
cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

doublestuforeo wrote:

topal63 wrote:

Hard to argue with that... seems like it.
Actually it isnt.  But what does that have to do with anything?

Rules of BF2s wrote:

No duplicate accounts. You only need one. Households are exempt, but you better let a mod know first.
That has what to do with Chimps?
Just the general rules of the forums... Look Tmo explained it all, read his posts ffs.
I'm no scientist, but I'll stake my claim in that 2% difference rather than some guy with a beard and a long white robe in the sky.
Laughter with an S
+167|6799|Camoran's Paradise

doublestuforeo wrote:

I'm surprised that none of you even find the idea interesting.  He never said evolution doesnt exist.  He didnt even say that we didnt evolve from apes.

Humans are so incredibly different than apes, not just in technological advances, but emotionally, phillisophically, communicatively, physically.  It is amazing that we can be so incredibly different when we are so similar genetically.

As far as we know, we are the only intelligent life that has ever existed in the history of the universe.  I find that interesting.
Actually we are not that different.  Ok, technologically we are light years ahead of the common ape.  However, humans and other apes have similar social structures, families, emotions, and means of communication. 
Some apes have been taught to read and sign language.  The only thing that keeps them from talking is an underdeveloped speech center in their brain.

Last edited by Ganko_06 (2007-04-05 13:07:12)

The Lizzard
You know what's funny?  You're arguing that we have to be made by God because 2% isn't enough for all those differences, but that's all there is.  Even if God exists, we're still only 2% different.

More interestingly: if we are created by God, why are we so similar?

Bubbalo wrote:

You know what's funny?  You're arguing that we have to be made by God because 2% isn't enough for all those differences, but that's all there is.  Even if God exists, we're still only 2% different.

More interestingly: if we are created by God, why are we so similar?
[Conspiracy]Because god wants use to keep thinking, so we don't regress as a species, he wants us to study these things so we won't die off![/Conspiracy]
Laughter with an S
+167|6799|Camoran's Paradise

Bubbalo wrote:

You know what's funny?  You're arguing that we have to be made by God because 2% isn't enough for all those differences, but that's all there is.  Even if God exists, we're still only 2% different.

More interestingly: if we are created by God, why are we so similar?
I'm still in favor of divine intervention.  God created the universe and the basis for life then let it work on its own for a while knowing the end result.  Don't flame me.  Just my idea.

Last edited by Ganko_06 (2007-04-05 13:09:55)

The Lizzard
Never!  I Flame Thee!  Be Flamed!
. . .

Ganko_06 wrote:

Bubbalo wrote:

You know what's funny?  You're arguing that we have to be made by God because 2% isn't enough for all those differences, but that's all there is.  Even if God exists, we're still only 2% different.

More interestingly: if we are created by God, why are we so similar?
I'm still in favor of divine intervention.  God created the universe and the basis for life then let it work on its own for a while knowing the end result.  Don't flame me.  Just my idea.
Is that like a 12 step program? Oh my bad I meant 6 step...
Laughter with an S
+167|6799|Camoran's Paradise

topal63 wrote:

Ganko_06 wrote:

Bubbalo wrote:

You know what's funny?  You're arguing that we have to be made by God because 2% isn't enough for all those differences, but that's all there is.  Even if God exists, we're still only 2% different.

More interestingly: if we are created by God, why are we so similar?
I'm still in favor of divine intervention.  God created the universe and the basis for life then let it work on its own for a while knowing the end result.  Don't flame me.  Just my idea.
Is that like a 12 step program? Oh my bad I meant 6 step...
Hehe.  Funny.
+127|6499|Twyford, UK
Your first mistake is taking a documentary as plain fact.

Human sentience was an evolutionary one-up in the fight against the saber-toothed tiger and other assorted predators in the ice age, much like being bipedal was a way of getting away FROM said predators and an efficient method of killing prey. (Tribes in africa kill deer by scaring it and walking after it. After a few days, the deer drops dead from exhaustion.)
Controlled fire and the spear were clinchers. We survived the ice age, the mammoth, the saber-tooth, and a good many other animals did not.
From there, each advance spurred more and more, and the whole thing snowballed. Evolution can and just has explained it.

