how do you propose that diagnosis serge? all britain has done is invite diplomats to speak and ask for access to our men? and asked for their return, we havent parked a few extra ships near iran or threatened any sort of physical action.
iranian factions have called for them to be put on trail for espionage, refused access to our troops even at a consular level as is international law and kept as silent as possible apart from stating they are in iranian waters.
no threats of force whatsoever apart from iran saying they will fight if invaded

you are ignoring that things are not black and white and releasing data to the media isn't the only way diplomatically to progress, especially if it decreases the options available to diplomacy

Last edited by Toxicseagull (2007-03-27 08:25:13)

Cowboy from Hell

Toxicseagull wrote:

how do you propose that diagnosis serge? all britain has done is invite diplomats to speak and ask for access to our men? and asked for their return, we havent parked a few extra ships near iran or threatened any sort of physical action.
iranian factions have called for them to be put on trail for espionage, refused access to our troops even at a consular level as is international law and kept as silent as possible apart from stating they are in iranian waters.
no threats of force whatsoever apart from iran saying they will fight if invaded

you are ignoring that things are not black and white and releasing data to the media isn't the only way diplomatically to progress, especially if it decreases the options available to diplomacy
Maybe you're right and releasing the evidence wouldn't be good, like Vilham said before.
yes, i was agreeing with him and adding another reason why releasing GPS wouldn't solve things, glad we've agreed however
+70|6468|Newcastle UK
Nuke the twats, i know if they were us troops the us goverment would have resolved this by now.
The English
We have shown the Iranians evidence they were in Iraqi waters. … 8420070327

If they're not back by the weekend it'll probably be a phonecall to the boys in Hereford. I can't see this starting a war, no way, a covert operation is far more likely and, dare I say, more fun too.
Cowboy from Hell

RicardoBlanco wrote:

We have shown the Iranians evidence they were in Iraqi waters. … 8420070327

If they're not back by the weekend it'll probably be a phonecall to the boys in Hereford. I can't see this starting a war, no way, a covert operation is far more likely and, dare I say, more fun too.
Can you conduct a covert operation under these circumstances?  I mean Iran will be expecting the Brits to go for a little visit.
we need to get the brits out of there

then we need to remove iran's massive ego

unfortunately, iraq is childsplay compared to iran.  i don't know if the coalition can cope with a war against iran as well (unless they keep it to air strikes / long range ballistic attacks)

let's face it their dictator is a complete nutjob

Last edited by tktarget (2007-03-27 10:04:35)

The English

sergeriver wrote:

RicardoBlanco wrote:

We have shown the Iranians evidence they were in Iraqi waters. … 8420070327

If they're not back by the weekend it'll probably be a phonecall to the boys in Hereford. I can't see this starting a war, no way, a covert operation is far more likely and, dare I say, more fun too.
Can you conduct a covert operation under these circumstances?  I mean Iran will be expecting the Brits to go for a little visit.
I think so. Just because a situation is public doesn't mean you can't send in some SAS guys covertly. In the run up to the Iraq war British and US special forces were within Iraqi borders scoping out the are and softening targets.

I think the we know exactly where the men are being held too. We've got all the antennae at GCHQ pointed at Iran intercepting mobile conversations between revolutionary guard and politicians and no doubt we're getting help from our US colleagues. The element of surprise counts for a lot in hostage recovery situations...I'm assuming.
GunSlinger OIF II
i dont see this as being the assasination of ferdinand
+156|6781|space command ur anus

RicardoBlanco wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

RicardoBlanco wrote:

We have shown the Iranians evidence they were in Iraqi waters. … 8420070327

If they're not back by the weekend it'll probably be a phonecall to the boys in Hereford. I can't see this starting a war, no way, a covert operation is far more likely and, dare I say, more fun too.
Can you conduct a covert operation under these circumstances?  I mean Iran will be expecting the Brits to go for a little visit.
I think so. Just because a situation is public doesn't mean you can't send in some SAS guys covertly. In the run up to the Iraq war British and US special forces were within Iraqi borders scoping out the are and softening targets.

