Don't Flame
+20|7061|St. Paul, MN

E7IX3R wrote:

I'd really like to see what these players look like.

{TA}FireStorm wrote:

...i challenge you to 1 week of play with me nublet hop into Moongamers TS @
see if you can hang..............or not heh
until you put up shut up....give it a rest or log in and hang for a day or 2,there is only one of me,and BF2 is all i play.
good day
Play with us at MoonGamers and see for yourself.
dumb question.. but is moongamers a WC server or europe?


Last edited by bobroonie.bda (2006-01-12 20:08:58)

Don't Flame
+20|7061|St. Paul, MN
WC I'm pretty sure, but certainly American based.

PinkPimp wrote:

firestorm has played 92 hours in 5 days what a waste of life
Holy crap thats 4 out of 5 days playing bf2, he barely sleeps just to play bf2. He will always remind us that there is other things in life than playing video games.

Last edited by Rofl_My_Waffle (2006-01-12 20:41:21)

like videogame related forums, you mean
anything else, just dont spend 92 out of 116 hours playing bf2
American Hillbilly
+12|7116|Long Beach, CA

chinesemaster006 wrote:

Man you people almost all talk bs that you don't even know...
First off... Firestorm doesn't work, BlaZiN does.
Second, BlaZin sucks and Firestorm rocks.
BlaZin is merely a medic whore and the only thing he understands is I NEED A MEDIC HERE.
All he hears afterwards is CLEAR!
Dude this sucker doesnt even have half the ribbons and 2 gold badges. MEDIC and KNIFE.
His K/D ratio isnt even 1.

As for Firestorm.
He's got all the ribbons except War College.
Gold Badges for every kit.
If he was a commander/tank whore. how come he doesnt have Armor Medal? how come he aint #1 in commander? How can he have all those badges?

Btw Karkand is the best map.
no chopper/ jet pussies bombing everyone.
He will go back in the aircraft map once the patch fixes the that bs. 1/3 of aircraft armor.
Stinger more accurate and kills in one hit.
SRAWs kill aircraft in one hit... ( frig, how can a SRAW not kill an aircraft in a hit? stupid EA...)

BlaZin is just a pure prick. Sends hate PMs to everyone that comes to surpass him.
Alright, you're good to go!
+124|7046|Honolulu, HI
This thread inspired me to play with BlaZiN.uk just as his global score fell behind {TA}Firestorm's.  I was on his 24/7 city maps server (normally one I'd never go on, as it's in England and I'm in Hawaii resulting in a ping of around 200), pressed Tab, and there he was!  I don't know what I was expecting but in the chat he seemed pretty cool.  He said stuff in the game every so often, usually just a "lol" or "yeah" but sometimes more.  And for anyone who complains about his tendency to "medic whore", he was an Assault the whole time I was on the server.  (And when I faced off against him, he never n00b t00bed, either!)  Pretty cool guy, I told him "blazin.uk ur my idol! lol" and he took the time to respond with "haha thanks" or something like that.  Sorry to see the guy lose out to Firestorm, but as someone mentioned before, maybe now good ol' BlaZiN can head to the pub and pick up some chicks... "I retired from BF2 ranked #1...can I get you something to drink?"
...I had to cap this screenshot, just had to.  Sorry BlaZiN.uk.
The Photographer.
+81|7022|Central Valley,California
Both. I bet there really both good players. Would like to chat it up with both.

Last edited by Fuzzball_the_Shooter (2006-01-12 22:12:26)

Go Cards !!
+196|7012|The Ville
I don't see why you guys honestly care about it. Yes this thread was posted in stating wow someone is going to take blazin's spot ect. But then again we can bitch all we want. By the time we come even close to 278,000
they will be at 500,000 so whats the point in even talking about it anyways ??? Those two will always be on top because they have no girlfriends and no life and no job and the only friend they have is bf2. To give them sprirt let them have the number 1 and 2 positions. That's all I have to say....fell free to delete my comment becuase I to am complaining about people complaining at someones score.
A stranger in the dark

pff... who cares. Give it another week and Volx http://bf2s.com/player/43457727/ will be numero uno.

Herbmaster007 wrote:

IMHO I think it's sad that anyone has notched up over 1000 hrs.  I've had the game since 9th August and only just topped 200 hrs, mainly because I got laid off from work before christmas and then hammered the game since otherwise I'd still only have about 160-170hrs.  I have a life, a gym membership and a season ticket to Old Trafford so I'm lucky if I can manage 10hrs in a week not in 1 day like some of the so called "top" players.  Give it another couple of months, and I'll probably get bored of this game, but 1440 hrs on the same map, that would bore the crap out of me.  I like Karkand but I couldn't play it 24/7.

