Find the scene that you think is the funniest/badass in a film.
From The Transporter 2
Ps you can see the entire movie on youtube
From The Transporter 2
Ps you can see the entire movie on youtube
Last edited by The Magic Mullet (17 years, 12 months ago)
Last edited by joker3327 (17 years, 12 months ago)
yeah I've always said the film is stunning just a shame the camera men where pissed out of their heads and couldnt hold a camera steady.zeidmaan wrote:
Bourne clip is exactly what I was saying before. Camera swings all around and stuff so you have no idea what just happened. Few short cuts and its all over. It looks cool but its not something you will enjoy watching more than once. But is a good movie.
Last edited by KILLSWITCH (17 years, 12 months ago)
i love that seenstef10 wrote:
Find the scene that you think is the funniest/badass in a film.
From The Transporter 2
Ps you can see the entire movie on youtube
Last edited by Canadian_Sniper_X (17 years, 12 months ago)
I first showed this movie on bf2s you bitch!, im an ass and dont want you to get credit for it:)zeidmaan wrote:
Also this is a OMG wtf fight scene:
Last edited by eagles1106 (17 years, 12 months ago)
AHHH!!! I was gonna post that...crimson_grunt wrote:
not sure if it classes as baddass but i love this scene from the bourne supremacy. He deliberately travelled using his own passport so that the cia would find him. He sits there like a robot until he finds someone with a link to the people looking for him who's phone he can bug and then takes everyone one out in 2 seconds. fantastic.