
ThomasMorgan wrote:

Pea....Tear.....Griffen wrote:

some_random_panda wrote:

I could pull out the LOLCATS just to get myself named properly, but I'd probably get myself banned too.

If anyone posts a picture in this thread, well, let's just say you don't want to post a picture in this thread.

...LOLCats was a website featuring pictures of cats with captions written on the pictures.  If you want to know, google it.
I think the reason why the original lolcats site crashed was Oh dear god, the hotlinking!
I need around tree fiddy.
+617|6558|NSW, Australia

DonFck wrote:

ThomasMorgan wrote:

Pea....Tear.....Griffen wrote:

If anyone posts a picture in this thread, well, let's just say you don't want to post a picture in this thread.

...LOLCats was a website featuring pictures of cats with captions written on the pictures.  If you want to know, google it.
I think the reason why the original lolcats site crashed was Oh dear god, the hotlinking!
*looks at your sig...*
That 70's guy
+156|6683|Sydney, in 1978
SARRK, he is defiantly the one i hate the most, he used to be cool, but then CONVERTED TO WoW!. That for me is that worst thing anyone can play. and he owes me a sig as well
.yag era uoy fi siht deaR
Ok........... wots so bad about that? I mean its only a pic of a cat with stupid captions!
Nay vee, bay bee.
+1,396|6900|The United Center

Pea....Tear.....Griffen wrote:

Ok........... wots so bad about that? I mean its only a pic of a cat with stupid captions!
It got out of hand.

So much so that before Chuy intervened, you couldn't find a thread without a picture in it.
.yag era uoy fi siht deaR
lol, those would have been the days
Teh forum ghey!
+172|6790|Wigan. Manchester. England.
It was funny funny at first, but when it got to the point of posting a meaningful topic a cat in a bin would drop by...over and over again.
Pheasant Plucker
+440|6837|West Yorkshire, U.K
CameronPoe and Vampra_NB
U shud proabbly f off u fat prik
+3,097|6642|Gogledd Cymru

scottomus0 wrote:

It was funny funny at first, but when it got to the point of posting a meaningful topic a cat in a bin would drop by...over and over again.
lol, before chuy stopped every where you just saw people like fenris saying have a "fishy stick", or a cat in midair with "invisible bike" written below it and the ever so popular "trashcat is not amused"
Say wat!?
Seriously those were the days. Lolcats was made for a reason... to rock your world!
+1,352|6646|N. Ireland
I don't dislike anyone really. Some annoy me, but most I get along just fine with as long as they aren't arrogant morons who only see their side of the view.
+23|6784|Chicago, IL
Spawn, although I agreed with many of his incessant ramblings.... kinda difficult to dislike someone that much I've never met face to face.
Lol, I love it how this list has more replies then your favourite bf2s. member. So much hate
+3,135|6891|The Hague, Netherlands

..teddy..jimmy wrote:

Lol, I love it how this list has more replies then your favourite bf2s. member. So much hate
hate will always be more spotted then love.....

I'm countering it tho !
+1,230|6996|Alberta, Canada

I really don't have any, you guys are all great.
I suspect something is amiss

..teddy..jimmy wrote:

Lol, I love it how this list has more replies then your favourite bf2s. member. So much hate
The logic is simple if you´re nice to someone one person will think your nice beeing an ass to one person will make 100 people think your an ass.

madmurre wrote:

..teddy..jimmy wrote:

Lol, I love it how this list has more replies then your favourite bf2s. member. So much hate
The logic is simple if you´re nice to someone one person will think your nice beeing an ass to one person will make 100 people think your an ass.
Un Moderador

BallisticallyYours wrote:

Spawn, although I agreed with many of his incessant ramblings.... kinda difficult to dislike someone that much I've never met face to face.
Be funny if he could actually read that.
+374|6520|Columbus, Ohio

Zimmer wrote:

BallisticallyYours wrote:

Spawn, although I agreed with many of his incessant ramblings.... kinda difficult to dislike someone that much I've never met face to face.
Be funny if he could actually read that.
U shud proabbly f off u fat prik
+3,097|6642|Gogledd Cymru

usmarine2007 wrote:

Zimmer wrote:

BallisticallyYours wrote:

Spawn, although I agreed with many of his incessant ramblings.... kinda difficult to dislike someone that much I've never met face to face.
Be funny if he could actually read that.
somehow i think he already has a second account

shit that makes it look like im him lol
That's how I roll, BITCH!

surgeon_bond = spawn /ban plz  xD
Cheeseburger Logicist
I suppose I'm the least hated person here, judging from how many times my name is mentioned.

