+51|6819|North Hollywood

Pierre wrote:

deeznutz1245 wrote:

Nicholas Langdon wrote:

not to take away from these soilders deaths, but every country has many soilders that have shed blood in various wars. not just americans.
Very few countries have lost so many for a cause other than their own. America fights for humanity no matter what people say.
Sorry, that's a load of BS. US fights for it's own personal benefit, whether it be a political, economical or military goal, it's still "America first".
So fucking true. America only puts boot to ass for money. Otherwise we would have not given up on africa as a whole.

and besides me how many of u guys have even been near the service?

Last edited by golgoj4 (2007-03-23 09:54:58)


i dont need to make a thread. i appreciate it anyway whether i get bombarded with photo's or not, as someone else said, its wrong to pick one country above another. anyone who fought and died should be remembered equally. i am simply pointing out other nations as a "counter" to the "US is the most noble and sacrificial of nations" feeling.
16 more years
+877|6570|South Florida

Bubbalo wrote:

ATG wrote:

America does not offer up these most important sacrifices for nothing.
Yes, how kind of you to defend freedom as and when it suits you.  Need I remind you that it wasn't until after Pearl Harbour that you joined WWII?  And that in Vietnam you supported a corrupt government?  Or that you supported an Iranian dictatorship (in fact, that you've supported many dictatorships)?

If there are any American soldiers who think that I owe them, fuck them.  Australian soldiers don't declare that their people owe them.  They merely expect the same rights as anyone else.

So, ATG, how about you go think about the fact that more Australians died per capita in WWI than any other nation, or the fact that even as the Japanese advanced on Australia our troops held Tobruk for our European allies.  Then how about you stop telling me what I do or don't owe anyone.
Its not that soldiers demand you to 'owe' them, Just that you know they died helping your country and other countries. Face it, with out america, your puny little country, along with most other countries would be taken over by hitler now and you would be speaking german, BF2S wouldn't be here, and you wouldn't own a computer, nor possibly a house.
Respect America because without it the world would be shit.

Last edited by Dezerteagal5 (2007-03-23 09:58:51)

15 more years! 15 more years!
All peoples in the world are worth the same, even the nazis. Americans are not greater or more worse than any other nation.
Maybe diffrent nations have diffrent views on war, some do it for "freedeom" and some for power and some do it for money and reputation.
R.I.P soldiers of earth.

you are a fool. go back and read some history books.
+374|6412|Columbus, Ohio

Toxicseagull wrote:


you are a fool. go back and read some history books.
Go read a book on proper sentance structure first.
i make my points clearly enough if you dont like them thats your problem.
+374|6412|Columbus, Ohio

Toxicseagull wrote:

i make my points clearly enough if you dont like them thats your problem.
I don't have a problem with it.  However, since you want to tell someone they need to be educated better, you may want to use proper english.
i am educated thanks, however i type as i speak as in my opinion conversational texts such as a forum are in a informal and natural discourse that's why in my future posts you may see slang terms if the situation arose.

and i would consider your point mute anyway due to the fact we are debating history. not english language.

Nicholas Langdon wrote:

ATG wrote:

He's refering to Americans dying in far off places, all those countries you list owe their existance to those men under the grass in the photos.
dying is dying, wherever it is.
and no the world does not owe its exestance to the united states
Careful mate, your heads about to explode its swollen so bad.

Dezerteagal5 wrote:

Bubbalo wrote:

ATG wrote:

America does not offer up these most important sacrifices for nothing.
Yes, how kind of you to defend freedom as and when it suits you.  Need I remind you that it wasn't until after Pearl Harbour that you joined WWII?  And that in Vietnam you supported a corrupt government?  Or that you supported an Iranian dictatorship (in fact, that you've supported many dictatorships)?

If there are any American soldiers who think that I owe them, fuck them.  Australian soldiers don't declare that their people owe them.  They merely expect the same rights as anyone else.

