
Directly from 1975, unedited, showing global cooling charts. Now, how has the global temperature supposedly increasing? (Over the course of decades?)

Possible Increases? THE SUN IS HUGE, the slightest sunspot sends massive amounts of energy RIGHT towards Earth. I betcha that would affect our climate more than anything else.

The Estimated Ice Age Area because of "Global Cooling." … -than-you/

Talk about being hypocritical.


Last edited by ReDevilJR (2007-03-01 14:36:58)

less busy
+586|7153|Kubra, Damn it!

We should ban the sun now!
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6919|132 and Bush

Science has come a long way since 1975.
Xbone Stormsurgezz

Kmarion wrote:

Science has come a long way since 1975.
How can you argue that the sun doesn't produce a VAST amount of energy (ESPECIALLY during SUN  SPOTS) Year 2000, sun went through a maximum, fitting perfectly in Al Gore's movie, with the hottest years. I'd think the temperature would go up too if there was a Sun Spot, but obviously not permanently or, continuously going up.

Last edited by ReDevilJR (2007-03-01 14:38:47)


I remember reading somewhere that other planets' temperatures have been rising, though I don't pay as much attention to astronomy as I did when I was a teenager.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6919|132 and Bush

ReDevilJR wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

Science has come a long way since 1975.
How can you argue that the sun doesn't produce a VAST amount of energy (ESPECIALLY during SUN  SPOTS) Year 2000, sun went through a maximum, fitting perfectly in Al Gore's movie, with the hottest years, I'd think the temperature would go up if there was a Sun Spot.
First I'm not arguing that, over 2,500 scientist did that for me. How can you explain that we have a perfect trend that indicates when co2 is higher the temperature is higher? Are you telling me this is not the case?
Xbone Stormsurgezz

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

I remember reading somewhere that other planets' temperatures have been rising, though I don't pay as much attention to astronomy as I did when I was a teenager.
Very True, Mars's Ice Caps are melting as well. … thpole.htm

"Don't wait too long to look, though, because the ice will soon be gone."

"Like Earth, Mars has seasons that cause its polar caps to wax and wane. "It's late spring at the south pole of Mars," says planetary scientist Dave Smith of the Goddard Space Flight Center. "The polar cap is receding because the springtime sun is shining on it.""


Kmarion wrote:

ReDevilJR wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

Science has come a long way since 1975.
How can you argue that the sun doesn't produce a VAST amount of energy (ESPECIALLY during SUN  SPOTS) Year 2000, sun went through a maximum, fitting perfectly in Al Gore's movie, with the hottest years, I'd think the temperature would go up if there was a Sun Spot.
First I'm not arguing that, over 2,500 scientist did that for me. How can you explain that we have a perfect trend that indicates when co2 is higher the temperature is higher? Are you telling me this is not the case?
How would the Co2 level have been rising with the temperature during the '70's? If it were slowly rising since the IR (Industrial Revolution) Seeing how during the '70's the temperature had undergone a period of "Global Cooling" People were seriously worried about an Ice Age because it was getting a lot colder, with longer winters, more snow, etc...

I'm not arguing Co2's effect on Temperature, but how do Periods of global cooling and warming compare with Co2 levels? (Al Gore movie showed Co2 Levels rising constantly for 100 + years...)

Last edited by ReDevilJR (2007-03-01 14:45:41)

Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6919|132 and Bush

ReDevilJR wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

ReDevilJR wrote:

How can you argue that the sun doesn't produce a VAST amount of energy (ESPECIALLY during SUN  SPOTS) Year 2000, sun went through a maximum, fitting perfectly in Al Gore's movie, with the hottest years, I'd think the temperature would go up if there was a Sun Spot.
First I'm not arguing that, over 2,500 scientist did that for me. How can you explain that we have a perfect trend that indicates when co2 is higher the temperature is higher? Are you telling me this is not the case?
How would the Co2 level have been rising with the temperature during the '70's? If it were slowly rising since the IR (Industrial Revolution) Seeing how during the '70's the temperature had undergone a period of "Global Cooling" People were seriously worried about an Ice Age because it was getting a lot colder, with longer winters, more snow, etc...
Like I said before they did not have the same science we have today. If you want to pin your kids future on the hopes of 36 year old science and the Martian atmosphere go for it.
Xbone Stormsurgezz

