You cared enough to improperly code an entire page worth of quotes with lame comebacks and jabs? I would definitely say at this point that you have some sort of jealousy issue with me, for the mere reason that, before this thread I had not directed any animosity towards you directly, yet your hate spews forth in an unyielding stream.Des.Kmal wrote:
Cougar wrote:
*insert many "fucks" "idiots" "please die ov3r t3h interwebs!!111 i hate u Kmalz0rz!111111" and saying that I should die*
*im a hypocrite and i take the internet wayy to seriouslyi dont hope you die, i hope you have a happy rest of ur life... cuz now, i bet it isnt so good... what with u saying people should die over the.... internet? wrote:
Your only argument is that you have no argument. You call me a hypocrite, yet you managed to type up a 5 paragraph "hate post" that took up half the page, after I posted "Des.Kmal---Because he's a fucking idiot.", then turn around and tell me I take the intrawebs to seriously, not once, but in two rebuttals.
Also, you think I care about karma? Nope. I care about the replies on the karma page, but personally, I wish the number would disappear permanently. Hell, I'd give all 1500 of it to you if I could, so that you could have losers call you a whore, tell you that you take things "too seriously" every time you fucking post and make stupid long winded replies telling me about how much "I care about my karma", when in reality I could give a shit less. Why? Because your an uneducated and ignorant piece of trash, that doesn't know stink about shit.
Why do I think you're an idiot? These are the reasons. Idiot.