Top Ten Reasons you know that you’re addicted to BF2.

10. While driving around town you notice the best places to snipe from.

9. Seeing a plane pass you get the urge to scream, We’ve got company overhead.

8. You really think you can revive someone because you got a gold star playing medic the night before.

7. When you see the word, APPLY, you think you’re rank of Staff Sergeant is a pretty good chance of becoming Commander for the round.

6. Cutting tomatoes isn’t as fun as getting your Basic Knife Badge.

5. You are very proficient in Middle Eastern and Chinese geography.

4. You see little black spots on the road and take the long way home for fear of running over a mine.

3. Lack of sleep and continuous yelling of Frag out in your head.

2. You always go the wrong way on the football field because it’s easier to score for the other team, much like teamkilling.

1. You can’t remember the last time you had sex with your wife.

Poor Guys, get a life.
Funny. At least I know how to say 'enemy car spotted' next time I'm in Iraq
+89|6752|Sheffield, England
yea im addicted, mainly cos i live getting awards and somethink to work for u no, and i just love the whole experience of the game.
Haha. I ain't that crazy but I did have a little incident at the the bank the other day. After I cashed a check the teller *hot aZn girl* smiles at me and says "Here's your receipt", to which I promptly reply "Roger that".

It totally caught me off guard, and it felt pretty awkward. Probably cause I say Roger over the Voip so much.. I was crackin up as I walked out of the bank.
Over the line!
+70|6787|Mark it zero.
haha i've accidently slipped out a roger that to some friends before. luckily they play games like bf2 and cs or else i would have sounded like a total retard or something
The east-german Fuxxer
+37|6883|Germany / Saxony
I´m addicted, cause I dream very often of tales from the battlefield at night...
One night I deamed I was flying with my MIG29 from Kubra Dam some miles through the desert over to Mashtuur, to shoot down the BH-whores and see their retarded faces...

IRNV-Field 3... New School Shit...
+59|6775|The land of Hookers and pod
I think when you play the game more than 2 hours a day (average) then you're addicted, and yes, I am addicted to, only I don't play as much like sgt_maxpower and, because I have a life next to Bf2 (really!). My signs of being addicted? Going to google and typ "military ranks" and other things like "army ribbons", and then even add those sites to my favourites....
Death StatPadder
+228|6807|Human Meat Shield

I not getting much sleep, thank goodness my job is easy, after watching 2 hours of basketball on tv at night/eat dinner/play with the dogs/talking to wife on phone, I hurry to the computer only to wake up for work at 5am to 6pm. wow...I am now depressed.
more than anyone will ever know....
Cool member
personally just now i would say i have a slight addiction to the game. only slightly because i do think about it a lot of the time in work, and when i am in work i am always on this forum, and checking out my stats and others stats.

i wouldnt say i have a problem because it has not taken over my life, and i can go without playing for long times without getting annoyed. although those times when i am not playing i do talk about it quite a lot.

I conducted a study into online gaming addiction two years back and wish i had done the study this year now that i play BF2 and know about the game.

this game is highly addictive because of the massive variety which the game gives its users. not only that though, but it offers all the badges, medals, ribbons, ranks and weapon unlocks which will then make people play more to try and get these. this will then lead to an addiction of some sort as people will not want to give up until they have accomplised what they set out to do.

Then once they have acheived one thing, they then want to get another. I get one badge, play for fun for a while, but then i think that i might aswell go for another badge as i have clocked up more time.

I was looking at Blazin.UK's stats and he hasnt really played many of the other maps much. it looks like he is now addicted in the way that he wants to keep getting more points so that he does not drop out of the top ten ranking.

just a thought
you got me on #10.
+44|6764|West Berlin!
Yes, I am addicted.

I wanna be the 1337 with the plane, that´s the sense of my fucking life!
+12|6790|Perth, Western Australia
You know you've been playing too much BF2 when -

You jump off a building only to realise that real life has no "9" key.

You wish the admin would ban your godamn Economics teacher.

You get pissed off with the pilot of the plane you're in, so you run out in front of the plane so you can punish the damn plane whore.

Last edited by I2elik (2006-01-31 07:14:48)

youve now just been Pwned by the Mavster
Ive been told on numerous occasions by my sister that i play bf2 too much and should get a life,however im an amateur atlete,i have a girlfriend,i read and watch tv and so i only bf2 in between that and i wouldnt say im completly hooked,but i have at leat one session a night and a quick go before work and a couple of sessions at the weekend...but its the whole shiny badge thing

Last edited by Lt.Maverick|Lw| (2006-01-31 07:13:57)


I2elik wrote:

You know you\'ve been playing too much BF2 when -

You jump off a building only to realise that real life has no \"9\" key.
lol, this actually made me chuckle, since I can remember the time I took a break from bf2 and played some css with some mates and I was on a roof about to jump + tap 9 repeatedly, when I realized there\'s no chutes in css.
+12|6790|Perth, Western Australia
Yay, I made someone laugh , or...chuckle at least.
+1|6710|Waddinxveen, The Netherlands
Funny, I thought i was addicted though.

This clears it all up

Was watching J. Carpenter's Fog the other day and when I saw a ship coming out of fog - I just said "enemy boat spoted"
+0|6758|Wherever I may roam
My 13 year old likes to horde all of the towels in the household in her bathroom.  One day I was talking to my wife about this and I had to bite my tongue really hard to keep from referring to our 13 year old as a "towel whore". LOL
I have FEAR, Warhammer 40k Winter Assault, Brothers in Arms, Freedom Force v. the Third Reich, and several other Class A games all unopened sitting on a shelf collecting dust since getting BF2 in 10/05.  Every night I think, yeah, tonight's the night FEAR finally gets loaded up.  But no, how about a little Ghost Town.  Or just one round of Karkand.  Just one round...  It's a real shame. 

Damn you BF2, damn you to hell.
yes I'm addicted, I lost my social life, the only friend i "see" every day is the one who plays battlefield in the same server that i play, and after i play bf2 i come to this site for more BF2 related, is there any place i can call to get help for this addiction? nahhh!!!! hey who wants to play bf2 right now?
WCR official whiner
+6|6766|Madrid, Spain
I'm so addicted, when I ask my girlfriend what does she want for breakfast, I go like "What are your orders, Sir?"
+2|6699|Glasgow, Scotland
I do occasionally use the sounds in BF2 when with other friends that play it, but usually I can hold it back. One of my friends has taken to saying rape a lot, causing a few awkward moments...

Another to add to your list: You know your addicted when the first thing you notice about someone you see walking down the street, is their lack of blue name tag - this happaned yesterday to me...scary
WCR official whiner
+6|6766|Madrid, Spain
also if you want to get out of your car you look for the "use" key for a second... after that you realize this car has a door
+1,230|6881|Alberta, Canada

It's Saturday morning and you're trying to wake up but you can't because there isn't an enter key to spawn.

Ok that was bad i admit.

Last edited by ryan_14 (2006-01-31 16:27:28)

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