I got a poorer computer than you and it seems that my works better than yours.
Nothing that u says are correct except the hitbox bug which happens rarely.
Teh forum ghey!
+172|6788|Wigan. Manchester. England.
I dont get it really, If it sucks why play it?

Its lik saying Sprouts are horrible, YOU DONT EAT THEM!

KillahStyle wrote:

Bf2142 is better than bf2. You should try it lol
No just no. 2142 is good for a week. Then its boring as heck.
One point I conveniently left out, is that im running vista. However i had all these issues on my old xp machine. I didn't want to mention it untill the topic was discussed a bit more to avoid "omg its vista u noob" posts. Vista may be causing the problems i dunno. The game runs fine while playing. 80-100 fps. Just all the issues ive mentioned. Il be looking at those tweak guides to see if it can eliminate some of the down time im experiencing. 
The reason i made the post was because i got unlucky(spent 5 mins loading bf2 played for a while got killed, then crashed, reloaded bf2 crash again) then decided to come here and rant a little. Hence the melodramatic thread title.
Mad Ad
+178|6662|England, UK
omg its vista you bloody noob well its your own fault then
+1,230|6994|Alberta, Canada

To be honest, I only notice # 2 and 3. Otherwise, the game is perfectly fine for me. I love it.
U shud proabbly f off u fat prik
+3,097|6640|Gogledd Cymru

I agree vista is your prob, it was rushed, no real driver support was made available, just wait till bf2 becomes 100% vista compatible and wait till stable drivers are released for your hardware then it will run perfect *cross fingers*
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.

WatchDog wrote:

1. It takes ages to load up the game
Your PC sucks probably

WatchDog wrote:

i)The movies take ages ( at least you can delete them to stop it)
If you can delete them so easily why complain?

WatchDog wrote:

ii)The login, connecting to account server, takes at least 1.5 minutes.
your PC and internets just suck

WatchDog wrote:

2. The server list scan brings your computer to a standstill. No idea why, its very slow and lags whole pc.
It does take a while but so does server list loading for any game with a very large number of servers.

WatchDog wrote:

3. When you exit BF2 you get error chords. and pc lags for about 1 minute afterwards.
no it don't, never has for be. On rare occasion the music plays for a bit after I exit but it leaves in 15 seconds and doesn't lag my machine.

WatchDog wrote:

4. Cant use intellikeyboard buttons to control music(winamp) while playing.

WatchDog wrote:

5. Random crashes during play. (at least twice per day) The funny thing is, when it randomly crashes, it actually takes less time to exit (and makes no error chords) than exiting normally.
defrag. Also it always takes shorter to CTD than to exit properly on almost all programs.

WatchDog wrote:

6. The hit registration is terrible. I empty multiple clips into people from close range sometimes. Also its fun to see people jumping repeatedly around groups of enemy's without them being able to hit them.
biggest exageration of BF2's hitreg ever. Just be glad it isn't like in CSS where the hitboxes are so massive you can headshot even if you hit the air next to their head. Why the hitreg is below standards it is not often a problem and never as large a problem as you make it out to be.

WatchDog wrote:

7. The ground vehicle and onfoot physics are terrible. Feels like driving on ice. Cars cant drive up small hills. When i play bf2 after playing CS its disgusting.
First off there are no cars in CS so who can you compare the two. Second the driving physics are fine, I have no clue once again what you are talking about.

WatchDog wrote:

Are any of these problems fixed in bf 2142, i was gona get it but if its based on the same engine as bf2 then i dont think i will.
The ones that are real problems are.
It'll just be our little secret

WatchDog wrote:

Just a list of bugs/annoyances on bf2 that make it unplayable.
I thought that some of these problems were just my old pos computer, but when i got a new pc (E6700, 8800gtx 2G corsair ram) and these problems still persisted, it pissed me off.

