+86|7092|New Zealand

{TA}FireStorm wrote:

Fuzzball_the_Shooter wrote:

Played with {TA}FireStorm today on Moongamers. He's not diffrent from anybody else execpt he plays more.
to bad others havent figured that out yet,not all of us play to be leet we play to just play.
i never claim to be better then anyone,i just play alot and have fun doing it.
i like to work on the awards and have a few more to get.
as for my K/D weapons use,as i said im no better then the average player,i play because i like the game.
what do you think? buy the game today have 200+k tommarro?
i have played since the start of BF2....points&time do tend to add up.
atleast when i play i hear more then,"CLEAR!" or "hold on im 86 on meds!"cough....
as for karkand for the 100th X i dont like aircraft.
i play my way you play yours,simple yet confusing concept to some.
but please post on,its kind of amusing and it passes the time to read this stuff between rounds.
u just told us on yourself that you're just an averege Joe having to much time. Firestorm, you're the number #1 player in the world, this place should represent the best player in the world, but you aren't this one. Except maybe some noobs every1 could play so much karkand being so many times commander and getting so damn often the tank, surely everybody would rank up, so if you wanna be true to yourself then it is not yourself that gives u so fucken many points, it is simply your exessive Karkand playing. Wanna try with me another map? I promise u, u'll have fun just let your team don't be a fucken n00b-team, having some good pilots and gunners and you can also enjoy rolling over enemy heads with your tank aswell for example on Daquing Oilfields or Dalian Plant. Sorry to be a bit disappointed, but I think you will never really try. And for the past I think, that you - as many many other players did - not really tried something else to play, except Karkand/City. It just might be enough for u to hang on playing Karkand@Moongamers and defending the #1 position. We gotta see, you will do good and so many other players will try to make u "fall" but this time "those" will only try to earn a hell lot of points by playing only on Karkand 24/7 servers. You did it, why should somebody else couldnt get it this way? And so on the Top10 becomes a Karkand Top 10. Still the game contains 11 other maps + S.F. and the new Booster Packs. That wasn't really the way the stats + global ranking has been used b4. And if u look just now on the Top 10 you see Volx + Perseverance, who overdrive the others like broggi, Nastie_Butler or maxpower just by playing Karkand only. This is somewhat stupid in my mind. If you wanna be a popular player, just play Karkand only...that's not the way it should be done.

Last edited by MB.nZ (2006-01-14 03:52:55)

Didnt Do it
i love how people just dont read Firestorm has stated many a time once EA fixes the AA he will be playing other maps he doesnt now cause hes sick of morons in the Jets/Choppers and once the imbalance with the Jets/Choppers is fixed he will be hitting the other maps with a vengence (no not the BF2S vegence lol) so please read what he says b4 you shoot your keyboard off
+86|7092|New Zealand

Lestat<CoN> wrote:

i love how people just dont read Firestorm has stated many a time once EA fixes the AA he will be playing other maps he doesnt now cause hes sick of morons in the Jets/Choppers and once the imbalance with the Jets/Choppers is fixed he will be hitting the other maps with a vengence (no not the BF2S vegence lol) so please read what he says b4 you shoot your keyboard off
it's no like it is impossible to play those maps withough an uber AA support. This is just a stupid review from all of those, who actually never investigated time over 5% of their playing time for going on some servers that still have all maps in their cycle. If you look on 1942 you will nearly find Planemaps only and nobody really did complain. Why? Because it is Battlefield. See how things changed for that game.

Last edited by MB.nZ (2006-01-14 05:22:32)

Let FireStorm play the way he wants to. I have an excessive amounts on Karkand due to my broadband operator that sucks (get high ping and then it times out) and I can basically only play on ONE.SE the Worlds second most heavily trafficked bf2 Server since it’s located in the same city were I live and that’s how I got to start playing Karkand all the time!

You will all soon see a New player in Top 10 he’s name is Reeltoo and he’s SPM is 5,2 more than Volx and he plays on ONE.SE a lot as well!!


185k and less than 600 ours!!!

He had less than 60k in September and now, well go figure the rest. He will soon be up there and he is really, really good but according to most of you, yes that’s what you would call a Medic w…….

I like infantry combat too and Karkand because neither I can fly!

Most of you look at broggi and he’s stats and say this guy is the overall best and maybe you  are right but be serious you would never find broggi on the ground on OMAN or Dragoon Valley or any Chinese Map. He is in a plane or a helo, he’s not stupid he makes the most of every map!

Is there any such thing as the best player?

No, there are different categories and maybe FireStorm is the best commander, Anubis the best pilot and Reeltoo or AraGoth the best medic and if you look at Codeseven.Osk it almost gets scary, who knows?

I don’t!

Play what you like and think you’re good at and enjoy that!

Happy New bf2 Year!
Whats retarded though they think Blazin and Firestorm would be the best players in the world and are like battlefield 2 gods that cant die and when some one kills them they make a big deal and post a screen shot.