I think the we know exactly where the men are being held too. We've got all the antennae at GCHQ pointed at Iran intercepting mobile conversations between revolutionary guard and politicians and no doubt we're getting help from our US colleagues. The element of surprise counts for a lot in hostage recovery situations...I'm assuming.
you have no element of surprise
+374|6520|Columbus, Ohio
W W 3

Last edited by usmarine2007 (2007-03-27 10:13:29)

Cowboy from Hell

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

i dont see this as being the assasination of ferdinand
Let's hope it isn't.
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6838|United States of America

Kmarion wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

Vilham wrote:

Ive already answered that. Iran would be likely to flat out deny any evidence that Britain shows. Which kinda puts an end to the diplomatic phase... now please remind me what happens after the diplomatic phase...
You can deny whatever you want, but the GPS readings are undeniable.
But equipment and records are "adjustable". There is probably allot we don't know about.
You could use an encoder to send a ship off course? You mean like the when the Devonshire was in Vietnamese waters but Eliot Carvers organization fiddled with the GPS so the Chinese would attack, thus resulting in the sinking that put the British and Chinese fleets to arms and almost caused a war but luckily the plan was exposed by James Bond and Wai Lin?
Oops, I get real life and movies mixed up sometimes...
war. you know what? the Iranians say they won't release the soldiers until all vested interests are sure they were not spying or in Iranian waters intentionally. AKA, they won't release the prisoners. this will likely end up with war. and judging by Britian's past record wiht fighting larger armies, if i was in iran,i would be scrambling to find a legitimate reason for emigration.
+127|6498|Twyford, UK
I think it's Rupert Murdoch manipulating both sides to get Sky News into the best positions for the resulting war.
Shitty Disposition (apparently)
+214|6807|Teesside, UK

Skorpy-chan wrote:

I think it's Rupert Murdoch manipulating both sides to get Sky News into the best positions for the resulting war.
Like the bond film Tomorrow never dies?
Not to sound negative but if we go to war with iran its gonna be a knock down drag out bloodbath. These guys dont play gorilla tactics these fuckers will stand and fight. Course on the positive side at least we know how to fight this type of war well.
+145|6461|Keller, Tx

CameronPoe wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

I really doubt there will be a war, I'm even surprised that people have even brought up the thought of one. Iran is showing its teeth and saying 'Don't fuck with us or we'll fuck with you'. The Brits will aim to come to an amicable agreement whereby the detainees are returned and Iran will then return them.
Israel destroyed half of Lebanon over 2 kidnapped soldiers.
The UK, a government who my own people have suffered had the hands off, have infinitely more intelligence, integrity, compassion and reasoning ability than those animals in Israel.
does someone hate Israel here? Yesh...
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6695|Texas - Bigger than France
I don't know, but there will be tea.
there will be for the tank crew's. the challenger can brew tea

tktarget wrote:

let's face it their dictator is a complete nutjob
One correction: he's not a dictator - he was democratically elected - but yes he does seem to be a bit of a nutjob.

sergeriver wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

I really doubt there will be a war, I'm even surprised that people have even brought up the thought of one. Iran is showing its teeth and saying 'Don't fuck with us or we'll fuck with you'. The Brits will aim to come to an amicable agreement whereby the detainees are returned and Iran will then return them.
Israel destroyed half of Lebanon over 2 kidnapped soldiers.
israel doesnt take no shit, thats why. and neither does the uk, falklands ring a bell?

too_money2007 wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

Israel destroyed half of Lebanon over 2 kidnapped soldiers.
The UK, a government who my own people have suffered had the hands off, have infinitely more intelligence, integrity, compassion and reasoning ability than those animals in Israel.
does someone hate Israel here? Yesh...
israel is a quality country, im not sure why but i really love them, they dont take no crap off nobody, if irans nuclear program comes near completion i wouldnt be suprised if israel blew up all the nuclear plants
different time james. the navy has virtually been destroyed by labour in the last 10 years. we have to rely on the US for force projection.
not to mention a relatively small island taken with some reasonably poorly trained troops on a forigen ground with no major city's is a different kettle of fish completely.

however with the proper support i would think it was possible, especially with US or isreali support.

Toxicseagull wrote:

different time james. the navy has virtually been destroyed by labour in the last 10 years. we have to rely on the US for force projection.
not to mention a relatively small island taken with some reasonably poorly trained troops on a forigen ground with no major city's is a different kettle of fish completely.

however with the proper support i would think it was possible, especially with US or isreali support.
i think you are right my friend, i know the army is alot smaller than it should be, iran has an incredibly large army for us to take on, but think if iran executed those men for spying..... the entire united nations would be on iran, and i would laugh at iran for trying to play in the big wide world.... sorry iran, come back when your ready. they just arent ready to play in the big leauges. Im sorry, im generalising here i know, its not right.

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