1. It takes ages to load up the game
i)The movies take ages ( at least you can delete them to stop it)
ii)The login, connecting to account server, takes at least 1.5 minutes.
2. The server list scan brings your computer to a standstill. No idea why, its very slow and lags whole pc.
3. When you exit BF2 you get error chords. and pc lags for about 1 minute afterwards.
4. Cant use intellikeyboard buttons to control music(winamp) while playing.
5. Random crashes during play. (at least twice per day) The funny thing is, when it randomly crashes, it actually takes less time to exit (and makes no error chords) than exiting normally.
6. The hit registration is terrible. I empty multiple clips into people from close range sometimes. Also its fun to see people jumping repeatedly around groups of enemy's without them being able to hit them.
7. The ground vehicle and onfoot physics are terrible. Feels like driving on ice. Cars cant drive up small hills. When i play bf2 after playing CS its disgusting.

Are any of these problems fixed in bf 2142, i was gona get it but if its based on the same engine as bf2 then i dont think i will.
1)deal with it.
i)you can delete it so it doesn't matter.
ii)no,it doesn't.there's a way to make it take no time at all but i'm not going to explain it to you.
2)i've never had this problem.ever.
3)yup,the music won't shut up and you can't do sucks.
4)i don't listen to music while playing usually.if i do i just make a playlist on itunes and let it run.
5)i haven't had a crash since getting the new patch.i'm surprised they actually fixed it,but they did.
6)yup,it's especially horrible while sniping and can piss you off.
7)meh,this part doesn't bother me much.BF2 doesn't have the best physics but it doesn't matter to me.
+2|6411|Narre Warren Victoria

WatchDog wrote:

Just a list of bugs/annoyances on bf2 that make it unplayable.
I thought that some of these problems were just my old pos computer, but when i got a new pc (E6700, 8800gtx 2G corsair ram) and these problems still persisted, it pissed me off.

1. It takes ages to load up the game
i)The movies take ages ( at least you can delete them to stop it)
ii)The login, connecting to account server, takes at least 1.5 minutes.
2. The server list scan brings your computer to a standstill. No idea why, its very slow and lags whole pc.
3. When you exit BF2 you get error chords. and pc lags for about 1 minute afterwards.
4. Cant use intellikeyboard buttons to control music(winamp) while playing.
5. Random crashes during play. (at least twice per day) The funny thing is, when it randomly crashes, it actually takes less time to exit (and makes no error chords) than exiting normally.
6. The hit registration is terrible. I empty multiple clips into people from close range sometimes. Also its fun to see people jumping repeatedly around groups of enemy's without them being able to hit them.
7. The ground vehicle and onfoot physics are terrible. Feels like driving on ice. Cars cant drive up small hills. When i play bf2 after playing CS its disgusting.

Are any of these problems fixed in bf 2142, i was gona get it but if its based on the same engine as bf2 then i dont think i will.
I didnt read all the comments so Im probably repeating what most of you have already said.
1. The textures involved are huge so of course its gonna take ages to load. All the game components are loaded into ram from your hard drive. Either your drive is slow, drivers are in need of updating or your ram is over/underclocked or possibly not compatible with your board.
3. If your pc is lagging after you close the game, its because all your ram has to bleed out to become available for normal use. It takes a while to load to ram so it will take time to unload.
5. Random crashes are common, its a fault thats been there since day one. Think of all the millions of bits of data that get sent and recieved from the game server you are on and how far they have to travel. Any little problem at all can cause lag or a dropout. EA could not make a game that would work on every single variation of pc config but they got it close. Nothing is perfect, not the game, not the servers, not your pc and certainly not your ISP service.
6. Missing players is caused by one of 3 things. Server lag, the guy has moved out of your field of fire but to you it looks like hes still in your crosshairs, Graphics lag, where your GPU cant keep up with what the server is projecting, so you are up to a second behind what has already happened and finally, maybe you cant shoot for shit? lol
7. The vehicle physics arent that bad. Ever try driving on sand?

