Cheeseburger Logicist

TheunforgivenII wrote:

Damn people it's just a movie, a movie is a movie. If you don't like a movie you saw you don't have to tell the whole world. Plus the movie is telling a story about the Persian Empire trying to conquer Greece and Sparta along with allies of Greece trying to defend their country from invasion. Plus if you guys payed any attention in history class about Greek history this battle happened which was called the Battle of Thermopylae. The word Thermopylae in Greek means hot gates. If you've seen the movie, they say that in the movie like 3 times. Also when they said "Freedom isn't free, it must be paid for in blood" It's saying that freedom isn't free, they had to fight to earn that freedom. It's like saying you can't get grades you have to earn them by working a studying hard. And when CommieChipmunk said "Arabian-looking Persians" umm....dude the Persian Empire stretched from present day Turkey, Egypt, Iraq, Iran and in Northern India. So pretty much most of the mid-east, that's why....so stupid. Also whoever said that they hated this movie "300", but saw the movie "Sin City" and liked it your friggin' ass. It's the same director and this is how this director does movies he's famous on doing realism and animation together in his movie. I still don't know why some people are comparing this movie to what is happening right now, this happened like 2,500 years just to let everybody know. Some of you guys should watch the youtube video that one person just posted up, learn some history.
Is it not possible that a movie can have political tones? Movies aren't simply made for the purpose of entertainment; messages are common to many films.

It's quite obvious that this happened historically. Most people know that. No need to keep repeating that same fact again and again. However, what some of us see within this film is reasonable similarities to politics of today- That this historical event was shifted into a film that may have undertones of interventionist political policy. Simply because it may compare to today's world does not necessarily mean that the story has been changed, but instead that they used the context of the Battle of Thermopylae as a political soapbox without changing facts.

Get it? Historical facts needs not be changed to have political undertones involved in this film.
+488|6890|Portland, OR, USA

Drakef wrote:

TheunforgivenII wrote:

Damn people it's just a movie, a movie is a movie. If you don't like a movie you saw you don't have to tell the whole world. Plus the movie is telling a story about the Persian Empire trying to conquer Greece and Sparta along with allies of Greece trying to defend their country from invasion. Plus if you guys payed any attention in history class about Greek history this battle happened which was called the Battle of Thermopylae. The word Thermopylae in Greek means hot gates. If you've seen the movie, they say that in the movie like 3 times. Also when they said "Freedom isn't free, it must be paid for in blood" It's saying that freedom isn't free, they had to fight to earn that freedom. It's like saying you can't get grades you have to earn them by working a studying hard. And when CommieChipmunk said "Arabian-looking Persians" umm....dude the Persian Empire stretched from present day Turkey, Egypt, Iraq, Iran and in Northern India. So pretty much most of the mid-east, that's why....so stupid. Also whoever said that they hated this movie "300", but saw the movie "Sin City" and liked it your friggin' ass. It's the same director and this is how this director does movies he's famous on doing realism and animation together in his movie. I still don't know why some people are comparing this movie to what is happening right now, this happened like 2,500 years just to let everybody know. Some of you guys should watch the youtube video that one person just posted up, learn some history.
Is it not possible that a movie can have political tones? Movies aren't simply made for the purpose of entertainment; messages are common to many films.

It's quite obvious that this happened historically. Most people know that. No need to keep repeating that same fact again and again. However, what some of us see within this film is reasonable similarities to politics of today- That this historical event was shifted into a film that may have undertones of interventionist political policy. Simply because it may compare to today's world does not necessarily mean that the story has been changed, but instead that they used the context of the Battle of Thermopylae as a political soapbox without changing facts.