So, ATG, how about you go think about the fact that more Australians died per capita in WWI than any other nation, or the fact that even as the Japanese advanced on Australia our troops held Tobruk for our European allies.  Then how about you stop telling me what I do or don't owe anyone.
Its not that soldiers demand you to 'owe' them, Just that you know they died helping your country and other countries. Face it, with out america, your puny little country, along with most other countries would be taken over by hitler now and you would be speaking german, BF2S wouldn't be here, and you wouldn't own a computer, nor possibly a house.
Respect America because without it the world would be shit.
Maybe if the americans hadnt been selling him his weopons up until 1943 u could've stayed home like originally planned. 
   I give a heart felt Thank You to ALL soldiers who died in WW2 not just the pompous americans, although their help was greatly appreciated.  US of A should really come back to earth.  The way they act like the world owes them is mostly not true, Israel owes them.   All the wars they fight in other countries their enemy list grows daily and soon enough they will be viewed as the next Germany.  Then these soldiers who made the ultimate sacrafice will be ashamed of their country because it is the new Villain(not savior).  Sad part is that Americans REFUSE to hear any of it and instead put their heads in the sand.
   Unfortunately it is the same as in Germany where the people thought they were doing the world a favour but in reality were hoodwinked into being a imperialistic nation and removing enemies rather than dealing with them.
+105|6523|Lutenblaag, Molvania

Dezerteagal5 wrote:

Its not that soldiers demand you to 'owe' them, Just that you know they died helping your country and other countries. Face it, with out america, your puny little country, along with most other countries would be taken over by hitler now and you would be speaking german, BF2S wouldn't be here, and you wouldn't own a computer, nor possibly a house.
Respect America because without it the world would be shit.
You see that? That there is exactly what I was talking about. Thats the kind of arrogant, "the world owes us" attitude that gives america a bad rep. I respect any soldier any day, dead or not, but that kind of thinking is BS.
"All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered;  the point is to discover them."
Galileo Galilei  (1564-1642)
Certified BF2S Asshole
+131|6501|The edge of sanity

Bubbalo wrote:

Liberal-Sl@yer wrote:

Bubbalo wrote:

And that in Vietnam you supported a corrupt government?
Correct me if im wrong bubbalo but didnt australia JOIN us in that war because it suited THIER intrest as well?
Your point?
Is it right to flag one country but not another? are you here to serve one side of an argument only to hold the other back? Is your ture calling in life just to slam one country because you dislike thier beilefs and polices and keep your favorite countries out of the loop just becuase they are your favorites.? Bubbalo next time why dont your present the whole argument. The united states is not te onyl country to fight a war for its advatages. So why dont you do us all a favor and analys all wars fought by all countries and tell us which ones are just and which are not.
+5,233|6574|Global Command

Toxicseagull wrote:

i am educated thanks, however i type as i speak as in my opinion conversational texts such as a forum are in a informal and natural discourse that's why in my future posts you may see slang terms if the situation arose.

and i would consider your point mute anyway due to the fact we are debating history. not english language.
See rule # 10 and try again:

Use proper spelling, grammar, punctuation, and capitalization to the best of your ability. Failure to do this will result in your posts being taken less seriously, and most likely cause responses to be less than constructive.
Certified BF2S Asshole
+131|6501|The edge of sanity

ATG wrote:

Toxicseagull wrote:

i am educated thanks, however i type as i speak as in my opinion conversational texts such as a forum are in a informal and natural discourse that's why in my future posts you may see slang terms if the situation arose.

and i would consider your point mute anyway due to the fact we are debating history. not english language.
See rule # 10 and try again:

Use proper spelling, grammar, punctuation, and capitalization to the best of your ability. Failure to do this will result in your posts being taken less seriously, and most likely cause responses to be less than constructive.
hard to do when spell check is down

Last edited by Liberal-Sl@yer (2007-03-23 12:10:39)

stephen brule
It's not about how many died. The one who are dead/alive/wounded, It's the fact that the served our countrys fought for our countrys ti'll the death.

Whatever country you are in and the soldiers that have died for your country you should be giving them a moment of silence instead of rambling on here about who is a jerk or who isn't. This thread is nothing about that.

Leave it at that.

And I salute all soldiers. Except for terrorists.
ATG. my point is made, my views are given and are easily understood. I believe that rule to mean l33t or txt speak. not written English with a few punctuation problems. i would suggest you stop going off topic and try to either answer my points or leave it to rest.
+5,233|6574|Global Command

Toxicseagull wrote:

ATG. my point is made, my views are given and are easily understood. I believe that rule to mean l33t or txt speak. not written English with a few punctuation problems. i would suggest you stop going off topic and try to either answer my points or leave it to rest.
then you have reading comprehension issues.

Toxicseagull wrote:


you are a fool. go back and read some history books.
Is that a question or a point?