Then again, I'm not the most active member.
CyrusTheVirus is pretty annoying. Check out his posts.
+416|6648|United States

surgeon_bond wrote:

scottomus0 wrote:

It was funny funny at first, but when it got to the point of posting a meaningful topic a cat in a bin would drop by...over and over again.
lol, before chuy stopped every where you just saw people like fenris saying have a "fishy stick", or a cat in midair with "invisible bike" written below it and the ever so popular "trashcat is not amused"
aaaah those were the days
+917|6771|Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Cougar wrote:

Des.Kmal wrote:

Cougar wrote:

Des.Kmal---Because he's a fucking idiot.
because im a fucking idiot? lol...

at least i had a reason to not like you.
And my reason is that you are a fucking idiot. 

Des.Kmal wrote:

1. in a thread deleted by the mods because of your ignorance, someone said that youre wrong, and you responded, "i guess *insert karma number* people agreed with me. that got me off the cougar bangwagon.
Well idiot, when someone says "Hey Cougar, no one agrees with you", and I have a karma page with 27 people on it that have karma'd me saying "Nice 1 dood, i agree wit u!!11", then yeah, I guess that makes me an an ignorant bastard.  You fucking idiot.

lol... dude, all you are doing is proving my point. lol....

Des.Kmal wrote:

2. you made another thread, saying that some people should DIE because of how they act over the internet. wow. good fucking game dude. its the internet. i dont like you over the internet, but ffs i dont want you to die. now if we knew  each other in real  life and you were the same way...................... then maybe. but not over the internets.
I want you to die.  Not because of how you act on the internet, but because you're a fucking idiot.  Also, if we knew each other in real life, I would have stabbed you in the face with a fork or some other utensil, because I can't stand you, and I never have been able to stand you.

you dont know me in RL, all you know is bf2s.... you put ALOT of stock into bf2s... and u think everyone is EXACTLY like they are on bf2s in real life? wow. gg. internets... serious business. to u i guess.

Des.Kmal wrote:

3. another thread, "its the internet, i dont like you." remember that one? where u said that everyone who thought they were friends with u over the internet and ur WAYY too cool for them. i got e-friends, along with alot of real friends. the internet would be boring as fuck without e-relationships. you need to calm the fuck down.
Well?  Are you going to dock me for telling the truth or having a personal opinion?  What do you want me to do, send everyone flowers?  Shut the fuck up.  Also, I never said I hated everyone, just the majority, and you.  Furthermore, perhaps you should stop caring about what and how I write, or say, or do, or act, or associate with on this "internet" thing that you keep telling me isn't a big deal.

lol, i dont care. its kinda funny to see u type these 2 hour typed replies. no, i take that back... its EXTREMELY funny.
also, ive never seen this.... a DOUBLE hypocrite. u saying internets means something (karma) then ur like, "zomg internets, stop kar1ing bout mez!111 and wut i rite" no. stop. it doesnt mean anything. stop saying that people should die over the internet. because its making u sound like you take the internet wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to fucking seriously... kinda  like the emos on myspace. yes, im comparing u to that.

Des.Kmal wrote:

4. you take it too seriously, it being the internet. ^^^ those examples.
You, dumbass take this to seriously.  You probably went and looked up at least a half dozen threads to find quotes, that frankly, I don't even remember, nor do I care about.  I remember that I don't like you, I don't remember why exactly, but I remember that at one point in time, I didn't like you, which is enough for me.  Also, this thread reminded me what a fucktard you are. 

Why do I think you're an idiot?  See above.  Also, stop taking the internet, much less one person on it, so seriously you stupid fucking hypocrite.

lol........... look at the first and third paragraph.... who the fuck are u calling hypocrite?

Cougar wrote:

*insert many "fucks" "idiots" "please die ov3r t3h interwebs!!111 i hate u Kmalz0rz!111111" and saying that I should die*

*im a hypocrite and i take the internet wayy to seriously*

me wrote:

i dont hope you die, i hope you have a happy rest of ur life... cuz now, i bet it isnt so good... what with u saying people should die over the.... internet? fail.

Last edited by Des.Kmal (2007-03-03 15:48:35)

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