Get it? Historical facts needs not be changed to have political undertones involved in this film.
Exactly +1 good man, well said.
+145|6628|Keller, Tx

CommieChipmunk wrote:

White heros defending their homeland and their freedom from Arabian warlords, does that ring any bells?
I think you've won the "Dumbest shit" award for that statement. Let's not forget the 300 is based on an event that occured over 2000 years ago. Any attempt to compare this movie to what is happening today is moronic. Also, this movie is fictionalized, I'm sure they didn't say all that shit about protecting freedom and such. I'm sure they were there protecting their homes and to kill as many people as possible.

Get a fucking life. It was a movie, a bad ass movie.
The Magic Mullet
Watch out for The Wayans Brothers producing a racist, moronic and more importantly, shite parody of this in a few months.

'Spartan Movie' - Starring Carmen Electra.

Last edited by The Magic Mullet (2007-03-19 06:04:28)

Confused Pothead
+1,101|6902|SE London

Ender2309 wrote:

CommieChipmunk wrote:

I know that there are other topics about this movie.  But they all praised it.  I disliked it... a lot.

Personally, I thought it was shit, and I want my $8.50 back.

*kinda spoilers, but not really*

If you want to watch nationalistic propaganda hidden within violence, sex and nipples, I certainly would recommend this movie to you.  If not, stay clear.

Did no one else catch the blatant nationalistic bullshit in this movie?  Call me crazy, but the whole damn movie screamed it.  They even said "freedom is not free" and something about how it must be paid for in blood.  ffs.

The only plot that I could find hidden in the aforementioned characteristics, was a bunch of "heros" defending their homeland and their "freedom" from a bunch of Arabian-looking Persians lacking morals and freedom.  White heros defending their homeland and their freedom from Arabian warlords, does that ring any bells?  I've never felt inclined to leave a movie theater before, but I nearly got up and left.  The only thing that kept me in my seat was trouble that would be caused by walking in front of the gawking morons next to me and the slight chance of seeing more nipples.

Feel free to disagree, but that is the last time I will ever pay to watch propaganda.  Hurray war films with a hidden agenda, your filth has cost me eight dollars, fifty cents, and roughly two hours of my life.
the only problem i see with your synopsis is that this was a true story, and the movie stuck to the actual happenings pretty fantastically.
Except that it doesn't stick to what happened very accurately. Most of the events are pretty accurate (although stretched a little far, but hey it's a comic adaptation, what do you expect), the themes are not.

Bertster7 wrote:

Ender2309 wrote:

CommieChipmunk wrote:

I know that there are other topics about this movie.  But they all praised it.  I disliked it... a lot.

Personally, I thought it was shit, and I want my $8.50 back.

*kinda spoilers, but not really*

If you want to watch nationalistic propaganda hidden within violence, sex and nipples, I certainly would recommend this movie to you.  If not, stay clear.

Did no one else catch the blatant nationalistic bullshit in this movie?  Call me crazy, but the whole damn movie screamed it.  They even said "freedom is not free" and something about how it must be paid for in blood.  ffs.

The only plot that I could find hidden in the aforementioned characteristics, was a bunch of "heros" defending their homeland and their "freedom" from a bunch of Arabian-looking Persians lacking morals and freedom.  White heros defending their homeland and their freedom from Arabian warlords, does that ring any bells?  I've never felt inclined to leave a movie theater before, but I nearly got up and left.  The only thing that kept me in my seat was trouble that would be caused by walking in front of the gawking morons next to me and the slight chance of seeing more nipples.

Feel free to disagree, but that is the last time I will ever pay to watch propaganda.  Hurray war films with a hidden agenda, your filth has cost me eight dollars, fifty cents, and roughly two hours of my life.
the only problem i see with your synopsis is that this was a true story, and the movie stuck to the actual happenings pretty fantastically.
Except that it doesn't stick to what happened very accurately. Most of the events are pretty accurate (although stretched a little far, but hey it's a comic adaptation, what do you expect), the themes are not.
Everything is pretty much troops, Immortal troops, Greek allies working with Persians. Some parts are fake IE mutants and deformed Persians.

too_money2007 wrote:

CommieChipmunk wrote:

White heros defending their homeland and their freedom from Arabian warlords, does that ring any bells?
I think you've won the "Dumbest shit" award for that statement. Let's not forget the 300 is based on an event that occured over 2000 years ago. Any attempt to compare this movie to what is happening today is moronic. Also, this movie is fictionalized, I'm sure they didn't say all that shit about protecting freedom and such. I'm sure they were there protecting their homes and to kill as many people as possible.