They just have big scores because they play "alot" it doesnt mean there good and they die just like every one else and you can knife them like any one else too.
+0|7084|United States
Agreed. Actually, I'd have to say their being in first is a negative thing. lol, no, I'm not jealous. I'm just saying, playing BF2 for 1,700 hours is a bit nutty.

Last edited by Rotter (2006-01-14 12:55:25)

Scottish Moderator!!!

Rotter wrote:

I'm just saying, playing BF2 for 1,700 hours is a bit nutty.
i seen someone with 3,500+ hours b4!!!!!!!!! wasnt in top 10 or anything
I was going to post something about this a couple of days ago when I say the change in #1 coming up but I thought to myself "I really don't care about anyones' score other than my own". I guess I am amazed that any of you care about who is #1. Doesn't mean you have skill, it means that you have no life and are probably a fatass. Who wants to be te #1 fatass? Obviously the Firestorm douch because it appears that Blazin is getting tired of this game after many hours of playing.

Did any of you see the article on MSN this past summer about the guy 20 something year old that played online for 28 hours straight taking "brief breaks to go to the bathroom eat and nap". Anyway he died of heart failure or being a lard ass or something like that. Funny shit in my opinion to see someone wasting their life on a fucking video game.
yea they have either no life or they get paid 2 play this game

cause im 16 and cant play 8 hrs on a saturday
Death StatPadder
+228|7087|Human Meat Shield
I play way to much, thank goodness my wife is on opposite shifts (for now). But I really enjoy going on after my morning 'Spend time with the wife' thingy when she is off the same days.
Wow this thread is so long and has so many tangents, I had to make a list half way though to remember what I wanted to say.

To start off, I care about one score, mine.  I know I will never be near top 100 because I can only play for so long, due to school, home set-up, and sleep.  I tried hard when I got near First Sergent, but after that the gap was too large (30,000 points?).  So now I just play, and hope that some day I will get to Sergeant Major.

Next, the score system of this game is largely based around play time.  If you can play for 20 hours a day, you are going to get a chance to get a large score.  If you only get 10 points a round, and you play 30 minute rounds, you are going to have 400 points every day.
I play, maybe, 5 hours when I get a chance.  I get about 40 points every round (now, not when I started).  So I will get about 400 points in one day, if I can play.

Third, "Medic whoring" and "Command whoring".  These are the act of doing the team function, solely for the purpose of getting you points.  You disreard teammates once they can no longer give you points. 
If you are "medic whoring" you will revive guys who are in the middle of a firefight and have no chance of getting away, while you scamper off to revive someone else. 
If you are "command whoring" you will just get commander and then not do anything, except maybe drop a supply crate for yourself so you wont die, shoot artillery at any enemy, even a simgle guy amongst your team.  You occasionally will drop a UAV so people can't sneak up on you, and maybe give your team a poorly placed one.  This works out because whatever score you have, gets doubled.  This is probbaply how  {TA}FireStorm got so many points so fast.

Fourth (for lack of something better), if you have a significant amount of more time on one map, you should consider playing other maps so that you get some variety in your gaming.  You need to know how to deal with a jet or helicopter, even with the horrible AA.  Anyone who has a large amount of time on Karkand should get some fresh air, Shonghua Stalemate has a nice moist environment to help clean the sand off your face, and out of your lungs.
If you look at my stats it will say the Karkand is my "Favourite map".  Not true, my favourite is Kubra Dam, second is Gulf of Oman.  I just never get a chance to play Kubra on the servers I hang out on.

Finally, the medals and badges mean next to nothing.  They simply show that you, most of the time, took time out of your normal gameplay just to get a pretty piece of virtual medal or a rectangle of virtual cloth.  I have all the basic badges mostly because I play as all classes, and so I got them from just playing.  Sure I have a good number of Veteran badges, but those are, again, from just playing.  How often would you normally pull out your knife?  Not often if there wasn't a nice badge to reward you for it.
I actually had to try, sometimes hard, to get some of those ribbons.  Like the staff officer ribbon (I'm not normally commander).  Or the ground officer ribbon (who spends 3 minutes in a ground defence anyways?).

That is what I have to say to this thread.  I adress noone in particular.  (My stats, so you don't need to look http://www.bf2s.com/player/44116141/ )

Edit: To add something to the "command whoring" part.  Look at my best round as MEC, it distinctly says 640, and it is not lying.  If you look further down you will realise the Map was Sharqi Peninsula (one of my favs).  The reason I bring this up is that I was commander at the time.  I got a score, then it got doubled.  That is a very good example of how a person who plays commander a lot can get a large amount of points in no time, and for doing next to nothing.
BTW, the round was from when the server had just begun, and it started off with only 10 people, and took almost an hour and a half before we won by about 20 points.

