate the fuzz" or something stupid like that, mainly because, they are the ones who keep order in society. Thus we should treat 'em with respect. The corrupt ones are as bad as any other criminals and should be decapitated in public.
+5,233|6702|Global Command
Money collectors.
That mostly all they are.
Honda - The Power of Dreams
+293|6586|Michigan, USA

Turquoise wrote:

I treat them as individuals.  Some are good, some are bad, but I usually try to give them the benefit of the doubt.

The good ones are the ones who became cops to serve their communities faithfully in maintaining order.

The bad ones are the ones who want authority over other people and are quick to abuse it.
U.S. > Iran
Ive always been annoyed by cops where I live, but I cant say too much about it since being Security Forces, I AM a cop for the Air Force lol
+127|6518|Twyford, UK
I avoid them, if I can help it at all. They seem to be more interested in catching speeding motorists and hassling people trying to make an honest living than stopping crime.
So, generally, if I see the police coming in my direction, I make myself scarce before I'm recognised.
Say wat!?
Cops in England on the whole do a great job. If your stupid to be a chav or dress like one you should be expect to be hassled, road police catch speeding motorists not regular police.
+5,233|6702|Global Command

Skorpy-chan wrote:

I avoid them, if I can help it at all. They seem to be more interested in catching speeding motorists and hassling people trying to make an honest living than stopping crime.
So, generally, if I see the police coming in my direction, I make myself scarce before I'm recognised.
Why would they recognize you? What did you do?
GunSlinger OIF II
a spy!
Dropped on request
Everyone hates the cops till shit goes down. Then it's "where's the cops?"
+5,233|6702|Global Command

Ajax_the_Great1 wrote:

Everyone hates the cops till shit goes down. Then it's "where's the cops?"
Only because I'd get thrown in jail for shooting the criminals.
Its a job. They get paid to provide a service like the rest of us. The only difference is their job has moments, usually far and few between, where they are required to make a split decision that may either be detrimenal and end a life, or heroic and preserve one. I have a small landscaping business, I'll stick with that.

ATG wrote:

Money collectors.
That mostly all they are.
Thanks ATG.... I wondered what I do all day...  for all that pay....
+721|6754|the dank(super) side of Oregon
I work on the local police's cruiser fleet and in my experience you cant judge them as a whole.  there are cops who get off on the power, usually their uniform is a size too small, and they always have their hand resting on the top of their holstered pistol.  the famale officers are usually pretty cool, they dont seem to have the same kind of inadequacy issues as the guys, and chicks with guns are hot.
biggie smalls
+72|6626|Ontario, Canada
Cop: Speeding, whats your excuse?
Speeder: Helping you fuckers pay for donuts.
"you know life is what we make it, and a chance is like a picture, it'd be nice if you just take it"
Aspiring Objectivist
They are there to protect us from the criminals, not become criminals themselves by giving us unwarranted tickets just to meet their quota for the month. Mostly I have had bad experiences with them but that was in Vegas where they have to deal with scum everyday, I think that would jade the best cop into treating people like shit. Here in Colorado they are for the most part good so far, only had 2 tickets in the 4 years here & got let off on 3 others. I'm not quite the hell raiser I was when I was a kid either, lucky for them & me.
Rated EC-10

BornToKill67 wrote:

I treat 'em with respect. It pisses me off when people say "I hate the fuzz" or something stupid like that, mainly because, they are the ones who keep order in society. Thus we should treat 'em with respect. The corrupt ones are as bad as any other criminals and should be decapitated in public.
I hate the fuzz.

With that out of the way, I could give a crap about "order", I'd rather see justice. Preserving an unjust social order isn't worthy of respect. I've met two cops in my whole life who actually treated me like a human being and with respect. The rest have uniformly been a bunch of wanna-be Brownshirts more interested in hassling anyone who doesn't fit their idea of what a citizen should be or in playing with the expensive toys my tax dollars bought for them while local schools are closing because of budget cuts. I see them use CS and baton rounds on people who pose no threat and are breaking no laws because they are told to do so. I see them protecting Nazi rallies because they're told to. And I see them lining up to defend the most rotten and corrupt among them simply because they all wear the same uniform. Fuck 'em.

Ajax_the_Great1 wrote:

Everyone hates the cops till shit goes down. Then it's "where's the cops?"
Actually for me it's "Hon, be a dear and get me my shotgun and make sure it's loaded but the chamber's empty."
I hate Cops.

Fuck, I am a Cop.
+127|6518|Twyford, UK

ATG wrote:

Skorpy-chan wrote:

I avoid them, if I can help it at all. They seem to be more interested in catching speeding motorists and hassling people trying to make an honest living than stopping crime.
So, generally, if I see the police coming in my direction, I make myself scarce before I'm recognised.
Why would they recognize you? What did you do?
1. The CIA took a dislike to me last time I was in America.
2. I was, until the council intervened and lost me the job, a street trader, which involved being hassled by them. A lot.
3. I get stopped every so often for cycling without lights at night, running red lights, cycling very fast and recklessly through pedestrianised areas, and other such things.

They're alright, but I never liked Sting...

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