Get a fucking life. It was a movie, a bad ass movie.
I sense what Commie is getting at and found the "freedom isn't free" line was straight from George Bush's book.

As for the movie, I liked it except for the lack of plot line. The action and animation was wonderful. But it was like watching the preview over and over in a loop. Every cool thing in the movie lasted seconds.

Rampaging elephants! But only for 6 seconds before they fall off a cliff. Crazy gypsy's throwing molotov cocktails....only for 6 seconds before they are wiped away. Charging RHINOS!!!! Nope. 1 charging rhino that lasts 3 seconds. The Oracle.....gratuitous nipple scene, nothing more.

Plotline/story is the weakiest ever. Action adventure is some of the greatest.

Overblown and overhyped.......quite possibly. But who is going to argue with over 100$ million in revenue.

But that one freedom line is the only poltical overtone I found. And if it is a political propaganda movie, I don't see Americans siging up for the meat grinder called Iraq, because some crazy bastard screams SPARTANZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!!! And wants to die in battle.

CommieChipmunk wrote:

I know that there are other topics about this movie.  But they all praised it.  I disliked it... a lot.

Personally, I thought it was shit, and I want my $8.50 back.

*kinda spoilers, but not really*

If you want to watch nationalistic propaganda hidden within violence, sex and nipples, I certainly would recommend this movie to you.  If not, stay clear.

Did no one else catch the blatant nationalistic bullshit in this movie?  Call me crazy, but the whole damn movie screamed it.  They even said "freedom is not free" and something about how it must be paid for in blood.  ffs.

The only plot that I could find hidden in the aforementioned characteristics, was a bunch of "heros" defending their homeland and their "freedom" from a bunch of Arabian-looking Persians lacking morals and freedom.  White heros defending their homeland and their freedom from Arabian warlords, does that ring any bells?  I've never felt inclined to leave a movie theater before, but I nearly got up and left.  The only thing that kept me in my seat was trouble that would be caused by walking in front of the gawking morons next to me and the slight chance of seeing more nipples.

Feel free to disagree, but that is the last time I will ever pay to watch propaganda.  Hurray war films with a hidden agenda, your filth has cost me eight dollars, fifty cents, and roughly two hours of my life.
You see a conspiracy that is not there. Go see a shrink.
Pony Slaystation
+343|7029|Charlie One Alpha
Okay, as coincidence would have it, I just watched this movie last night and I was thinking the same damn thing. I know the battle actually happened and all that, but lots of it is distorted. (The themes of freedom and slavery are the major inaccuracy. Slavery was a major part of Greek life, especially in Sparta, whereas in Persia it had been made illegal under their quite comprehensive human rights act. -Bertster7)  Also, it seemed to me that the Spartans were given a lot of typically "Western/American" traits and lines, like the freedom bit. It's almost like the movie was saying 'sure they're Greeks but they might as well have been Americans'. That said, the action scenes were totally kickass.

Last edited by LaidBackNinja (2007-03-19 06:31:01)

"If you want a vision of the future, imagine SecuROM slapping your face with its dick -- forever." -George Orwell
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6902|SE London

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

Bertster7 wrote:

Ender2309 wrote:

the only problem i see with your synopsis is that this was a true story, and the movie stuck to the actual happenings pretty fantastically.
Except that it doesn't stick to what happened very accurately. Most of the events are pretty accurate (although stretched a little far, but hey it's a comic adaptation, what do you expect), the themes are not.
Everything is pretty much troops, Immortal troops, Greek allies working with Persians. Some parts are fake IE mutants and deformed Persians.
That's not what I meant at all. The themes of freedom and slavery are the major inaccuracy. Slavery was a major part of Greek life, especially in Sparta, whereas in Persia it had been made illegal under their quite comprehensive human rights act.
+488|6890|Portland, OR, USA

Bernadictus wrote:

CommieChipmunk wrote:

I know that there are other topics about this movie.  But they all praised it.  I disliked it... a lot.