Kmarion wrote:

ReDevilJR wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

First I'm not arguing that, over 2,500 scientist did that for me. How can you explain that we have a perfect trend that indicates when co2 is higher the temperature is higher? Are you telling me this is not the case?
How would the Co2 level have been rising with the temperature during the '70's? If it were slowly rising since the IR (Industrial Revolution) Seeing how during the '70's the temperature had undergone a period of "Global Cooling" People were seriously worried about an Ice Age because it was getting a lot colder, with longer winters, more snow, etc...
Like I said before they did not have the same science we have today. If you want to pin your kids future on the hopes of 36 year old science and the Martian atmosphere go for it.
I was arguing how Co2 levels could have been that high (rising) from Al Gore's Movie (and other "sources") (rising past 100+ years) when there was a warming trend in the 20's, a cooling in the 70's? and now there's warming 30 years later? (2000's)
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6919|132 and Bush

ReDevilJR wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

ReDevilJR wrote:

How would the Co2 level have been rising with the temperature during the '70's? If it were slowly rising since the IR (Industrial Revolution) Seeing how during the '70's the temperature had undergone a period of "Global Cooling" People were seriously worried about an Ice Age because it was getting a lot colder, with longer winters, more snow, etc...
Like I said before they did not have the same science we have today. If you want to pin your kids future on the hopes of 36 year old science and the Martian atmosphere go for it.
I was arguing how Co2 levels could have been that high (rising) from Al Gore's Movie (and other "sources") (rising past 100+ years) when there was a warming trend in the 20's, a cooling in the 70's? and now there's warming 30 years later? (2000's)
We are talking about long term trends. It takes a great bit of time for the planet to react to the impact of co2. We are just now starting to see it.
Xbone Stormsurgezz

Kmarion wrote:

First I'm not arguing that, over 2,500 scientist did that for me. How can you explain that we have a perfect trend that indicates when co2 is higher the temperature is higher? Are you telling me this is not the case?
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6919|132 and Bush

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

First I'm not arguing that, over 2,500 scientist did that for me. How can you explain that we have a perfect trend that indicates when co2 is higher the temperature is higher? Are you telling me this is not the case? … ecool4.jpg
Jokies, I got one.

Nation's Snowmen March Against Global Warming
Snowmen from across the nation gather at the Washington Monument to protest global warming.

According to organizers of marches in Washington, Atlanta, Montreal, Berlin, London, Reykjavik, and Moscow, global warming is the primary cause of the steep reduction in the snowman population throughout the Northern Hemisphere. Demonstrators worldwide called on their governments to take more aggressive steps to reduce the effects of climate change.

Organizers estimated the crowd at more than 375,000, but D.C. Police Commissioner Charles Stacey estimated turnout at 30,000 whole snowmen, with scattered rounded abdomens accounting for an additional 5,000. Atlanta organizers and police agree that all demonstrators had melted by 11 a.m.

Joe Centigrade, president of the Advocates For Beings Of Frozen Precipitation, spoke at a mass rally Tuesday on Washington's National Mall.

"The unseasonably warm winters of the recent past are a clear indication of a real environmental threat to humans and their frozen simulacra," said Centigrade, his coals arranged in a frowning pattern. "As snowmen and snowwomen, we accept the inevitability of melting, but the actions of man are causing us to evaporate well before our time."

Speakers at the Washington rally included a Chicago snowwoman who had lost three snowchildren to warm temperatures, the Rev. Jesse Jackson, and Larry Chilly, formerly a 6-foot-tall, triple-segmented Muncie, IN snowman, who had been reduced to a slushy head.

Centigrade told the slowly melting snowcrowd that as recently as 15 years ago, the average life span of a snowperson built in late December was three weeks to a month. Today, that same snowperson has an average life span of two weeks.

Centigrade also recounted stories of once-jolly snowmen unable to keep their carrot noses in their fast-melting faces, and of others who were made of only two undersize segments.

"In many regions of New England today, there's not even enough snow on the ground to make snowballs, much less a torso," Centigrade said. "Instead, some snowmen are stuck together with slush and leaves rather than pure, white snow. We must take steps now to end their suffering."