Read scientific journals, don't watch documentaries.

Bubbalo wrote:

You know what's funny?  You're arguing that we have to be made by God because 2% isn't enough for all those differences, but that's all there is.  Even if God exists, we're still only 2% different.

More interestingly: if we are created by God, why are we so similar?
The OP might be suggesting something like a spirit.  Something that we currently cant measure scientifically.  (Maybe later when we understand "string" theory better).
Cowboy from Hell

sergeriver wrote:

I'm with you there buddy.

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

I'm with you there buddy.
Some people call it a soul.  You all have never heard of a spirit?
. . .

doublestuforeo wrote:

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

I'm with you there buddy.
Some people call it a soul.  You all have never heard of a spirit?
Please instruct us ig-nant folk further.

Last edited by topal63 (2007-04-05 13:39:12)


topal63 wrote:

doublestuforeo wrote:

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

I'm with you there buddy.
Some people call it a soul.  You all have never heard of a spirit?
Please instruct us ig-nant folk further.
Your posts are always insightful topal.  Keep it up.
less busy
+586|6989|Kubra, Damn it!

Anyone notice you never see righthandfork and doublestuforeo in the room at the same time...

chittydog wrote:

Anyone notice you never see righthandfork and doublestuforeo in the room at the same time...
I already made it clear that I am also weamo8.  (I have contacted a mod about my mistake and will have one account deleted, or I will get banned or something)  However, I am not righthandfork (although I do like his style).

Believe me or not, I dont really care.  And quite frankly, I dont know why you do care.
has joined the GOP

doublestuforeo wrote:

chittydog wrote:

Anyone notice you never see righthandfork and doublestuforeo in the room at the same time...
I already made it clear that I am also weamo8.  (I have contacted a mod about my mistake and will have one account deleted, or I will get banned or something)  However, I am not righthandfork (although I do like his style).

Believe me or not, I dont really care.  And quite frankly, I dont know why you do care.
because it artificially inflates statistics towards your side. IE, it gives you another voice as another person that nobody knows about, except you.

now blow that up and pretend you have sixty accounts and get them all to post in your favor in this topic, and you see the problem.
We also share 50% of our DNA with bananas.

I don't put much stock in these numbers.
less busy
+586|6989|Kubra, Damn it!

doublestuforeo wrote:

chittydog wrote:

Anyone notice you never see righthandfork and doublestuforeo in the room at the same time...
I already made it clear that I am also weamo8.  (I have contacted a mod about my mistake and will have one account deleted, or I will get banned or something)  However, I am not righthandfork (although I do like his style).

Believe me or not, I dont really care.  And quite frankly, I dont know why you do care.
Mistake? How do you accidentally open a second account and start posting controversial topics with it?
Le fuck?

chittydog wrote:

doublestuforeo wrote:

chittydog wrote:

Anyone notice you never see righthandfork and doublestuforeo in the room at the same time...
I already made it clear that I am also weamo8.  (I have contacted a mod about my mistake and will have one account deleted, or I will get banned or something)  However, I am not righthandfork (although I do like his style).

Believe me or not, I dont really care.  And quite frankly, I dont know why you do care.
Mistake? How do you accidentally open a second account and start posting controversial topics with it?
has joined the GOP

Undetected_Killer wrote:

chittydog wrote:

doublestuforeo wrote:

I already made it clear that I am also weamo8.  (I have contacted a mod about my mistake and will have one account deleted, or I will get banned or something)  However, I am not righthandfork (although I do like his style).

Believe me or not, I dont really care.  And quite frankly, I dont know why you do care.
Mistake? How do you accidentally open a second account and start posting controversial topics with it?
I think he just didn't know he couldnt do it, and wanted to stimulate some debate from another perspective or something.

either that or he's a lying sack of shit.
you decide.
First: Evolution is fact. I'm not going to prove this, use your reason and watch the world around you!

Second: How can you believe in god when you are blind for the reality of yourself and the world you are living in? All is part of it, evolution as gravitation, life, death, everything, not only what some after-the-book fanatics want to see.

Oh, I'm not that religious but: Happy Easter

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