Personally, I thought it was shit, and I want my $8.50 back.

*kinda spoilers, but not really*

If you want to watch nationalistic propaganda hidden within violence, sex and nipples, I certainly would recommend this movie to you.  If not, stay clear.

Did no one else catch the blatant nationalistic bullshit in this movie?  Call me crazy, but the whole damn movie screamed it.  They even said "freedom is not free" and something about how it must be paid for in blood.  ffs.

The only plot that I could find hidden in the aforementioned characteristics, was a bunch of "heros" defending their homeland and their "freedom" from a bunch of Arabian-looking Persians lacking morals and freedom.  White heros defending their homeland and their freedom from Arabian warlords, does that ring any bells?  I've never felt inclined to leave a movie theater before, but I nearly got up and left.  The only thing that kept me in my seat was trouble that would be caused by walking in front of the gawking morons next to me and the slight chance of seeing more nipples.

Feel free to disagree, but that is the last time I will ever pay to watch propaganda.  Hurray war films with a hidden agenda, your filth has cost me eight dollars, fifty cents, and roughly two hours of my life.
You see a conspiracy that is not there. Go see a shrink.
I didn't say anything about a conspiracy.  Because it is not a conspiracy, we all know that the media finds fun ways to play with our minds.  Is this an example?  I read it that way, you may not have.  I talked with some of my friends at school today and they all thought it was a little strange too.

But I'll get right on that "see a shrink" part.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6921|132 and Bush

Ty wrote:

Persians are from the Middle-East CC. The battle of Thermopolae, (spelling?) is a historical event, although I han't seen the movie, it suggests far more Hollywood grandure then history would dictate, (it's based on Frank Miller's comic rather than historical sources - fair enough.) That "Freedom isn't free, it must be paid for in blood" does sound very propaganda-ish, but I think that's a fairly loose link.

I think it's just Hollywood action/blood/boobies bullshit, and it performs it's function as this well. You looked for depth in a film that has none CommieChipmunk, misguided political messages are always found when doing that, (try it with the film 'Snakes on a Plane' and you'll get a similar result.)
Posted what I was thinking. Aside from the obvious, most of that movie is actually historically true. Even down to the part where the Spartans would discard their "flawed" babies. For those who don't know, the 300 are written in the history books (The battle of Thermopylae).

Sound familar?

Between leaving the agoge and joining a syssitia a select few young men were arranged into groups, and were sent off into the countryside with nothing, and were expected to survive on wits and cunning. It was assumed that they would steal their food, yet anyone caught stealing was severely punished. Many speculate that this was to teach the young Spartans stealth and quickness. If you were caught it was concluded that you were not quick enough or silent enough. This was called the Crypteia, secret (ritual). This was very probably, in origin, an old initiation rite, a preparation for their later career as elite soldiers. Other sources claim that the Crypteia (or Krypteia) was an "adolescent death squad" made up of the most promising young Spartans. Their job was to roam the countryside killing Helots at night in order to instill fear in the slave population and prevent rebellion.

Last edited by Kmarion (2007-03-23 20:37:17)

Xbone Stormsurgezz
+2|7029|The Dorf, MD

CommieChipmunk wrote:

vedds wrote:

you need to get over yourself and your liberal conspiracy bullshit and just watch the movie as a movie.

Heres a hint, not every director  is michael moore and run some greater political subtext into their movies.
Great idea, I'll never again look for deeper meaning in a movie.  In fact, I'll never again question anything thrown at me by any media outlet. 

