Enemy Sniper..." *BOOM* "Nevermind... got him...
+61|6636|Las Vegas, NV USA
IMO, attacking the Uncaps is perfectly fine, and should be allowed.  Of course, that's only my opinion.

Last edited by TrueArchon (2007-03-26 04:28:13)

If you have all flags.... I see no problem raping.
Don't Hassel the Hoff
+345|6345|The | Netherlands
Well, the based are build on it, you can see all those defences and stuff. But today I played on a server, where everything (except cheating/glitching) was allowed, well we didn't attack uncap till we had all flags, but once we had all flags I had 50 kills and 0 deaths in helicopter (gunner seat) I really felt bad for those guys on the carrier, they were all pretty low rank, so 20 deaths would make a hell of a diffirence in their stats. I felt sorry for them, but ok, don't go play on a server without rules!

jord wrote:

I think it's fine.

Everyone does it,it's a fun thing to do.
yah it is lol
Personally I see nothing wrong with base-raping. I sure have been on the receiving end enough and you have never heard me complain about it not one time. Sometimes I even enjoy not having to go galavanting around a map looking for a fight.

Alot of times it can be beat by good teamwork but how often do you see that concept. It seems like most public teams don't understand the value of "squadding up" and spawning on the leader.  I see too many times there will be teams with the maximum amount of squads and only 1 or 2 members in each squad. What good is that?
I will only do it if the team has one flag.
I love how "Everyone" assumes that "everyone" does it.  Not everyone does it.  That's why there are servers up that disallow it.  If you cream your jeans every time you spawn camp, go ahead and do it.  Just don't complain when it's happening to you and don't judge me as a noob for not doing it. 

I've been in choppers where I refuse to shoot as the gunner because my pilot is in the uncap.  Needless to say, he was really pissed off... 

Do as you will, but don't force me to conform.
Dropped on request
Baserape's for pussies.
+2,382|6720|The North, beyond the wall.

Drexel wrote:

I love how "Everyone" assumes that "everyone" does it.  Not everyone does it.  That's why there are servers up that disallow it.  If you cream your jeans every time you spawn camp, go ahead and do it.  Just don't complain when it's happening to you and don't judge me as a noob for not doing it. 

I've been in choppers where I refuse to shoot as the gunner because my pilot is in the uncap.  Needless to say, he was really pissed off... 

Do as you will, but don't force me to conform.
Would you like me to change everyone into majority?

Spawn camping is when you wait for someone to spawn and kill them,baseraping is attacking an uncap.An uncap with defences,i think every uncap has both Ground defense and Air defense.
This thread is about baseraping.

Assuming i took off with you in the gunner seat,if you refused to gun it would be straight over to the red zone.Keep refusing to gun and chances are one day a pilot will do this.

What would you have people do when flags are capped?Wait for them to go out of their base and let them cap something?...I'll pass.
pub hero!
+603|6423|the land of bourbon

jord wrote:

Would you like me to change everyone into majority?

Spawn camping is when you wait for someone to spawn and kill them,baseraping is attacking an uncap.An uncap with defences,i think every uncap has both Ground defense and Air defense.
This thread is about baseraping.

Assuming i took off with you in the gunner seat,if you refused to gun it would be straight over to the red zone.Keep refusing to gun and chances are one day a pilot will do this.

What would you have people do when flags are capped?Wait for them to go out of their base and let them cap something?...I'll pass.
agreed... baseraping and spawn camping are two different things.  baseraping is called for when the other team is utterly hopeless, has no concept of teamwork, and cannot cap a flag.  spawn camping is cheap, and most people disconnect when they are the victims of it, so it is useless to do anyway.  as far as a gunner refusing to gun, redline ftw.
If it's a server I'm trying to get populated, I'll limit the baseraping I do, and try to stop others.  However, if it's a full server, by all means will I take a squad into the uncap to have some fun. 
+2|6283|Rotterdam, Netherlands
Baseraping... Mmm...
Lets say... I don rape when its said don't... But if its allowed i do But... Yesterday a admin kicked my clan m8 for baseraping while he didn't ( nor did i btw ) I went baseraping to piss him off So... i had 20 baseraping kills rofld
Been reading through all these posts and seems to me people still dont get it.

Maps with uncaps are set up like that for a reason. It forces each team to adopt a spesific strategy which is either defensive or offensive. Uncaps = Offense Its a team game and yet it seems a lot of people here still dont get it. What is the point of baseraping an uncap? yes your team may win but what does that tell you about skill/tactics. In the case of Wake you ruin the rest of your own team mates game because they dont get to shoot at anything while the j10's are raping anything that move on the carrier. 