Last edited by -fart-Boom (2006-01-14 16:26:18)

Death StatPadder
+228|7087|Human Meat Shield
I agree with you Boom; totally agree. Fortunately I play alot right now; but I have a rotation at work, I am taking advantage of the time I have.
Its obvious they have multiple people playing one account.  Nobody has that big of a "no life"..
I would just like to give a congrats to Firestorm for taking first place.

blackcracka wrote:

Its obvious they have multiple people playing one account.  Nobody has that big of a "no life"..
haha to funny!
if this were true Ea would have no problem finding out.
a simple IP or KEY HASH would verify that infact its me all those hours as well as on TS as i play.
since i do play THAT much and i already stated that if you like come to our TS
and play a full run on the server with me it would seem to me if there were more then one
of me i wouldnt post that.
IMA no one has of yet taken me up on it.Some of us really do play alot,and
because you dont or cant,makes us bad. 
perhaps if you played as much as you track the WHO PLAYS WHAT AND HOW MUCH thing you
would have you very own points.
BTW i work from a PC 2 feet away from my gaming system,tends to help out on the play time ya think?
TS and server are open.
continue posting ive run out of stuff to read between rounds.

good day
Umm, I think what he meant by "more than one person" is that maybe family members all play the same account.  I know someone who does this (not telling you the name, why would I?).
I can tell that that is not the case, mostly because he is a clan member, as well as an admin.  Those aren't things that a "multi-person account" would be.
+0|6998|sverdlovsk-45, russia
To be honest, I don't care who is first, and who is second.


Thank you.

blackcracka wrote:

Its obvious they have multiple people playing one account.  Nobody has that big of a "no life"..
Guys, I've known Firestorm since the beggining of BFV, all during PoE for BFV, and in around four or five campaigns in total war.  He does spend that much time playing.  I've personally spent a full 12 hours on a server with him. 

If this is his hobby or fascination, more power to him.  Don't hate because you're not #1, or your stats suck, or whatever.  Firestorm is a stand up guy that gives as well as he gets.   He has skill, as I've seen him take some shots that makes some of the best players out there envious.
+0|6998|sverdlovsk-45, russia

Arkane wrote:

He has skill, as I've seen him take some shots that makes some of the best players out there envious.
+7|7155|California, USA
Who cares, EA's Overall Leaderboard is just based on accumulated global score (total score, not skill).  Similiarly, each weapon and vehcile leaderboards are based on total kills.
+0|6998|sverdlovsk-45, russia

Rakasan wrote:

Who cares, EA's Overall Leaderboard is just based on accumulated global score (total score, not skill).  Similiarly, each weapon and vehcile leaderboards are based on total kills.
Sniper Rifles
time: 350:22:49,
kills: 5,735
deaths: 3,240
k/d ratio: 1.77
acc: 52.16%

everyone who have 1k+ kills with sniper rifle will confirm that this guy rule. that's all i wanted to say )
*yawn* i own them both

kidding, congrats to FireStorm.

Last edited by Tearsofromance (2006-01-15 03:09:03)

Last of the Uchiha
+4|7030|Hong Kong, China

oberst_enzian wrote:

ThomasMorgan wrote:

hey, asshole, use the search.  the two threads right before this one are about the same fucking topic.

seriously tho, i can't believe people really care about these guys. it's not like they are much more than just those that have played longest and do nothing but play. who cares? i find the top 10 for each weapon, kit etc in bfhq far more interesting and relevant - yes, i check those once ever three or four weeks out of sheer boredom!
Oberst_enzian, if you don't like this thread, leave.

And ThomasMorgan, a mod is here to PREVENT further threads, it doesn't really mean anything if there are two other threads other than that this thread is OFFICAL.
+-2|7104|U.K DURHAM
omfg look the guy is in first place get over it i say good on the guy he plays hours on this game whos to say he has no right in first place. i say he does have right hes at first and your not thats why all this cry baby crap goes on. it will be the same who ever is in first place lets slag em off like i keep saying its his game he paid for it. you have your game you paid for go play how you want to play and let others be i dont like 1 kit but my fav is spec ops i play it most. good when it comes to flag defend oh well laters all and to the dude thats no1 on bfhq ignore them dude.
+7|7155|California, USA

ai024 wrote:

Sniper Rifles
time: 350:22:49,
kills: 5,735
deaths: 3,240
k/d ratio: 1.77
acc: 52.16%

everyone who have 1k+ kills with sniper rifle will confirm that this guy rule. that's all i wanted to say )
LOL, what's your point?  Try these guys who don't excessive playtime to gain high accumulated scores

http://www.bf2s.com/player/43888189/ 10K rifle kills, 5:1 KDR
http://www.bf2s.com/player/43637454/ 15+:1 sniper rifle KDR...
http://www.bf2s.com/player/48346364/ 15,000+ sniper rifle kills, 2.47 sniper rifle KDR
try for ppl w/7000+ sniper rifle kills
http://www.statpadder.com/cgi-bin/bf2i. … mp;start=0 (sorted by kills)
http://www.statpadder.com/cgi-bin/bf2i. … mp;start=0 (more interesting results)

Last edited by Rakasan (2006-01-15 05:05:56)

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