This one time, I had a dream and this guy was asking me to have butts3cks and was like "ew, no" and he kept asking over and over again, but I kept saying no. So he went and got some of his friends and they forced me to have butts3cks, then I woke up.
Actually I dreamed I was in GTA:SA once, and CJ pulled up when I was walking along the pavement in Las Venturas. He started a gang war and I sprinted across the street but got hit in the back by loads of stray bullets. Weird feeling.

check this out
Stop Bloody Lying People

david363 wrote:

being chased by someone and not being able to run at all
Its been proven through case studies that because you cant run in your dream, your mind is preventing you from running in real life while asleep.  Some people have disorders where their brain doesnt paralyse them, so they go crazy and start running away

syndicat111 wrote:

david363 wrote:

being chased by someone and not being able to run at all
Its been proven through case studies that because you cant run in your dream, your mind is preventing you from running in real life while asleep.  Some people have disorders where their brain doesnt paralyse them, so they go crazy and start running away
ROFL, imagine seeing someone lying in bed trying to run away

White-Fusion wrote:

Stop Bloody Lying People
I dont think that was aimed at me, but I just want to say I'm not anyway

Last edited by bennisboy (2007-03-01 13:46:01)


TheEl_Gayo wrote:

I had a dream one night that I was at a party in a huge house, then out of nowhere some guy 2x my size just threw me on the ground and started punching the shit out of me, somehow I managed to get up, and I mysteriously had a pistol and knife, so I shot the guys friends who were also beating me, then I shot the guy who originally started beating me and then gutted him with the knife telling him to die slowly right before I woke up, then I made an appointment with a psychologist.
No him

White-Fusion wrote:

TheEl_Gayo wrote:

I had a dream one night that I was at a party in a huge house, then out of nowhere some guy 2x my size just threw me on the ground and started punching the shit out of me, somehow I managed to get up, and I mysteriously had a pistol and knife, so I shot the guys friends who were also beating me, then I shot the guy who originally started beating me and then gutted him with the knife telling him to die slowly right before I woke up, then I made an appointment with a psychologist.
No him
Thought so,
Wow this thread has had 200 views already, I KNOW YOUR WATCHING, START CONTRIBUTING!!!
I had a dream, that I was in my room, and I woke up, and my closet light was flicking on and off, like someone was flipping the lightswitch, but no one was there, then i opened my closet door, and my guitar was playing itself,like playing some song..... I thought wow I got to leave my house, I looked at the clock,and the time said 9:20 and as I was walking out my front door I woke up, and it was 9:20....... it creeped me out
not gay
+7|6458|Florida Cracker
haha i wasnt lying
The Power of Two
+188|6647|Sydney, Australia
It's really weird when the environment around you become integrated into your dream. I remember once at night and I was dreaming about coming back home. There was a huge driveway in front of my home and there was a gate that was open. I imagined the gate closing and the moment it closed I heard this huge booming noise. I immediately woke up and realised that I had just heard a huge thunder clap, my dad then walked in to check whether or not I had been scared to death

TheEl_Gayo wrote:

I had a dream one night that I was at a party in a huge house, then out of nowhere some guy 2x my size just threw me on the ground and started punching the shit out of me, somehow I managed to get up, and I mysteriously had a pistol and knife, so I shot the guys friends who were also beating me, then I shot the guy who originally started beating me and then gutted him with the knife telling him to die slowly right before I woke up, then I made an appointment with a psychologist.
I have had a dream where I stabbed someone who was trying to stab me, and feeling sorry for them yet telling them it would be alright you'll die soon.... that was weird.

Every time I have a flu/bug I have a half awake dream which involves my room turning into a green-hued wireframe, with small numbers attacking a load of bigger numbers, and then the number 1 attacks a really huge number, and then I wake up and vomit.

A nightmare where I stare out a window and anticipate something to frightening to happen and then something screams at me and i wake up, LoL.

After playing bf2 excessively I had a dream I was in battlefield (l@me) but everyone had really tall helmets/heads(?) and these cool ass guns I can't remember what they looked like.

thareaper254 wrote:

This one time, I had a dream and this guy was asking me to have butts3cks and was like "ew, no" and he kept asking over and over again, but I kept saying no. So he went and got some of his friends and they forced me to have butts3cks, then I woke up.

I think its rather fitting to you...

Last edited by pebblebash (2007-03-03 03:23:19)

Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|6874|Sydney, Australia

pebblebash wrote:

I think its rather fitting to you...
Lol, that's an awesome video.

I don't usually remember my dreams. It's 'lights out', then bam... morning.

From a few I've remembered, they seemed to go on forever. I felt like I was being hunted or something, so I was really 'into' the dream. I woke up still tired.

involves my room turning into a green-hued wireframe
I've had that sort of thing in one of my 'forever' dreams.

