I only have two accounts, my first one is reject_wolf, but I lost the password to it once I got my computer back from the shop since it has always been on remember this password. Then I made the name reject_wolf.v2 to replace it. Eventually I remembered the password to it two months later, but by that time I had been playing BF2142 so I didn't care. Now that I am backing into BF2 again, I now play with my lower ranked account (reject_wolf.v2) since my buddies who have always been at lower ranks are now all First Sergeants and so am I on that account so I like being at the same rank as them (yeah, I know it sounds odd, but it is true.)
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- How many BF2 accounts do you have and why?
1, because its all i need
Too many. Kidnapping, stats padding, tk account, name regging accounts, weapon account, leet account, vehicle accounts, regualr account, another regular account, more accounts I made because I have OCD, etc...
like 8, i use p-n*Omega for main reasons, but first main account is SoC./Omega
SargeV1.4 - main
Rock|SargeV1.5 (#1 KDR, first attempt (succesful but I couldnt be bothered afterwards)
441|SargeV.GN (new account for new infantry technique i was using before I stopped playing, worked quite well, considering a 5.6 ratio for rifles)
lots of match accounts too because the team I was in went through 5 name changes because of stupid sponsors, then the last inf team I was in also went through name changes (441 > influx)
Rock|SargeV1.5 (#1 KDR, first attempt (succesful but I couldnt be bothered afterwards)
441|SargeV.GN (new account for new infantry technique i was using before I stopped playing, worked quite well, considering a 5.6 ratio for rifles)
lots of match accounts too because the team I was in went through 5 name changes because of stupid sponsors, then the last inf team I was in also went through name changes (441 > influx)

Two. was Jimmanycricket, but it was too long with Tags on so i made Jimmany
Eugefunk84 wrote:
1, because its all i need
Only one, because that's all I need. I've only been playing for like two months, so that might change...
I have 2. The one I play on all the time and one as a practice one for clan matches and shit.
I have four accounts. Strngs012 is my main one. FatMax25 was the first alt account I made. The name came from a tape measure that was sitting here at the desk. Then there are the two dark accounts. RectalBleeding, and flow3r_girl. I made both those accounts while I was extremely drunk and started harrasing people while in game...lol!
I have only two accounts. One is Houli999, he is my main, and my other accout is for doing stupid stuff (TKing, spawnkilling, or finding glitches ect.).
One for playing.
One for trying things I'm not good at (like flying jets).
One for dieing, getting names and kicking.
One for trying things I'm not good at (like flying jets).
One for dieing, getting names and kicking.
Main account
Shitty alias i made ages ago, since used it as a muck around account (hence low KD/SPM
Close combat sniper alias
Padding account
Knifing/paddle account. Let friend play on it and he used assault rifles, lol
Teamkilling account
Stupid name, i know. Theres a sotry behind it. Anyway, used this account when i was capped
An alias account that actually had pretty good stats, until i kidnapped lord#of#weed (took ages to get to him and rev him ect)
An alias i use every now and then to get hackusations
And there is more but i forget them
You should see JordyP's list of alias's. Makes me lol, he has like 50.
edit: geez, stuffed the BBcode up on that
Shitty alias i made ages ago, since used it as a muck around account (hence low KD/SPM
Close combat sniper alias
Padding account
Knifing/paddle account. Let friend play on it and he used assault rifles, lol
Teamkilling account
Stupid name, i know. Theres a sotry behind it. Anyway, used this account when i was capped
An alias account that actually had pretty good stats, until i kidnapped lord#of#weed (took ages to get to him and rev him ect)
An alias i use every now and then to get hackusations
And there is more but i forget them
You should see JordyP's list of alias's. Makes me lol, he has like 50.
edit: geez, stuffed the BBcode up on that
Last edited by gene_pool (2007-03-30 16:32:24)
Just the one. It's the one I started with, and it shows.
One, because I need it to play.
I don't see the point in starting another one now I'm past the lip of the learning curve. To me, my stats aren't something to pimp, they're a way to track my performance, set goals and targets, and try to improve it.
I don't see the point in starting another one now I'm past the lip of the learning curve. To me, my stats aren't something to pimp, they're a way to track my performance, set goals and targets, and try to improve it.
2 accounts. 1 for serious battle. the 2nd for being a total jackass jerk ie. be a support and grenade the humvees into 3 bars of health and ram it into a friendly tank.... and yes ofcourse i punish.
I have three. One main one that I use all the time. The other two are primarily what I use to idle in our clans server to get it going. Dont have any other uses for the other two account other than the idling.
<<<<The first and only account.
Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.
lol yahEugefunk84 wrote:
1, because its all i need
I have like 15.
that is exactley what i was going to say.Eugefunk84 wrote:
1, because its all i need
like 5
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- How many BF2 accounts do you have and why?