Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6751|132 and Bush

I'm not sure if you guys have heard this yet but Iran is threatening to put them on trial now. … 588818.ece

I can't see how Iran would believe this is their best interest. I give it two weeks before we see a fuel embargo. Iran has yet to produce any evidence yet they are demanding an apology. Isn't it typical to prove someone is at fault and then demand an apology?
Xbone Stormsurgezz
I Vote we begin bombing in 5 minutes. There's no other option, and while were at it; Take there fucking nukes plants out.

Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6596|The Land of Scott Walker
Nah, rescue your people and leave a going away present.
+52|6905|Christchurch New Zealand
I suggest that the Iranians have done this in a cold calculated manner. This is what I suggest may play out and what the Iranian goals are fromt his venture.

1. Iran will delay the release, probably display them on TV a LOT more to rile upt he brits.
2. Make BS demands that cannot be acceded to.
3. Hostage whereabouts is made avaliable to british intelligence via a "leak"
4. SAS/SBS raid on detention facility that is a convienient area for rescue, or a strategically important area, this is important for the grand finale:

5. IRAN announces that due to the "western imperialist aggression" it is forced to modify its peaceful nuclear ambitions so that they have a deterrent to prevent the "western crusaders" violating their territory again.

In short I reckon this is aimed at encouraging a strike to free the captives, which Ideally for Iran will end in a bloodbath and bad publicity, theyll probably announce that they were to release the captives a day after the raid etc. than theyll play the "we need to have nukes for our own protection from these barbarians" card.
O Canada
+1,596|6556|North Carolina
Vedds makes a lot of good points...

I'm not normally the type to approve of invasions, but after this whole mess, the U.K. might as well mount a small scale rescue mission.

If things escalate, America will back them up.  We're basically itching for a reason to invade Iran, and at this point, I'm not so sure if I really mind the idea if it means doing some well-aimed surgical strikes.

We obviously can't afford to occupy Iran.
GunSlinger OIF II
+374|6518|Columbus, Ohio
Deploma..........I can't even say it anymore.  Go get your fucking countrymen.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6751|132 and Bush

Hmm, I wonder why they wrote it in English. There must be some wishing for Armageddon.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
+52|6905|Christchurch New Zealand

Kmarion wrote:

Hmm, I wonder why they wrote it in English. There must be some wishing for Armageddon.
Its written in english to piss off the poms - refer to my post above.
Beep bep.
+85|6521|Stealth on Grand Bazaar
They are playing a dangerous game. If they think humiliation will win them points on the global scale they are thinking the wrong way. I just can't understand why they would be so stupid as to snatch British Soldiers under a UN mandate in Iraqi waters and hold them for so long. It doesn't acheive anything diplomatically and just raises tensions.

They are asking for a war at this rate, and whilst I do NOT condone that, it is a possibility now which they are forcing upon us. If we are forced I still think we should get the Israeli's to bomb a few strategic targets, just as in Lebanon. Look what they did to them....put the economy back near on 30 years....

Send in the SAS and you'll get another squad captured or killed......they are well inside Iran and Im not sure we know exactly were they are being held, thats a long way to the border even if we could get them out. I don't think the British Government would be that rash.

They will be released, it just depends when now. Displaying them really makes Iran look like complete wankers....Russia used to do it in the cold-war, it was pointless and diplomatically counter-productive.

vedds wrote:

Its written in english to piss off the poms - refer to my post above.
They speak england not good

this is out of SAS's reach even if the whole regiment was to go in.

Seems like Russia is heading the defence of Iran. i agree completely with Vedd's post (+1), i think the question is, do we follow what they want or not? they see this as we either back down on nuclear sanctions etc or we give them a reason to start making nuclear weapons. If we dont react or ignore the fate of the 15 we show we are a weak nation and possibly encourage more kidnappings.
one of those three will happen, just which is preferable?

i wouldnt be surprised if Gunslingers picture was taken in the UK tbh, we let them get off so lightly and the majority of the country are pathetic when it comes to national pride they think its ok.

Last edited by Toxicseagull (2007-03-30 03:16:00)

Knee Deep In Clunge
+489|6614|Tyne & Wear, England
Why is this nation so bloodthirsty?  If we went to war with these idiots, we would be fighting one of the last barbarian nations on Earth.

One of my earlier posts said that I did not want to go to war, and that I thought war was very unlikely.  However my patience is wearing thin with Iran and war is seeming more and more likely as this escalates.

