+25|6567|Hong Kong @ the moment
I have noticed that while nearly everyone else has a list of favourite victims and worst enemies, I only have one person on each. Now I know I have picked on more than one person and I know ive been wasted specifically by more than one player. Why are only 1 of each showing up? Recently my favourite victim changed but the old one didnt get bumped to 2nd place, they just dissapeared...

Thanks in advance!
I'm moving to Brazil
you need to be killed a lot or you need to kill a person more than like 3 or 4 times sometimes 2 works also.
+25|6567|Hong Kong @ the moment

blademaster wrote:

you need to be killed a lot or you need to kill a person more than like 3 or 4 times sometimes 2 works also.
Yeah I have done Im sure ive killed a few people 4-5 times IAR and vice versa...
has joined the GOP
its messed up. its got to happen like 25 times in a row to make it work or something like that.
+25|6567|Hong Kong @ the moment

Ender2309 wrote:

its messed up. its got to happen like 25 times in a row to make it work or something like that.
You have to kill the same person 3 or more times 25 times? Seriously? Damn...
+16|6539|Sydney, Australia
The stat doesn't seem to work. Some friends of mine and I have noticed you can get wasted, or waste others, enough to feature, but it never does. I don't know if it has something to do with the "via EA" reference, but I can't see how that should make a difference as aren't we all playing via EA? I assumed that meant as opposed to a private LAN game or something.

Chalk it up to another bug like the MEC campaign ribbon of mine that's still lost in the post, and all the points in games that never came through ...

Last edited by pj666 (2007-03-01 01:27:32)

+25|6567|Hong Kong @ the moment

pj666 wrote:

The stat doesn't seem to work. Some friends of mine and I have noticed you can get wasted, or waste others, enough to feature, but it never does. I don't know if it has something to do with the "via EA" reference, but I can't see how that should make a difference as aren't we all playing via EA? I assumed that meant as opposed to a private LAN game or something.

Chalk it up to another bug like the MEC campaign ribbon of mine that's still lost in the post, and all the points in games that never came through ...
Yeah fair enough. 'spose its just one of those things. I mean its really not that major it was just confusing me as to why it wasnt changing. Thanks for the reply tho.

p.s. Try re-doing 1s of each of the MEC maps and see if that helps...missing stats are one thing but a missing medal/ribbon! Now that would really grate on me!
+0|6456|the shadow of a cheese factory
I don't understand what the requirement is to get a favorite victim/worst enemy.  Is it when you've been killed or have killed someone consecutively without them killing you or you killing them in a match?  That's what I've always thought.  A few times, when I've been slayed by someone, I make it my mission to kill them at least once before the match ends to keep off their list of victims.  It seems to have worked, but I'm not sure.  Does anyone know?
+85|6729|An Hour North of Indy
Try looking up your stats on BF2player, then, if BF2player discovers more victim/opponents than listed on BF2S, look up that persons stats here on BF2S. it will take a while for BF2S to look up their stats, but when it finally foes, if the person has more than 150 global points, they will be added to your victim/opponent list. kthnxbye

Last edited by >LOD<Dougalachi (2007-03-04 12:47:30)

+25|6567|Hong Kong @ the moment

>LOD<Dougalachi wrote:

Try looking up your stats on BF2player, then, if BF2player discovers more victim/opponents than listed on BF2S, look up that persons stats here on BF2S. it will take a while for BF2S to look up their stats, but when it finally foes, if the person has more than 150 global points, they will be added to your victim/opponent list. kthnxbye
Tried doing what you suggested. Apparently no-one has me as their favourite victim or opponent. I guess I just dont bully enough. Still, it would be nice to know what constitutes you getting someone on one of those lists. 3+ kills without you dying to them at all maybe...?
The Anti-Sniper
+12|6710|Las Vegas
You have to kill someone, or someone has to kill you, consecutively, without any others killing them or you inbetween. if you kill someone 3 times, then your partner kills him once, and you kill him 3 more times, you only have 3 kills on him.  Then it has to either be the most times you killed someone consecutively, or the most they died consecutively, etc.
iz me!

Because i havent had any movement on mine either, I thought that to ge a player on your victims list, you need to kill them without anyone else killing them....

Vice Versa for enemy....

Because that explains my worst enemy- Berliner, he has been my worst enemy for ages. I remember how i got it aswell- he was in a tank moving, spawncamping, laming etc etc near hotel/ square, and i made it my mission (unsucessfully) to C4 him.