Bearing signs with such slogans as "You Can't Build A Snowman With Rain" and "Winter = Life," the crystalline-ice protestors, many of whom had chartered refrigerated tractor-trailers and ice-cream trucks to travel to the mass protest, complained that popular stereotypes about snowmen obscure and trivialize the crisis.
Larry Chilly speaks out against mankind's global irresponsibility.

"Humans sneer at us, 'If you want to stay intact, go to the North Pole and live with Santa,'" said Susie Flakeman, a Thunder Bay, Ontario snowwoman waiting in line with hundreds of others to use a Porta-Freezer. "But less than one-half of 1 percent of us ever receive that honor. Most of us end up victims of the scourge that almost killed Frosty: man-made climate change."

The protest was largely peaceful, disrupted only by a disturbing incident in which one distraught snowman hurled himself into the reflecting pool of the National Mall. He suffered third-degree slush on over 90 percent of his body before rescuers could recover him. He was rushed to a local meat locker where he was pronounced melted on arrival.

Some scientists refuted the snowbeings' claims regarding global warming.

"Throughout history, the earth has endured periods of temperature fluctuation," said Dr. Harley Morrison, a biochemist who has advised President Bush on scientific issues. "Also, there have already been several major blizzards throughout North America this season alone. I made a snowman myself, and he lasted for several weeks."

Late word arrived Tuesday evening that the Moscow protest was violently dispersed by riot police bearing hot-water hoses and snow blowers. Moscow officials said the snowmen were illegally blocking pedestrian traffic near the Kremlin and causing people to slip and fall in their slushy wakes. Snow leaders, including Centigrade, condemned the crackdown.

"Those of us who remember the Icelandic anti-heated-sidewalk riots of the 1980s know that the powers that be despise and fear snowmen who fight for their rights," Centigrade said. "They'd rather kill the messengers than face the fact that our ecosystems are changing irreparably. We're prepared to stay in D.C. as long as it takes until Congress agrees to listen to our demands."

Before he could conclude his remarks, Centigrade's face slid off.

Last edited by Kmarion (2007-03-01 15:05:38)

Xbone Stormsurgezz
What impacts? Cooling and Warming? … guest.html

"DR. SPENCER: Well, yeah, that's true. Carbon dioxide is a relatively small part of the Earth's natural greenhouse effect. Now, the party line on this whole thing is that what we're doing is, with the increasing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, we're enhancing the greenhouse effect, and by now it's like about 1%. And since we're changing what's called the radiation budget of the Earth -- you know, like how much sunlight comes in and how much infrared radiation goes back out to space, since we're changing the radiation budget of the Earth -- the temperature has to change. This is the way you'll hear scientists explain the greenhouse effect. From a simple physics standpoint, it's a very attractive way of looking at climate change. There's a big problem with it, though. It makes it sound like the greenhouse effect is what determines the temperature of the Earth, and actually the truth is it's more the other way around. Given a certain amount of sunlight coming in, that is mostly absorbed at the surface of the Earth, weather processes happen which create the greenhouse effect because most of the greenhouse effect is from evaporated water which then turns into clouds, and of course water vapor is a strong greenhouse gas. "

"RUSH: I dare say I have to interrupt you at this point because most people who only pay attention to the crisis mongers, believe that there is no greenhouse effect other than that created by man. The whole notion of the greenhouse effect has led people to believe that man has totally manufactured this and that it's totally harmful. What you're saying is it's a natural thing that helps keep the Earth's temperatures moderate?"

"DR. SPENCER: Yeah, that's right. That's right. All the scientists agree with that. What you're talking about is the fact that the media distorts things so much that people don't get the right information. If you're using the media to rely on to get the science about this issue, you won't."

Kmarion wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

First I'm not arguing that, over 2,500 scientist did that for me. How can you explain that we have a perfect trend that indicates when co2 is higher the temperature is higher? Are you telling me this is not the case? … ecool4.jpg
Jokies, I got one.

Nation's Snowmen March Against Global Warming
Snowmen from across the nation gather at the Washington Monument to protest global warming.

