You can´t just throw away a bunch of people in a peaceful way most if not all would have fought back. And stealing a country can´t really see what you mean then i can say USA stole Iraq?, Countries have been conquered and seized in the past before most country's today would´nt exist if they was´nt.stef10 wrote:
Stfu.madmurre wrote:
Read up on some history and politics, and you might understand it´s quite complex. heh and stole their land? pfft.stef10 wrote:
I do not care if Israel has apartheid. I just know that jews are fucking mad that somebody stole their land.
And I get even more mad when Hamas say its their land and they want Israel to suffer a terrible death.
It was Israels land so they are just taking back what they really have.
You really should get a masters in history if you think you are so smart.
To make a long story fast.
Israel had the land.
Romans came and slaughtered and made them leave the land.
Syrians and others came and entered.
If I should make the call Israel should get the land back but in a peacefull way. No massacres.
I agree that the Jews deserve their own country but what the hell do people expect? the Palestinians to leave their homes with a big smile on their face. Won´t continue this "discussion" however been covered 1000 times here already.
We can agree that we disagree.