O-<--< stick man lolololol
my mom was chasing me down the street with a katana...
I.M.I Militant
We Are Not Alone In Here
+297|6872|Melbourne, Australia
i think i got you beat i am not sure if this counts though : i will wake up randomly during the night and be half concious but i am not able to move at all apprently its because when u sleep the brain realises toxins into ur body that paralise you so you do not act out your dreams well sometimes i will wake up during this and wont be able to move the first time it happend it was so scary i dident no what was going on

White-Fusion wrote:

I eat crackers and cheese every night before bed, so for the last 2 weeks ive been having nuts dreams, for instance my recently passed away grandad standing in the living room talking away. That was very mad, also being late for work, and everyone in work screaming at me that i was letting customers down.

or C/s = wd

Cheese divided by sleep = wierd dreams.
Boat sig is not there anymore
I've posted this before in another dream thread, but it counts as being weird:
I had a dream that I was on Karkand, at the market CP, with a tank driving around it. But instead of the flag being out in the open, it was in this random room. I ran in there, trying to dodge the tank, but I think it saw someone go in there, because it stuck it's barrel through a window, and sent a camera in (war of the world style) after me. I spent the rest of the dream trying to dodge the camera.

Another dream I had was when I was in an outdoor firing range, practising my shooting, with a group of people watching. There was this drill sergeant there, giving me shit, so I started talking back to him. I was afraid that he'd beat the shit out of me, but I didn't stop insulting him.
Him: "are you calling me gay, you little shit?"
Me (sarcastically): "No, I'm just saying that you like to fuck other guys in the arse."
He didn't end up hitting me, because I woke up.
I always have that dream where I'm trying to run but I cant. I had one after watching war of the worlds. All of my friends and family were running from one of those tripod things, and I was trying so hard, but I just couldnt. It sucked...
404 - Not Found
When I was kid I was being chased by this multiple times:
+1,230|6996|Alberta, Canada

Last night, I had a dream that I was in the desert kind of valley, with my friends, and this supersonic jet kept flying right over our heads. It was so loud, and fast, it was amazing.
+32|6681|Augusta, Georgia
I was eating a giant marshmallow in a dream once. The next morning, when I woke up, my fucking pillow was gone.

I also had a dream that I was eating a live chicken. The next morning, when I farted after waking up, feathers floated across the room.

Served and Out
+642|6714|Southampton, UK

I had a dream i was turning on lights but they kept going off.
Not scary but fucking terrifyingly weird!
16 more years
+877|6678|South Florida
I hate dreams where your running from "Something" and you cant fucking scream! no matter how hard you try, you just cant yell for help. I've had a few of those.

Since i started jackin on a daily bases tho, i dont have many dreams, and if its a sex dream, i can never cum, its sooo gay ill be like JUST ABOUT TO and wake up or the girl will disapear. ITS SO GAY.
15 more years! 15 more years!
+488|6723|Portland, OR, USA
Last night I had a dream where I killed someone and got arrested.  I hate this kind of dream to begin with... but I actually "pinched" myself during the dream to make sure that I wasn't dreaming.  So I woke up thinking I was in jail. 

I hate those dreams...
Crotch fires and you: the untold story
+314|6892|Comber, Northern Ireland
last nit i dremnt that i was lying on the busy road beside my estate, and all of a sudden some chav just came running at me screaming and went to kick me in the head and just as he did i woke
Vela Incident
+1,652|6720|NYC / Hamburg

Dezerteagal5 wrote:

Since i started jackin on a daily bases tho, i dont have many dreams, and if its a sex dream, i can never cum, its sooo gay ill be like JUST ABOUT TO and wake up or the girl will disapear. ITS SO GAY.
thats why porn was invented. no need for imagination anymore


my weirdest dream was probably after a weekend of heavy gaming. some powerful being (somehow godlike; kinda hard to describe) gave me a globe and said that if i didn't bring it to the US base the world would cease to exist. so i made my way across daqing oilfields to the us base, fighting legions of chinese and at the same time being chased by fluffy (you know, the huge 3 headed dog from harry potter). every second the globe got heavier but i somehow managed to carry on. when i was only meters away from the US base i got shot, dropped the ball but before it hit the floor i woke up screaming and sweating. it was pretty freaky
once upon a midnight dreary, while i pron surfed, weak and weary, over many a strange and spurious site of ' hot  xxx galore'. While i clicked my fav'rite bookmark, suddenly there came a warning, and my heart was filled with mourning, mourning for my dear amour, " 'Tis not possible!", i muttered, " give me back my free hardcore!"..... quoth the server, 404.

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