That's my opinion anyway.  Get a life, get out and meet girls, go drinking with your mates.  Just get away from the computer once in a while, eh.
yeah it amazes me how much time some people have to play this game. even if he is retired at 40, doesnt he have family to look after? friends to meet... or is he one of them 40 year old virgins?
I.M.I Militant
We Are Not Alone In Here
+297|7037|Melbourne, Australia
Well i havent had the honour of playing with the man himself but my friend has and iv been told hes a stat padding medic whore... o well what do u exspect..
+0|7073| Bosnia & Herzegovina
WHy? are these guys "celebrities"?

No, they're freaks that play 8h a day... snap out of it ffs!
+1|7020|Canada, Eh.

armin wrote:

WHy? are these guys "celebrities"?

No, they're freaks that play 8h a day... snap out of it ffs!
I agree fully. What kind of unfulfilling life must you have? And look at how much firestorm played in the last few days just to get #1. It's insane. And Blazin shouldn't feel bad yet anyway. Firestorm has 1000 more pts and 400-500 more hours of play time.
well,someone had to pass him so i did.
and why do people care how much i play or where?
when the 1.2 patch hits im off to pilot school and other maps.
i never claim to be better then anyone i just play.

feel free to jump onto MoonGamers TS:
if your that concerned about my style and motives of play come
ask and i will answer,unless you feel the need to spam more useless text.

good day
Raiders of the Lost Bear

{TA}FireStorm wrote:

well,someone had to pass him so i did.
and why do people care how much i play or where?
when the 1.2 patch hits im off to pilot school and other maps.
i never claim to be better then anyone i just play.

feel free to jump onto MoonGamers TS:
if your that concerned about my style and motives of play come
ask and i will answer,unless you feel the need to spam more useless text.

good day
GJ on hitting number one, it IS something to be proud of, you're the talking point etc etc. And who gives a fuck how you do it if you're having fun.
Death StatPadder
+228|7086|Human Meat Shield
I've been on that sever many, many times, Mooners servers are really good. I don't care who is on top or on bottom or who sucks or not (no pun intended, pervs) . I just care when I play the same person over and over again becomes commander and only puts UAV where he is at.... Not saying you do this, but know many, because in Karkand you only need a UAV when someone gets bored and decides to go for a flag. But I've played against you and had no problems. No Tea Bag surfin' just the truth.
Get C4, here!

ThomasMorgan wrote:

hey, asshole, use the search.  the two threads right before this one are about the same fucking topic.

ronin1942 wrote:

SnobbyBoss wrote:

Fire Storm is an ADMIN in Moongamers Karkand 60 man server.
so??? his stats look well rounded congrats to him when he takes 1st place.
he's a tank whoring kirk comander any ? look at his stats
IF Blazin and Firestorm had read 247.000 books u'd be calling them nerds, so acting like there special ppl just because they have religiously devoted themselves to a game is pretty sad.There special needs cases tbh theres no need to be playing one game for extreme amounts of time just to boost your ego when u realise ure so called number one in ranks, theres far better players out there who put in half there time but enjoy the game not fixate over it...And as for some of the supposed high rank players top scores well   the word STAT PADDING comes to mind...And u appreciate that????
Sounds to me like u have respect for stat padders   as most of those so called high rank players are imo..
OMG get a grip of ureselves.there only players like you and me u sound like pre pubescent girls idolising take that..GET A GRIP>>>>>{}
Death StatPadder
+228|7086|Human Meat Shield
Well I idolize no one in the gaming world. I just said I played with the fella, no big deal.

M3TALM0U7H wrote:

IF Blazin and Firestorm had read 247.000 books u'd be calling them nerds, so acting like there special ppl just because they have religiously devoted themselves to a game is pretty sad.There special needs cases tbh theres no need to be playing one game for extreme amounts of time just to boost your ego when u realise ure so called number one in ranks, theres far better players out there who put in half there time but enjoy the game not fixate over it...And as for some of the supposed high rank players top scores well   the word STAT PADDING comes to mind...And u appreciate that????
<parental advisory>
</parental advisory>

It's is unbelievable how people just jump on the bandwagon for bashing people WITHOUT even trying to get the facts straight. YOU don't know them, YOU accuse them of something you can not prove, YOU should at least have the decency of READING the whole thread before posting here. Do you just casualy jump into conversations and tell everybody they are wrong without even having the faintest clue of what's going on?


Man it is very, very irritating to see people just bash somebody for no reason. Closing their eyes to the info that is RIGHT HERE and that should clear up misconceptions but oh what the hell, let's just call them Nolifes, fat guys who have not even seen a woman naked.

They LOVE to play PERIOD.

Sorry, but I had to jump in like this. I seriously makes me mad because it has nothing to do with BF2 but everything with respect. Just because you're not talking to the people face to face does not give you the right to call the names and whatnot.

Rant over...

Thank you for your attention and goodnight

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