A defensive team is just that, they defend their bases and territory and wait for the enemy to attack. Once all bases are secured a defensive perimeter is set and guarded. Its much more enjoyable to use tactics like these to win for everyone concerned. Its the way Battlefield was designed to be played. Personally i hate baseraping as it ruins the game for everyone else and there is no skill involved. Baserape on my server and you're gone.

Bottom line though is that you play what and how u like. Servers are paid for by the people who set the rules, dont like it? pay for your own or find one u do like. There are enough of them out there.
Only when it's the last flag. Otherwise, no.
pub hero!
+603|6423|the land of bourbon
actually, i like when teams baserape my uncap while i run around and cap flags.  it keeps them away from me.  if you get killed when trying to take off in your plane/heli at your base, go do something else.  eventually the baserape stops when there is no one to kill.
+5|6287|STL, MO
I think it's fine to rape an uncap as long as my team holds all the other flags. Although tempting, I try to avoid doing it at the beginning of the round in order to avoid the other team from disconnecting and ruining the server. After the game gets going though and the other team can't make their way out of the uncap, then the gloves are off--ESPECIALLY if the reason the other team can't leave their uncap is because there are 10 people in line waiting for a jet/helicopter/armor, that's just plain noobish and they deserve to be punished.
Although it is extremely fun to just lay into that ass and shut down a server, we try to promote a relatively safe uncap on our servers-
We found this method simply keeps players on the server rather than emptying it out every other hour.
In alot of cases, A good baseraping will ensure a player never comes back to your server either.
Togs8896 is my evil alter ego
+567|6673|New Hampshire, USA
Only do it if you hold all the bases
I hadn't played BF 2 for months until a week ago, and i seem to be having the most incredible luck with teams - in that i always join the losing one and we're pwned all the way back to our uncap. This is really, really frustrating.

It's easy to say "my team sucks"..but i suppose the other team was just working together wonderfully, fending off all our attempts to capture flags, by air, land or sea even. Great. You guys win.

But I hate the fact that people think this gives them the right to go right up to where we spawn and shoot us in the back, or C-4, or claymore...yknow, spawn camp the hell out of us. I'm sorry if our suckiness bores the enemies, but I can assure you if I lose its not for lack of trying. I dont think this kind of situation should allow the entire enemy team to come down upon us...seeing as how we were already getting pwned anyway.

Oh well. I tend to disconnect when faced with overwhelming competition, and try to find a fair server. I don't mind a challenge, but i know when the game is over.

So no, i dont base rape.
I'll tolerate anything up to raping the carrier. As long as there's ground you can run over, it shouldn't be hard to get out of the uncap and find some place to capture.

When your only options are the floating casket or the flying casket, not only does it piss people off, but it tends to empty the server. Anyone that's interested in getting points should recognize that.
ya same, will base rape unless its the carrier and the other team has a flag. if not, then its on.
Death StatPadder
+228|6811|Human Meat Shield
We dont have a lame uncap rule.. If it moves, Kill it. All of our servers are a NO RULE atmosphere. (except your obvious - Hax, Glitching, being a total douche). If it spawns- kill it, skin it and hump it. 

Some problems arise on our 2142 server where people are putting Drones at the spawns... funny really, because if you cant get out of the uncap.. you didnt do your job correctly.
Since day One.
On one had: War is Hell and no rules
On the other hand: Its shit not to have a chance.Allways think if YOU would like it to getting raped without shooting 1 bullet.
Death StatPadder
+228|6811|Human Meat Shield
On ONe hand: Why wait for the attackers

On the other hand: You had that chance 5 minutes when the game started to get a flag. Think of it as multiple spawnpoints and not an uncap.. think of it as the Square in Krack going to Burbs; or Airfield going to Beach, instead of an uncap.. no difference. They key is to advance, not wait until one side or the other advances.
+33|6399|the Great British Queendom :)
I only rape uncappable bases if all other flags have been taken, as mentioned before its war and you wanna win, therefore stop all movement out of the base? But usually will never go near uncaps until all other flags are taken and being defended? If someone breaks out and re-captures a flag then this becomes my principal goal at that time, capture back as soon as possible so I can return to main base a camp out in my bivawack! As for being on the end of it, I don't complain as there is always a way out, even with artillery coming down and a Heli flying around, you always get out if you're determined, this is war you are supposed to fight so fight you're way out, noobs are the people who complain! Wimps, come on speak to one another, make a concerted effort to destroy rapers, blow arty at main base? AT the helis? AA the planes and so fourth, better still don't let them base rape? Yay ooooooo

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