Thank you vedds, you've enlightened me in a way I never thought possible.

Ignorance is most certainly bliss.
It is liberal bitches like you that ruin movies for everyone else by trying to find the greater political meaning in it. I will agree that movies can have a political subtext, but when you bash a movie based on a comic book.....well you need to grow up.

You paid $8.50 to be entertained, and you obviously were if you came away with such a deep imbeded view of one person's interpretation of a "graphic novel."

As for "...freedom isn't free..." that is the truth for the ancient Greeks.  Oh yeah....freedom still is not free.  Try to remember that the next time you turn on the news and hear about another suicide bomber killing people.
The movie kicked ass. /win
+488|6890|Portland, OR, USA
why do shows like "future weapons" pop up on the discovery channel every time we go to war?  I remember watching shows on the air force and modern air planes during the last conflict.  For some strange reason, every time we get involved in some foreign affair, propaganda begins to show up all over the place; the movie theaters aren't exempt from this. 

Blood, guts, nipples and sex are cool and everything, but I was just pointing out something I noticed.

OBJECTIVE? Learn the meaning of that word before you use it please. If you say: I never thought of leaving theatre before during the movie unless now, you are not being objective...

Besides from that, I watched it, kinda enjoyed it. Got a bit bothered by the historical mistakes but it was more based on the comic than on history. As a movie it was oké.
+21|6680|The Great South Land

vedds wrote:

you need to get over yourself and your liberal conspiracy bullshit and just watch the movie as a movie.

Heres a hint, not every director  is michael moore and run some greater political subtext into their movies.
Well what is their motive for such constant emo films?

Ive noticed the rise in nationalistic ideas (thinly) hided in movies lately...
+21|6680|The Great South Land
Also, up until about 15 most kids i knew thought america had won the vietnam war, i had many arguments...they based it on platoon and hamburger hill...no shit..now is that brainwashing or not..?
haah you're all a bunch of retards arguing about this movie, all the historical facts and what not.

If you're gonna argue about how its not right or what, why the fuck arent you arguing about the massive monsters and stuff? Bunch of morons. It's a movie based a comic adaptation of historic events.

I watched the movie last night and thought it's one of the best movie's ive seen, I enjoyed it.
Was ist Loos?
damn, this is turning into a D&ST thread....
Certified BF2S Asshole
+131|6776|The edge of sanity

CommieChipmunk wrote:

I know that there are other topics about this movie.  But they all praised it.  I disliked it... a lot.

Personally, I thought it was shit, and I want my $8.50 back.

*kinda spoilers, but not really*

If you want to watch nationalistic propaganda hidden within violence, sex and nipples, I certainly would recommend this movie to you.  If not, stay clear.

Did no one else catch the blatant nationalistic bullshit in this movie?  Call me crazy, but the whole damn movie screamed it.  They even said "freedom is not free" and something about how it must be paid for in blood.  ffs.

The only plot that I could find hidden in the aforementioned characteristics, was a bunch of "heros" defending their homeland and their "freedom" from a bunch of Arabian-looking Persians lacking morals and freedom.  White heros defending their homeland and their freedom from Arabian warlords, does that ring any bells?  I've never felt inclined to leave a movie theater before, but I nearly got up and left.  The only thing that kept me in my seat was trouble that would be caused by walking in front of the gawking morons next to me and the slight chance of seeing more nipples.

Feel free to disagree, but that is the last time I will ever pay to watch propaganda.  Hurray war films with a hidden agenda, your filth has cost me eight dollars, fifty cents, and roughly two hours of my life.
The persians were arab warlords if u didnt know the came from persia (past= mesopotamia, future= iran/iraq)
Cereal Killer
+145|6976|The View From The Afternoon
Fuck the dialogues and all the talking in the movies, I just watch it for pure entertainment.
Screw politics.

It's just plain fun.

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