According to organizers of marches in Washington, Atlanta, Montreal, Berlin, London, Reykjavik, and Moscow, global warming is the primary cause of the steep reduction in the snowman population throughout the Northern Hemisphere. Demonstrators worldwide called on their governments to take more aggressive steps to reduce the effects of climate change.

Organizers estimated the crowd at more than 375,000, but D.C. Police Commissioner Charles Stacey estimated turnout at 30,000 whole snowmen, with scattered rounded abdomens accounting for an additional 5,000. Atlanta organizers and police agree that all demonstrators had melted by 11 a.m.

Joe Centigrade, president of the Advocates For Beings Of Frozen Precipitation, spoke at a mass rally Tuesday on Washington's National Mall.

"The unseasonably warm winters of the recent past are a clear indication of a real environmental threat to humans and their frozen simulacra," said Centigrade, his coals arranged in a frowning pattern. "As snowmen and snowwomen, we accept the inevitability of melting, but the actions of man are causing us to evaporate well before our time."

Speakers at the Washington rally included a Chicago snowwoman who had lost three snowchildren to warm temperatures, the Rev. Jesse Jackson, and Larry Chilly, formerly a 6-foot-tall, triple-segmented Muncie, IN snowman, who had been reduced to a slushy head.

Centigrade told the slowly melting snowcrowd that as recently as 15 years ago, the average life span of a snowperson built in late December was three weeks to a month. Today, that same snowperson has an average life span of two weeks.

Centigrade also recounted stories of once-jolly snowmen unable to keep their carrot noses in their fast-melting faces, and of others who were made of only two undersize segments.

"In many regions of New England today, there's not even enough snow on the ground to make snowballs, much less a torso," Centigrade said. "Instead, some snowmen are stuck together with slush and leaves rather than pure, white snow. We must take steps now to end their suffering."

Bearing signs with such slogans as "You Can't Build A Snowman With Rain" and "Winter = Life," the crystalline-ice protestors, many of whom had chartered refrigerated tractor-trailers and ice-cream trucks to travel to the mass protest, complained that popular stereotypes about snowmen obscure and trivialize the crisis.
Larry Chilly speaks out against mankind's global irresponsibility.

"Humans sneer at us, 'If you want to stay intact, go to the North Pole and live with Santa,'" said Susie Flakeman, a Thunder Bay, Ontario snowwoman waiting in line with hundreds of others to use a Porta-Freezer. "But less than one-half of 1 percent of us ever receive that honor. Most of us end up victims of the scourge that almost killed Frosty: man-made climate change."

The protest was largely peaceful, disrupted only by a disturbing incident in which one distraught snowman hurled himself into the reflecting pool of the National Mall. He suffered third-degree slush on over 90 percent of his body before rescuers could recover him. He was rushed to a local meat locker where he was pronounced melted on arrival.

Some scientists refuted the snowbeings' claims regarding global warming.

"Throughout history, the earth has endured periods of temperature fluctuation," said Dr. Harley Morrison, a biochemist who has advised President Bush on scientific issues. "Also, there have already been several major blizzards throughout North America this season alone. I made a snowman myself, and he lasted for several weeks."

Late word arrived Tuesday evening that the Moscow protest was violently dispersed by riot police bearing hot-water hoses and snow blowers. Moscow officials said the snowmen were illegally blocking pedestrian traffic near the Kremlin and causing people to slip and fall in their slushy wakes. Snow leaders, including Centigrade, condemned the crackdown.

"Those of us who remember the Icelandic anti-heated-sidewalk riots of the 1980s know that the powers that be despise and fear snowmen who fight for their rights," Centigrade said. "They'd rather kill the messengers than face the fact that our ecosystems are changing irreparably. We're prepared to stay in D.C. as long as it takes until Congress agrees to listen to our demands."

Before he could conclude his remarks, Centigrade's face slid off.
I love how the warming of the '20's and cooling of the '70's go undiscussed.
But now since we're living it, it must be our fault, and that global warming is the main cause of this warming.
. . .
^^^ You've got to be kidding? ----><-----

One crackpot... does not a Scientific consensus make.....

Last edited by topal63 (2007-03-01 15:12:01)


topal63 wrote:

^^^ You've got to be kidding? ----><-----
an interview with a scientist, chea.