This might explain why it says he killed me 8 times- because he killed me ~8 times without anyone else killing me.

Last edited by Titch2349 (2007-03-05 11:59:17)

I have lost ppl from my fav. vic. list....can that be do to they havent played the game for a while or what?
+25|6567|Hong Kong @ the moment

Snipingruven wrote:

You have to kill someone, or someone has to kill you, consecutively, without any others killing them or you inbetween. if you kill someone 3 times, then your partner kills him once, and you kill him 3 more times, you only have 3 kills on him.  Then it has to either be the most times you killed someone consecutively, or the most they died consecutively, etc.
Well if thats true then I suppose the only way your likely to get lots of people on your list is if you play on 16v16 servers or at least very empty ones where the odds are much more increased. 32v32 Karkand has got to be impossible to get a victim.
The Anti-Sniper
+12|6710|Las Vegas

ethrion wrote:

Snipingruven wrote:

You have to kill someone, or someone has to kill you, consecutively, without any others killing them or you inbetween. if you kill someone 3 times, then your partner kills him once, and you kill him 3 more times, you only have 3 kills on him.  Then it has to either be the most times you killed someone consecutively, or the most they died consecutively, etc.
Well if thats true then I suppose the only way your likely to get lots of people on your list is if you play on 16v16 servers or at least very empty ones where the odds are much more increased. 32v32 Karkand has got to be impossible to get a victim.
This does increase your odds, though I usually get mine in large servers, on persistant players, who keep coming back, ie; my fav victim, kept parachuting in on Warlord to take the flag from me, and I just kept gettin him, while fighting was going on back at the Palace.
+25|6567|Hong Kong @ the moment

Snipingruven wrote:

ethrion wrote:

Snipingruven wrote:

You have to kill someone, or someone has to kill you, consecutively, without any others killing them or you inbetween. if you kill someone 3 times, then your partner kills him once, and you kill him 3 more times, you only have 3 kills on him.  Then it has to either be the most times you killed someone consecutively, or the most they died consecutively, etc.
Well if thats true then I suppose the only way your likely to get lots of people on your list is if you play on 16v16 servers or at least very empty ones where the odds are much more increased. 32v32 Karkand has got to be impossible to get a victim.
This does increase your odds, though I usually get mine in large servers, on persistant players, who keep coming back, ie; my fav victim, kept parachuting in on Warlord to take the flag from me, and I just kept gettin him, while fighting was going on back at the Palace.
Haha what a moron. I guess you gotta hope for a n00b once in a while to not learn from his mistakes!
+77|6803|The Netherlands
i have the same problem, but if your old fav victim gets killed more times by someone els, he isnt you fav victim enymore so he moves from the list
+25|6567|Hong Kong @ the moment

*=]AD[=*Pro_NL wrote:

i have the same problem, but if your old fav victim gets killed more times by someone els, he isnt you fav victim enymore so he moves from the list
Really? I would have thought that you would move off his 'worst enemy' list but that he would remain on yours. Afterall no matter what happens to him, if he is still your best victim then that shouldnt change on your stats. But if you say so (that sucks).

Hopefully though my fav. victim wont leave my list for a while, I got him 6 times in a row (dont remember how or where though...) heheh sucka!
+25|6567|Hong Kong @ the moment
Okay okay i know this is an old thread i made and i know im double posting but i have a new issue and i didnt wanna create a replica of this thread again.

The problem now is; I have just killed someone 5-6 times in a row (i watched as a medic revived him over and over after i kept shooting him). Ive just checked and he hasnt come up as a fav. victim. While I dont really care about this stat very much I would still like to know whats up with that? I killed him consecutively at least five times so why isnt he appearing in the list?
Uses the TV missle too much
i think that there are times that you can get a new favorite victim and times that you cant, and i think its semi-random. if we had a victim for every 5 times we killed them, then we'd all have super long lists.
+25|6567|Hong Kong @ the moment

Trigger_Happy_92 wrote:

i think that there are times that you can get a new favorite victim and times that you cant, and i think its semi-random. if we had a victim for every 5 times we killed them, then we'd all have super long lists.
I guess so yeah. Its just ive seen people with a long list of names. And then all I have is one in each catagory. Oh well, guess it has just gone un-noticed this time. He was a major too, I bet he was so pissed off to have some n00b medic keep reviving him only for me to slap him back down. I could have shot the medic but where would be the fun in that! Afterall, your not supposed to shoot medics

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