Last edited by KILLSWITCH (2007-03-30 04:00:35)

Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.
+52|6883|Cambridge, England

Toxicseagull wrote:

you cant send a carrier on its own. most of those mothballed have been support ships and destroyers, whilst a lot are now under full compliment due to the cut backs in personnel. my point is Britain should realise without proper backing the navy is a lame duck, and the last 10 labour years have been a time of idleness and cutting costs for the navy in particular.

this is taking longer than it should, its over a week and we haven't even met our troops. it took Blair 4 days to even say anything publicly, such a weak government its embarrassing wrote:

However the Royal Navy has had to carry out an ever increasing number of commitments while at the same time seeing the size of its surface fleet gradually shrink over the period of twenty years between 1982 and 2002. Recent cuts have seen the retirement of the Sea Harrier with the Royal Navy sharing RAF's Harrier GR7 until delivery of the F-35.

Over the course of 1990s and the 2000s, the navy has begun a series of projects to improve its fleet, with a view to providing enhanced capabilities. This has lead to the replacement of smaller and more numerous units with fewer, but larger, units. The main examples of this are the replacement of Type 42 destroyers with Type 45s and the planned replacement of the 20,000 tonne Invincible class aircraft carriers with 65,000 tonne future carriers.
I was pretty sure that the tories where the worst ones for killing our navy. i.e. the falkands. We had to buy the experimental harriers because nothing else could actually use our carries due to the runways being too short. Fortunately for us the harrier was awesome but....looking at "show of force" we sent to the falklands our navy wasnt doing particularly well. At least labour are doing something for our navy not just decomisioning it.
+12|6854|sector a-35

Hurricane wrote:

I wish the Russians IRL were like the ones in 24, who <3 the US.
There is no US on new secret russian maps. haha j/k
Why oh why....would any country go to war over 15 soldiers captured in a disputed maritime zone that date back to the 1930s?????????????????????????????????????

Seriously, look at the reality that Britain cannot unilaterally delineate where the Iraqi/Iranian territorial waters are -- lol GPS designation is just that so don't give me that cop out.

What's funny is that for some odd reason some of the posts here have ideological conviction about Iran that already portrays them as THE AGGRESSOR, how can this be if they were not the ones invading another nations territorial waters?
GOP Sympathizer
+266|6641|Menlo Park, CA

Fen321 wrote:

Why oh why....would any country go to war over 15 soldiers captured in a disputed maritime zone that date back to the 1930s?????????????????????????????????????

Seriously, look at the reality that Britain cannot unilaterally delineate where the Iraqi/Iranian territorial waters are -- lol GPS designation is just that so don't give me that cop out.

What's funny is that for some odd reason some of the posts here have ideological conviction about Iran that already portrays them as THE AGGRESSOR, how can this be if they were not the ones invading another nations territorial waters?
Because Iran is CRAZY!!! It is a criminal regime PERIOD

They have done so much illegal activity (ie hostage taking, state funding terrorism, making nukes etc.).  Without ANY reprocussions by the west. . . They only guy to do ANYTHING in response to Irans criminal activity is Ronald Reagan, when he basically sunk their entire navy in 87' and 89'.

They (Iran) took those troops (15 Brits) in direct response to US capturing of Iranian agents in Iraq, and those 3 defections that have happened over the past few months. . . . It is no mystery why Iran pulled this action!

In fact Iran is pretty good about living up to their threats. . . .They foretold the world that they would be attempting to capture Americans or Brits. . . and look what happend!!  Those Brits were NOT in Iranian waters, they were patrolling the Iraqi side of that straight. . . .So NO they were not invading Irans "territorial waters" They were in a small boat and were easy pickings for the larger Iranian fleet to swipe them up. 

What kills me is that the British commander didnt order an attack on the Iranians when it was obvious they were attempting to capture his sailors. . . .that is just beyond me!!

Regardless, what Iran has done is an act of war. . . . . no if, an's, or but's about it!!! Hostage taking is an act of war, it is illegal under the Geneva convention to do what they are doing (parading them around, making the girl write bs letters etc.).  The Iranians need to be hurt economically and militarily, and its anyones guess which rout the Brits and the USA is going to go down first.  My guess military action is coming to Irans doorstep shortly. . . .
I suspect something is amiss
Unfortunely military action will most likely result in 15 dead british soldiers at this point but perhaps that´s a small price they are willing to pay..
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6751|132 and Bush

Iran would never lie. We should have the cure for aids right after they finish disproving the holocaust.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6596|The Land of Scott Walker

Kmarion wrote:

Iran would never lie. We should have the cure for aids right after they finish disproving the holocaust.
Yes, everyone knows that herbal combination only grows in Iran.  I think they just discovered weed.  They're behind the times on so many levels that it's entirely possible.

fadedsteve wrote:

Because Iran is CRAZY!!! It is a criminal regime PERIOD
This right here sums up exactly what i mean by an ideological conviction where you are, unfortunately, going to make a prejudgment on any matter about a given country through this little prism.

fadedsteve wrote:

They have done so much illegal activity (ie hostage taking, state funding terrorism, making nukes etc.).  Without ANY reprocussions by the west. . . They only guy to do ANYTHING in response to Irans criminal activity is Ronald Reagan, when he basically sunk their entire navy in 87' and 89'.
Well since you want to conveniently range your sense of time of Iran to 1979 -- lets take a trip back in time to 1953 -- this lovely year you have the lovely assisted Coup of Mohammed Mossadegh. We helped the ulema do what they already wanted to do, but none the less the relationship with the installed ruler was that of disregard of customs -- and an increase in western technology which dotted the landscape and helped no one. So you see in our interfereeing in the political affairs of a sovereign nation we broke Internatnional Law -- and a violation of the UN charter we helped create just a few years prior to this incident. State funded terrorism is something we are all not to familiar with -- oh wait -- indeed we are take a simple look at the Funding of the taliban in order to fight the Soviet Union in Afghanistan. And another example would be the funding of the Contras in Nicaragua.

fadedsteve wrote:

They (Iran) took those troops (15 Brits) in direct response to US capturing of Iranian agents in Iraq, and those 3 defections that have happened over the past few months. . . . It is no mystery why Iran pulled this action!
Post hoc ergo proctor hoc  -- just because the US captured Iranian agents in Iraq does not dictate there being a relationship between the capture of 15 British troops. This conviction is simply another example of the ideological predisposition to view their actions in a certain light.

fadedsteve wrote:

In fact Iran is pretty good about living up to their threats. . . .They foretold the world that they would be attempting to capture Americans or Brits. . . and look what happend!!
I'm not even sure what this is referecing to, when did they say they would be capturing American / British troops?

fadedsteve wrote:

Those Brits were NOT in Iranian waters, they were patrolling the Iraqi side of that straight. . . .So NO they were not invading Irans "territorial waters" They were in a small boat and were easy pickings for the larger Iranian fleet to swipe them up.
Alright once again, this area of water has been contested by Iran/Iraq since the 1930s -- in 1975 they had a failed attempt in trying to settle the delineation of the maritime area, but nothing was resolved. The UK cannot, dictate to the international community what LAT. and LONG. corresponds to IRAQI territorial waters. It is not how this works!

fadedsteve wrote:

What kills me is that the British commander didnt order an attack on the Iranians when it was obvious they were attempting to capture his sailors. . . .that is just beyond me!!
Once again being the aggressor is a bad idea .

fadedsteve wrote:

Regardless, what Iran has done is an act of war. . . . . no if, an's, or but's about it!!! Hostage taking is an act of war, it is illegal under the Geneva convention to do what they are doing (parading them around, making the girl write bs letters etc.).  The Iranians need to be hurt economically and militarily, and its anyones guess which rout the Brits and the USA is going to go down first.  My guess military action is coming to Irans doorstep shortly. . . .
Honestly, I don't know what else to tell you. I'm not trying to excuse the fact that denying consular officials to visit is justified, but lets take a simple look at the reality that is an oppressive western power [in their view] muddling in their affairs just like previous Russian/British powers did.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6751|132 and Bush

Fen321  wrote:

I'm not even sure what this is referecing to, when did they say they would be capturing American / British troops?
For the record I think this is what he was reffering to. … 530527.ece
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Sniff, sniff! I smell WW3.
GOP Sympathizer
+266|6641|Menlo Park, CA
The fact that you would sympathize/identify/condone Irans actions is reprehensible. . .

You're wrong pure and simple. . . .Iran is lashing out, most experts disecting this crisis have been agreeing with what I posted perviously. . . all you have to do is watch CNN, MSNBC, or FOX news and they are ALL saying what I feel to be true.  Not too mention the various internet news stories. . .

Iran is a criminal regime that has been doing this type of behavior because the western powers dont have the balls to confront them on it (ie Jimmy Carter).  Therefore, they have been emboldend by the Iraq war, and various captures on our end, to do what they have done to the British sailors. 

Take your leftist liberal "No Blood for Oil", "Its ulitimately Americas  fault" rhetoric, and babble to someone who cares. . . . cause I dont!!

The facts are the facts, AND THE FACT IS Iran is a criminal regime and needs to be dealt with.  Within the last 30 years they have become the most radical country in the world, and we have sit idely by watching them!! I am not advocating we blow the fuck out of em' tommorrow but we should send in spec ops to destroy their economic infastructure. . .Fact is no one EXCEPT Reagan has put Iran in check, NO ONE!

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