not even going to finish reading the page, cause this idiot is enough to make my day. . .Metaltop wrote:
I hope there will be some ranks between 50.000 and 200.000,, 512 days before my next rank sounds a little bit much too me.
DAYS MEAN SHIT. It said it'd take me 7 days to get 12 pistol kills. . i got that in one round buddy. Those days are noy phychic . . .they go by how much you use something. For points. . .just start playing medic or support. . and get really good with them . . and you'll rake in points like nothing.
My only complaint about reqs for shit is. . TO MUCH TIME REQUIRED. Playing this game for 250 to get a medal is just a judge of skill . . its a show of NO LIFE. Which I don't have either but shit man. 27 kills in a round for GCM isnt too hard. But nope, they slap in 250 hours.