Last edited by ReDevilJR (2007-03-01 15:12:53)


topal63 wrote:

^^^ You've got to be kidding? ----><-----
About the same as references to some of the more liberal sites we get here.

topal63 wrote:

^^^ You've got to be kidding? ----><-----

One crackpot... does not a Scientific consensus make.....
Crackpot? since when are painkillers suddenly described as crackpot?
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6919|132 and Bush

ReDevilJR wrote:

topal63 wrote:

^^^ You've got to be kidding? ----><-----

One crackpot... does not a Scientific consensus make.....
Crackpot? since when are painkillers suddenly described as crackpot?
He is referring to the overwhelming number of scientist on the other side of the argument.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
. . .
I am referring to the Crackpot Dr. Spencer specifically - he has lost it.

In support of Intelligent design, Dr.Spencer wrote in 2005, "Twenty years ago, as a PhD scientist, I intensely studied the evolution versus intelligent design controversy for about two years. And finally, despite my previous acceptance of evolutionary theory as 'fact,' I came to the realization that intelligent design, as a theory of origins, is no more religious, and no less scientific, than evolutionism. . . . In the scientific community, I am not alone. There are many fine books out there on the subject. Curiously, most of the books are written by scientists who lost faith in evolution as adults, after they learned how to apply the analytical tools they were taught in college."
Oh, okay. So we're supposed to all believe the scientists that sais it's Co2 levels causing our "Global Warming"

So, if this "global warming" trend is occurring on other planets, then how would you explain that?

Last edited by ReDevilJR (2007-03-01 15:22:19)

. . .

ReDevilJR wrote:

Oh, okay. So we're supposed to all believe the scientist that sais it's Co2 levels causing our "Global Warming"

So, if this "global warming" trend is occurring on other planets, then how would you explain that?
First off...

Mars has a thinner atmosphere and weaker gravity. It once had water on the surface - were did that go? Just into polar ice caps? NO! Mars has been loosing its atmosphere for 2 reasons - (1) weaker gravity and (2) a weak magnetic field that does not protect it from the solar wind. The atmosphere is being blown off into space.

Mar's Polar Ice Caps are "Melting!" … thpole.htm
The south polar cap is vaporizing now, which means CO2  is rushing back into the atmosphere. "Remember, though," adds Smith, "there are two polar caps on Mars--north and south. While the south polar cap is vaporizing the north polar cap is growing. It's a balancing act.
Any inference that long distance planetary observation (Warming?) is equal - to the massive data-sets, experiments and actual studies done involving Global-Warming - is utterly suspect (and potentially ridiculous).

Kmarion wrote:

PS why did you start a new thread with regards to Climate change? I know you are aware of this one .
Yeah, and this one [above] is not even that old~!

Last edited by topal63 (2007-03-01 15:41:04)

Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6919|132 and Bush

ReDevilJR wrote:

Oh, okay. So we're supposed to all believe the scientist that sais it's Co2 levels causing our "Global Warming"

So, if this "global warming" trend is occurring on other planets, then how would you explain that?
You would need scientist who specialize in other planets to answer this. But since we have the vast majority of those who understand the atmosphere of ours telling us about our influence, I will listen to those educated on the proper topic.

PS why did you start a new thread with regards to Climate change? I know you are aware of this one .

Last edited by Kmarion (2007-03-01 15:24:57)

Xbone Stormsurgezz
Certified BF2S Asshole
+131|6774|The edge of sanity

Kmarion wrote:

ReDevilJR wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

Science has come a long way since 1975.
How can you argue that the sun doesn't produce a VAST amount of energy (ESPECIALLY during SUN  SPOTS) Year 2000, sun went through a maximum, fitting perfectly in Al Gore's movie, with the hottest years, I'd think the temperature would go up if there was a Sun Spot.
First I'm not arguing that, over 2,500 scientist did that for me. How can you explain that we have a perfect trend that indicates when co2 is higher the temperature is higher? Are you telling me this is not the case?
Incorrect the CO2 in our atmoshpere FOLLOWS the trail of higher temperatures. Therefore when the tempurates raise then the levels of CO2 raise afterwords. Sometimes this can take upto 800 years

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