Who here works out, and what is your work out schedule.
+13|6361| Bay Area Calif. USA
Not sure if this is working out but I take a dump every morning like clock work.
+1,230|6881|Alberta, Canada

I give my ass a work out by sitting on it all day.
Honda - The Power of Dreams
+293|6450|Michigan, USA

I do, or at least try to.  I'm actually quite skinny, but I do have some fat on me.  Other people will be like, "that's nothing," but compared to my body size it's quite enough.  Anyways, I usually try to get to the gym about 4 days a week, currently focusing on abs, so like everyday work my abs by 2 different exercises.  On top of that each day I do a different upper body workout, working different muscles, such as biceps, triceps, shoulders, etc.  It's not a very balanced workout (like it's all lifting and no cardio/toning, also no lower body ATM), but at least I'm working out.  After 2 weeks of starting to focus on abs, I'm can already see the foundation upon which my 6 pack will be set

Ryan wrote:

I give my ass a work out by sitting on it all day.
Hilarious!  Sad, but true, is when I'm not working out I'm usually on my ass.  But like I said, at least I am working out as any exercise > none.

+1 to Ryan for the laugh, and +1 to thereaper just cause   Hope I helped (probably not).  Good Luck finding a decent routine that is best suited for you!
+127|6383|Twyford, UK
I cycle a lot, but not regularly. Generally 10-20 miles a week, average. That keeps about 30-40lb of muscle on me, mostly in my legs, arms, and abs.
I also do karate, with 1 1/2 hours a week training and the occasional extra session or two. That is currently doing wonders for my muscle tone, and vastly improving my pain tolerance.

Otherwise, it's mainly my brute-force approach to issues and living with a 20lb cat who needs to be scooped up bodily and moved to another spot from time to time, and occasionally being picked up, walked around with, and talked to. (Because if you don't do that he meows loudly and incessantly, then moves onto the teeth and claws. And he's not a de-clawed kitty because he hunts things.)
Dutch Delight
I just try to have sex at least once a day, change positions often so I use all muscles.
Metal Godz



Seriously, I got games to play...

delta4bravo*nl* wrote:

I just try to have sex at least once a day, change positions often so I use all muscles.
Roger that.
+6|6513|Indiana USA
Does rubbing out a couple of knuckle kids a day count as exercise? 

I take a crap everyday,  does that count as a diet/ weight loss plan too?

I give my fingers and hands a great work out just by playing the game, ,you play for more than 10 minutes a  day and see how your hands feel.  trust me i have only taken a hydrocodone  ie. vicodin once because my hands hurt and i didnt want to stop playing
+55|6727|Indianapolis, IN, U.S.
I have been running for about 5 years. I run a four miler once a day, about 200 pushups and situps scattered throughout the day.

Today I tried for a bit more, I ran 7.75 miles. I just couldn't make my self do that last .25 of a mile.

ssj3barua wrote:

I have been running for about 5 years. I run a four miler once a day, about 200 pushups and situps scattered throughout the day.

Today I tried for a bit more, I ran 7.75 miles. I just couldn't make my self do that last .25 of a mile.
man, thats alot. good job.
all i do is one set of 80 pushups a week.. because i dont do enuf, or slowly work up to 80 im in pain for the rest of the week lol.
Over the line!
+70|6786|Mark it zero.
I just started working out 6 weeks ago. I'm trying to bulk up a bit. I'm 5-9, and started at 140 pounds. Now I'm 157. My goal though is 170. I work out 6 days a week doing heavy lifting. In a month or so after I get the bulk I want, I'll start running again. When I run I do an average of 5 miles. I like being in shape
+374|6405|Columbus, Ohio
Monday - Friday.  Cardio everyday.  Chest and arms on Mon, Wed, Fri.  Shoulders Tue.  Legs Thur. 

Cardio only on Sat and Sun.
BF2S Resident Bass Player
+45|6469|Washington State, USA
I have to prepare for High School football (American Football not the English kind) so I lift around 80 for now and I keep adding a bit because my football training program doesnt start for another month, and even then they are going to make us lift only 45 pounds at the beginning.... I also have to run a bit but I am more focused on getting a bit more muscle

thanks for the assmunch that +1'ed me for haveing a pathetic football team because i only lift 80. the season doesnt even start for another 4-5 months and im only 14 so thanks you idiot

Last edited by InfectiousShadow (2007-04-01 22:02:53)

We shall beat to quarters!

I work out,

Mon - Wed - Fri
Current routine
Bench Press
Lat Pull Downs
Triceps Pull Downs
Leg Press
Shoulder Press
Core Situps
Ball Situps
20 min of Cardio Work (Treadmill, bike etc)

Tue - Thur
1 - 2 hours of Cardio work, Bike Rowing boxing bag, running etc.

Good stuff to get into.
~ Do you not know that in the service … one must always choose the lesser of two weevils?
every tues and thurs for football tues we do upper half and thurs we do lower half
I am Canadian
+72|6296|B.C. Canada
I am a hockey player if that counts
if your really interested.. message me.. ill eventually get back to you.  i havnt had any formal education about working out... but ive done my own thing... and feel ive gotten a much better grasp than i used to
Well  I did 100 situps last night  and im strong so its all good XD
+617|6443|NSW, Australia

i do boxing, a few push ups sit ups and i go for a run every now and then
+45|6527|Kamloops, BC Canada
I walk to my University then back home (35mins one way)
And I go to the gym about 4-5 times a week... I would go more, but I can't when I have to work right after class.

Monday: Biceps/Triceps
Tuesday: Chest
Wednesday: Shoulders
Thursday: Back/Legs.
Before you go to bed, do say 10 press ups to start, and increase this by one everynight. I am doing about 50 everynight, and it makes me feel great. No other excercise apart from walking.
Everyday after school.
Real Хорошо
+826|6557|Adelaide, South Australia

Does 1 hour of walking a day count?

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