More like a personal attack I think, that's why I pointed out your infantile use of the English language.
i am referring to my previous posts which contain points, that section you have quoted is neither it is a statement.

by issuing a personal statement against me you are no better than me, instead of simply flinging one back, how about acting as a decent and long standing member of the forums and remind me of the rules?
i may also point out that other posters in this thread have worse spelling, use text speak and other such horror's and yet remain accused?
So how about dropping the grammar Nazi hostility and answering any point i made or even ignore me if you so which

Last edited by Toxicseagull (2007-03-23 15:16:22)

Aspiring Objectivist
Thank you soldiers for all that you have done & all that you will do to secure freedom for the individual rights of nations that have never known it.
Thank you to all of our allies that have helped us to project the only way that man can live on this earth, in a free society.
The Lizzard

Liberal-Sl@yer wrote:

Bubbalo wrote:

Liberal-Sl@yer wrote:

Correct me if im wrong bubbalo but didnt australia JOIN us in that war because it suited THIER intrest as well?
Your point?
Is it right to flag one country but not another? are you here to serve one side of an argument only to hold the other back? Is your ture calling in life just to slam one country because you dislike thier beilefs and polices and keep your favorite countries out of the loop just becuase they are your favorites.? Bubbalo next time why dont your present the whole argument. The united states is not te onyl country to fight a war for its advatages. So why dont you do us all a favor and analys all wars fought by all countries and tell us which ones are just and which are not.
Yes, because I've always been a firm supporter of Australian foreign policy, which is why I've criticized it every time it's turned up.  Here's a thought: maybe I'm not going on about Australia because no-one else is.  And maybe no-one's talking about Australia because in the grand scheme of things we're un-important and largely irrelevant.

Oh, I'm sorry, does the fact that I dislike Australia's foreign policy as much as the US's ruin your whole favouritism theory?
Certified BF2S Asshole
+131|6501|The edge of sanity

Bubbalo wrote:

Liberal-Sl@yer wrote:

Bubbalo wrote:

Your point?
Is it right to flag one country but not another? are you here to serve one side of an argument only to hold the other back? Is your ture calling in life just to slam one country because you dislike thier beilefs and polices and keep your favorite countries out of the loop just becuase they are your favorites.? Bubbalo next time why dont your present the whole argument. The united states is not te onyl country to fight a war for its advatages. So why dont you do us all a favor and analys all wars fought by all countries and tell us which ones are just and which are not.
Yes, because I've always been a firm supporter of Australian foreign policy, which is why I've criticized it every time it's turned up.  Here's a thought: maybe I'm not going on about Australia because no-one else is.  And maybe no-one's talking about Australia because in the grand scheme of things we're un-important and largely irrelevant.

Oh, I'm sorry, does the fact that I dislike Australia's foreign policy as much as the US's ruin your whole favouritism theory?
I dont favor US policy at all. I think our policies are shit for the rest of the world, but the fact that you slam one country for fightin in a war without slaming all the countries that fought in that war is bullshit. Australia had much to gain or lose from the outcome of vietnam since most of its trade comes from southeast asia.
To all the soldiers that have died, rest in peace
The Lizzard

Liberal-Sl@yer wrote:

I dont favor US policy at all. I think our policies are shit for the rest of the world, but the fact that you slam one country for fightin in a war without slaming all the countries that fought in that war is bullshit. Australia had much to gain or lose from the outcome of vietnam since most of its trade comes from southeast asia.
Uh-huh............so, the fact that when the US was being discussed I criticised US participation in Vietnam and not Australian participation is evidence of bias?

How about you admit that you were wrong, and that, even if we assume I do pick on the US, this wasn't evidence of it.

You notice how in the thread about the Cronulla riots I didn't comment on apartheid?  Is that evidence that I favour South Africa?
Support fanatic :-)

Wow ...... what soldier died the most for his country ?

Been reading this hole thread and it took me some time to comprehend the anger in certain people arguing what country has sacrificed the most people on the alter of stupidity !

The first and biggest mistake you did here ATG was to focus on US soldiers casulties alone, it seems to me that was what pissed off the most people that again lead to flaming, personal attacks and spam in a thread that could have been so much better.

I honor all soldiers that have ever fought for their country because close to 100% of them did what they did because they thought it was the right thing to do at the time and that goes for German and Japanese soldiers as much as Americans and Brits during WW2.

So who died the most for their country ?

The question should rather be who died the most useless death for their country ?

Last edited by Varegg (2007-03-24 07:14:20)

Wait behind the line ..............................................................

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