If the game is that bad then stop playing it. Last time I looked there were around 280,000 players world-wide so it cant be that shithouse can it?  or maybe the ones who play it have no lives???
I am struggling to think of the last time I had BF2 crash; I may be correct in thinking it last did it in 1.3.  Since then, the game has ran extremely stable.  Of course, it was crashing every other hour in 1.3
if you play bf2 for the infantry then you are playing the wrong game.... I used to play infantry but now I am what people like to call a vehicle whore.  Ever since I became a first sargent i realized that tanks helis and j10s are the way to go.  As far as your lag and other issues thats due to your comp cause I play on a laptop and experience some of your problems to a degree but on my friends comp it runs smooth.
I would say buy Armed Assault if you wanted a Battlefield type game, but it has the following differences over BF2.

* Less arcadey and ultra realistic
* Hard, it's so hard that it'd make Chuck Norris afraid
* It's currently quite buggy (more so than BF2)
* Has performance issues
hmmmm, search "reformat reinstall xp" on google. thats what id do if i ran out of ideas.

you will encounter individual people (or whole servers) where hiboxes seem messed up. If you are getting a lot of dust, especially on moving targets, usually the hitboxes are lagging behind players when they move fast (running, run-jumping, sliding in a chopper). The result is that you have to aim for the trailing edge of enemies or slightly behind them.

Its not easy to compensate for, though, because on some servers all the noobs will have easy hitboxes that you can hit dead on, no matter how they move, and then at the same time there will be some "1337" player that you couldnt possibly shoot without aiming behind them a precise amount.

Thats probably the most legitimate complaint about BF2, but honestly, you can deal with it. It usually doesn't make much of a difference and you can do fine aiming directly at people or slightly ahead of them.

Last edited by Marinejuana (2007-03-14 09:41:37)

Пушкин, наше всё
+387|6475|New Haven, CT
This is pathetic how many idiots say he has a crappy computer when it is sitting in the first post.
(Bf2 > BF2142)  < GEARS OF WAR .. get 360 and save yourself the pain
Ok let me put it simply CockDog, if u dont like the game, dont fucking play it, simple
I'm moving to Brazil

Longbow wrote:

know anything better on other engine ? I don't . SO stop bitching about how crap bf2 is . Theres nothing better anyways ..
I agree well stated hehehe
A generally unremarkable member

WatchDog wrote:

Just a list of bugs/annoyances on bf2 that make it unplayable.
I thought that some of these problems were just my old pos computer, but when i got a new pc (E6700, 8800gtx 2G corsair ram) and these problems still persisted, it pissed me off.

1. It takes ages to load up the game
i)The movies take ages ( at least you can delete them to stop it)
ii)The login, connecting to account server, takes at least 1.5 minutes.
2. The server list scan brings your computer to a standstill. No idea why, its very slow and lags whole pc.
3. When you exit BF2 you get error chords. and pc lags for about 1 minute afterwards.
4. Cant use intellikeyboard buttons to control music(winamp) while playing.
5. Random crashes during play. (at least twice per day) The funny thing is, when it randomly crashes, it actually takes less time to exit (and makes no error chords) than exiting normally.
6. The hit registration is terrible. I empty multiple clips into people from close range sometimes. Also its fun to see people jumping repeatedly around groups of enemy's without them being able to hit them.
7. The ground vehicle and onfoot physics are terrible. Feels like driving on ice. Cars cant drive up small hills. When i play bf2 after playing CS its disgusting.

Are any of these problems fixed in bf 2142, i was gona get it but if its based on the same engine as bf2 then i dont think i will.
*hint hint* you need more RAM u noob
more RAM make the game load faster,
u play laggg free
you can play higher settings without laggg
EDIT: u can tweak you account screen so it can instanly come up
go to the bf2 tweak giude and itll tell you

Last edited by henno13 (2007-03-15 02:38:35)

the above is all very well and good, but why come on to the forum dedicated to a game, slag it off and be surprised when every one gets p*ssed off!?!?!?!
Heres your answer.........It doesnt suck at all.  If a game was like real life beleive me, nobody would play it.  Medics would be least popular, because it takes like hours to heal somebody just to get them to walk in real life.  This is a kick ass game and just because it has some problems doesnt mean it sucks.
I'm pretty sure it's his soundcard

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